Chapter 3: Too Long
After a few months or so. Sam was standing infront of another carriage, once again. He was putting out some menial tasks as two old people spoke near a campfire.
"Have you heard... They say that the other four are bringing more gifts and people." The hunched old geezer said.
"The main thing is people... The gifts are just for show. Believe me when they mess up our continent... then the Emperor will finally realise his mistake." The one sitting at the campfire said while frying a fish on a stick.
"I know right... He is as old as us, but still got no sense of the world. When will he believe people like us who support our continent."
"People like us are ones who sacrifice for this whole continent and they can't even listen to the common people's words. I swear if I see anyone from those four lands, I will lunge at them immediately. They disgust me for leeching off our hard work." The one sitting at the campfire arched his back and called out, "Ah... Sam! The Pain is here again. Massage my back, will you kiddo."
Sam immediately got over and worked on his back while mumbling low so the oldy doesn't hear. 'Fucking geezer. Making me do their shit like this. I can't stand them.' After a while he stood again infront of the old guy with a smile. "Sir it's done. It will not pain you more now."
"Ahh what a good boy you are. You sure do know how to help oldies like us. Well you can't fix that geezer huh, cause he hunched all over. Haha."
"Goodness... My back can't be undone, so why are you laughing on that. Don't worry it'll happen to you soon too. Haha." The hunched man said and then he looked at Sam. "Don't worry Kid. We are still taking you to the empire of the continent. Although we will stop at the outskirts of the empire, our good old carriage will get us there safely. Even though it was odd of you to approach us weeks ago, but it's good enough."
"Yeah it's good. You know Sam, you should grow up to be a better man. Remember to show those kids from those four continents that the people here are no less. They are all bark no bite, don't worry kid you will be fine up against them." The other replied while gazing at Sam with a gleam.
"Uh.. Sure Sir. I will try... Well I came here cause of that same reason to you so I can reach the empire. You see I heard the Fate Selection will be held in the Empire Collectively this time." Sam replied nervously.
"Yeah, the one of this year has already happened. The next will be a major one held next year at the centre of the Empire." The hunched one said.
"Don't be fazed Sam. Even if all of the kids from the other four continents are coming for next year's fate selection, I'm sure someone like you, from our continent will be better from them. Don't worry Sam, I'll be rooting for you."
"Me too. Go show them kid."
"Thanks sir. I'll try for next year's fate selection since I had been planning for that. Well I gotta get the carriage ready sir, since we will be moving Tommorow too." Sam walked back to the carriage, While tearing up a little.
'Fuck. Fucking Hell. First after these so long months of getting from one place to the other and then to another. I somehow got some comprehension about this world. But who knew I would miss out on this year's Fate Selection.' he banged against the carriage a little bit. 'And what fucking joke is this. Kids from all the other four continents coming for it too?! Would I even be selected? Fuck I atleast want to learn magic. This reincarnation is hell.'
Someday after the start of the next year, Sam finally got to the centre of the continent. Where the Empire's main places were spread out. And what he saw there was too astounding even for him.
'Too Long. A whole year of travelling with one person to another and at the same time working while gathering information from all of them about this world. But it still is too Impressive, This Floating Castle!!!'
Sam looked up, where at first through the clouds it looked like a giant rock floating in the air. Giant was an understatement, The Rock could swallow a good sized city whole. As the clouds brushed away, one could see the grand and intricate structure of a castle. Floating on top of the clouds, and chained to the ground by its towers. It stayed there sustained by some sort of energy.
Sam wanted to tear up at this sight. 'Alteast, I can be impressed after so long. Well this reincarnation isn't too much of a hell either. Hehe. Finally the moment I have been waiting for... which will obviously wouldn't happen cause I have to maybe wait this whole year for the fate selection!!' he wanted to punch something but controlled himself. 'Calm down Sam. You got this. What's one more year against the almost 9 years I had endured. Hehe. I can already imagine what I'll do with Magic. Well atleast... If I even get selected for it... I hope I do...'
The Fate Selection was wierd from what Sam had heard. The common thing was there was something called the 4 Great Destinies. Which was given to people at birth, randomly. The way it worked was between the harmony of those 4. In a way, one can look at those 4 as separate energies that repel each other so much as it wants to separate out of the person. Many don't manage to achieve a harmony with even one. While very few get to achieve harmony with 2! Achieving 3 Great Destinies Harmony is atleast a dream as only a few numbered people in the whole history have managed to do it. The most famous example is the Emperor of the Continent himself, which kind of made his identity as the Emperor.
'Ahh... This is so confusing. Harmony... Destinies. I don't even have the whole awareness after travelling with those people from the outskirts so long. Well atleast things will be a bit better in the empire... Or so I have heard.'
A Lady was standing infront of Sam, "Are you Lost Kid?"
"Um.. No. I'm just new in the empire here. I was wandering around these few big buildings. Could you tell me a bit about the Fate Selection as I don't know much. I came from somewhere out in the continent."
"Oh the Fate Selection. Yeah, So you haven't been selected? Well it's a bummer. As this next one is going to be a big one. Still don't lose hope kid, if your destiny is good then you will get selected easily, even if it's with only One. The Empire looks after the ones with destiny appropriately, since it's the only continent where we can all have the diverse range of the 4 Great Destinies. Whereas the situation is different in the other 4 continents." The lady then sized him up and asked, "Kid, You are old enough right? You know the Fate Selection is for 10 to 12 Years Old. Before or After that it's much less impossible or a stroke of fate."
"Wha-What? Oh... I mean if I guess, I should be nine by now..." Sam looked pleadingly at the Woman. 'What the fuck. I don't want to wait anymore. Even if the Fate Selection after this one would have less people, I still want to get in sooner.'... "Um.. Miss... When will this next Fate Selection be held?"
"Hahaha. Don't worry Kid. If you just turned 9 then it should be fine enough. Since this one is a special Fate Selection where maybe the kids from other four will come too, then most probably it will be held after the end of This year. Well anyways, I gotta go too kid. Read some books in the library near or the records of the Administration Guild, I'm sure it will have most of the information you need regarding it." The lady then turned around and walked away.
'She seemed good and patient. But... What the Fu- Again! Waiting and going from people to people. Ahh I'm so tired of it. But atleast this time I'm clear. One year it is. Hopefully if my calculations or guesswork is correct I'll turn 10 this year, maybe right near the Fate Selection. Please be it so.' Sam looks at his hands while silently pleading, 'Hehe. I can already imagine what these hands will do with the destiny I get... Well If I get it... I'm sure I will... Maybe... Fucking Reincarnation don't be a hell that time, I swear I should atleast get one Destiny alright or whatever it is... Maybe... Urgh I miss my PC...'