The Cannon Fodder Strikes Back

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

When it was light, Han Jiang woke up. He felt that he hadn’t slept for long, but it was already eight o’clock in the evening on the third day.

He opened his eyes and stared at the dark ceiling. For a while, he couldn’t realize where he was, and he subconsciously sat up on the bed board. As a result, there was a piercing pain in his chest, and he “hissed” and fell back on the bed. , The burns on his arms and face spread up, and he gave a wry smile, and then he remembered all the things that had happened before.

“Don’t move if you know it hurts.”

A voice suddenly came from the corner of the ward, Han Jiang felt very familiar, he was taken aback for a moment and then endured the pain and put up half of his body again.

Because the light in the room was too dark, the lights were not turned on, and it was vaguely dark. Han Jiang couldn’t see who was sitting on the stool not far away. He could only see a familiar thin outline.


He screamed subconsciously, really suspecting that his eyes were dazzled.

How could Yunjinshu, who was filming in the United States, suddenly appear here, even by his bedside?

The figure walked slowly to the bed, and the street lamp outside the building was able to hit his face through the window. Han Jiang saw his face clearly this time. It was really Yun Jinshu. He was surprised that he couldn’t tell. Here comes the word.

Yun Jinshu pulled a chair and sat down, his face was very pale, his eyes were bloodshot, and they were still moist and swollen, as if they had just shed tears.

“Does your chest still hurt?”

His voice was hoarse, with a dull tone, as if he hadn’t spoken in a long time. Han Jiang raised his head, trying to see the expression on his face, but Yun Jinshu kept his eyes down and did not look at him.

“Well, it doesn’t hurt anymore, thank you for coming to see me, when will you be back?”

“Just arrived today.” Yun Jinshu didn’t have much expression, his voice was very soft, as if he had hidden all his emotions, and he couldn’t see the happiness or anger.

“You… all know, right?”

Han Jiang pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled a little reluctantly. Originally wanted to keep this thing secret for how long, at least during the period when Yun Jinshu went to the United States, he was thankful that he could hide it from him, but after all, the paper could not keep the fire, even if he Not to mention, people in the community will also say, and the news papers will even say that it is spread ten by one, how could Yun Jinshu miss his son so much and not know?

If he wanted to come, he was passionate about himself.

Yun Jinshu let out an “um”, his hair turned up in a mess, covering most of his eyes.

“Have you gone to see Kidney Beans? The little guy was slightly injured and frightened. I guess I need you right now.”

Yunjinshu gave another “um”, this time it was obviously different from the previous one, with a slight tremor in his voice, and his fingers clenched unconsciously.

For a while, Han Jiang didn’t know how to continue, but looked at him fixedly, with a kind of joy after the disaster.

It took a long time before Yunjinshu raised his head and asked in a low voice, “Why didn’t you say on the phone that day… on the phone?”

“I just don’t want you to worry, I didn’t expect to be self-defeating.” Han Jiang casually scratched his hair, curled up the corners of his mouth and smiled, but he got stuck in a pair of Shang Yunjinshu’s deep eyes.

Yun Jinshu fixedly looked at him, his swollen eyes looked very haggard, his breathing became short after a while, and his eye sockets turned red again.

“When such a big thing happened, you thought you would hide it from you? You told me kidney beans are good, tell me he will be called daddy, but what’s the use of these!? When kidney beans need me the most, I can’t run away. Without a trace, he was hurt so badly, but you…you didn’t tell me a little bit, Han Jiang…don’t think I would be grateful for doing this!”

When he said this, a tear suddenly dripped from the corner of his eyes, and it quickly slid down his cheeks, his expression very painful.

Han Jiang panicked, and he raised his hand to wipe his face, but he accidentally pulled the wound, so that he took a breath of pain, so he grabbed Yun Jinshu’s hand and said, “I didn’t want to You are grateful to me, really, I shouldn’t lie to you, don’t do that.”

Yun Jinshu wiped the tears off his face fiercely, opened his red eyes and bit his lip for a long time before speaking, “I went to see Kidney Bean just now, and when he saw me, he grabbed my hand and cried. It’s as if I’m going to throw him away… He is so young, so why am I throwing him at home confused, I…”

When he spoke, he was almost choked and speechless, his lips trembled, his fingers clenched tightly, as if he was about to strangle blood.

