The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 254 - Being Sold

Chapter 254 Being Sold

Zhang Yunyan looked at the night sky, thinking about Red Hair King Ghost and Monoclonius who had not appeared. She realized that it seemed that Red Hair King Ghost was not in the Yan Mansion. Otherwise, with such a big movement and such terrible blood smell, that guy would not ignore it.

The night was about to pass, and the dawn was coming. The devil left here after the pastime, he didn’t dare to stay here until dawn.

Red Hair King Ghost left the enemy’s house, and Monoclonius might also follow him. He had to report the details to his master Jiuyou Sage, so he did not show up.

The two fierce gods were not here. The Yan family had been exterminated. Zhang Yunyan had no fear and could act boldly. No one dared to stop her and no one could hurt her.

She held her head high and arrogantly overlooked the sinister house. She was deeply relieved to get rid of the bully that hurt people, and she was extremely excited about fulfilling the revenge.

Since then, the folks would not be oppressed by the Yan family. They could go to Jade Dragon Lake to catch fish and shrimps at will, and they would have less suffering in life.

The rain stopped, dark clouds drifted away, and the weary wind had rested. The moon and stars showed up and looked at the earth, seemingly trying to discover unsolved secrets.

Zhang Yunyan looked up at the night sky and laughed loudly. She had never been so cheerful, bright and relaxed. She felt as clear and calm as water.

The vengeance had been completed, and her wish was fulfilled. She washed the blood on the steel knife in the small ditch, and put it away.

Suddenly, a shooting star cut through the night sky and flew away, and it soon disappeared.

Zhang Yunyan looked at the direction where the meteor disappeared and was taken aback. She was sure that it was not a shooting star. The thing that looked like a meteor was red and bright. It flew fast and did not go out, but it disappeared in the far night sky.

She remembered the mysterious thing like a shooting star. It seemed that the two were the same thing. She didn’t know what it was, and didn’t know why it appeared here.

Zhang Yunyan looked at the direction where the “shooting star” disappeared, and doubts came to her again. Was it Red Hair King Ghost? Did he leave Yan Mansion until now?

She still denied it. The red light of Red Hair King Ghost was not so bright, and he couldn’t fly so fast. The devils flew with roaring evil wind, so they would not be silent.

Yunyan saw very clearly that the mysterious thing did not fly out from Yan Mansion, but it passed through in the distance.

Was it a god or demons and monsters?

She was guessing. She could only guess with no conclusion.

Yunyan looked at the direction where the shooting star disappeared, feeling a bit nervous. She had a premonition that the mysterious thing was by no means ordinary, and it was very important. It appeared repeatedly over the past few days, which was not a good sign.

Zhang Yunyan couldn’t guess anymore. Since this thing didn’t show up, why bother with it? She should just think about the matter in front of her.

The vengeance had been completed, and the hatred in her heart was melting. What’s inside her heart now was pride. The anger had dissipated, she looked proud and domineering.

The unbeatable goddess looked at everything in the darkness. She was very disdainful, and gave out a cheerful laughter.

Then she burst into tears. She missed her parents and was heartbroken.

The tears warmed the cold heart and soothed the stiff face. The pretty face became ruddy again as usual.

Suddenly, someone shouted. Zhang Yunyan paused for a second and looked around hurriedly.

A shout came from the side, “Sister, where are you going?”

Zhang Yunyan looked back. It was the young woman she rescued–the younger sister she just met.

She shook her head and blame herself secretly, “Look at me. I was so happy that I almost forget to take her away.”

She smiled embarrassedly and took the woman away from the bloody Yan Mansion.

On the way, Zhang Yunyan and the woman walked and talked. She learned something about her life.

The girl’s name was Shen Xiaoyan. Her hometown was very far away, and she never thought she would come here.

Shen Xiaoyan remembered what happened along the way, and she was terrified and miserable.Read more chapter at v ipnovel

She was young, but all she went through was misery. She couldn’t bear looking back on her suffering…

When Shen Xiaoyan was young, her mother died of an illness. She grew up with her father.

When she was twelve years old, her father was confined to bed with a serious illness. Soon he died.

When her father was at his last gasp, he entrusted her to her second aunt. She had a place to stay.

When Shen Xiaoyan was young, she was arranged a marriage with the Liu family in the west of the city.

Her father asked the second aunt and her husband to help manage his daughter’s marriage. When Xiaoyan grew up, she would marry into that family, and she could have someone to rely on in this life.

Xiaoyan’s family had some houses and farmland, and they also accumulated some money, which would be brought to the future husband’s family as dowry.

The second aunt and her husband promised him.

The second aunt cared about Xiaoyan very much. She ate, drank and dressed in the same way just like her own daughter. She also kept her property for her and was ready to let take it away when she got married.

Xiaoyan lost her father and she was very sad. With the care and love of her aunt, she gradually got rid of the shadow in her heart. She treated it as her own home and felt maternal love again.

Shen Xiaoyan had a really bitter life. After the New Year, her second aunt passed away, and she started to suffer.

Her uncle marries a new wife, and their family affection became weaker. The couple treated Xiaoyan as if she was a servant.

The uncle’s daughter was a spoiled child, and she was a bit rude. She also treated Xiaoyan like a servant, and she would scold her and beat her at will.

