The Adventurer’s Academy

Homecoming and Storms, Part Two

{Another Week and a Half Later}

5 weeks. In the end, Rin went missing for 5 long weeks. However, heralded by thunder cracking above and rain pouring on top of her, it was finally coming to a close.

With Eve, Cara, and Sye flanking her by her sides, Rin walked up to Libera's northern gates, and she genuinely felt like she was in a dream, terrible weather aside. When last she'd seen this city, she'd been fairly optimistic about her chances out in the wilderness. Now, she was painfully aware of just how much she needed to improve before she reached any real level of competence.

"We're here," Cara announced. "Congratulations, you're back."

"… It feels so weird," Rin laughed.

"Take it in," Cara said, and Rin could almost see her smiling. "I'd say, it would be best for you to head back to the Academy and get settled in again before you do anything else. But, you can go wherever you want to and come back later, if you want."

"No, no," Rin shook her head. "I need a fucking shower."

Eve laughed and floated over to her.

"Same! Come on, let's take a shower!"

"W-What, together?"

The fairy had already made her mind up though, and Rin was dragged away.


"You have so many twigs and leaves in your hair," Eve told her.

"… Well, I've been sleeping on dirt for five weeks, so, yeah."

After returning to the Academy, the two of them made a beeline for the showers. They didn't run into any of their classmates on the way, which Rin appreciated, as it let her freshen up before anyone caught sight of her. And, as she'd tossed away her armor and placed Xhez's bag, which had the sprite still in it, resting, atop a nearby sink, Rin realized just how badly she needed some soap in her life.

Both Eve and Rin were naked, with Rin sitting on a plastic chair, hunched over, and Eve behind her, scrubbing her with her soap-covered hands.

"So, what happened out there?" Eve asked her as she cleaned Rin up from behind.


"I-I mean, you were gone for five weeks! Did you see anything cool?"

"Anything cool?" The first thing Rin thought of was the cave. The bodies inside, the psychos who had tried to kill her. "Not really… But, I was pretty scared though," Rin shrugged. "Maybe if I wasn't fighting for my life out there, things would have been a little more interesting."

"Oh, uh, sorry."

"No, no," she shook her head, briefly looking back. "It's okay. I get it, I'm just saying, you know?"

"Yeah, of course."

A peaceful quiet came over them, and Rin closed her eyes. Eve's hands on her back felt calming, and after all this time, she figured she was allowed some time to relax, so she let herself focus on them as she kept her head low.

"I was so worried," Eve told her with a small voice.

"I hadn't realized," Rin answered, a little surprised to hear that.

"You're one of like, three cool people I've met in this place. Everyone else is either an asshole or just weird," Eve giggled.

When she heard that last part, Xhez came to Rin's mind.

"… I don't think being weird is a bad thing," she replied.

"Yeah? Me neither, honestly, but still! It taught me something."

"What's that?"

"That we've been going about this whole thing way too, how do I say this? Isolated. We should be partnering up, you know? Training with each other, making sure we're all prepared."

"… Hm," Rin considered that. "I like that idea, but good luck coordinating everyone else."

"We don't need 'everyone else', just you, me, Lisa, maybe two others, and we're good!"

"Eh, well, okay, I guess…" She muttered.

"Just you wait, I'll ask around. I'm serious! I really believe in this little idea of mine."

Rin laughed a little, as Eve's hands moved up to her shoulders. It took a while, especially since the two of them were more focused on talking than actually bathing, but after almost half an hour in there, they came out both wrapped in towels, and Rin could genuinely feel the dirt having been scrubbed, at least mostly, off of her.

"Let me change for a second," Rin said, carrying Xhez's bag as well. "I'll be out quick."


Casually, Rin walked into her room with a little smile. Eve had done a great job of welcoming her back to the city, so far. But, when Rin saw a certain sunlight-haired girl in her room, she stopped.

Elisa was there, laying on her bed and listening to the radio by her bed. As Rin entered the room, she saw Elisa's lips part and Rin took a deep breath. Before everything that had happened, she had been angry at Elisa due to her utter disregard for Eve, but now… Well, she just didn't have the energy for that. At least, not right now. So, she walked over to her drawers and took some basic clothes out, setting Xhez's bag on top of it. She tied it closed, just in case Elisa caught a peek of what was inside.

"You're back," Elisa said with some disbelief.

"… Yeah," Rin sighed. "I am."

Just like that, the conversation started and ended.

Rin walked back outside with her towel and the bag and put her clothes on in the bathroom. Moments later, she and Eve were outside, together. A few of the other students ended up passing by at that point and saw her.

Sara was the first. The girl barely paid Rin any mind and just passed her by casually. Afterward, though, Lisa and Dylan walked up the steps and walked through the halls, running into Eve and Rin.

"Oh, by the Divine…" Lisa muttered. "Rin, you're alive!"

"I am," Rin chuckled as Lisa walked up and hugged her. Dylan, the ashen-skinned boy with crimson eyes, gave her a polite smile.

"I am glad to see we did not lose a classmate so soon," Dylan stated.

"Everyone thought you were dead!"

"I, uh, thought I was gonna die too a couple of times. I didn't, though, so yeah," Rin said with a cheeky grin and a chuckle.

"W-We should celebrate!" Lisa told them, looking from one face to another for agreement. Eve and Rin made eye contact and Rin shrugged.

"I wouldn't mind but, uh, I kinda just want to relax for tonight."

"Doesn't have to be tonight, maybe next week or something," Lisa responded and Rin considered it.

"Hm… Okay," she nodded, looking over at Eve.

"Yeah," Eve agreed as well. "Sounds good."

"Yay!" Lisa, with the same "kindergarten teacher" energy that Rin remembered her having, put a fist up as she cheered.

Just like that, both Lisa and Dylan walked away. As they did, Rin noticed a slightly sad look on Eve's face.

"Uh, are you okay?"

"What? Y-Yeah," Eve nodded. "So, wanna go get a drink?"

"I… Nah, I… I just want to get some sleep."

"Oh, I understand," Eve replied, before shooting her a quick smile. "I'm glad you made it back, Rin."

"I'm glad to be back," she said, and, with a couple of "goodbyes", they parted ways.

Thunder cracked in the sky, and Rin turned around, walking back into her room. Elisa watched her enter with a face that clearly said she wanted to speak to Rin, but she didn't say anything. Honestly, Rin was thankful for that. She hadn't realized how tired she was until she laid down and let her back fall against the soft bed.

[… Oh, Divine,] she thought. [I swear I might not wake up for another month.]

And so, her eyes closed, knowing that when tomorrow came, she had a lot to think about. She wasn't about to let anything like this happen again. She was going to pace herself, learn as much as she could, and train hard with Maria.

For now, though, everything could wait.

Well, everything except for one question Rin had in her mind.

"Elisa," she spoke up.

"Yeah?" Elisa asked.

"… Did Cara ever mention skeletons in class?"

"Skeletons?" Elisa asked, sounding absolutely baffled as to why Rin was asking about them.


"Uh, yeah."

"What rank are they?" Rin asked.

"Rank D, if I remember correctly," Elisa answered.

"… Really? Damn. Thanks."

With the sound of rain in her ears, Rin fell asleep shortly afterward.

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