The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 220 - Reunion after the Disaster

Chapter 220 Reunion after the Disaster
What did Turtle Elf see, and why was it so nervous and scared?

A black figure was drifting down the river and was swimming toward this place.

Turtle Elf was shocked. What was that? Was it something that had drifted out of the cave, or…? Or was it a dead body?

No, it was moving. It was alive.

It was strange. What was that? Was it… Was it the devil who had survived?

Thinking of this, Turtle Elf was shocked, and it was more nervous and scared. It could not see the black figure clearly, but it felt that it was Jiuyou Sage.

In the disaster of collapse, the only one who had the ability to survive was the old devil, and there would be no others. Besides, this was a cave full of water. No one could survive without knowing how to swim.

With the imminent danger, Turtle Elf was so scared that its heart beat faster, and had almost reached its throat. Staring at Jiuyou Sage not far away, it dared not to move. It hoped not to be discovered by the devil, and hoped the old devil would leave down with the flow.

Its skills were too weak compared with that of the fierce devil. Nevertheless, it had prepared that it wouldn’t wait around for things to happen.

Jiuyou Sage stopped. He seemed to have found Turtle Elf, and he was observing, ready to launch his attack.

In the dark cave, the rumbling sound of collapse could be heard at any time, which was frightening.

Once the two creatures who were lucky to survive met accidentally again, there would be a horrible fight which would lead to death…

In the face of the terrible Jiuyou Sage, Turtle Elf was extremely nervous. Staring at the devil’s every move, it dared not to move.

Jiuyou Sage was observing and thought of ways to take revenge.

Perhaps, he was shocked in this disaster, so the old devil had not recognized who its adversary was, and dared not to look down upon his opponent. Or maybe the guy was badly hurt in the collapse and didn’t want to act rashly.

Neither of the opposing sides took the initiative to attack. They were in a stalemate.

There was no sound in the cave except the rumbling of the collapse, and it was still frightening. The collapsing cave and the meeting of enemies made the atmosphere of terror reach the acme, and it was difficult to breathe.

Both sides had just escaped from the devastating disaster, and the emergency made them almost break down.

Although the cave did not collapse, it had become the place where one side was sure to die. The bloody and tragic fight was about to happen.

At this moment, a devil and an elf all had survived, and maybe neither of them was willing to fight again till death. They all wanted to keep their lives.

However, in the world, no one could achieve their desire. At this moment, it and he could not live in the same place, and both of them had to fight to kill each other for their own survival.

They could only struggle. This was the only task for them, and an inevitable reality. They must face the bloody fight and strive for their own new life.

With no place to hide or escape, Turtle Elf was cornered. It did not have the ability to fight with Jiuyou Sage, but it was not willing to do nothing. Instead, it had no options but to fight for its survival.

It was very alert. Seeing him rush to it with a steel sword in hand, it was prepared to fight back immediately.

At this point, it had nothing to worry about. In the tension and fear, it could only clench its teeth to fight.

As they touched each other, Turtle Elf suddenly moved sideways, and it asked in shock, “Are you Shikong?”

At the same time, that black figure also took the sword back and moved sideways. He exclaimed, “It turns out to be you, Turtle Elf. You are still alive, that’s great! Great!”

“Oh, it’s you? It’s so great! Great!”

Shikong sighed, blaming itself, “Alas, you and I nearly killed each other. I’m so sorry.” Then he folded his hands to show his apology.

Turtle Elf smiled and folded its hands.

It was surprised and happy to see its good friend who had been fighting together. “It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. The cave was too dark to recognize others. It’s not your fault. I have also mistaken you as the devil.”

Shikong sighed, “After such a big disaster, I’m still alert. Even the wind would make me frightened.”

Turtle Elf was very excited, and it sighed, “Yeah, this is inevitable. I didn’t expect that you would be still alive. I’m so happy. It’s good that you are alive!”

Shikong was very excited, and the tears of his eyes were mixed with the stream together with moments of sadness.

Turtle Elf was deeply surprised, and it kept praising him, “Shikong, I didn’t expect that you could swim, and could breathe and talk freely in the water. It’s really rare.”

Shikong felt the same, and he sighed, “Thanks to my teacher’s instruction, I have learned how to avoid water, so I can move freely in the water. Otherwise, if I’m not buried today, I will drown and never escape.”

Turtle Elf was excited to see him alive and praised him for his skill.

It thought of Zhang Yunyan and lamented. He asked nervously with a glimmer of hope, “Shikong, have you seen Yun Feiyan?”

Turtle Elf knew it was unnecessary to ask him. If Shikong saw Yun Feiyan, they would be together. The fact that he was alone showed everything.

