The Backbender (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Chapter 39: Chapter 39: Cruel Striker!

"Capture them!" Azula's voice jolts the soldiers into action. They ran towards Iroh and Zuko, spears in hand. Iorh sighs as his feelings come true, while Zuko grits his teeth in anger and confusion.

"Azula! What is the meaning of this? Father called us back. Do you want to go against him?" Zuko questioned as he jumped past a fireball. Azula smirked as he watched Zuko kick the soldier into the water.

"Oh, Zuzu. You never learn, do you? Father does not want you back. I spread the word that he does. He sent me to capture you and Uncle." Zuko's eyes opened wide as he heard his sister say that. 

"Impossible! You must be trying to trick me, like always?!" Zuko said in a loud and rejecting voice. But everybody can hear from his shaky voice that he does not believe that.

Azula smirked as he looked at Zuko. He started running towards the warship, and with a jump, he got on it. He ran towards Azula. Flaming daggers appear in his hands.

"It is true! I was sent to capture you. And I will." Azula jumped forward with an axe kick, sending Zuko back as he blocked with crossed arms. Zuko shrugged the pain off from his arms and slashed at his sister.

"That's not true!" Zuko's voice was heard as he continued attacking Azula with low kicks and high-top stabs from his daggers. Azula perfectly evaded or countered each of his moves.

She moved with precision and understanding, her body like a dancer who has mastered the dance from thousands of hours of training. But in fact, that was just natural talent.

Born with Blue fire that is almost twice as hot as normal flames. Azula learned how to generate lightning at the mere age of fourteen. She was a prodigy like no other.

Zuko could never compare to her without the teachings of Iroh and the dragons teaching him. Azula was just that much more talented. The only reason she lost in the finale was because of her breakdown.

She was also never seen practising to get better at her bending or make her flames hotter. Azula's potential to become the most powerful Fire Bender alive and in the future.

But that's for another time.

"He~ Why are you still so weak, Zuzu?" Azula taunted her brother as she swept him from under his feet. Zuko is two years younger, yet so much weaker than Azula.

"Shut up!" Zuko screamed as he jumped at her. Azula smirked as she landed a kick on his chest, sending Zuko flying a few meters away from her.

"It's enough playing around. I think I had enough fun." Azula's eyes turned cold and dangerous as she stared at Zuko. She bent down and spread her legs to the side. Her arms started going in a circular motion.


Lightning crackled around Azula, and with a cold stare, she sent a lightning bolt towards Zuko. But Iroh intervened at the right time.


Iroh appeared and grabbed her hand before redirecting the lightning towards a cliff. The cliff collapsed as the lightning struck, making a hole in the cliff.


"Ugh!" Azula groaned as her hand was pulled out of her shoulder socket. Iroh turned and kicked her down into the side of the ship. Azula turned over and fell into the water, pain on her face.

"Come! We must run!" Iroh said as he grabbed Zuko from the floor. The two turned around and ran away, the soldiers getting hit out of their way.

Meanwhile, the gang travelled for a few days before arriving at Omashu. Kanuk looks down and notices that Fire Nation flags. It was hanging everywhere in the city.

"So the city was conquered. What a pain in the ass." Kanuk thought about exploding every single Fire Nation soldier into a cloud of blood, but that would only make people afraid of him, so he held back.

"Well, looks like we won't have a pleasant time looking for a teacher. We have to go to another place for that." Fei looked down at the city and almost jumped to save Bumi, but her shoulder was held.

"Don't. I already talked to Bumi. He does not want you to save him." Fei looks down with confusion but decides to trust in Kanuk.

"Okay. But why?" She asked.

"Because he says the best thing to do sometimes is to do nothing," Kanuk said with a smirk. Katara, Yue and Fei looked at Kanuk with weird and confused faces.

"Hat? So he is just gonna watch his city be conquered?" Katara asked in confusion as she raised her brow. Yue clenched her hands as she remembered the Fire Nation killing the spirits and even attacking her tribe.

"Kanuk! We have to help them. You are powerful enough to stop them," Yue asked, her voice laced with hope that Kanuk would help the city below them.

"Fine. Just this once thought." Kanuk turned around, and the three girls let a smile appear. They watched with shining eyes as a ball of water condensed on Kanuk's fingertip.

"Piercing Blood! X24 Fold!" 


The light shimmered in the air as the city of Omashu saw 24 beams of shining water descending from the sky. It looked like the heavens were angry as they spread like a web.

The Fire Nation soldiers did not even know what hit them as a hole the size of a finger burned right through their foreheads.

Kanuk stood on the edge of Appa's back. His eyes closed, and with a smile, he put his hands up like he was leading a band of musicians to perform.

Katara, Fei and Yue watched with fascination as the beams of water stirred around Kanuk, showering his figure in a blue light.

Like puppets having their strings cut, the Fire Nation soldiers fell. Their eyes turned grey and dull. A tiny hole blew into their foreheads by piercing blood. 

Kanuk did not only do that. He waved his right hand, and the moisture in the bodies on the ground was sucked out. First was their skin.

It turned grey and dull, wrinkles appeared, and it turned dry. Turning into a dry powder that fell from the muscles. The red muscles and nerves were revealed. The muscles were in line.

The muscles started thinning out from their bodies. It turned thinner and thinner as the blood was sucked out. Their eyes popped out, and blood leaked out from the hole in the forehead.

Their brains turned to ash, and then their entire bodies slowly withered away. Kanuk closed his eyes and let out a small but confident breath, his hands stopping in their movements.

"Interesting... This power. It's strong. Looks like a challenge stands before me, but unlike my foolish brother, I won't fail!." Azula muttered with a smirk as she watched the corpse wither slowly.

Behind her, a weirded-out Ty Lee watched, disgust on her face as the corpse withered. Mai just looked at the corpse with intrigue.

"Show... Over."

Kanuk placed his hands on his side. Kanuk sighed as his shiny black hair rustled in the wind. He opened his deep blue eyes, and inside those blue jewels was an emotion that never appeared before.

It felt like nothing.

It felt like he was stepping on a couple of ants. Kanuk opened his eyes, and for the first time since he was sent into this world. Kanuk's eyes held a different emotion than what he ever felt.


Fear for something other than an opponent or beast. It was fear he felt. For himself and the possibility of what he could become should he ever drown in power?

"No. My power is mine to control, not the other way around." Kanuk muttered as he clenched his fist. The clouds stirred and turned dark. Lightning boiled as the sky for thousands of miles churned with confidence.

"Let's go," Kanuk muttered as he turned around. While on the ground under Appa. Azula watched with her golden eyes shining.

"So you are the one who wiped out the fleet of warships," Azula muttered with a sadistic smirk.



Leave a power stone!

I explored Kanuk's emotions, which are starting to detach from the world. He is practically a god and can do whatever he wants, but he does not want to lose himself to power.

If I had power like that. I would start doing whatever I want.

That's all I'm saying.

You guys disappointed me today. I thought we would get to 1000 power stones, but we didn't.

So, no third chapter for you!

Leave a power stone, and I might do 2 chapters tomorrow!

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