The Blood Luna: Mated.

Chapter 29: Family Back Together, Plus One

***Moving Forward in time. A week has gone by since Dahlia's and Ethan's release from the hospital ward***

Dahlia and Ethan were released from the hospital. Knowing Lockhart is so predictable, he came often to check up on Dahlia, Ethan and Amelia who has grown close to Dahlia. Jackson has become a ghost as of late and Dahlia will get to the bottom of it. "Jackson, you're coming to breakfast today and that's final" Dahlia snaps through mindlink. "As you wish" Jackson replies back. Dahlia got up from her bed and went to change, and then head down to the kitchen. It's been so long, yet it's a routine she's come to miss. Dahlia threw on her hoddie and sweats and rushed out of the room, where she could hear faint commotion. "I wonder how dad is feeling today" Dahlia said to herself. "You must rest more" Raven Star spoke to me. "I'm trying, I just can't sit around all the time" Dahlia said to her spirit wolf. "Your spirit was damaged, in this state you're vulnerable" Raven Star expressed. "I will, I promise, I need a day with my family and friends" Dahlia said sadly. "Yes, my Luna" Raven Star said before going quiet.

Dahlia reaches the threshold between hallway and entrance to the kitchen. If she starred in a cartoon, she would be floating after the smell coming from the kitchen. Dahlia enters the kitchen and she sees her dad in an upbeat mood, making flap jacks. Dahlia thought she'd be the first to arrive, but Tobias is already sitting at the table, laughing and joking with her dad. The table looked as though Ethan was going to have a feast. Bacon, Sausage, Hash Browns, bagels, toast, fresh squeezed Orange juice, and to top it off with pancakes. Dahlia will have to work hard not to devour it all.

Tobias and Ethan notice Dahlia's presence. "Hey baby, come sit down. I felt really good today, so I wanted to make a delicious breakfast for those important to us" My father said grinning ear to ear. "Somethings never change" Dahlia said sticking her tongue out at her father. A usual tactic to instigate him further. Ethan just smiled ear to ear. Tobias chuckled and put his focus back on what Ethan was telling him. Dahlia sat down at her usual stop.

"Tobias, I'm telling you, that the perfect banana bread has a dash of lemon in the recipe" My father said persuasively. "I'll have to take your word for it, Ethan. I haven't eaten Banana bread, in over a millennium" Tobias said with a smile and raising his eye brows at my father. "Save me" Tobias leaned over and whispered at Dahlia. Dahlia chuckled inside her hand. "You're on your own here buddy, I just got here" Dahlia replied back, holding back laughter.

"Is anyone else joining us?" My father turned to me and asked me in a serious tone. "Jackson and Amelia are coming as well, they should be here any moment" Dahlia said. As if their ears were burning, Jackson and then Amelia came through the giant doors if the feint entrance. Dahlia could just tell by their foot steps, that it was them. Jackson must still be avoiding Amelia, he was in front of her keeping his distance. Amelia cheerfully walked behind him. "Hi everyone!" Amelia said. Jackson stayed silent and took a seat next to Dahlia's side. Amelia sat next to Tobias.

"Is everyone all here?" my dad asked. Before anyone could answer, they heard the front door, open and close again. "That must be our trusty doctor, to check up on us" Dahlia said. Lockhart walked into the kitchen and made his usual judgment of breakfast choices. "At least pick healthy foods" Lockhart said with an eye roll. Lockhart's dedication as an amazing pack doctor can't be disputed but he can be so up tight. His comment made the audience around the dinner table chuckle. "Lockhart coke.have breakfast with us" My father said eagerly. Lockhart rolled his eyes again, how can his refuse his best friends request. "Okay, but I can't stay too long, I'll need to check your status after the meal" Lockhart said. "Fine by me" my father stated with glee.

Everyone dived into the buffet of breakfast choices. At times like this Dahlia wished tike would stand still. A happiness that couldn't die or be fractured and a bond that was unbreakable. "Amelia, I've been meaning to ask, how's your stay with these wolves?" Tobias asked wiggling his eyes brows at her. "I actually love it, it's way different from what I pictured" Amelia said with a beaming smile on her face. "I'm so glad to hear that" Tobias said. "Because of a bloody past, I almost didn't get a chance to know these amazing individuals. When you live as long as I have, it's not the quantity of people but the quality that really makes life worth living" Tobias said. Dahlia made a fake gagging gesture. "Who knew, Tobias was so sentimental" Lockhart said poking fun at him. "Hahaha very funny" Tobias said back.

