The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 251 - Danger

Chapter 251 Danger

Zhang Yunyan was under such heavy shock and it was so terrible. Although there was no conclusion whether Yan Xiaopeng’s concubine was her younger sister, the possibility could not be denied as well and she was torn.

If this was true, it would be so unfair and disappointing that Heaven protected the bullies who kept harming others and punished the heroine who tried to help the common people kill bullies.

It was said a good act would be well rewarded, but Zhang Yunyan had always been good to others. She eradicated evil behaviors, helped the people, but she not only did not get good return, but also suffered such cruel punishment. It made the people who loved her sad and made her enemies happy. It was unacceptable and upsetting.

Why was that? What was the rule? Where was the rule? Was there no right in this world? Even God was unreasonable?

Zhang Yunyan was bitter and angry in the heart. She had never done bad things that she was guilty of, and Heaven should not put her into the abyss. Her parents were very conscientious ordinary people, and Heaven should not be so cruel to the Zhang Family.

If the concubine was Zhang Yunyan’s sister, it would be too terrible cruel and horrible. This for her was no doubt a heavy blow, and she was unable to bear. It would destroy the resolute heroine and brave goddess completely.

Zhang Yunyan was still crying. Her eyes were filled with tears and she was in fear, pain and anxiety. She could not accept the possible reality and dared not think about this cruel thing again.

Her teeth were clenched, her face rigid, and her whole heart was inflamed with rage again which dissipated the forlornness of her face and her face became furious.

Yunyan stopped to wipe away her tears and stood up suddenly. Grasping the steel sword, she came to Yan Xiaopeng, and slashed at him. She was expressing her inner pain and hatred to the devil to ease the pain of the heart.

It was right. Everything was caused by this bully. He was sinful and deserved to die.

After Living Yama killed her parents, Zhang Yunyan was tortured by the feud for more than ten years. At this time, she experienced such thing, and it was unbearable.

Such being the case, whether it was true or false, before she made it clear, Yunyan could not deny the possibility and she would be tortured.

Cruel, it was so cruel. In front of the cruel reality, Yunyan was extremely angry and had become anxious and crazy. In the blink of an eye, the corpse of the Living Yama was broken and unrecognizable.

Zhang Yunyan put back the steel sword and dared not look at the concubine on the bed. With trembling hands, she grabbed the sheet and covered Yunxia.

She felt a pang in her heart, and was crying again. She turned and ran down the stairs with crying, and quickly escaped from the horrible “hell”.

The darkness was torn by lightning from time to time. The earth was silent and was shaken by thunder. The wind roared, the rain splashed, trees and flowers were struggling with no ability to escape the merciless destruction…

In an instant, Zhang Yunyan was soaked, and in the shining thunder and lightning, her figure was resolute and calm. She stood till, regardless of the blowing wind and the heavy rain.

The terrible thing was still here and was still tormenting her. She could not escape. Yunyan’s heart was bleeding, and the pain was like knife stabbing her. She was in fear and was still struggling…

Her face was pale and stiff, and her stiff face was full of pain and anger.

Yunyan thought of the face stained with blood, and her heart began to wring. Tears flowing, she was still crying, “No, she is not my sister, my sister will not forget the feud and would never be with the enemy!”

She was looking for a reason to say no. The reality was too harsh to accept, and she had to do it.

The lightning was white and her cold face appeared. There was a look of anguish under the frowned brows, which was mixed with fear.

Zhang Yunyan refused to accept the cruel thing, but the horrible reality was still there and she could not get rid of it. She struggled so hard but it did not ease the least bit of pain, and there was an indelible shadow in her heart.

Yunxia was lost since her childhood and could not be found. Why wouldn’t she live together with the enemy?

She might have been forced to marry him, or she might have been too fond of pleasure to remember her hatred. More likely, she had forgotten the family feud and her own life, and was unaware of enemies in the world. She did not know the enemy was her husband.

All of this was possible, and the harsh reality could not be easily denied.

Zhang Yunyan sighed. The reason of denial was too feeble, and she did not get the slightest comfort.

The heroine’s figure was motionless, her face cold and full of pain.

“No, my sister is not that sort of person. She would not do such thing that would make her family sad and the enemy happy. No. No!”

She cried out in the face of the storm, letting out her fear and pain.

In the storm, the thunder shook the woman’s body, the lightning tore her nerves, the wind stirred the sadness in her heart, and the rain hit her sad and angry face…

The terrible shadow– the concubine looked “the same” with her had been deeply engraved in the heart and Zhang Yunyan could not forget it. Despite of her reluctance, she was unable to forget the fearsome figure, and it might linger on.