However, it was very concerned about its benefactor’s life. It was eager to see Zhang Yunyan again, so it could not help asking.

Shikong shook its head sadly, “No, she has suffered misfortune. Even if she was not buried in the ruins of the cave collapse, she would be drowned in the water. Oh, poor thing, she’s such a nice person… But for her protection, I would have died in the cave…”

When he thought of Yun Feiyan, he was choked up with grief.

Yun Feiyan had not only helped him get rid of Misty Flower, but also blocked the attacks from the jade. Finally, she traded her death with the lives of him and Turtle Elf. He was grateful and sad.

Turtle Elf lowered its head sadly and sighed. It felt sorry for its friend of life and death, and tears were flowing down from its face.

The rumbling sound dissipated, and the prophecy of a thousand years had been fulfilled. The whole cave vanished from the earth.

After the shocking disaster, there were only two left. How could Shikong and Turtle Elf not feel sad?

A dead man could never come back to life. It was useless to fell grieved and painful. He and it could only remember the unforgettable struggling experience and their deep friendship. Yun Feiyan’s name and kindness would stay in their heart forever.

On the anniversary of her death every year, Shikong would recite prayers for Yun Feiyan to send grief at a distance and show his endless love and profound friendship.

This place was horrible, and they could not stay here for a long time. Shikong and Turtle Elf stopped talking and left with a heavy heart.

The winding cave was full of streams. Although they could not hear the sound, they still felt water moving. The disappearance of the rumbling sound and the sound of streaming water had made the cave quiet again.

In silence, they could feel the ancient history, and they were suspecting and wondering with fear and pain.

In silence, there was suddenly a low voice which was clear behind them.

Shikong and Turtle Elf were shocked. They turned back quickly and were ready to fight back.

Suddenly, Shikong and Turtle Elf got extremely excited, and a bright smile flashed across their faces. Yun Feiyan! That was right. She was Yun Feiyan! Yun Feiyan was alive! She was still alive.

The cry came one after another, “Shikong, where are you? Turtle Elf, have you come out? Are you still alive? Are your souls still alive…”

Shikong saw that not far behind it, there was a moving figure who was screaming anxiously. He was very excited. The voice was familiar, and the person was what they had been missing.

In surprise, Shikong responded quickly, “I am here. I am here. Turtle Elf is here! You’re alive. You’re alive! That’s good. That’s good…”

He screamed excitedly, and his face brimmed with smile. He was too happy to know what to do. The tears were flowing again, full of joy and passion, and then they were melted into the stream.

The smile disappeared and was replaced by a sad face. The excited scream became sobs, and he could no longer speak.

Shikong cried, and he was crying very sadly, but there was also joy and relief in the sobs.

Pain, yearning, despair, joy… The mixed emotions were flowing with tears and they were melted into the stream.

He was very excited and also very sad. With no ability to control his own feelings, he allowed his feelings of joy and sorrow coming out…

Turtle Elf was so excited that it danced around.

It laughed and shouted, “Yun Feiyan, I am here. I am here! I’m alive. We’re both alive. We’re both alive…”

The black figure was very excited and sad. As she swam along, she said, “Shikong, Turtle Elf, it’s great that you are alive. Well, I’m not as lucky as you. I’m dead. But my soul could see you and gather together with you. I’m happy, too.”

Was that Zhang Yunyan?

Shikong and Turtle Elf were not wrong. Although they got along with each other for a short time, the impression of her was very deep. Although they could not see her face clearly, they remembered the voice, figure, movement, expression of their good friend clearly.

She really was Zhang Yunyan. She was not buried in the ruins of the rocks, and fell with the collapse of the rock into the deep underground.

Like Shikong and Turtle Elf, Yunyan was sucked by the powerful magic of the jade, and she was flushed to the winding cave.

She did not die at the moment of the jade’s explosion, but fainted after she was hit by the strong impact. She was carried away by the water in the cave.

Zhang Yunyan was drifting unconsciously and stopped until she was blocked by a huge stone.

In the dark cave, the rumbling sound of destruction echoed in the stream, conveying the message of terror and death.

Zhang Yunyan was still in a coma, not knowing the horror of the devastating disaster. She lied on the rock as if she was asleep.

When she woke up, the rumbling sound had died away, and the cave had sunk deep into the earth.

Yunyan opened her eyes to see that it was dark. She listened and found it was silent. Looking at Black Tiger in her arms, she was sad, and burst into tears.

Where was this? How did she get here?

In the darkness, Zhang Yunyan recognized that it was a long cave and she felt the whole cave was filled with water.

She asked herself silently, “Is this the Devil’s Cave?”

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