The Creation of the Eternal Sword at the Start, Which Shocked Erina Eyes

Chapter 17

17 Gentle Girl

“Guest, your kitchen knife is a steel knife.”

“The characteristic of this kind of knife is that the whole knife has only the edge, which has been quenched.”

“The quenching treatment is only performed on the edge, because of this feature, this knife has a higher sharpness.”

“But at the same time, its disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the service life will be shortened.”

“Generally, the service life of the steel kitchen knife is 15-20 years in the case of household use.”

“However, your knife is definitely not for domestic use!”

“After 10 years of use and constant sharpening, the ‘quench hardened zone’ of this knife is completely flat.”

“What does ‘completely smoothed’ mean?”

“It means that this knife has indeed reached the end of its life.”

“So, no matter how many stores you go to, the answer you get will be the same.”

“It really can’t accompany you, let’s go on…”


Hearing what Chen Fei said slowly,

Kikuchi Garden fruit was silent.

“Actually…Actually, I already knew about it.”

I don’t know how long has passed, Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo raised his head and looked at Chen Fei,

At this moment, Chen Fei found that Mu Jiuzhiyuan’s eyes seemed to be a little red,

“Do you know, in fact, I already knew that this knife was about to die!!”

“It has been used for more than ten years.”

“This is the kitchen knife my mother left me before she passed away!”

“My mother used to work in a restaurant.”

“This kitchen knife, which she bought, is the most expensive thing for her.”

“She takes good care of the knife after each use.”

“It’s like treating your own child!”

“Yuanguo, this kitchen knife will be left to you in the future!”

“This is the last thing my mother said to me before she left!”

“Later, every time I picked up this knife to cook, I felt as if my mother was still by my side.”

“It gave me company and gave me strength!”

“It was also with its help that I was able to persevere on this road.”

“Seeing its growing wounds…”

“I know, it’s actually persisting…”

“So, no matter what, I don’t want to give it up…”

When Mujiuzhiyuan Guo said this, she choked softly,

The next second, she put the knife back into the knife box seriously,

“I’m sorry, I said too many irrelevant things!”

“I’m bothering you!”

“I’m really sorry!”

Mu Jiu Zhi Yuan Guo held the knife box and bowed deeply to Chen Fei,

Then, she was ready to leave here.

Although, knowing that this knife has been “unsaved”,

But what if there are other “hopes”?

In this world, there really are chefs who “have a deep feeling” for their kitchen knives.

Chen Fei did not expect that he would meet one today.

This knife should also be very happy to meet a chef like Kikuchienko.

After taking a deep breath, Chen Fei stopped her:

“Guest, if you want to restore the vitality of this knife, it’s not really impossible!”

Hearing Chen Fei’s words, Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo’s footsteps stopped.

The next second, she turned around suddenly,

With strong “hope” eyes, he looked at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei organized the language in his mind, then looked at her and said:

“Actually, there are two ways!”

“One is to return this knife to the furnace for recasting.”

“But if this method is used, this knife should not be regarded as the previous knife.”

“This method is tantamount to buying a new knife, although it does use the previous materials.”

“You shouldn’t accept this approach.”

“Then, there is only the second way that can help you.”

“I told you just now,”

“The reason why this type of steel-clamped kitchen knife is going to the end of its life is because the quench hardening area of the knife has been completely ground.”

“A kitchen knife without a sharp edge can no longer be called a kitchen knife.”

“So, my second solution is to reload this knife with a ‘sudden hardening zone”!”

Seemingly afraid that Mujiujiyuanguo couldn’t understand what he said, Chen Fei explained it again in Mandarin:

“On the basis of the original blade of this knife, a new blade is added!”

“In this way, the essence of this knife will not change!”

“It will still have its original appearance!”

Hearing what Chen Fei said, Mu Jiuzhiyuan’s eyes instantly revealed a deep surprise:

“Can this kind of thing really be done??”

“Well, it can be done!”

In fact, any experienced and skilled swordsman can do this!

Once the blade is sharpened, reload it with another blade.

But across the world, it is estimated that few knifesmiths will take this kind of work.

The reason is very simple. To do this kind of thing is really too time-consuming and energy-consuming.

To redo the blade, the material to be used is steel powder,

After it’s done, it needs to be quenched and polished…

Generally speaking, doing this kind of work is more laborious than rebuilding 2 kitchen knives of the same type.

With this skill, it is better to persuade the guests to buy a new knife.

After all, doing this kind of thing, even the price is not good.

Where can I sell new knives to save worry and effort?

Maybe it’s because he has become a ‘swordsmith”.

Chen Fei will have a very special affection for those who are particularly good to their “kitchen knives”.

A girl who can “cherish” the kitchen knife in her hand so much must be a very gentle girl.

So, even if this is a loss-making business,

Do it and do it.

After taking the knife box from Kikuchienko’s hands,

Chen Fei picked up the kitchen knife again:

“The blade has indeed been ground.”

“From here to here, the steel powder needs to be refilled.”

“After a sudden fire, the blade will be very thick and blunt. If you want to polish it to the extent that you can use it in a kitchen knife, it will take at least half a month to polish it.”

“Leave this knife with me first, and in a month, you can come and pick it up.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t charge you too much money.”

“Just pay the normal knife grinding fee and give it to me!”*

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