The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 4 Malfoy, so cute

"I'm Ash Black." Ash smiled and held the girl's hand, which felt as tender as milk pudding.

Cassandra's tone became a little excited when she heard the three words Black:

"Are you from the Black family?"

Ash thought carefully and replied:

"So be it."

Cassandra said happily:

"Then we should still be cousins."

Her mother, Narcissa Malfoy, was from the Black family.

Ash asked with a smile:

"Why are we siblings and not brothers and sisters? I think I should be a little older than you."

Cassandra said a little unconvinced:

"My birthday is June 5, 1980, what's yours?"

Ash thought for a moment and said seriously:

"I'm definitely a little older than you."

Yazi, who is probably more than a hundred years older, is only a few hundred million years older.

Cassandra's delicate face was a little tangled, and she finally spoke after a long time:


Ash's eyes were a little subtle, are you serious, Cassandra.

Ash couldn't laugh or cry, and said sincerely:

"Sorry, I was joking."

Cassandra said angrily:

"So you're actually younger than me?"

"No, I'm definitely older than you."

Ash knew she had misunderstood and patiently comforted her:

"I mean, we can totally call each other names."

After all, if we really wanted to talk about it, then Cassandra would not call him cousin, but call him several great-grandfathers...

"So, Ash."

Cassandra took great advantage of Ash's comfort. Although her face was still a little rosy, her tone had returned to normal and she said proudly:

"My parents were next door buying me books and wands, and then I had to drag them to see Broomsticks."

Speaking of flying broomsticks, the girl's tone was obviously much more excited.

Ash reminded:

"I remember first years weren't allowed to have their own broomstick."

Cassandra was speechless and said harshly:

"Anyway, I want dad to buy me one. At worst, I can find a way to sneak it in myself!"

As if knowing that she was not confident enough, Cassandra asked as if changing the subject:

"Do you have your own broomstick?"

"I have before." Ash replied truthfully.

Not that long ago, maybe a hundred years.

The girl's eyes lit up and she asked impatiently:

"So have you ever played Quidditch?"

"Fought." Ash thought for a moment and nodded slightly under the girl's expectant eyes.

The fight took place a hundred years ago, although it was still yesterday in his memory.

Cassandra waved her pink fist and said confidently:

"Then we have to have a good fight when we get to school. I will definitely win!"

"Well, I believe you."

Ash looked at her tenderly, like an adult doting on a neighbor's child.

Cassandra was a little angry, stamped her feet, and said dissatisfied:

"I'm serious! Don't hold back until then!"

Ash looked at the girl's serious look, thought for a moment and said:

"Okay, then you are not allowed to cry."

"Who would cry!" Kassandra exploded again.

For the first time, she had peers who were willing to recognize her and people who were willing to be friends with her.

The two joys overlap each other, and this double joy brings more joy. We should have had a dreamlike happy time, but why is this friend so irritating!

He used such a gentle expression and tone, but the words he said were so irritating!

Cassandra was angry, but she couldn't get angry at Ash, who gave her a gentle smile, so she could only sulk alone.


After measuring the clothes, Harley ran over excitedly and waved to say hello to Ash.

Cassandra, who happened to be angry and had nowhere to vent her anger, looked at Harry sideways and said in a disdainful tone:

"Huh? Mudblood?"

Harley stopped slowly, puffed up her face and looked at Cassandra.

Although she didn't understand what 'Mudblood' meant, the other person's expression proved that it was not a good word.

Ash suddenly put away his gentle expression and said in a serious tone:

"Cassandra, you shouldn't call someone that."

Cassandra's little face turned red with anger, you actually yelled at me for a mudblood?

Harley blinked, feeling suddenly very happy.

Ash's expression was still serious, and he said earnestly:

"Cassandra, swearing is a sign of lack of education. I don't want you to become that person."

For a child like Cassandra who has been crooked since childhood, it is useless to blindly reason. It will only stimulate her rebellious psychology.

So you can’t just say, ‘Didn’t your parents teach you that cursing is uncultured? ’ In this way, even if Cassandra knew that it was wrong to curse, she would definitely become angry and unwilling to admit her mistake.

But if you change your mind and tell her, 'In my heart you are a good girl, and I don't want to ruin your image in my mind', then Cassandra's acceptance will be greatly improved.

Of course, the premise for this is that Cassandra has a certain affection for him, otherwise no matter how carefully she talks, she will just be talking to a bull.

When Cassandra heard Ash's sincere words, she lowered her head with some guilt and whispered:

"I, I know."

Seeing that Cassandra was showing signs of giving in, Ash asked while the iron was hot:

"Cassandra, do you know who the Mudblood is scolding?"

"I..." Cassandra subconsciously looked at Harley aside.

Ash said calmly:

"You're not scolding her, you're scolding me, you're scolding yourself."

"Huh?" Harley and Cassandra made surprised sounds at the same time.

Arousing Cassandra's curiosity, Ash asked again:

"Cassandra, who is the ancestor of the Malfoy family?"

"It's Armand Malfoy," Cassandra replied.

Her father's name comes from that ancestor, which is the embodiment of her father's inheritance of family glory.

Ash nodded slightly and continued:

"Yes, Lucius I, he is a wizard who only became famous in the eleventh century, and it is only more than 900 years ago. The history of the wizarding world can be traced back to thousands of years ago. Then push forward a bit Thousands of years ago, before Armand Malfoy became prosperous and became a wizard, who was the Malfoy family?"

"Mudblood..." The word Cassandra had just used to taint Harley flashed in her mind, but she found it difficult to say it out. Ash's words made her suddenly realize that her family, the Black family, and all the pure-blood families going back hundreds or thousands of years, weren't they all Mudbloods?

When she was scolding Harley, wasn't she also scolding her own ancestors? She thought she was insulting others, but she was actually insulting herself!

Cassandra blushed suddenly, but she was never one to admit her mistakes. Although she held it in for a long time, she still said:


The apology was addressed to Harley, although it was so small that it was almost inaudible.

"It doesn't matter."

Harley responded with a sweet smile, she was not a small-minded person.


Harley glanced at Ash secretly, she didn't want to become an uneducated person.

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