Chapter 25: Spirits and Frights
***Dahlia's POV***
It's not every day, that you can idly walk around in the pitch black, looking for a way into the spirit realm. It's normally very easy for me to just jump right in and be on my way happily. Today is different. Today, there is a dark cloud. Whether it's my minds doing, or the inability to access the portal, I'm unsure. The air has an ominous feeling, and it's unsettling. I hope I can find my way to my dad's spirit wolf.
"Why have you come here" I hear through a snarl that seeps vengeful energy. "Who's there" I call back. "Why are you here" the voice calls back, seemingly more angry. I know I should be afraid but I head towards the direction of the voice. As I cautiously head in the direction of the voice I reply back "I'm here trying to help my dad" Dahlia said. Dahlia knew angry wolf spirits were unpredictable and hard to deal with. Dahlia was very confused why this spirit realm felt so off and different from the other place she has visited in her dreams.
"Where am I?" Dahlia asked in the darkness trying to remain calm. The spirit remained silent. Dahlia walked into the darkness, without fear and without expectation. Of all the strange things she's encountered this certainly tops the chart. "I'm here, trying to help my father Ethan" Dahlia said once more with a gentle tone. There was still no answer. "No one can help him now" the voice finally said back in an ominous tone.
"I know I can, just let me help!" Dahlia said frantically. Dahlia waited for a response and it seemed to take forever. "His mind and spirit are broken and I'm all that remains!" the spirit snarls. "Where are we?" Dahlia asked once more. "Inside his head of course" the mysterious wolf spirit replied. "I'm....I'm inside my dad's head!" Dahlia nearly yelled. "Turn back now, it's an impossible to help Ethan now" The spirit replied. "I don't understand! Why is it impossible!" Dahlia demanded through a yell. "Our mate is gone and in time we will be too" the wolf snapped back. Dahlia took a pause before saying anything else. She doesn't know what she got herself into but she can feel deep in her core all isn't lost.
"What is your name?" Dahlia asked in a calm tone. "Why does that matter to you!" the wolf snapped. "I am, the royal descendant of the pack, and moon goddess you will answer me!" Dahlia ordered. "I don't believe you!" the spirit said. Dahlia wasn't expecting what happened next. The spirit wolf grabbed her by her arm and flung her into the unknown darkness. Dahlia landed with a hard crash, skidding to a stop. While trying to regain her composure she thought about what she should do next as she felt the warm blood of the bite she suffered trickle down to her hand. Do I fight the spirit or let him attack me? Dahlia did know one thing for certain, that if she's hurt in a dream realm it can affect her in real life, so she needs to be calculating and careful.
"What can I do to help you?" Dahlia asks cautiously while be aware of her surrounding. "There's nothing you can do!" The spirit yells. In the darkness Dahlia can hear the approach of the wolf's feet smacking the ground fast. In this moment Dahlia has decided that she will not be harmed and neither will the spirit wolf. A snarl comes from behind her and she dodges the assault. The spirit is fast and she barely missed another assault. Dahlia can feel herself growing angry. Maybe anger is just what she needs in this moment. In the darkness, Dahlia can hear the spirit ramp up for another assault, but the attacks stop here and now.
Dahlia doesn't need to look at herself to know her crimson eyes have taken over. She hears the spirit approach her from behind. As the spirit wolf goes to land an attack, Dahlia turns and catches the spirit wolf by it's throat. "That's enough!" Dahlia screams, her voice echoed and awakens the still darkness. Dahlia can only hear the whimpers of the spirit wolf as it gradually submits to her demand. "What is your name, spirit?" Dahlia demands. "My... my name is Adlawulf" the spirit whimpers out. "You are my father's broken spirit?" Dahlia asks. "I'm... I'm not broken, his heart is" The spirit replies. "Because of my mother's death?" Dahlia asks coldly. "Yes, we are devastated" The wolf spirit replies. "Aldawulf, my mother's spirit resides in me, to hurt me, is to cause her pain, do you understand?" Dahlia said with anger. "Yes" Adlawulf replies. "I will put you down and we will talk properly" Dahlia said. "Yes, I will listen to what you have to say" the spirit wolf replies.
