The Actress is My Favorite

Chapter 34

Chapter 33

Xia Shutong’s mind wandered, Xia Cha had already gone a long way.

“…Didn’t the old man Zhang Sheng invite you to a charity dinner earlier? Grandpa has inquired about it. Because of some policies above, the dinner will be postponed until the end of March, and there will be more people attending the banquet at that time, many of whom are self-made. Young lad, when the time comes, you can pick and choose, maybe you will meet the right one?”

After going around for a long time, I finally said the ultimate goal.

Xia Shutong still had Yun Feiwu’s shadow in front of his eyes, and he answered absent-mindedly: “Yes.”

“Alas…” Xia Cha clapped her hands resentfully, “Tongtong, why haven’t you changed your little habit of being distracted when you are unhappy? If you don’t want to, grandpa won’t force you. Grandpa is still very open-minded. “

“Well, Tongtong knows.” Before Xia Shutong fully recovered, she subconsciously acted coquettishly, making Xia Cha happy.

Xia Shutong couldn’t help but wonder in his heart, if the self before amnesia really liked Yun Feiwu, wouldn’t it be to prevent Xia Cha by not disclosing their relationship?

After all, Xia Cha looked kind, but in fact, he was a cold-blooded and shrewd old fox, who might do something to Yun Feiwu.

Then if the current self fell in love with Yun Feiwu, wouldn’t he have to hide it?

No, that’s not the case.

Xia Shutong followed Xia Cha, looking at his back with dark eyes.

If she can completely control the Xia family and take away Xia Cha’s power, will Xia Cha still hinder her?

Xia Shutong was taken aback by the outrageous thoughts in her mind, but quickly calmed down, and quickly restrained the ambition that was shining in her eyes.

This idea came too suddenly, and it was too natural, as if Xia Shutong had been thinking this way for a long time.

New Year’s Day.

Yun Feiwu slept until close to noon, and when he woke up, he saw dense New Year greetings on the screen of his mobile phone.

Yun Feiwu cooked a bowl of noodles casually, and while eating, he replied one by one, and by the way gave red envelopes to some friends he had met in Xinghui before.

It was almost time to return, she unconsciously clicked on Xia Shutong’s chat box, her eyes gradually softened.

Last night during the Chinese New Year, they called, chatted, and agreed to go to the aquarium.

She is so happy.

In her memory, she hadn’t had contact with Xia Shutong at the end of the year for a long time.

One is that she was busy with work in the past few years, and she was on the crew several times during the New Year’s Eve. The second is that Xia Shutong also has something to do, so it is not convenient to call. At most, they send text messages to each other, or until the end of spring, they finally receive a long overdue New Year gift.

The corners of Yun Feiwu’s lips involuntarily drew a soft arc, and his calf dangled gently on the chair.

She has already begun to look forward to the date of the third grade.

After the meal, Yun Feiwu was about to read the script for a while, but as soon as she picked up her phone to check the time, the smile on her face disappeared.

An unknown number sent her a message:

[Yun Xiaoxiao, we have arrived in Haicheng, I have something to discuss with you, when will you come to see us?

— Yun Junying]

Yun Feiwu looked at the phone, and when he raised his eyes again, his face turned cold.

Yun Xiaoxiao… was her former name, she changed it when she was very young, except for the few people in her family, almost no one called her that.

And Yun Junying is her father.

Yun Feiwu lay back on the bed holding the phone, stared at the ceiling for a while, and finally took out the phone to look at the text message.

The number belongs to Yuncheng, so it should not be a liar.

Yun Feiwu’s finger landed on the screen keyboard, hesitating for a while, but in the end, she just deleted the text message without replying a word.

She has not been in touch with her parents for nearly ten years.

When she fled the house with her household registration book, Yun Feiwu was still a little scared, whether her parents would arrest her and beat her up. But no, she left, not to mention the hysterical stepmother who hated her to the extreme, and even her biological father didn’t worry about her at all.

It’s like just a stray dog kept at home. If you lose it, you lose it. There is nothing to care about.

After growing up, Yun Feiwu thought about why Yun Junying didn’t go to her at the beginning, but finally she figured it out, it was because of money.