Han Jiangqiang stood up, raised his uninjured hand and held him in his arms. Yun Jinshu’s back suddenly stiffened and instinctively wanted to push him away, but Han Jiang held him tightly and did not let go, even though After tearing open the wound, blood came out again, and he did not retreat.

“Jin Shu, this incident is just an accident. After all, you are alone, and it is impossible to do everything.”

Han Jiang’s voice was as gentle as ever, holding Yun Jinshu tightly. Although he didn’t need much strength, his attitude was very determined. He unconsciously patted his shoulder, and Yun Jinshu’s tears fell on his shoulder. , The hot temperature suddenly seemed to burn on his heart.

Yun Jinshu seems to have gone back to the time it was seven years ago. At that time, he still didn’t know the truth and loved this man deeply. At that time, he thought he had everything, but in the end he fell so miserably.

He thought that Han Jiang was a villain who was absolutely greedy for life and fear of death. He just misunderstood him for seven years and started it again. Why did he suddenly become uncharacteristic and would rather risk his life to save someone who was not related to him. “The child?

Is it deep affection? Don’t be kidding, he doesn’t plan to tell him the identity of Kidney Bean in this life.

But if it weren’t for this reason, could it have moved the heart of compassion?

Yun Jinshu gave a wry smile. In his previous life, Han Jiang could watch him go to death. How could he feel soft for a child who could be pinched to death?

With a thousand twists and turns in his heart, he no longer knows whether to believe in Han Jiang in his previous life or Han Jiang in front of him. The words that used to be as cold as a blade and the warm and soft expression on his face at this moment are entangled in chaos, making Yun Jinshu Dizzy, almost suffocating.


The door was pushed open at this moment, and Yun Jinshu was suddenly pulled back to reality. He raised his hand like a man on his back and pushed Han Jiang away and stood up.

Although this was only a moment, the doctor who walked in still saw the two people who had just embraced each other.

He coughed subconsciously and walked in with a slip. Han Jiang raised his head and glanced, curled his mouth and smiled and said hello, “Uncle Sun.”

The doctor surnamed Sun nodded, with a kind of playfulness on his face. He raised his eyebrows and glanced at Yunjinshu, then turned around and said to Han Jiang, “Sorry, I knocked on the door, but no one responded, Jiang Zi, Am I bothering you?”

Han Jiang pursed his mouth and smiled, shook his head and said, “No, we just finished talking.”

Yun Jinshu was in a state of confusion at this time. Seeing the two of them so familiar, he was even more unable to stay. He casually found a reason to leave. Before leaving the house, he glanced at Han Jiang and said “Thank you”. Unable to say it, he swallowed coldly again.

Dr. Sun stared at Yun Jinshu’s leaving back, and turned his head with a smile, and said, “Is this the star who played “The Tree Is Like This”? Did you just meet? I said Jiang Zi, you are not young anymore, and you should take care of it. Up.”

Han Jiang rubbed his eyebrows and smiled helplessly, “He has already made me feel relieved, and he will be the only one in the future.”

“Cut, I’ve seen you grow up since I was a kid, what do you think you hit in the belly of a dead boy, don’t I know?” Dr. Sun obviously didn’t believe it, shook his head and sighed, “I also lied to others and lied to me. But no way. You told me you don’t like women. I believe it, but if your kid really doesn’t touch women, how can you get an illegitimate child out?”

Han Jiang was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously asked, “Wait a minute, what is an illegitimate child? Uncle Sun, don’t be kidding, I can’t be with a woman at all.”

Dr. Sun shook his eyes, obviously taking his words as the wind in his ears, and took out a report from the clip he carried and placed it in front of Han Jiang, “You can just pretend it. The report is here. Don’t tell me that there is such a thing in the world. A coincidence.”

Confused, Han Jiang picked up the report and glanced at it casually. He couldn’t understand the medical terminology above, “What do you mean?”

