The Cannon Fodder Strikes Back

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

“This slap just woke you up.”

It took a long time before Han Jiang’s voice came over. He seemed to be in a heavy mood, even with a low voice, “Wen Zeyun, I really doubt that you are not the person I knew before.”

Wen Zeyun stared in disbelief. In the past, Han Jiang would only call his name when he was really angry, but now he actually said such heavy words to himself for such a small matter, and his eye circles immediately turned red. “What do you mean by that? What do you mean! Even my dad hasn’t hit me, so why are you hitting me!?”

Han Jiang took a deep breath and stared at him scorchingly, “It’s because Uncle Wimble spoils you too much and is reluctant to fight, that’s why you become like this.”

“Zeyun, I have known you for so many years, and I know your temper very well. You have been wayward since you were a child, and everyone has spoiled you and held you. I am willing to do the same, but this time I will never again.”

Wen Zeyun was stunned for a moment. A baby’s face was full of consternation. It took a long time for him to recover, but tears also came out. He went up and grabbed Han Jiang by the collar and said, “What the **** am I doing? What do you say, did I kill or set fire?! When you were a kid, you clearly promised me that you would stand by my side no matter what happened. Why did everything change when I met Yunjinshu?”

Han Jiang grabbed his hand with a tired look, but his eyes were sharp and compelling, “Yes, I did promise you, but that doesn’t mean I can tolerate you giving Yunjin a hallucinogen! Do you know that his heart failure is poor? It’s dead at one point?”

Wen Zeyun withdrew his hand, and his face instantly became cold, “I don’t understand what you are talking about. Is it my business that Yun Jinshu was killed by someone? Jiang Zi, are you stunned by him? Now, even believe this kind of nonsense that he said?”

Han Jiang laughed at himself, and as he approached a step, Wen Zeyun had to step back, “Zeyun, I always knew that you never looked so behaved on the surface. I used to be a fool and let you send it, but This does not mean that I am really a fool. Jin Shu is still in a coma and hasn’t told me a single word. How do you know that he framed you?”

Wen Zeyun had never seen such a cold-faced Han Jiang. He was a little confused for a while, and his voice was not consciously raised. “Who else could have been without him? It is not my responsibility for Wang Chuan to deal with him.” Why don’t you believe me?”

Han Jiang closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths before slowly opening them. His pupils were filled with disappointment. “I never said that this matter is related to Wang Chuan. If you are really right that night I don’t know anything about, how can I ask that now?”

Wen Zeyun’s expression changed as soon as he heard this, he subconsciously scratched the corner of his clothes, and still had a hardened beak. “After I took the crew with me that night, I left with Yun Jinshu and Wang Chuan. Of course I can guess. It’s Wang Chuan’s hand!”

“Han Jiang, I really don’t know what you think. Why do you have to insist that I harmed Yunjinshu? You and he saw me put hallucinogens into the glass with your own eyes? Oh, it’s so ridiculous! ”

Han Jiang’s eyes narrowed, and he only felt that his strength was hollowed out. He watched Wen Zeyun not speaking for a long time, and finally his face suddenly sank, and he firmly grasped Wen Zeyun’s wrist:

“Zeyun, you like to raise your voice unconsciously when you lie, and you can’t help but pull the corner of your clothes when you are nervous.”

Wen Zeyun suddenly released the right hand that grabbed the corner of his clothes, but his sight hit Han Jiang.

Han Jiang pressed forward step by step, pushing him to the corner, his expression was both sad and angry, “I should thank you for telling me that the medicine was a glass that night, and I have watched all the club monitoring. You eat. The banquet table used porcelain cups, there were no glasses at all. If you didn’t take it, how could it appear there? Do you still want to quibble?”

Wen Zeyun’s face was pale, and the baby face on the lining looked even more pitiful, but this was only a matter of moments, and his expression became hideous in an instant, he pushed Han Jiang away and said, “Heh, it turns out. You just designed it, and the reason why you asked me to come to the hospital is to make a mess of me! Han Jiang, you are so mean! Fortunately, I have always liked you so much!”