Before she slipped away, she put all the salary she earned at that time in their room. She roughly calculated that it was probably several times what they paid for raising her for thirteen years, not a small amount of money.

Although the Yun family was not considered poor, they could still be considered a wealthy family in that small county town of Yuncheng. But the Yun family’s money was never used on her.

Her younger brother Yunquan grew up wearing the best clothes for snacks. In his memory, Yun Junying hired several tutors for him. But Yun Feiwu was different. At home, she was like a weed that no one cared about. The money spent on her was always saved as much as possible.

When she was nine years old, Yun Feiwu fell ill and had a fever. Yun Junying was playing cards outside, while her stepmother Li Yue shut her out, pretending not to hear her knocking.

It was a cold winter, and she was so cold that she almost lost all strength. She had no choice but to find a small corner by the roadside, hugged her knees and fell asleep drowsily.

If Xia Ruan hadn’t found her and dragged her home to take care of her, she might have died by then.

When she was twelve years old, she graduated from elementary school. Li Yue didn’t want her to continue to study, and wanted to stuff her into Yun Junying’s factory. At that time, it was Xia Ruan who figured out a way for her, and finally persuaded Yun Junying to let her continue studying.

Later, she joined the crew, signed a company, changed her name, and ran away from home, all because of Xia Ruan.

If he was alone, he would definitely not be able to get to where he is now. Maybe he would have died silently in that cold and ruthless home that treated her at some point.

After so many years of no contact, I don’t know how they got their current contact information, and why they contacted her suddenly.

Yun Feiwu ignored Yun Junying’s text message, but couldn’t read the script no matter what. In the end, she found a “Darkness” filming footage from her mobile phone, and watched it over and over again.

Until the second day of junior high school, Yun Feiwu did not receive another text message from Yun Junying, but when the evening approached, Yun Junying suddenly called.

Yun Feiwu had just cooked the noodles and was about to eat. When he saw the caller ID on his phone, he suddenly lost his appetite.

She didn’t answer the call.

But the other side persistently dialed once, twice, three times…

For the fifth time, Yun Feiwu finally pressed the answer button, took the phone and walked towards the French window in the living room.

The dim setting sun fell on her.

Not a hint of warmth.

Even Yun Feiwu’s voice became cold: “Hello?”

“Hey, that… Xiaoxiao, I’m your father.” The man’s voice was a bit cramped, but after he finished talking about his identity, he suddenly gained confidence and became impatient, “Xiaoxiao, you You should have received a text message, right? Dad sent you a text message and called you, how could you not reply?”

Yun Feiwu looked at the setting sun in the distance with a cold expression and didn’t say a word.

She was thinking about what to call the person on the other end of the phone.


Yun Junying?

Uncle Yun?

Finally she said coldly: “Father, are you in Haicheng now?”

Indifferent, polite and distant, as if it was not her father who was talking to her, but a stranger who had never seen her before.

Yun Junying was obviously taken aback.

Next, he put away his aggressive tone, and his voice weakened instantly: “Xiaoxiao, didn’t you see the text message? At least give Dad a reply? Think about it, our family hasn’t seen each other for many years…”

Before Yun Junying finished speaking, Yun Feiwu heard a woman’s voice cursing on the other end of the phone.

Although he couldn’t hear exactly what he was cursing, Yun Feiwu would never forget this voice for the rest of his life.

Her stepmother Li Yue.

Yun Feiwu took the phone a little further away, and after a while, he moved it to his ear again.

This time the other end of the phone was quieter, it seemed that Yun Junying had changed to a place where no one was around.

“Xiaoxiao,” Yun Junying’s voice was inexplicably choked up, “We used to be sorry for you, but now that after so many years, you are considered successful in your career and not short of money, so you should forgive us. After all, My family, I only have one daughter like you… Our family finally came to Haicheng, and we just want to see you again.”

Compared with ten years ago, Yun Junying’s voice was much older.

Yun Feiwu recalled that when he was a child, Yun Junying actually didn’t treat him very badly—compared to his stepmother Li Yue.

That is, when Li Yue beat her and scolded her, he would help her, that is, he was unwilling to spend an extra penny on her, and that is, he didn’t care so much about her life or death.

That’s all.