Dahlia noticed Jackson would steal a glance at Amelia every now and again. Jackson's state is really upsetting. Dahlia has made it her mission to help Jackson. "Amelia, some time has passed, what happened when you were helping Dahlia and Ethan?" Lockhart asked. "After Dahlia had contacted me, I just decided to show up. You have a great alarm system by the way" Amelia directed that comment towards Jackson. He acted like she didn't say a word. Amelia noticed he was ignoring her and continued on. "When I arrived, I felt a huge magical surge that peak my curiosity and I followed it, which lead me to the hospital room, you guys were in" Amelia added. "When I walked in I was shocked. the magical surge was coming from Dahlia, at first impression, she looked like a little girl to me, no offense Dahlia" Amelia exclaimed. "No offense taken" Dahlia chimed in. "When I touched Dahlia's head to look into her mind, I was sucked into Ethan's mind instead. It's like they were both anchored to Ethans mind. I didn't know werewolves had that kind of power" Amelia said embarrassed. "Trust me, I'm still learning the powers I have, they seem to be constantly changing or evolving" Dahlia said anxiously. Lockhart was sucked into her recollection of the events. "What happened next" Lockhart blurted out. "Oh sorry, I didnt mean to interrupt" He said. Amelia giggled. "It's okay, I could sense that Dahlia split her spirit. The spirit wolf I saw was beautiful a pitch black wolf, with the most beautiful eyes" Amelia said. "That's my Emma!" Ethan said with a smile. Amelia blushed at Ethan's affirmation of the love he expressed. "Dahlia's wolf was amazing. I hope to see it in person one day" Amelia said.

"I need to transform soon, so you can watch and work out with me" Dahlia said. Amelia was so excited at the invitation. "Get to the point" Jackson said harshly. Amelia looked down at her hands upset by his tone. "Jackson relax" Dahlia said in a harsher tone. "I'm sorry" Jackson said quickly. "It's okay. I know I can talk a lot, I just get so excited about learning and seeing new things. I was locked up by the council" Amelia said as a tear left her cheek. Jackson seeing her cry, he cpuld kick his own ass right now. "Ignore him, he forgets his manners" Dahlia said glaring at Jackson. Jackson submitted to the Lunas glare right away. "Please continue" Lockhart said reassuringly. "When I discovered Dahlia was weakened by her spirit split, I was giving her energy from myself to heal and wake both her and Ethan. Ethan's mind was trapped by darkness and it was trying to swallow them all up" Amelia said. Lockhart's facial expression was nothing short of pure shock. Dahlia had concern on her face. "In the end, I lent them some of my energy to awaken, while holding the darkness at bay. I also transferred some of my aura to protect them. When the spell was complete my aura shield of protection erupted" Amelia explained. Silence fell on the table. Every one had a different had a different reaction. After awhile Dahlia broke she silence. "The darkness that ran rampant in my father's mind could have devoured me?" Dahlia asked. "In your state it very well could have" Amelia answered seriously. "How did I end up in my father's mind" Dahlia asked. "I was confused at first but the assumption I made was, because you're a spiritual being that can walk in dream realms, you ended up there because that's the dream realm your father was in" Amelia answered. "It was so ominous" Dahlia said. "Yes, because your father was on the brink of completely breaking from pain" Amelia said. "Oh wow" Ethan whispered. "When you mention Aura, was that the purplish shield we saw?" Lockhart asked. "Yes, exactly!" Amelia said with excitement. "My Chakra aura is purple and most witches magic is an expression of our Aura" Amelia said with a smile. "One of the rarest auras is white" Amelia said. "Really? my mother placed a white Aura shield during my transformation" Dahlia said. "That's amazing, I wish I knew where she got it" Amelia said. "I remember reading about Auras from our library, black is bad right?" Lockhart asked. Amelia thought hard about his question. "It's not that it's bad necessarily but is surrounded by negative energy, usually associated with black magic" Amelia said. Dahlia thought about what was said. "My aura when I transformed, is red and black but my wolf is white" Dahlia said. "That's really interesting" Amelia said making a fist and rested her chin on her fist as if she was in deep thought.

Lockhart looks at his watch. "I need to go see to the other patients, Ethan, let me take your vitals real quick" Lockhart expressed. Ethan nodded his head and Lockhart walked over to Ethan and checked his vitals. Lockhart had a serious look on his face. "Everything seems normal and your vitals keep getting stronger" Lockhart said. "Let me know if you have any strange side affects, or other issues or pain" Lockhart said uncompromising. "You betcha, Doc" Ethan said waving to his friend that was making a bee line for the front door. "Dahlia keep taking your herbal remedy Amelia made, I'll check on you later" Lockhart yelled as he exited the mansion. Dahlia laughed and so did Amelia. "I'm gonna go work out, you want to come Amelia?" Dahlia asked. "Oh boy do I!" Amelia exclaimed. "You're coming too, Jackson" Dahlia ordered. Jackson nodded his head in agreement but stayed silent, as to ensure he wouldn't get his Lunas wrath again.

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