Han Jiang’s face also turned green at this time, and he looked even more haggard with thick dark circles and scum. He wiped his face and laughed at himself, “You like me? Zeyun, you don’t like me, I like the feeling of being guarded, right?”

“Actually, I thought I would never say it for the rest of my life, but I really don’t believe it. You can’t see what I mean to you. For ten years, you know I like you, but you always give me such ambiguous answers. Do you? I know that you are greedy for this feeling of being chased. It’s best if the people close to you surround you, but I’m sorry I’m really tired. I just want to find a stable person to settle down in the future, no Dangling again.”

Wen Zeyun sneered, “So in order to be with Yun Jinshu, you kicked me away and took my failure to ask him for credit? Han Jiang, you changed. When I was a child, I broke your TV. No, I would rather be spanked by your father than to confess me, but now? You are no longer the brother Jiang Zi who spoiled me.”

“This is different!” Han Jiang only felt that his chest was suffocated, and it was as suffocating as if it was plugged in a sponge soaked in water. “If the TV is broken, you can repair it. If you don’t repair it, you can buy it again. I won’t come back for a lifetime.”

“Zeyun, you are a crime. Wang Chuan has already been arrested. If this matter is involved, at least you will not be able to escape the crime of drug trafficking associates.”

Wen Zeyun sneered, and grabbed Han Jiang by the collar, his expression was extremely angry, “What about a crime? Our Wen family is not weak enough to protect our own son! Anyway, you have now defeated Wang Chuan. , His assets are all confiscated, and my movie can’t be made, you are satisfied!”

“This is not a movie problem!”

Han Jiang was also anxious, and just wanted to continue, but at this moment two nurses came over. When they saw two people arguing here, they ran over immediately.

“What are you doing? I don’t know if the hospital can’t make a lot of noise? You have to fight outside and don’t interfere with the treatment of patients here.”

Only then did the two of them have to shut their mouths, Wen Zeyun let out a cold snort, walked around the nurse, leaving Han Jiang to sit on a chair beside him exhaustedly, rubbing his aching forehead.

Enough of the Yunjinshu in the corner, he ate the peeled orange peels while listening and threw them into the trash can, smiled at the corners of his mouth, turned back to the bed, opened the quilt and lay down and continued to sleep, his expression as steady and indifferent as before.

Before going to bed, I also remembered a line that has been particularly popular recently, “Bitch is hypocritical.”


I slept for a whole day in this sleep, and when it was twilight in the evening, Yun Jinshu woke up. The lights of the VIP ward were shining in the room to let him see the man lying on the bed.

His eyes trembled, and his first reaction was to cover this person with a piece of clothing. Don’t catch the cold on his stomach like this, but he stretched his hand halfway and retracted, and instead pushed his shoulder.

“Hey, hey, wake up.”

“Um…” Han Jiang snorted, and after a long time he raised his head, his eyes still half-open, and he was completely awake when he saw the person in front of him, “Jin Shu, are you awake? Not uncomfortable?”

Yun Jinshu looked at the thick dark circles under his eyes, and sank for a while before shook his head, “Thank you, Boss Han, I’m fine.”

Han Jiang didn’t hear the blunt call from his mouth, and took his hand and said, “You have slept for three days and three nights. Are you hungry? I’ll buy you something to eat, how about seafood porridge?”

“No need.” Yun Jinshu pulled his wrist back, and didn’t plan to tell Han Jiang that he actually woke up a long time ago, and ate half a catty of oranges while listening to the corner in the morning.

He raised his mouth and smiled. He looked at Han Jiang and said, “I will go to the hospital cafeteria for a bite to eat, so I won’t bother Boss Han. You probably still have work to do, so don’t waste time with me. ”

Han Jiang was choked by him and didn’t get angry. He smiled and said, “I haven’t had anything to do recently. I can stay here with you all the time. If you don’t like seafood porridge, then change to something else and choose the one you like. eat.”

Looking at Han Jiang like this, Yun Jinshu was a little speechless for a while.

What does this man want? Isn’t it just going to bed once? Why do you have such a affectionate look.

After being played round and round by Wen Zeyun, I was tired and ran to myself to find comfort, and with him, Yun Jinshu could still be close to the “healing department”.

