The Concubine’s Daughter Comes Around

Chapter 63 - Departure Wu

If Dong Ling suddenly returned to the county’s main house, and right foot stepped into the mansion, Mingzhu and Mingyu would be greeted one by one, for fear that something had happened outside her.

“Sir Lord, Your Royal Highness hasn’t embarrassed you?”

Ming Zhu looked at her anxiously, always feeling that Dong Ling’s face was not very good.

“Nothing, it’s all resolved.”

As soon as this matter was mentioned, the lost figure appeared again in her mind, and she was inexplicably upset.

Had known that such a thing would happen to the Three Emperors’ Palace, she should have found a reason to fool him at first. Even now she has such awkward relationship with Wu Jitian, she all

I don’t know how to get along with him in the future.

“Suddenly I feel a bit tired, you go down first.”

Dong Ling felt more and more upset, watching Ming Zhu and Ming Yu dangle in front of her eyes, rubbing his temples with some headache.

Mingyu and Mingzhu looked at each other face-to-face, eyes to nose, nose to heart, and lowered their eyes.

“What the **** should I do?”

She sighed leisurely, looking at the sky outside the window, and gradually lost her thoughts.

“It turned out that I had been passionate about myself, and she obviously didn’t feel anything about me.”

Wu Jitian sat sadly in the lobby, never thinking of himself, but he would be rejected by Dong Ling.

He ridiculed himself for being too arrogant, taking for granted that he could be together with Dong Ling without any fear.

In retrospect, I feel ridiculous.

Just when he was in a sad mood, a snow-white dove flew in from the outside and landed directly on the table in front of him.

It curiously tilted its head and stared at Wu Jitian, who was sad in his eyes, and lifted his feet tied with bamboo slips.

“It looks like something happened again.”

Wu Jitian frowned, knowing that every appearance of a white dove meant that something big would happen.

He carefully took out a small note from the bamboo tube, and the flowing font appeared on the crumpled paper.

“A group of exotic pirates appeared on the border of Wu Kingdom. They specifically attacked homes and harmed innocent people. You need to come for quick support.”

He glanced roughly at the contents of the note, and slaps the table with a anger.

“These pirates are too arrogant. If they don’t seem to support them well, they don’t know how much they weigh.”

He originally wanted to tell his men to leave the next day. But Dong Ling’s face suddenly appeared.

“If she knew about it, she would be very excited.”

His brows gradually stretched out, and her smile twirled in his mind, eliminating many of his bored emotions.

As night fell, Dong Ling was persuaded by Mingzhu. She didn’t have any appetite, she just chopped a few bites of rice, and motioned her to take everything away.

“Sir, what’s the matter with you, if you used to, you must eat all of them. It’s because you’re unwell and have no appetite.”

Mingzhu looked at the dazzling array of dishes in front of her, and she had little passive chopsticks. Apparently she ate very little tonight.

“Nothing, I just want to sleep. If I feel hungry, I will ask you to help me cook in the kitchen.”

Dong Ling’s inadvertent rebuttal left Mingzhu speechless.

She tidy up the table, disappearing in the doorway with a tray.

Dong Lingbai sat boringly by the window, seeing that the moon was dark, and the ensuing tiredness lingered beside her. She couldn’t help but yawned and squinted her eyes onto the bed.


“Sleeping well, tomorrow will be another good day.”

Dong Ling crawled to the bed with his hands and feet, and wanted to cover himself with a quilt and sleep well.

Unexpectedly, when he opened the quilt, a magnificent face suddenly moved closer, so scared that she almost did not scream.

On a regular look, it was discovered that Wu Jitian suddenly covered his mouth in amazement.

If she remembered correctly, the two of them were still in an embarrassing state at that time in the afternoon. What was the purpose of her running in the middle of the night? She didn’t know it, but she was born


“You’re really scared to death, aren’t you afraid that I will strike you?” To Dong Ling, he took a leisurely glance, glanced at him helplessly, and said a bright light from under the pillow.

The shaking dagger made him better not to joke with her in this way in the future.

“Should the king be grateful, keep your sword?”

Wu Jitian’s eyebrows were light-headed, making Dong Ling a little hesitant like a okay person.

What am I expecting?

It’s all in this section, what more men and women are thinking about.

Dong Ling patted his head and put the dagger under the pillow again. He did not take his word.

“You sneak in sneakily at night, what do you want to do?”

Of course she wouldn’t be foolish to believe that the man in front of her was only as simple as visiting her. If it were n’t for something important, His Highness His Royal Highness,

How is it possible to travel between homes in this way.

“Fang Cai received the pigeons while he was in the house. They mentioned in their hearts that there are some pirates on the border of Wu Kingdom. They specifically used harassment to kill innocent people,

He deliberately entrusted the king to help resolve this matter. “

Dong Ling took the note from his hand, and naturally knew what he was talking about, and there was a gleam of light in his eyes.

“You came over to tell me about this at night, did you want me to participate, right?”

Dong Ling grabbed his arm with excitement, without worrying about how heavy the force on her hand was.

“But there is one thing my king has not had time to tell you, if we are going to Wu Kingdom, we must first prepare the horse ourselves, otherwise it will be a big problem.”

Dong Ling shrugged indifferently, feeling that it was not as difficult as he thought.

“Preparing horses is second. Anyway, when I think about going to the battlefield to kill the enemy, I think it’s exciting now.”

Dong Ling’s eyes flashed bloodthirsty, and he couldn’t wait to prepare these things in unison.

You know, she hasn’t loosened her bones for a long time since returning to Beijing.

If you can take advantage of this opportunity, you can definitely act as a training hand.

“Don’t be so excited, do you want to wake up your girl in the middle of the night?”

Wu Jitian looked at her impetuous appearance, and knew that she now wished to rush directly to the border of Wu Guo, and taught the gangsters well.

Perhaps Xu thought he was right. Dong Ling snorted instantly, and glanced out cautiously, for fear of disturbing the rest of the two girls.

However, to be honest, if you let the two girls wait until she’s leaving the capital, they must follow her. It’s also a tricky thing to do.

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