Xiaoyan ate leftovers, and she often couldn’t eat enough. She wore clothes with patches sewed on patches.

She was young and weak, and she had to do all the work at home. She was always busy all day long. However, she was often beaten up and not allowed to eat.

In a family with no affection, Shen Xiaoyan was a little slave. She was suffering and painful, but she could only cry secretly. She depended on others for a living at a young age, so she had to endure and wait until she grew up, that’s when she could leave the family.

People said that a girl changed fast in physical appearance from childhood to adulthood and became prettier. When Shen Xiaoyan was 16 years old, she looked like a flower, and people praised her for being beautiful.

Xiaoyan and her aunt’s daughter dressed very differently, but her appearance was much better than her. The daughter was even more jealous, and Xiaoyan suffered more because of it.

At this point, the property left to Xiaoyan was already occupied by her uncle, and she had nothing except herself.

Xiaoyan was very clear about this, but she could not argue about it or ask for it. She could only endure, hoping to get married soon, so as to escape from the endless misery.

Shen Xiaoyan had never met her fiancé, nor did she know the condition of her fiancé’s family. In pain, she looked forward to a bright future and hoped to live a comfortable life.

She wanted to leave this sad place as soon as possible, but she didn’t know when she could get married.

Xiaoyan never thought about being rich and noble, nor did she pursue this. She only hoped that she and her husband would love each other for a lifetime, and that the family would live a warm and peaceful life.

Time was passing, Xiaoyan was suffering like this. She was praying and waiting…

It was great that Shen Xiaoyan’s fiancé’s family did not forget this marriage. Now that the child had grown up, they came to discuss the wedding.

Before that, her uncle had gone to the village where the Liu family was and secretly learned that the Liu family was relatively wealthy. He was very happy.

Today, when he saw that the son of the Liu family was dignified in appearance and polite, he was happier about it. He agreed about everything and ask the Liu family to bring the betrothal presents and finish the wedding as soon as possible.

After receiving the news, Shen Xiaoyan was very happy. Finally the hard time would end, and she had a longing for a new life.

The wedding was about to come, and her uncle’s house was full of joy. They were doing their best making preparations.

Her uncle hadn’t mentioned it yet, but Xiaoyan had long enjoyed it and felt energetic when working.

Sometimes, she wanted to hum a few words and express her joy, but she didn’t dare, fearing being heard by those three people, and then cause scolding and beating.

One day, just after having breakfast, her uncle put on a carriage and took Shen Xiaoyan out. He wanted to buy her some flower cloths to make new clothes.

Xiaoyan was glad that her uncle was finally preparing for her wedding.

Along the way, they didn’t stop until they arrived at a county town in the afternoon.

The uncle tied the carriage to a trunk by the road and said, “Xiaoyan, I have to do something first. Don’t get off. You are not familiar with here, and you will not find the way back if you get lost.”

“I see.” Xiaoyan agreed.

Shen Xiaoyan had never been to such a prosperous place like this.

The shops were crowded here, and the streets were very busy with vendors peddling and people bustling.

Xiaoyan was very happy. She looked around and felt her horizon was broadened. However, it was the first time that she arrived in the bustling place, she felt somewhat uneasy.

Her uncle finally returned, and a middle-aged man followed him. The two of them murmured before coming to the carriage.

Uncle introduced to Xiaoyan, “This is Brother Chen, say hello!”

Xiaoyan saw that he was so old that he should have been called an uncle, but his uncle had said so, so she had to make a bow, “Brother Chen, nice to meet you!”

The Brother Chen couldn’t keep his mouth shut and said with a smile, “Get up. It is very happy to see you.”

The uncle said, “Xiaoyan, Brother Chen asked me to take something. You go with him to wait at his home, and I’ll pick you up after a while.”

Having said that, he drove away and soon disappeared.

When the family left, Shen Xiaoyan was a little nervous and uneasy.

Brother Chen urged, “Girl, follow me quickly. Let’s wait at home.”

“I won’t, I’ll just wait for my uncle here until he comes back.”

It was the first time that Xiaoyan was so far away from home, and her relatives were not here. She was a little flustered, so how dare she go to a stranger’s house?

Brother Chen persuaded, “Sister Xiaoyan, your uncle will not come here again, he will go to my house to find you. Come with me, or your uncle will have to wait for nothing and leave in anxiety. By then, how can you go home?”

Although Shen Xiaoyan was away for the first time, she had her own judgment that she couldn’t go anywhere. She believed that her uncle would always come here to find her.

The brother Chen was a little angry when he persuaded her for a few times but in vain. He wanted to force Xiaoyan to go back with him.

Shen Xiaoyan was struggling and shouting in fear.

People were alarmed and surrounded them. They accused him of being unreasonable.

Brother Chen was very angry. He stared and said, “You don’t know, her uncle has promised her to me, and I have paid the bride price. Look, this is our engagement contract.”

As he said, he took out a piece of paper and showed everyone.

He was very dissatisfied and snorted at the people around, “This is between me and my wife. What does it have to do with you? Get out of here!”

Not to mention that this “Brother Chen” had spent money, he wouldn’t let her go when he got such a beautiful woman. He no longer cared about it and took Xiaoyan away.

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