She kept denying it, but deep in her soul, she had to admit the possibility. Yan Xiaopeng’s concubine was likely to be her sister who she had been finding, and it was hard for her to deny.

In the face of cruel reality, Zhang Yunyan was grief and angry. It seemed that in her heart there was a voice: She was your own sister, your real siblings. She was! She was…

“No, she isn’t. Never!

Zhang Yunyan’s eyes were wide open, and she was denying it. She was crying in pain, and she could not figure out whether it was tears or rain that was flowing on her face.

“Creak!” Thunder came relentlessly, lightning tore the sky desperately, wind was whistling angrily, rain was pouring and the earth was shaking…

The evil Yan Mansion was like a grim hell, making people angry and desperate.

Soon, Zhang Yunyan’s face became callous and was instantly filled with terrible scowl. Her eyes were wide open, flashing with fierceness and coldness.

No one knew why Yunyan acted like this, what would happen, and what kind of horrible thing would happen.

Zhang Yunyan’s eyes were wide open, and she inadvertently wipe the tears and rain on the face. Facing the storm, she was motionless and the whole body and mind were full of fury.

She said firmly, with a strained face, “If she is really my sister who has regarded her enemy as her friend and colluded with her enemy, then she is a sinner of the Zhang Family. I will not admit she is my sister, and I will never forgive her sin. I will show no mercy to this unscrupulous betrayer of the family!”

She was crying out in anger, and she was trying to reassure herself in order to set her free from the cruelty of her ordeal.

The storm made Zhang Yunyan sober, and the reason for killing her sister, and the angry cry had worked. She felt better.

Yunyan was no longer so frightened, and walked against the storm. Her mind went blank and she was all at a loss.

However, her self-comfort did not get rid of her suffering. The concubine’s bloody body and frightened face still flashed through her mind and was nibbling her bitter soul.

Zhang Yunyan had gone blank and her behaviors were aimless. She was thinking nonsense and was struggling. She did not know where to go, what to do. Like a body without a soul, she was walking about in a daze…

Suddenly, there was a shout. It sounded like a woman was crying.

The cry was high-pitched with fear, but it was difficult to hear because of the storm.

At this moment, Zhang Yunyan was very sensitive to the woman. She was immediately woken up by the shouting, and the body shook slightly. She listened and found that it was the woman’s cry. She looked at the direction where the sound came.

There was a house not far away. With a dim shadow in the storm, the house curled up like a ghost.

The scream came from that “ghost.”

Zhang Yunyan ran to the direction. Through the wind and rain, she saw there was faint light from the “ghost”. It was the candle light from the window.

The woman’s screams came again from the ghostly house, and needless to say, terrible things were happening in the ghost house.

Red Hair King Ghost!

Yunyan immediately thought of the devil. Was that guy here bullying woman?

It must be Red Hair King Ghost!

Yunyan knew Red Hair King Ghost was having fun in the house. Yan Xiaopeng had promised. Except the devil, no one dared be so presumptuous to do that behind the master.

In the face of the Red Hair King Ghost, Zhang Yunyan was afraid. With her own ability, she could not fight with the devil and save the woman.

What should she do? Intervened or ran away?

Intervention, she had no ability, and could only seek death. It was easy to break away from death and regain a new life. She could not lose life again. What she would lose would not be life but also the mission.

Escape. That was not her style. Her disposition and her ambition didn’t allow her to be a coward.

Intervention, it was a dead end; Escape, it was the behavior of a coward. She dreaded the former but she could not consider the latter plan.

How to deal with the harsh reality and difficult choices?

In the face of the woman in trouble, Zhang Yunyan could not ignore it, and the woman must be rescued, even if it was very dangerous and life-threatening. It was her wish to help the weak and punish the evil. It was also her mission in this life. She must take actions.

Clenching her teeth, Yunyan calmed herself down. With no hesitation, she immediately went to the house and was thinking about ways to deal with Red Hair King Ghost.

In the face of the strong enemy, she did not dare to attack him, and could only ambush him. She could only defeat King Ghost when he was unprepared.

Zhang Yunyan thought of giving him surprise attack, and she sighed. If the Magical Dragon Sword was still in her hand, perhaps there was hope. Unfortunately, the treasure had been lost. How to attack the devil?

Yunyan thought to herself that as things had happened, she could only play it by ear. Once it came to the last resort, she would use her treasure in the hope to scare the guy away.

She did not expect to kill the Red Hair King Ghost, but she hoped to give him a heavy blow, or to force the devil to flee. Otherwise, she would not save anyone and would even hurt herself.

Zhang Yunyan was tense. She forgot the pain in her heart and soon came to the house, and quietly came near the window to eavesdrop.

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