The Adventurer’s Academy

Fists and Roses, Part One*

Note: This chapter is... quite gratuitous. 

Mostly, because this was originally released on my Patreon as a special chapter for Valentine's Day. So, just for the purposes of this chapter, and getting in the mood and all that, pretend it's Valentine's Day.

Also, if you see that little "*" in a title, it means it's pretty much a smut chapter. I figure that's a good way to do warnings for this sort of thing. 

Anyway, enjoy!




[... What am I even doing? This is so dumb,] Sylvia thought to herself as she walked down one of Libera's empty streets, with one of her closest friends by her side.

"Are you sure we aren't going to get mugged?" Sylvia asked her.

"Of course, not, but trust me. The sex is worth the risk!" Gwen promised, smiling so brightly her teeth nearly illuminated the moonlit road.

Sylvia was a dark-skinned noblewoman with silky black hair tied into a ponytail, wearing a simple brown shirt and a black skirt. Next to her, Gwen was wearing a dress with a v-neck cut so deep it nearly showed off her entire chest.

It was currently just a bit past midnight, a couple of days after Gwen had spoken to her about this mystery woman she'd met at the Rose Party that had taken place a week ago. She'd told Sylvia all about the way the woman approached her, consoled her, and ultimately fucked her brain out for a couple of gold coins, with the assurance that if she wanted that experience again, all she needed was to come here.

Somehow, someway, Gwen, in all her free-spiritedness, pitched to Sylvia that maybe the two of them could meet this girl together. Of course, being the best friends that they were, Gwen often enjoyed sharing as much of her life with Sylvia as she could.

This, however, seemed like a tad much to Sylvia, but she still accepted. Mainly, because this proposal was her one chance at something she'd always wanted. Looking at Gwen now, it popped up in the back of Sylvia's mind that she couldn't care less about this mystery girl. No, she was here for the brightly grinning girl next to her, who she'd always loved but never dared to try to confess to.

In that sense, she supposed she should thank this "Triss" lady for giving her an actual chance at that. Still, she was allowed to be nervous about it.

"Are you sure she can take multiple, ehm, customers at once?" Sylvia asked. She wondered if Gwen had even realized that, in doing this, the two of them were on their way to ask for a threesome.

[Has she always liked me like that?] Sylvia wondered. [Or, does she want to take turns individually?]

"I can't imagine why she wouldn't," Gwen shrugged, in a manner so carefree it made Sylvia envious. "She'll probably be elated to see us!"

"..." Sylvia nodded, looking away.

[Whatever happens, I just hope things stay as good as they are between us.]

Moments later, the two of them were arriving at the train station, where Gwen had said that Triss would apparently be waiting. The train had probably just recently finished its last trip for the day, as there were no guards anywhere nearby.

Instead, under one lit lamppost, was a white-haired woman sitting on a bench. Sylvia's eyes narrowed, trying to get a better look at her.

[Is that her?]

"That's her!" Gwen quickly answered her mind's question, and she started jogging over.

"W-Wait!" Sylvia said, following behind her.

As they got closer, the woman noticed them and stood up.

And, Sylvia stopped, as what she saw made her jaw drop.

[... By the Divine,] she thought, as Gwen nearly tackled her with a hug. [Is she real?]

What stood in front of her had to be the lewdest woman she'd ever seen. Curves packed up in a black dress that looked like they belonged on a bitchy love interest character in a trashy romance novel and not in real life like this. Tits that looked like they would give anyone who had them back problems. And, a face with amber eyes so inherently sultry and gorgeous that it made Sylvia feel like she was committing some sort of sin just by looking at them.

However, as she wrapped her own arms around Gwen, it became evident that she was actually real.

"It's good to see you," Triss told the woman. "How have you been?"

"Hmph," Gwen then took a step back, and, in a way that was such a contrast from how happy she'd been up until that point that it made Sylvia chuckle, she pouted. "I'm surprised you care. I've been good, actually."

"Of course, I care," Triss said, putting a hand on her face. "This all started because I wanted to help you, after all. It's great that you're doing well."

Hearing that, Sylvia took a deep breath, crossed her arms, and walked forward.

