The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 59

Chapter 58: We Are All Slytherin Heirs!

When Marcus walked into the secret room with other students, he found that it was completely new.

The originally dimly lit room was now brightened up because the high ceiling seemed to be enchanted, emitting a faint white light.

Marcus vaguely saw hundreds of emeralds inlaid on the ceiling, forming a magic circle that removed the stench and pungent odor in the secret room and brought in fresh air from the outside world.

Needless to say, Moriarty and the professors must have remodeled the secret room to make it comfortable and pleasant. Marcus grinned and continued to read.

On the huge stone pillar surrounded by serpents is a shield badge, which is the Hogwarts school badge that Moriarty mentioned earlier. The part that symbolizes Slytherin becomes extra protruding.

The students were attracted by the decoration of the secret room. In order to see it clearly, they scattered away. Whenever someone walked under the stone pillar, the silver snake on the badge would wriggle and spit out letters.

The crowd was a little crowded at first, but fortunately, the secret room was big enough. As William and the other little snakes walked into the depths of the secret room, there was an empty space.

The appearance in the depths of the secret room was not much different from what Marcus saw when he first entered the secret room, but it became bright and warm.

The statue of Salazar Slytherin, which was as high as the room itself, still stood, under which Moriarty and the professors led by Dumbledore stood, but the little snakes all looked up at the statue, looking at all shocked!

Lilith looked at Moriarty suddenly, and then at the statue—she turned her head three times in a second, just to see if there was anything in common between Moriarty and the statue, and the answer was no.

Then Lilith didn’t know what to think, she lowered her head and giggled, her shoulders trembling with laughter.

Gemma, Tonks, Penello, and many other girls who came in later laughed like this.

Seeing more and more students entering, the smile on Dumbledore’s face bloomed like a daisy: “We continue to talk about our topic, Moriarty, you really intend to donate the Slytherin Chamber to Ho Gwarz, for a classroom?”

The professors looked at Moriarty. The secret room was Slytherin’s private property. If Moriarty didn’t agree, the school couldn’t forcibly occupy the secret room.

Moriarty nodded, “After today, the Chamber of Secrets will be a symbol, symbolizing that the British wizarding world will no longer have prejudice against Slytherin Academy! Slytherin’s quality should be inherited, I remember that there is no alchemy class in the school, I think there’s an alchemy class in the Chamber of Secrets.”

Speaking of alchemy, Moriarty and Dumbledore thought of one person at the same time—Nicole LeMay.

“If you can really clear up the misunderstanding of the wizards about Slytherin Academy, I will personally go to France and hire an old friend of mine to teach alchemy.”

After various incidents, Dumbledore has placed Moriarty on the same level as him, and he has no doubt that Moriarty can eliminate the gap between the four academies – which Moriarty has already done arrive.

But the prejudice in people’s hearts is like an indestructible mountain, and even an archmage with the power to move mountains is powerless.

Adult wizards have a deep-rooted notion that Slytherin Academy is rich in dark wizards. Dumbledore doesn’t think Moriarty can reverse this concept, but if Moriarty does, Dumbledore will surely make a profit.

So Dumbledore still made a bet with Moriarty, and Moriarty agreed.

He looked at the crowd of people and said meaningfully: “They are the seeds of hope. Maybe I can’t shake the thinking of the British wizarding world, but I can change the thinking of a generation.”

The faces of the professors changed slightly, they subconsciously remembered Voldemort, and young Tom once, like today, looked down at his supporters and explained his ideas.

Dumbledore didn’t speak, but looked at Moriarty deeply. He had already made a mistake in the process of educating Tom, and he didn’t want to make a second mistake.

“I ask everyone to be quiet. I remember that Professor Dumbledore asked me what the purpose of Salazar’s ancestors left the secret room. I will tell you now.”

Moriarty’s voice was not very loud, but it was clearly heard in the ears of every student. Everyone watched Moriarty pointed at the statue with his cedar wand.

The mouth of the statue became the mouth of the hole, and the basilisk Shiva climbed out and coiled at the mouth of the hole.

The students panicked, but seeing only smiles in the eyes of their principal and professor, they quickly calmed down, and William shouted, “Look, the basilisk’s eyes are closed!”

“I’m glad you found this out,” Moriarty said, “Shiva told me that Patriarch Salazar kept her in the Chamber of Secrets to protect Hogwarts, not to purify Hogwarts as rumored.

For thousands of years, the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets has become a terrifying place under the smears of people with a heart, and Tom, as I said before, turned the rumors into reality. ”

Lilith stood up and asked, “Moriarty, will the Basilisk Shiva always guard Hogwarts?”

“Good question!” Moriarty walked in front of the students with a happy tone: “Shiva will always guard Hogwarts if I allow it, but when I saw everyone entering this place with cards and snake scales After the secret room, I changed my mind. There are already people in this school who are more suitable for guarding Hogwarts than Shiva – us!