Dr. Sun sighed and said helplessly, “Do you remember what I told you when you came to me for physical examination when you were young? You are a rare RH-negative blood, commonly known as’panda blood’, throughout S City. It is estimated that there are few blood types as special as your Han family.”

Han Jiang nodded, still didn’t understand what he wanted to express, “I remember these, what does my blood type have to do with the bastard?”

“The child you saved that day is of this blood type.” Dr. Sun saw blood for a while, patted his shoulder and said, “Speaking of you, the young master of the Han family, you can save a child so desperately, saying that you two are nothing. I don’t believe it because of it.”

Han Jiang was stunned for a while, and after a long time he cried and said dumbfounded, “I said Uncle Sun, don’t make a joke, that child was adopted by my friend from abroad, and has nothing to do with me. You said you Have you watched too many dog-blood TV shows at such an old age? Even illegitimate children have been pulled out by me.”

Dr. Sun raised his hand and patted him again, the expression on his face didn’t seem to be a joke at all, “Bad boy, who is kidding you! I don’t know if the child’s life you said is true or not, but even if what you said is true If this child really has nothing to do with you, don’t you think it’s too coincidental? You just save a child with RH negative blood, good fellow, then you don’t have to start a company. You can just buy a lottery ticket if you feel lucky.”

Han Jiang was choked and couldn’t find any rebuttal.

Indeed, if what Dr. Sun said is true, then this incident is indeed too coincidental. First of all, the chance that Yun Jinshu can select a RH-negative blood among so many orphans is already one in ten thousand, even more coincidental. It was this child who was saved by himself, this kind of probability is really unsuspecting.

After thinking for a long time, Han Jiang smiled and shook his head and said, “Although the probability of this kind of’hit the big luck’ is too small, it is not impossible, is it? Maybe I really met this one in ten thousand possibility and said indefinite.”

“It’s not one in ten thousand, but ten million, or even one in a billion.” Dr. Sun was amused by him, and he said seriously after laughing, “Jiang Zi, seriously, I suggest you find a chance to check it out. The identity of this child, or a paternity test if possible, after all, the chances of what you said about’hit luck’ is really too small.”

Han Jiang laughed and waved his hand and said, “It’s all right, what a paternity test, I never touch a woman.”

Dr. Sun teased him a few words, copied the pocket of the white coat and left. Han Jiang sat on the hospital bed with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

To be honest, Dr. Sun was right, this incident is indeed too strange.


Kidney Bean stayed in the hospital for nearly a month together. After all, he was still too young. Although there were no major problems with his body, he was really frightened, so he was always sick and always coughing. stop.

Yun Jinshu experienced this shocking event, and had nightmares for several days and nights, and never dared to leave the kidney beans for half a step.

Because he had finished filming most of the scenes on the crew, he simply took a long vacation to concentrate on taking care of Kidney Beans in the hospital. The little guy likes to stick to him. Maybe it’s because he was almost lost and now cherishes him more. He has to be in Dad’s every day. Sleep in your arms, otherwise you will wake up in the middle of the night and cry and make trouble.

Yun Jinshu looked at his former white, fat and lively son. He became thin and sensitive in an instant. He felt uneasy in every way. Every day he changed tricks to cook for the little guy and bought his favorite little yellow duck to fill his bed. First, I just hope that my son will get better soon, so that the nurses in the whole hospital know that there is a “super dad” who looks like a star in the children’s intensive care unit.

On this day, Yunjinshu was carrying freshly cooked millet porridge and just pushed open the door of the ward. At a glance, he saw Han Jiang sitting on the bed scratching the itchy meat of kidney beans with a bandage, and the little guy was smiling with his four claws upright.

Opening the door and walking in, Han Jiang turned his head to look at him, his eyes bend immediately, “Ah, you are back, Douzi just kept screaming.”

Yun Jinshu couldn’t tell what it was like to see Han Jiang playing with kidney beans so happily at this time. He responded casually, put the lunch box aside, and just opened the lid, the aroma immediately floated out, and kidney beans were excited. After yelling a few times, the little hand patted on the leg excitedly, and the greedy person almost drooled.