At other times, Yun Junying’s temper is actually not bad, and she seldom gets angry with her like Li Yue, and occasionally she will stand by her side. For example, the matter of going to junior high school was finalized by Yun Junying.

But she still can’t like him.

Yun Feiwu sighed softly, and said softly, “Father, if you have anything to say, just speak up.”

There was a moment of silence on the phone.

“Xiaoxiao, how can you say that? We haven’t seen each other for ten years. Isn’t it normal for parents to miss you?”

Yun Feiwu interrupted him: “Father, if you don’t say anything else, I’ll hang up.”

The tone is very light.

Yun Junying was finally frightened by her tone, and stopped playing the emotional card, and said bluntly: “Xiaoxiao, your younger brother is sick and is currently in the city hospital… Auntie Li and I just want to take this opportunity to meet you.” You?”

Yun Feiwu lowered his eyelashes and thought for a moment.

What does Yunquan’s illness have to do with her? Unless it’s money.

But in Yun Feiwu’s memory, the Yun family is not short of money, and spending money on Yunquan is even more extravagant.

What would happen if she didn’t go?

Yun Feiwu didn’t believe that this family really had any feelings for her, let alone that they thought of her just because they came to Haicheng to see Yunquan’s doctor, and wanted to see her.

Besides, they haven’t seen each other for many years, and they have long since lost her contact information, and they may have almost forgotten her. Why did he find her all of a sudden?

Yun Feiwu felt that something was wrong with this matter.

Yun Feiwu: “Father, send me your address, I will be there in half an hour.”

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone and set off.

When he walked downstairs, Yun Junying’s text message had already been sent, and the address was at a nearby homestay.

Yun Feiwu didn’t drive, but took a taxi directly.

After getting off the car, Yun Feiwu looked around. The city hospital is next to the hotel, and there are several major business districts around it. The rent for this location is definitely not cheap.

She quickly found the location sent by Yun Junying and went upstairs.

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, he saw Yun Junying waiting at the door.

There are a few white hairs scattered on his forehead, and his figure is also a little stooped. Compared with ten years ago, he seems to be about thirty years older.

Yun Junying originally got a daughter when he was old, but later he had a son. Counting it, he is now close to sixty years old.

“Xiaoxiao…” As soon as he saw Yun Feiwu, he came forward excitedly.

Yun Feiwu didn’t intend to greet him, but nodded coldly, and walked straight into the door.

Li Yue sat on the sofa with a cold face, saw Yun Feiwu, and forced a smile: “Xiaoxiao is here.”

Yun Feiwu glanced at her indifferently, then looked around, instead of sitting on the sofa, he pulled the chair under the dining table and sat on it.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

Yun Junying and Li Yue looked at each other, sat down opposite Yun Feiwu, and smiled embarrassingly.

“Xiaoxiao, how have you been these past few years? Seriously, you left as soon as you said you would. It’s been so many years, and you don’t know how to contact us.” In the end, it was Li Yue who broke the silence and greeted.

Although in these few sentences, the smell of yin and yang is not weak.

Yun Feiwu looked at her calmly, and only said two words: “Very good.”

Li Yue felt a little uncomfortable being watched by Yun Feiwu.

Back then, she had always disliked Yun Feiwu, especially when the little boy talked back every time, like a wolf cub, no matter how you looked at it, it was not pleasing.

She is a stepmother, what’s wrong with teaching her children a lesson? I don’t know where this kid has such a temper, and he always confronts her every time.

Moreover, Li Yue admits that she does prefer her family, Yunquan, but Yunquan is a boy, and this brat is a girl with a dead mother. Who is not the one that no one loves? But she was the only one who was so delicate that she couldn’t be scolded or beaten?

At the beginning when Yun Feiwu ran away from home, Li Yue was very happy for a while without this little white-eyed wolf at home, and even picked up tens of thousands of dollars for nothing.

Ten years ago, Li Yue hated and disdained this wolf cub at most, but now when they met again, Li Yue discovered that besides disgust, she was actually a little afraid of Yun Feiwu.

Especially Yun Feiwu’s cold eyes.

Unlike before, at most he was an unconvinced wolf cub, but now, he looks like a real wolf.

It obviously doesn’t contain any emotions, but it seems to contain countless cold and poisonous needles, making people afraid to look at it.