That’s why I say we’re all Slytherin heirs! ”

Charlie stood up, “Have we learned from Slytherin that there is only protection?”

Moriarty replied to him: “It’s not just Slytherin who has left the guardian, the big four all have this meaning, but the ancestors of Salazar left the message of guardianship first. I have a guess that the ancestors of Salazar were the first to find out. There was some kind of threat, so I left the secret room.”

The students discussed that they had always been interested in the past of the Big Four, and Charlie said to Percy: “I should look around in the castle, maybe I can find the secret room left by Gryffindor, and make another Gryffindor. Many heirs!”

“Move your brains, don’t fantasize about adventure stories all day!” Professor Snape said suddenly, his face was ugly since he entered the secret room, “Mr. Slytherin, although I agree with your theory of Slytherin succession. , doesn’t mean I’ll agree to have my students take a class with a basilisk!”

“Actually, I can solve this problem without you telling me.” Moriarty nodded slightly at Tonks, Tonks, Jericho, and Marcus walked to his side.

Tonks took out his wand and condensed the runes. Jericho climbed on the ground under the statue and measured the size. Marcus took out the magic materials and piled them into a hill.

Moriarty waved his wand, and the magic of the water element surged out, swaying in the air, making ripples one after another. People felt a chill hit, and soon, a vague magic circle appeared on the ground.

“Pata!” Moriarty snapped his fingers and called out in snake language, “In the name of the Big Four, summon Slytherin’s goblin subordinate, Ingo!”

With a crisp sound of “Boom”, the fairy Ingo appeared out of nowhere from above the secret room. Moriarty ordered him to condense the rune of Tonks and engrave it on the space magic circle.

Everyone stared at this scene, doesn’t Hogwarts forbid Displacement? How the goblins got in.

No one asked, they just guessed that it was related to Moriarty. They watched Ingo open his hands and open his mouth, chanting an unknown spell silently.

The magic circle on the ground changed from fuzzy to clear, the runes flew over, and the magic materials that Marcus had arranged also flew up, turned into powder in the air, and sprinkled on the magic circle.

Moriarty picked up his wand, pointed left and right at the magic circle, and cast a large memory spell and permanent curing spell.

When Dumbledore heard Moriarty’s spell, a familiar feeling instantly rose in his heart, and he looked at Moriarty in surprise: How could Moriarty know about the spell that GG and I developed together ?

With Ingo’s help, the process of engraving the magic circle didn’t last long. Ten minutes later, Ingo nodded to Moriarty, looking at his face, he didn’t seem to want to stay at Hogwarts for even a moment. , Moriarty also sent him away.

Then Shiva obeyed Moriarty’s instructions and climbed into the magic circle and coiled up. Moriarty patted her head, then retreated outside the magic circle, holding her wand high.

“Talk to me – Slytherin!”

“Open your eyes to see death, close your eyes to the future!”

“Every angel has a past, and every demon has a future!”

Three mysterious incantations came out of Moriarty’s mouth, as if the switch of the magic circle was pressed, and a dazzling silver light shot into the magic circle from the tip of the wand, and a hiss sounded in everyone’s ears. , the Basilisk Shiva disappeared.

“Ding Dong~ Detected that the host completed the task of bringing the snake home~ Reward the host with 5,000 points!”

After earning 5,000 points all at once, Moriarty saw Legilimency and Occlumency beckoning to him.

“Did it work?” Tonks asked. After getting Moriarty’s affirmative answer, she, Jericho, Marcus and others were as happy as they had won the battle.

The students surrounded them and asked what happened.

Sijiao shook his head regretfully. He had no feelings for the basilisk, and he hoped to kill the basilisk. For a potion master, the thousand-year-old basilisk is full of treasures.

Dumbledore walked to the magic circle and took a few glances, “The combination of ancient spells and goblin craftsmanship seems…not to be used a second time.”

“Yes, but I think this is enough to impress Nicole Lemay.”

Moriarty sighed. Naturally, the magic circle he hastily arranged cannot be compared with the thousand-year-old magic circle built by Salazar ancestors. The attention of the art master.

Dumbledore blushed, and the bet he had made with Moriarty was actually that he had tricked Moriarty, but Moriarty had already thought about inviting Nicole LeMay to come. conditions of.

He clapped his hands to attract the attention of the students, and said with a smile: “I discussed it with Moriarty, and he generously agreed to donate the secret room to us as a classroom, and the school will also hire alchemy master Nicole. Lemay, professor of alchemy at Hogwarts! Now, I can also proudly say that I am the heir of Slytherin!”

“No, what you said is incomplete.” Moriarty smiled, and then said in unison with the students, “We are all Slytherin heirs!”

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