"Hm?" The woman ahead raised a brow. "Who's this?"

"Oh, sorry," Gwen's smile quickly returned. "This is Sylvia, my best friend," Gwen stated, running over to the woman and pulling her toward the supposed sex worker. Triss seemed amused. "I brought her here!"

"... Okay," Triss laughed. "Why's that?"

"Oh, ehm, I was wondering if you could do her too," Gwen said. She talked so openly that Sylvia felt her face warm up, and she looked away. "She's never been with a girl either, I thought it'd be fun!"

"Oh, is that so?" Triss asked. Then, she took a couple of steps over to her, and suddenly, Sylvia's vision was filled with nothing but that lewd woman. "Hi, what's your name?"

"Sylvia," the woman said, trying to sound proud. Her family had instilled that into her since she was a child, and she wasn't about to forget it here.

"Very pretty name," Triss said. "I'm Triss."

"I-I know," Sylvia replied.

"Oh..." Triss replied. The way Sylvia said that must have been a bit curt because her expression changed a little, as she looked Sylvia up and down. "Hey," she followed up. "Did she drag you here against your will?" She pointed at Gwen.

"What!? I-I wouldn't-" Gwen began to respond but Sylvia quickly clarified.

"No, no," she shook her head.

"Okay, just making sure," Triss giggled. "You seemed a bit put-off."

"I... I'm just nervous."

"Don't be," Triss replied, walking up to her and taking her hands gently. "Everything we're about to do is all in good fun, right?"

"... Right," Sylvia nodded. "Well, outside of the part where we pay you."

"That's how you reward a job well-done, where I'm from," Triss winked.

"We'll see," Sylvia replied with a little smile.

[Well, at least she's easy to talk to. Maybe this won't be so bad, after all.]

"So," Triss clapped her hands. "Are we having a threesome, or what?"

"W-W-W-What?" Gwen asked, stuttering multiple times in rapid succession.

"Hm?" Triss put her hands on her hips. "I thought that was what you were both here for," she shrugged. "Was I wrong?"

"N- I," she blinked rapidly, and this had been what Sylvia was scared about. "I mean... I had thought we'd do this on our own, separately."

[... Yeah, of course,] Sylvia sighed, and she hoped Gwen hadn't heard how disappointed she was.

Triss's eyes though were on her, looking at her curiously before she looked back at Gwen.

"Well, if I may be allowed to suggest something, I'd say we should do this at the same time," Triss replied and her voice had suddenly taken on a deeper pitch.

"What?" Gwen looked absolutely scandalized. Sylvia raised a brow.


"Seriously!" Triss added.

"But... I..." Even with the lamppost and the moon as the only sources of light, as Gwen looked over at Sylvia, she blushed.

"Trust me," Triss said, wrapping an arm behind her back. "There's nothing quite like having two gorgeous women on you like that. Sylvia, what do you think?" Triss suddenly asked, and Sylvia's lips parted.


She'd been about to reject the idea. However, something in the way Triss was looking at her felt like she wanted her to be honest. So, she gulped her nerves down and said:

"Y-Yes, I think that would be nice."

Gwen's eyes widened, and Triss quickly stepped in.

"See? Your friend agrees! So, what do you think? How about we do some more experimenting today?"

Gwen's eyes remained on Sylvia for a few seconds.

"Um... Sure," Gwen said then, nodding. "Yeah."

"Awesome! Come on, there's this nice hotel nearby. You're paying, of course."

With that, she all but dragged Gwen down the street.

But, not before passing by Sylvia and whispering in her ear:

"You're welcome."


That was how, sometime later, Sylvia was on her knees on a bed in the middle of a random hotel room, with Gwen in front of her.

Her friend had her legs spread and had Triss hugging her from behind, as Gwen was sitting on her lap with her head between Triss's boobs.

"I..." Gwen said.

"I think," Triss said, with her lips close to Gwen's left ear, "that your friend is going to do a great job. She's your best friend, after all. She wouldn't disappoint you, right?"

[You really don't need to put that much pressure on me,] Sylvia replied in her mind as she took a deep breath and crawled forward.

