The Blood Luna: Mated.

Chapter 27: A Witches, Helping Hand

The situation couldn't be any more strange or risky to the Lunas life. Dahlia was in serious danger and medical intervention was unsuccessful. The wolves on guard alerted the pack to a trespasser. An unknown being, unveiled as the pack witch has magically showed up, when everything was at it's gravest. Lockhart couldn't explain the gravity and luck or the situation. "Can you help us" Lockhart yelled. "What seems to be the situation?" Amelia asked with concern. "Long story short, This is our Luna, she was put into a sleep like state to reach the dream world her father's wolf spirit is in to save him" Lockhart explained. "Oh... wow.. this girl right here is the Luna of Ravenwood?" Amelia asked in disbelief. "Can you just help us?!" Lockhart yelled. "Hey, try to remain calm, that's a lot of information to process and I need to ask questions to be able to find a solution" Amelia snapped back.

"Step aside, I need to be able to see inside her head to see if I can help" Amelia stated. Lockhart and nurse Rose moved out if the way. Amelia made her way to the head of the bed Dahlia was asleep in. Amelia grabbed Dahlia's head with her hands. Amelia muttered something, that neither Lockhart or Rose could make out. A huge gust of air flew through the room and Amelia spoke. Amelia opened her eyes and the had a purple glow to them. Amelia saw where Dahlia's wolf was collapsed. She also say a pitch black wold spirit and a reddish spirit wolf.

Lockhart and Rose stood frozen in place as they saw the strange things Amelia was doing. Lockhart kept his eyes on the vital monitor. As Amelia is trying to reach the dream world Dahlia is stuck in, the hospital ward doors is slammed open. A very pissed off Jackson has found his trespasser. Lockhart rushed to the door to intercept Jackson who was out for blood. "Lockhart! who the heck is that touching Dahlia!" Jackson screams with blood lust. "Jackson! You have to take it easy, that's Amelia!" Lockhart yelled. Jackson took a big breath to try and calm down. "What is she doing to Dahlia?" Jackson asked still raging. "She's trying to help Dahlia. Something unexplainable happened and I think she may be the only person left to fix this" Lockhart said. "You said you'd let me know if anything changed" Jackson snarled. "Everything happened so fast, all we could do, was try to save Dahlia" Lockhart said sadly. Lockhart's words must have hit Jackson at his core because disbelief showed brightly on his face.

Jackson sat at the waiting chair staring straight ahead. Rose sat on one side and Lockhart on the other trying to console him. "Jackson, we did everything we could medically for her" Lockhart expressed sadly. "You better help her witch" Jackson said with his rage unchanging. Amelia ignored his presence and words, as saving Dahlia was top priority. Jackson sat stoned faced as Rose and Lockhart, clearly has defeat written all over their face. They sat quietly, watching the witch intently. Witches and wolves never really got along, it was an understanding of mutual respect and distance both species shared in common. A Witches curse is a fickled thing and wolves only exist because of that curse. In the beginning, wolves were created as a punishment and were witches slaves. To say the least, times have changed thanks to the moon goddess. A wolf born to balance the odds. In the end, mother nature and evolution had the last say. A curse turned to be a torn in a witches side. Ravenwood nearly met its extinction because of a witches influence. To receive a witches help now, seemed like a double edge sword.

Amelia's incoherent words grew louder and more intensely. All the bystanders could do was watch idly. They watched as a purple bubble started to form around Dahlia, Ethan and the witch. The wolves watched with worry. "What the hell is going on?" Jackson asked Lockhart through mindlink. "I have no idea but whatever she's doing Dahlia is growing stronger, look at her vitals" Lockhart motioned with his head. Jackson looked at the monitors and then nodded his head in agreement to Lockhart's statement. "Whatever happens remember Dahlia requested her to join us" Lockhart reminded Jackson. Jackson let out a sign of defeat, he couldn't argue the point that was just made. "Fair enough" Jackson says back.