He sighed in his heart, and he put a smile on his face again, “Boss Han, put away your gentle money, did you forget that we are still in the cold war period?”

Han Jiang raised his eyebrows, “Really? I only know that my child has been naughty and sneaked out to play for many days, and now it’s time to come back.”

“But I made it very clear last time, I won’t go back.” Yun Jinshu said it without hesitation, staring at him fixedly, “Han Jiang, I have said it many times, let’s just do it like this. Forget it, no matter how many love points I owe you, even if I sell blood and kidney, I can return it to you, but I can’t give you the rest.”

“But we went to bed three days ago.” Han Jiang’s expression was a little complicated, but he stubbornly held Yunjinshu’s hand.

“So what?” Yun Jinshu smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes. “There are many people who have slept with you, Shen Nian, me, and there are many people I don’t even know. Do you have to say to them “I’m serious”? Then Boss Han, your seriousness is too cheap!”

“I know you won’t believe me, after all…” Han Jiang rubbed his painful forehead and paused before continuing, “After all, our relationship was deformed from the beginning, but I didn’t lie to you, otherwise I won’t go downstairs to your house and wait for you every night.”

“What do you mean?” Yun Jinshu was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head to look at him.

Han Jiang pursed the corner of his mouth, a suspicious blush flashed across his face. He seemed to know that it was ridiculous to do this kind of disdain for junior high school students in his own capacity, but he still raised his head and looked at Yun Jinshu and said, “Before I asked Mr. Zhao for your address, he said nothing, I had no choice but to…use some extraordinary means to get your address, and then go to you every day.”

“Looking at you coming home from work every night, and getting up early the next day to catch the announcement. Although it’s boring, I can’t help it. I was angry at first, thinking that you were so bold and dared not to come to me. , But then it became a habit. It was very uncomfortable if I didn’t see it for a day. I waited every day until the light in your room went out and I went back to sit in the car. I sat in this way all night, and I didn’t even understand what I wanted to do. .”

It took a long time for Yun Jinshu to find his voice. He said that he was not shocked. It was false. He had known Han Jiang for more than five years, and it would be six years after New Year’s Eve this year, but he never knew he would be a voyeur. Things.

“Do you… see what I do?”

“I don’t know, just take a look.” Han Jiang smiled, holding his chin with his hands folded, “I didn’t think it was bad when I was alone in Emerald Villa, but after you came and left, I I think it’s so empty there. Although everything is available, it doesn’t look like a home. I don’t know how I lived in the past, huh.”

Han Jiang couldn’t help but smile at the end of it, and his smile was somewhat embarrassing.

In the past, I was able to say what kind of love words to those bed partners, but now I can’t say anything with my stupid mouth, I just think of what to say, the atmosphere is neither sensational nor romantic, but it is indeed his true word.

Yunjinshu lowered his eyes and said nothing for a long time, and the atmosphere in the ward was quietly dropping needles.

“You don’t have to go downstairs to wait for me anymore. You are too expensive for a young master, I can’t afford it.”

After Yunjinshu slowly said this, he raised his head and looked at Han Jiang and said, “It’s late, you can go back. I want to stay alone for a while, okay?”

Han Jiang didn’t expect Yun Jinshu’s reaction to be so calm, even cold, but he still smiled, “I understand, you probably still don’t want to see me, then I will see you tomorrow, and I will let someone else Come to bring something to eat, don’t go to the cafeteria alone.”

Yunjinshu did not refuse this time, and nodded.

Han Jiang didn’t force it anymore, picked up the outside and walked out, and intimately helped him close the door.

The room became quieter for a while, and only the clicking sound of the clock was heard. Yun Jinshu stared at the shaky tree shadow outside the window for a long time before lying down again, covering herself tightly with a quilt, and she did not leave behind. A slight gap.

He was defeated too badly on Han Jiang, and he fell all over his body again and again. He couldn’t tell how much was true or what was false in his words, or whether he was deceiving himself from beginning to end, just like As in the previous life, I deceived myself to believe him stupidly until he died.

So this time, he won’t be softened anymore. No matter what Han Jiang said, even if it was a heartbreak, he would not believe it, because Han Jiang’s heart and lungs seemed to him to be venomous.

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