What had happened up until this point was enlightening, to say the least. Kisses and moans were shared by all as they'd come into the room earlier, and quickly threw their clothes aside. However, Gwen and Sylvia hadn't yet done anything with each other. No, instead, they traded moments with Triss, with the sex worker sucking on Sylvia's tits and having fingered Gwen for a few minutes. But, now, she'd called for Gwen to get in this position, with something on her mind that was flustering both of them intensely.

Gwen remained wide-eyed as she laid on Triss's body, now, looking down at Sylvia' whose lips were quickly approaching Gwen's pussy. All the while, Triss was massaging her chest with a happy look on her face.

"You're gonna do her right, huh, Sylvie?" Triss asked, and without taking her eyes off of the beautiful image in front of her, Sylvia nodded. "See? She's got this."

Finally, putting aside all of her nerves, Sylvia leaned down and let her tongue touch Gwen's folds. She had her hands on Gwen's hips and felt them flinch when she did, and a low moan escaped the girl.

Sylvia had been dreaming about this moment for years, and now that it was actually happening, she wasn't sure if she could handle it.

[I've only done this like once before,] she thought. [What if I'm too bad at this?]

Her worries were pushed to the back of her mind, though, as she dragged her tongue up and forced a moan out of Gwen's lips. Triss licked one of her ears then, at the same time that Sylvia was getting to work, and she saw Gwen's chest move up and down as her breathing intensified.

"Syl..." Gwen let out, and her eyes were fixed so firmly on her that Sylvia had to look away, to prevent herself from getting more nervous than she was. She kept going then, kissing her pussy more as Gwen spread her legs even further.

A while into it, Gwen grabbed onto Sylvia's head, as the woman was fully enthralled by the action she was performing. As Triss continued teasing her, Sylvia showed her as much love as she could, and soon, Gwen's moans picked up.

It happened unexpectedly. One second, Sylvia had been keeping her eyes closed as she let her tongue roam over her friend, and then the next, Gwen was lifting her hips, proclaiming loudly that she was cumming.

Her orgasm was so sudden that Sylvia pulled back, as Gwen arched her back. Her leg muscles visibly flexed and Sylvia felt like she was watching something truly beautiful take place. But, it was over before she could appreciate it any further.

As Gwen was breathing heavily, Triss gave Sylvia a thumbs-up.

"Good job!"

"... Thanks," Sylvia replied, stunned.

"Syl..." Gwen looked almost teary-eyed.

"How about," Triss said, pushing Gwen up a little so she could slide out of the bed. "I give you two some alone time."

"W-What?" Sylvia asked.

"Enjoy!" Triss said, quickly throwing on her dress, without her heels, and walking out into the hallway.

[But... What?]

"What was that?" Gwen asked.

"I... What do you mean?" Sylvia asked in return. Gwen shifted closer, to where they were face-to-face.

"You just did that," Gwen said. "I don't know, I... Do you...?"


Sylvia gulped. She understood now.

"Gwen, can I tell you something?"

"... Yes," Gwen replied, looking up at her with bright, big eyes.

"I like you," Sylvia said. "A lot, as you could tell. I've liked you for a while, I... Sorry, I just thought..."

Suddenly, the girl was hugging her.

"I didn't know," Gwen told her softly.

"It's alright!" Sylvia laughed. "I'm sorry I just did this with you and, you didn't even know how I felt and all. I'm sorry if I just made things awkward between us, I just wanted to... Just once, I-"

She was cut off, though, as Gwen pressed a kiss against her lips. Sylvia returned it eagerly, and as their lips smacked, Triss walked back inside.

They stopped, turning toward her.

"Aw, good for you!" Triss applauded them. "So, do I go now, or am I invited into this new little affair of yours?"

At that, Gwen got off the bed and pulled Triss to them harshly.

"That was nice, don't get me wrong," Gwen told Sylvia. "But, I came here expecting a professional's touch. And, by the Divine, I'm going to get it!"

"Alright," Triss turned toward Sylvia. "And you?"

"... Sure," Sylvia shrugged. "Why not?"

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