Rose sat watching in amazement and horror. Her emotions were all over the place and Jackson and Lockhart couldn't help but notice. "Nurse Rose, can you please go to medical supply storage and grab pain meds, IV fluids and anything else we're lacking" Lockhart orders. "Please, go take a minute and get some fresh air and relax" Lockhart added through mindlink. "Right away Doctor" Rose replied. Rose did as instructed and left the hospital room and made her way, towards the storage room. Rose couldn't hold back her tears anymore. She couldn't believe everything that's transpired in the last few hours.

Lockhart and Jackson are fixated still on the witch, ready to move at any given moment. If suspense was an active killer, they'd cease to exist. The room became really windy and Amelia was saying incoherent things more and more. The wolves didn't know what was happening but they knew something bug was about to happen. Being magical begins they can pick up magical energy. "Is everything okay?" Lockhart asks. It's futile the witch Amelia is caught in a magical dance of life and death and the last thing she cares about is a conversation from an unknown wolf.

Jackson shields Lockhart as things are now flying across the room. Jackson looked at where Ethan Lie, and why didn't they notice he was inside the shield too? "Ethan is inside the magical bubble too" Jackson says without emotion. "Probably because he is tied to what happened to Dahlia" Lockhart replied. "Doctor and Other wolf, Leave!" Amelia screams. The sudden communication was unexpected. Lockhart and Jackson don't hesitate to comply. the leave the room and stand at the end of the hallway. Rose meets back up with them. "Why are you guys out of the room?!" Rose asked with worry. "The witch asked us to leave" Jackson said with anger. "Well, is everything alright?!" Rose asked. "I think the witch asked us to leave because of the magical force that was building in the room. A magical blast of that magnitude could definitely kill us" Lockhart expressed. "Oh wow!" Rose said. "I don't trust her" Jackson said coldly. "Yes, we will definitely have to see where her loyalty lies" Lockhart said. As they are talking they can hear the chaos in the hospital room grow louder. "Should we go check?" Rose asks. "No" Jackson replies before Lockhart. "It's still too dangerous for us" Lockhart expressed. Rose hangs her head.

Amelia thought this would be an easy task. The powerful forces inside Dahlia are much stronger than she anticipated, a mistake she will never underestimate again. Amelia couldn't imagine how much stronger Dahlia was when she was awake. Her first impression, she looked like a young girl. On the inside cosmic powers must definitely favor her. Amelia struggles to hold on. Amelia had to kick out the other wolves because this power can become uncontrollable very fast, if she's not careful. Amelia sees, that Dahlia is weakened and inside her father's mind. How did she manage that? Do wolves contain such power? This young girl, the leader of an entire lineage has peaked her interest. Amelia continues to chant her words to break the hold on Dahlia. "If she survives this, I will be loyal to her until my dying day" Amelia whispers. Amelia channeling all her power and yells "Now wake!"

The command cause an epic concussion blast. It broke out all the windows and everything not protected inside her protective circle inside the hospital room. The blast caught the attention of the wolves and they came running back to check out what had happened. When the wolves reached what was left of the hospital door, they saw a very exhausted Witch still standing over Dahlia and Ethan. The protective circle had vanished. Lockhart and Jackson rushed over to Dahlia and Ethans side. "What did you do witch?!" Jackson yelled. "Saved them of course" Amelia said weakly. "What?" Jackson replied. Amelia collapsed and Jackson caught her in his arms. "Rose grab another hospital bed!" Lockhart ordered. "Right away" Rose said running out or the room. Jackson looked down at the witch he couldn't trust. Why does he feel like this all of a sudden? His body feels like it's covered in electrical currents. Jackson returns his focus to Dahlia and he can see that's she's starting to fidget. "Dahlia are you okay?" Jackson asks. Lockhart goes and checks both Dahlia's and Ethan Vitals. "Their vitals are growing stronger" Lockhart said with optimism.

Rose appeared back by the shattered door with an extra bed. "Doctor, I brought the bed" Rose replied. "Jackson take her to the bed, I'll be right behind you" Lockhart ordered. Jackson picked Amelia up bridal style and carefully placed her on the bed. Lockhart came and checked her vitals. "It looks like she collapsed from exhaustion" Lockhart stated. "Let's give her space to recover: Lockhart ordered. The wolves piled back in the hospital room, to see Dahlia's eyes were now wide open "Is my dad okay?" Dahlia asked.

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