The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 2101

Chapter 2100, Xiaoyu, I pain 35

Su smoke stations are far from a distance.

Looking at the darkness of the dark clouds, a strong dark force seems to be in the sky.

She bowed and frowned.

But very fast, the expression is restored.

Nanxun is working with her.

Close your eyes, a look.

The four surrounding dark power is being absorbed by the South.

After half, she smiled.

“Well, your man is not bad.”

Her voice falls, and she goes to see Soviet.

I saw her blood spit out.

The blood color on the face faded in pale.

Nanxun reached out and hugged the sauce.

The light blue tap of the sauce appeared.

Wrap around the Soviethey.

At this time, some scars on Su smoke began to appear.

Wrist, arms, neck, and even cheek side.

The traces of what is burning, the chest is smashed, and the wound is not healed.

One is all flashed out.

Blood is not over.

Su Tao’s eye is shrinking, come quickly.

Xiaohong is also scared, I forgot to eat the snacks in my mouth, let’s break out from the mouth.

The south of the south, hugging the Sui smoking in the arms, his head is in her shoulders.

Blocking the expression of the saucer.

She is not surprised by the emergence of this scene.

The Su smoke is black, but it has resumed awareness.

Just waiting until she was restored, she saw this hostile scene.

Ye Qian Ling took out a light golden long knife.

Look at the opposite south.

“You are a criminal evil, and the body was imprisoned.

You can’t kill anyone.

Don’t let go, don’t blame me. ”

Nanxun hugs in the sauce.

The two balls in front of the tweet circle.

A piece of vast.

It seems to be a space that is opened independently of Ye Qian Ling.

Su Tao Xiaohong, there are also people from all walks of life to the Jun Domain to see all the people.

South is moving.

She raised her hand.

Black ball was worn in hand.

The moment turned a black long knife.

Lazy voice

“Kill you can’t die, you can’t do it, it is two yards.”

Ye Qianling is cold face, emotion does not fluctuate.


“This is the death of the death.

Now you will become all you. ”

Voice fall.

Ye Qian Ling hands gripped in an instant.

That Jinguang, as if she was open to the ground.

Have great power.

The south of the south of the south of the superstar, and the black long knife of his own illusion will not move.


It was a blue small ball that was circled with the southern and south of the south, just like a shield.

Exudes a violent blue light.

It’s right with the golden light.

It turned out to be up and down.

Ye Qian Ling got his eyes.

This power is very strong.

It is not like coming from the death.

It is not easy to think, and the two powers have been quickly removed.

Ye Qian Ling holds a long knife, a white robe, and looks at the south.

Light golden eyes have become slightly fierce.

It seems to see the bottom of the South.

Olympics, if the south is with the heart.

The south of himself held the long knife in his hand.

“When the year, the dead old man took me to the peeling of life.

I have to look at it. He is the first of the primary gods in person. What kind of people are like. ”

The battle in the South is rich in fighting.

Just when she started this idea.

The tattoo on the wrist began to emit black rays.

It seems to remind her what.

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