Dahlia thought long and hard before she said anything. As she stood there the spirit wolf stared desperately into the depths of her soul for answer. "Aldawulf, I'm going to try and transform, so that you have proof I speak the truth" Dahlia said. The spirit wolf gave Dahlia a strange look. "But why?" the spirit asked. "I don't want to order or demand things from you. I want you to trust me and the only way to do that is to give your proof" Dahlia said. The spirit wolf looked supposed by her conviction. Dahlia transformed in seconds. The power from her transformation, illuminated the isolating darkness. "You... You are the royal heir!" Aldawulf said with a bow.
"I have a special ability and that makes it to where I can, talk and walk among spirit wolves" Dahlia said. Adlawulf remains silent, but his dark dead eyes become hopeful. "You think you can help us?" Adlawulf asks. "I'm a believer that nothing is truly impossible" Dahlia replied. "I have an idea" Dahlia says. "What is your plan, Luna?" Adlawulf asks. "I want to leave my mother's spirit with you" Dahlia says. "Her spirit? She didn't move on?" Adlawulf asks with a whimper. "Like I said, when my mother died, I absorbed her spirit at her request" Dahlia said. "Now, I just need to summon her to this plain" Dahlia stated. Dahlia's father's spirit stared at her intently. "How do you do that?" Aldawulf asked. "I'm not sure, I've never summoned a spirit on purpose, they usually appear to me by their own choice" Dahlia stated. "Will it be harmful?" Adlawulf asks seriously. "To tell you the truth, I'm not sure" Dahlia stated. "Please back up and give me space, I'm still not sure of my powers and I want you to be unharmed" Dahlia states. The spirit wolf complies and gives Dahlia some much needed space.
Dahlia closed her eyes and focused on the energy inside her. So much life was inside her body, it seemed surreal that she even could contain this power. "Please, I don't know your full name, but please make my mother's spirit known" Dahlia demanded. Dahlia waited for an answer or an action but nothing immediately happened. Dahlia was starting to feel like this may be her first impossible task. Dahlia could start to feel a sensation. At first it wasn't painful but it almost felt like when a body part falls asleep. "What is this?" Dahlia whispers to herself. "Are you okay, Luna?" Adlawulf asks. "I... I think so" Dahlia replies. The sensation starts to grow more intense. Dahlia started to feel like she was being torn in half. She can't help but scream out in the pain, from what she was going through. Dahlia saw Adlawulf try to come towards her. "Stay Back!" Dahlia screams. Adlawulf retreats further back.
What looks like an energy ball shoots out of Dahlia's body. Dahlia screams and pain and collapsed. It took Dahlia a few minutes to regain her composure. Dahlia got back on all fours and waited for the energy ball to make itself known. As Dahlia and Adlawulf stand patiently, a pit black wolf with her mother's eyes approached Dahlia's location. The pitch black wolf, comes over to Dahlia and licks her head. "My dear daughter" The voice says. "Mom?" Dahlia cries out. "I'm nit exactly your mother, just part of who she used to be" I am Raven night. "My love!" Adlawulf cries out. Dahlia watches as the two spirits console each other. "I thought I lost you!" Adlawulf said. "Only my human form. Emma entrusted my wellbeing to Dahlia, our daughter" Raven night stated. "How I missed you!" Adlawulf said. "I was right beside you the entire time" Raven night stated as she placed her head on Adlawulf's head. Dahlia watched as her parents spirit wolves were reunited.
"I'm so happy right now" Dahlia said. "Raven Night, I'm going to leave you here with Adlawulf. I feel like this is why my mother sent you to me" Dahlia stated. "You could be right" Raven night replied. "Dahlia are you alright?" Adlawulf asks. "I...think so. I'm a little tired" Dahlia stated. "That's understandable, a part of you was just torn out" Raven night replied. "It will take some time before you are fully healed spirituality" Raven night added. "I'll be okay though right? I've never done this before and was afraid it would affect me badly" Dahlia stated. "Every wolf is different, but you're the strongest of us all. When you go back to the real world, make sure to get some rest and spiritual remedies" Raven night said. "I will do just that" Dahlia stated.
Dahlia started to feel unwell and the pain started to grow once more. "What's...What's wrong with me?!" Dahlia cried out. "It could be a side affect" Raven night said with worry. "Dahlia we are right here. everything will be okay" The spirit wolves try to comfort Dahlia. Dahlia can no longer focus on the spirits, instead she is occupied with a growing pain. Dahlia trust to breath through the throbbing pain. The strongest wolf or not, Dahlia is taken over by the pain and screams out every time the sensation hits. It's pure hell on earth and Dahlia is ready to give in to it. It becomes too much and Dahlia collapses, the world becomes and endless dark pit again.