“Just live well, alas, business in the factory has been sluggish these past few years, your father has lost several million…” Li Yue shook her head and sighed.

Yun Feiwu let out a soft “Oh”.

At this moment, Li Yue finally couldn’t help curling her lips, leaned back, and muttered, “What’s your attitude? I really think of myself as a big star.”

Yun Feiwu didn’t speak.

Yun Junying patted Li Yue in embarrassment, and said embarrassingly: “Xiaoxiao, you know, your Aunt Li has always had this temper, but she has always cared about you. You were young and ignorant before, so forget it if you don’t like her. Now that you have grown up, you should be considerate of us.”

Yun Feiwu propped his chin with both hands, a little distracted.

It was like this when she was a child, no matter what Li Yue did to her, in the eyes of her father, she was always “caring about her” and “treating her well”, but if she resisted at all, it was because she was ignorant.

No one in the family cared about her feelings, or, at any rate, saw her as an individual.

To the father, she was his daughter, his accessory, or something worthless. To Li Yue, she was just a needless oil bottle, an obstacle in the house, Li Yue beat her and scolded her, she deserved it, she resisted a little, but it was treasonous.

After Yun Junying finished speaking, she pulled herself out of her thoughts again: “Father, Aunt Li, just tell me what you called me here today.”

As soon as Yun Feiwu finished speaking, the room fell silent.

Seeing that the two of them were silent, Yun Feiwu turned around and prepared to leave.

Yun Junying finally stood up and called her to stop: “Xiaoxiao… We said on the phone just now that your brother is sick and is now in the hospital.”

“That’s right, Quanquan can’t even walk now, he’s lying on a hospital bed, earning thousands of dollars a day.” Li Yue chimed in.

… really for the money.

Yun Feiwu finally had a reaction: “It’s so serious, why don’t you take care of him in the hospital?”

Li Yue’s face immediately became embarrassed, but she still lowered her head and forced out a few tears: “Didn’t you hire a nurse? There are hundreds of them a day. I told you just now that the business has been sluggish these years. , the family didn’t have much money to pay…”

No money?

No money to rent a homestay in the prime location of Haicheng? No money to hire hundreds of nurses a day?

Yun Feiwu did not ask this question, but recalled: “I remember there is a house in my family.”

She remembered that before she left home, her father’s factory was unable to make ends meet all the year round, and the main source of income for their family was rent.

An old six-story house with more than 30 households. Although it is located on the edge of the county, the monthly rent is quite a lot.

Li Yue was startled, but didn’t react.

Yun Feiwu remained calm: “Why don’t you sell it?”

Putting it all together, doesn’t the family have a house? If it is sold, it will be enough for Yunquan’s illness.

“You, you…” Li Yue opened her mouth in disbelief, as if she couldn’t believe how Yun Feiwu could say such a thing, “Xiaoxiao, you don’t know that our income depends on rent. If we sell the house Well, then our family can’t drink the Northwest Wind! Auntie knows that you are rich and a big star, but you can’t stand and talk without back pain, right?”

“What about the factory?” Yun Feiwu tapped lightly on the dining table.

The sound is crisp.

Since the factory has been losing money year after year, it is better to sell it and get back the cost of one or two million.

It shouldn’t be too much difference to treat Yunquan’s illness.

If you come to her to ask for money, don’t you just hate the factory and the house?

This time, Li Yue was really so angry that she couldn’t speak. After a while, she stood up and pointed at Yun Feiwu: “Yun Xiaoxiao, how can you be so heartless! Although your father and I are not right with you, Yun Quan is good, but we raised you anyway. Now that your brother is sick, you won’t help us? Don’t think I don’t know, you are a star, and you can earn tens of millions for a movie! Help you What happened to my brother’s treatment?”

Yun Feiwu raised his eyes and looked at her, but there was still no emotion in his eyes.

“When I left home, I had already paid off your parenting expenses.”

She looked straight into Li Yue’s eyes and said calmly.

After speaking, Yun Feiwu stood up.

Ten years ago, she was a little bit shorter than Li Yue, but now she can look down on her height.

“Xiaoxiao, you are so old, why are you still…not sensible.” Yun Junying also chimed in.

