The Blue Eyes


Kevin had turned his body ninety degrees and now he was facing Kris completely. His pair of eye beads stared at the taller man intently. No matter how many times he looked at them, he could never read what was in there. They looked like the famous Mona Lisa painting; they were attractive but mysterious. Even though people said that eyes couldn't lie, but he had a hard time finding the truth in Kris's eyes.

Kevin's question shocked Kris a little, but there was not much expression on his face. "Do I have to know your mother to know about her character? From this photo alone, I can judge how the characters of you two are," the werewolf replied as his right hand pointed to the large photo frame, which had been their topic of conversation.

Kris's response made Kevin snort in annoyance. "Do you think you are a psychic?" He asked.

The handsome werewolf chuckled at the annoying question asked by the man standing in front of him.

"There are four bedrooms in this house, and you can choose whichever room you like," Kevin said as his feet started walking away from Kris.

The house's owner moved towards several big objects covered by a white cloth and removed them. It turned out that the objects covered by the cloth were a gray sofa set. There wasn't too much dust on the white cloth because Kevin asked people to routinely clean the house his parents had left him.

The house's owner sat on one of the sofas, and Kris followed him. The taller lad was now sitting right next to Kevin, not forgetting to put the empty can on top of the table.

"I can also choose the master bedroom in this house?" Kris asked. He casually stretched his hand and placed them on the back of the sofa behind Kevin's body.

Kevin didn't notice Kris's sneaky movement as he asked, "Master bedroom? You mean, the room my parents used to live in?" Kris nodded his head in response, and Kevin continued, "It's fine if you want to use it. That is if you don't mind occupying the room that used to be a silent witness to my father and mother's intimate activities."

Kevin's statement, which was uttered in an innocent tone, was able to make Kris startled. He was never surprised by Kevin's sudden appearance—because he could detect it, but he was often shocked by the unexpected words that innocently slid from the young scientist's thin lips.

After he calmed himself down for a moment to erase the dirty fantasies in his brain that were uninvited due to Kevin's vulgar words, Kris finally responded, "Then, I will sleep in the room you used to live in."

Kris intended to get a little revenge for Kevin's teasing, but the latter unexpectedly grinned widely. He leaned slightly towards Kris and whispered in the young man's ear, "You think I never did anything perverted in that room?"

Kris's face flushed red due to Kevin's increasingly naughty words. "What perverted thing can a ten years old kid do, huh?" He asked back a little nervously as he tried to prevent his imagination from getting wild.

On the other hand, Kevin laughed triumphantly and moved back to his previous sitting position. The young man tilted his head and innocently asked, "In the past seventeen years, do you think I had never slept in that room again?"

In the end, Kris lost again. He then stood up and ruffled his hair in frustration. "You won!" he surrendered with a slight growl. "I'm tired, and I want to rest now. Show me where your room is," he added.

Kevin calmly leaned his sturdy back against the back of the sofa and crossed his arms across his chest, then asked, "Are you sure you still want to choose my room?" The question made Kris growl even more in frustration, and Kevin laughed at that. "I'm just kidding. My room is yours now, but I don't think I need to show you where it is. Aren't you very familiar with my scents? I'm sure you can find it yourself with your ability." The scientist winked flirtatiously at the taller man.

Oh, come on! Kris really couldn't hold back anymore! Yes, he couldn't hold back from hitting Kevin!

But, he didn't do that. He chose to ignore Kevin's words which made him even more furious, and quickly walked over to his suitcase. He intended to immediately go into the room and calm himself down, but Kevin's voice from behind stopped him.

"Can you postpone your rest first? I want to show you something good for a moment."

Kris still remembered clearly when Kevin said that he had something good in this house when they both were still at the hotel earlier. He just realized that so far, Kevin had not shown that something to him.

"I'd rather sleep than have to look at that 'something good' if you keep teasing me like that," Kris finally responded.

Kevin giggled for a moment as he got up from his seat. He slowly walked to his guest and said, "I promise this time I'm not teasing you."

Kris looked at Kevin suspiciously. What else was this sneaky fox planning to do? It seemed like Kris got his karma. He also liked to tease the human, after all.

"Okay, you won again. Just show it to me before I change my mind," Kris chose to comply with the human's wish.

Kevin smiled winningly and said, "Come with me."

The host walked towards the deeper part of the house. Kris trailed behind him as his eyes occasionally tracing around. Just like the conditions in the living room, the furniture in the other room was also covered by a white cloth.

After walking for a while, Kevin's footsteps finally stopped in a room that looked like a family room with an old large TV hanging from one side of the wall. Various kinds of family photos also adorned the walls in the room.

Kevin approached a fairly large table in the room and said, "Help me to get rid of this."

Kris blinked his eyes innocently at the shorter man's words, then he replied, "I'll do it myself. You just step aside."

Kevin frowned at Kris's words, but then he realized something. That was right. Why did they have to lift the wooden table together when Kris could do it alone with his werewolf strength? Kevin's memory suddenly floated up when the two of them met for the first time a few months ago. Insolently, Kris had time to ask him to push the car when he might be able to lift the car easily. Realizing that, Kevin frowned and glared at Kris.

Even so, Kevin didn't protest as he remembered something. "Aren't you still hurt? Is it okay for you to lift the table alone?" He asked in a concerned tone.

"Even if you sit on the table, I can still lift the table just fine," Kris answered braggingly.

Kevin once again glared at the werewolf. He cursed silently as he moved away from the table so that Kris could get rid of the table according to what he wanted earlier. After Kevin was no longer standing near the table, Kris then approached the table, and easily he lifted the object that was not so light. The show made Kevin's almond eyes widened.

Kris moved the table to an empty spot not far from the family room, then returned to the room and tapped Kevin on the shoulder. "How was that? Do you want me to lift you too?" He asked in a mischievous tone.

Oh, the werewolf was on his way to revenge! The revenge couldn't provoke Kevin, though. He just brushed off Kris's hand from his shoulder and walked towards the place where the wooden table had been. Under the table laid a golden carpet, and Kevin began to uncover the expensive carpet. Once the large carpet was removed, a mysterious metal door welcomed them.

"What door is that?" Asked the werewolf.

Kevin was currently in a squatting position, so he looked up to answer Kris's question, "This is my parents' secret laboratory."

Kris looked stunned. On the other hand, Kevin was staring at the silver metal door with a sad gaze. This was the first time he had shown the laboratory to someone. Apart from his parents, only he knew about the secret laboratory.

After pondering for a while, Kevin then raised his right hand and put his palm on a square screen stuck in the middle of the door. After the palm of his hand pressed to the screen, the black screen automatically turned green as a 'click' sound was heard.

Kevin smiled wryly as he stared at the door. "It turns out I can use the palm of my hand to open it," he said bitterly.

Kris didn't seem to know what Kevin meant, so he asked, "What do you mean?"

The other man sighed before answering, "I have never been in this laboratory. My parents used to say that I could come in here just by placing my palms on the screen, but I didn't feel like doing it in the past. Only now do I want to go inside."

Kris peered at Kevin with an unreadable gaze. "Why do you suddenly want to go inside now?" He asked.

Hearing the werewolf's question, Kevin raised his head again and looked at Kris with an intense gaze. He then replied, "Because of you. I want to go inside because of you, Kris."

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