“Woo…oo…want to…want to…”

Han Jiang chuckles and rubs the little guy’s head and said, “You can do it, you can already say ‘yes’. I think you will learn things related to eating the fastest in the future.”

Kidney Bean giggled, and the dimples on his face would appear to be copied from Yunjinshu’s face, even the position was not bad.

Han Jiang looked slightly lost, staring at the kidney beans and then took a closer look. He had jet black eyes, long eyelashes and big eyes, and his skin was very white and his lips were thin. If he excluded his round face, he would like to have a mold with Yunjinshu. from.

He didn’t pay much attention before, so why does it look more like it now?

But… isn’t he an adopted child? Why is he so like Jin Shu? Is it true that children are like this, whoever grows up will look like whom?

Han Jiang couldn’t help but turned his head to look at the Yunjinshu standing on the side of the porridge. He turned his head as if feeling a bit, and he just met Han Jiang’s eyes, and raised his eyebrows, “What do you see me doing? Want to have porridge?”

“Uh…” Han Jiang touched his nose awkwardly, and smiled lowly, “You did it yourself, right? Then I’ll have a bowl too.”

Yun Jinshu glanced at him, couldn’t help but curled his lips, put the bowl in his hand on the table and said, “I’ll take the weight of me and Douzi. If you want to drink, go out and buy something with the kids. food?”

In fact, Han Jiang didn’t really want to drink it. He just wanted to reminisce about the craftsmanship of Yunjinshu. Now he was rejected fiercely by others, and he just raised his mouth and smiled.

“I’m talking for fun, you two drink it, I’m not hungry.”

Yun Jinshu watched his bandaged arm silently, picked up the porridge, scooped it up with a spoon, blew it, and sent it to Kid Bean’s mouth.

Kid Bean had to stick to the Yunjin book even when he drank porridge, a little hand grabbed the corner of his father’s clothes, his little feet swayed, suddenly kicked Han Jiang like a mess, and then immediately retracted from Gu Zi’s silly joy.

Yun Jinshu helplessly knocked on his head lightly, pretending to be angry and said, “You have to eat as if you are eating. Don’t laugh and move. Be careful to choke after a while.”


Yun Jinshu nodded the tip of his nose, “Okay, you dare to talk back to me now, dad won’t give you porridge.”

When he said that he deliberately put the bowl aside, the little guy immediately clung to him like a baby. Han Jiang was amused by the interaction between the father and son. Just about to say something, the sound of cellphone vibrating came from the room.

Yun Jinshu was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that it was his mobile phone. He touched his son’s head and walked out of the ward with the mobile phone.

Han Jiang watched him leave, quietly picked up the millet porridge and brought it to Kid Bean’s mouth. Bean swallowed it in one bite. Han Jiang smiled lowly, raised his hand and took another gulp into his mouth.

“Woo…wow…wow…” Kidney beans eagerly wanted to take a second bite. Han Jiang concocted this method. He fed a mouthful of beans and a mouthful of himself. The passing nurse took a look inside. So he didn’t know. Why did the freshman drink porridge so happily?

Standing at the corner of the corridor, Yun Jinshu frowned, “What did you say? Young Master Wen came to you?”

“Yes, Mr. Jin, he seems to be in urgent need of capital turnover, so he found our investment company, because you are a major shareholder, I want to ask your opinion.”

“Did he say what he wanted to do?”

“Well, he has nowhere to go now, so he wants to sell 65 percent of the company’s shares for turnover.”

Yun Jinshu raised his eyebrows, “Such a large share… It seems that he wants to sell all the management control rights of the entire company.”

“It should mean that, Mr. Jin, what shall we do now?”

“Wait a little longer, don’t give him hope too early now, wait for me to think about it before I give you news.”

After closing the phone, Yun Jinshu exhaled. He didn’t expect Wen Zeyun to come back to look for himself. That’s right. He probably never thought that the investment company he was looking for now was always behind Yun Jinshu.

Putting the mobile phone in his pocket, he turned and walked back to the ward. When he reached the door, he saw it through the window. Han Jiang was holding kidney beans, and the two of them had a layer of millet porridge on their lips. They were enjoying themselves at the moment.

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