Yun Feiwu stared at them back and forth, finally lowered his head, took out a card from his bag, and placed it in the middle of the dining table.

Li Yue’s eyes lit up immediately.

Yun Feiwu didn’t look at her, and said calmly, “There are 30,000 yuan in the card.”

“Three million? That’s enough…” Li Yue suddenly realized that something was wrong when she said that, “Yun Xiaoxiao, thirty thousand? Are you sending a beggar?”

Instead of denying it, Yun Feiwu nodded slightly.

“I don’t know what disease Yunquan has, but it has nothing to do with me. I have no obligation to pay for his medical expenses. The 30,000 yuan in the card is for your travel expenses and accommodation expenses in Haicheng.”

After saying this without any emotion, Yun Feiwu turned around and left without hesitation.

One step, two steps, three steps.

When he walked to the door, there was a loud noise from behind.

Li Yue smashed the bowl on the dining table to the ground, her eyes were so red that they were about to bleed, and she rushed towards Yun Feiwu like crazy.

Yun Feiwu turned around and easily grabbed Li Yue’s hand that was about to hit her.

Sure enough, Li Yue is still the same as ten years ago, and she will become hysterical when she is slightly stimulated.

The difference is that when Yun Feiwu was a child, he could only cower and be beaten obediently, but now he can easily grab Li Yue’s hand, making her unable to move.

Yun Feiwu still looked at her indifferently.

However, it was this kind of indifferent and indifferent eyes that completely stimulated Li Yue.

Her eyes were bloodshot, and she stared at Yun Feiwu like a lunatic, as if she had lost her sanity: “Yun Xiaoxiao!”

Li Yue yelled these words from her throat, her voice became hoarse.

“I know, Xia Ruan is still alive, right? Did Xia Ruan prevent you from giving us money?”

“Yun Xiaoxiao, we have worked so hard to raise you for more than ten years, but you can’t compare to Xia Ruan’s little girl? When Xia Ruan asked you to change your name, you changed your name. If she asked you to go to filming, you would go to filming. If she asked you to run away from home, you Just follow her! Listen to what she says, you are a **** dog raised by Xia Ruan!”

Even Yun Junying rushed over and hugged Li Yue from behind: “You are crazy, Xia Ruan is already dead…”

Yun Feiwu tilted his head slightly and remained silent for a few seconds.

Just when Yun Junying thought she was going to get angry, Yun Feiwu suddenly laughed.

Very light and soft smile.

There was also a hint of warmth in the eyes that had been indifferent all day long.

She nods.


Immediately afterwards, Yun Feiwu let go of Li Yue’s hand, took a step back, and said seriously to Yun Junying, “Father, I wanted to advise you ten years ago. If you have time, take Aunt Li to see her brain.”

“Also, the reason why you came to look for me is because someone instructed you, right?”

Yun Junying’s eyes immediately flickered.

Yun Feiwu shook his head slightly: “Father, I will change my mobile phone number in the future, and I will deposit another 100,000 in that card, which is enough for you to live in Haicheng for a period of time. Don’t bother me anymore.”

Take another step back, close the door with a bang, and stride into the elevator.

Her eyes dimmed a little bit.

They hadn’t had contact with her for ten years, but they knew about Xia Ruan’s “death”. But that’s right, at that time, Xia Ruan’s departure was a big one, and almost everyone who had a little relationship with them knew about it.

The elevator quickly reached the first floor.

Yun Feiwu put on a mask, walked out of the community, looked at the slightly empty streets, and suddenly felt powerless and empty.

Not knowing where to go, not knowing what to do.

There was some pain in the stomach, and it seemed to spread to the whole body.

At this time, a couple holding hands walked past her, the girl buried her head on the boy’s shoulder, she didn’t know what to say, and smiled happily.

Yun Feiwu followed their backs for a long time until he could no longer see them.

She took out her mobile phone by accident and dialed Xia Shutong’s number.

A few seconds later, the call was connected.

Before Xia Shutong could speak, Yun Feiwu’s nose suddenly became sore.

The corners of his eyes were also red.

“Xia Shutong, I feel a little uncomfortable.”

“Come and stay with me, okay?”

Yun Feiwu knelt down slowly and said aggrievedly.

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