The Beautiful Monster

Chapter 263  Kiss

Chapter 263  Kiss

Tyler hummed under his breath in a thoughtful manner.

"Is she as studious as you?" he asked.

Melina shrugged.

"Not as much, but she's still pretty powerful," she replied.

She felt like she and Blair were around the same level when it came to practicing magic.

If they faced off, it would be a close match, but she had no intentions to fight her friend.

"We should have a rematch sometime," Tyler said, nudging her playfully. "But you can't electrocute me."

"You caught me off guard. I played fair," Melina laughed as she shook her head. She reacted exactly how she should've.

Tyler shared in her laughter, their amused sounds mingling together. When the noise died down, they still smiled at each other, their expressions softening as their shoulders touched.

"Would I only be able to feel your magic through your hands?" he asked her.

Melina gave him a perplexed look, wondering what he meant.

"I think it's all over my body," she told him.

"All over?" Tyler murmured as his eyes dropped down to her lips. "What else can you make me feel?"

Melina's heart threatened to beat out of her chest as her eyes slipped down to his lips. Her caution went out the window as his flirty words wrapped around her brain. She had an idea that she couldn't pass up.

"Want to see?" she asked him, feeling energy build up inside of her.

Tyler nodded before leaning forward, meeting her halfway to kiss her gently.

Melina dialed down the electric feeling to incredibly low, only making him feel soft sparks as their lips touched.

She felt him smile into the kiss, prompting a warm feeling to spread all over her. She had never felt this way before, and she knew that it wasn't the magic. It was him.

Tyler reached up and gently touched her cheek, drawing her closer as his lips moved against hers.

Melina melted into his touch, leaning her body against his. She couldn't believe that she was kissing him right now, but she couldn't get herself to stop. It felt too good, too warm, too welcoming.

She felt safety in his touch, whether his hand was on hers or his lips were against hers. She let the magic seep away, dying down with a soft crackle.

Tyler pushed his hand into her hair, his teeth gently pulling her bottom lip.

A hint of fang drifted across the soft tissue, drawing a shaky breath from Melina.

He started to pull away to make sure she was fine, but she caught him off guard as she pushed him onto his back.

Melina leaned down to reconnect their lips, caressing his cheek with her hand. She didn't know what had come over her, but she knew that she wanted to be with him. She had never felt so alive before, like fire had been set to her in a good way.

Tyler ran his other hand down her side, tracing her curves as their kiss deepened. His fangs slightly protruded, but he kissed her carefully, being sure not to hurt her.

Melina tentatively ran her tongue along one of his fangs, feeling a burning sensation take over her whole body.

She loved kissing him, feeling him. Her desire was prominent, refusing to be ignored. She kept moving faster and faster, letting her hand roam all over him to feel him.

"Hold on," Tyler breathed against her lips, a soft chuckle breaking from him.

Melina pulled back, her lips tingling as she touched them lightly with her fingertips. They nearly felt numb, but she loved the feeling.

"Sorry, I got a little carried away," she said with a deep blush.

"Oh, no. Don't apologize," Tyler said. "I really liked what was happening. I just didn't want to rush it."

"Yeah, I'm… I don't really…" Melina kept trailing off, not sure how to word her response. When she saw Tyler gazing at her with a gentle expression, she finally pieced a sentence together. "I've never done anything with anyone before."

Tyler smiled at her as he sat up, brushing his fingers through her hair.

"Then, you should take your time. There's no need to rush," he assured her.

Melina felt her heart skip. She was glad that he was so nice about it. She always felt nervous at the prospect of having to tell someone that she was a virgin, even if it really wasn't a big deal. She just made it out to be in her head.

"Thank you," she told him sincerely.

"Want to keep talking?" Tyler asked her as he grabbed the wine. "We have plenty to drink."

With a light laugh, Melina nodded, looking forward to the rest of their "study session". She didn't even care that she didn't get any studying done. She had just as much fun learning about him.


There was no denying her feelings about Tyler. She really liked him and wanted to be around him as much as possible.

They saw each other before and after their classes, sneaking around and seeing each other as much as possible.

She couldn't remember how many times they kissed in dark corners, pretending the world wasn't around them. It felt like she had slipped into a dream, finally escaping the nightmare that her life had been lately.

Melina still hadn't told Blair about them yet. She felt bad about lying to her friend, but she knew that Blair would pitch a fit about her being with Tyler after she warned her to stay away from him.

 She just didn't know him, and Melina didn't think that she was going to give him a chance and try to know him, even for her sake. That made her sad, but it was hard to stay sad when Tyler was around.

Through their quick conversations in the hallways and their long conversations at night, she learned so much about him.

He wasn't a witch, but he enjoyed nature and was fascinated by all the herbs that she kept in her dorm.

He told her more about his time in the orphanage and how he had to learn how to keep his vampiric identity hidden from others.

It had been a struggle for him, but it made him stronger when it came to controlling his bloodthirst.

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