The Actor Wants to Divorce

Chapter 369

Chapter 369 Teruyuki Hayashi 37

There was no sound at the door.

Ji An leaned his head against the door, his voice was dry and hoarse, “Then if you don’t speak, I will assume that you agree…Then I will start reading.”

He bowed his head and slowly smoothed the crumpled review book he had grasped.

He cleared his throat and was about to start reading, when the elevator suddenly opened, and two men in suits and leather shoes walked out of it.

Before Ji An could react, the two men grabbed his arms and dragged them into the elevator.

“Fuck, who are you?” Ji An struggled hard, “You let go of Dad!”

“We are Mr. Lin’s bodyguards.”

Ji An was stunned, his eyes turned red all of a sudden, “he asked you to drive me away?”

“Mr. Lin said, if you stalker again, he will directly report to the police.”

Ji An’s face was extremely ugly, he pushed one of the bodyguards away hard, “I will go by myself!”

After speaking, he raised his foot and entered the elevator. Before the two bodyguards could follow up, he reached out and closed the elevator door with a “pop”.

The two bodyguards looked at each other for a while, then folded and knocked on the door.

“Mr. Lin?”

After a few seconds, the door was opened.

“People are gone?”

The bodyguard nodded: “Well, I went by myself.”

Lin Zhaozhi nodded: “You can help me carry all my luggage.”

“Okay, Mr. Lin.”

After leaving Lin Zhaozhi, Ji An wandered on the street like a wandering soul.

He didn’t want to go back to Ji Rulang.

Ji Rulang said that he would only cause trouble to himself.

Ji An raised his head and glanced at the night sky. There were dark clouds above his head. There was no moon and no stars.

He stood there, staring at the deep night for a long time, and then suddenly laughed twice.

He suddenly felt like he had had a long, long, and very real dream.

After going around for a long time, he finally returned to the original point. He was the same Ji An.

Is this my fate?

Ji An rubbed his nose with his hand. The wind was chilly at night, and he shivered involuntarily, then raised his foot and walked forward.

After Lin Zhaozhi handled everything in the country, he immediately flew back to the United States.

Before leaving, he changed his mobile phone number and all his contact information, which was a full stop between himself and Ji An.

On the day of moving back, Mother Lin leaned at the door, looking at him as he was packing the bookshelf, and then hesitated to ask: “You and… him, are they really over?”

Lin Zhaozhi looked down at the book in his hand, and said lightly: “Well, it’s all like this, why are you still together, divided.”

Mother Lin sighed, “Why are your feelings so bad? I will accompany you to ask for a visa another day.”

Lin Zhaozhi frowned, he was a little irritable, and he couldn’t hear anything now: “Mom, you can leave me alone for a while.”

In the first three months of returning to the United States, Lin Zhaozhi almost never went out. At the beginning, he was unable to love Gu Qing, which made him have endless regrets and regrets, but what about Ji’an? He and Ji An were really living together, and he was just one step short of entering the marriage hall. Although he was resolute in breaking up, it didn’t mean that he didn’t feel uncomfortable in his heart.

It’s just… a matter of principle, no matter how uncomfortable he is, he can’t give in to Ji An.

Seeing that her son was depressed all day, Lin’s mother suggested that a family of three go out and relax on a trip.

Although Lin Zhaozhi was not in the mood, he could not disappoint his parents, so he agreed.

Half a month later, when Lin Zhaozhi came back from a trip, he happened to receive a call from a domestic friend.

Invite him to return to China to make a movie.

Lin Zhaozhi frowned: “You know, how long hasn’t I been back to the entertainment circle…”

The friend laughed: “This book is good, and the box office of “Surely Called” that you worked with Gu Qingrang before is so good. I read this book and the script does not lose to “Seriously Called”. Anyway, you are old, unmarried and unmarried. For the family, do you plan to take care of the elderly in the United States at a young age?”

Lin Zhaozhi couldn’t refuse his friend, so he could only ask him to send the script to himself first.

It’s not that he really doesn’t want to go filming, but…returning home…

Lin Zhaozhi suddenly jumped out of his mind.

He sighed gently, then turned on the computer and went to see the script sent by his friend.

The script is indeed a rare good script.

A crime suspense drama.

The characters and plot are very full and exciting, if the filming is good, it will be very exciting.

Lin Zhaozhi thought about it all night, and finally decided to return to China to direct this movie.

He returned to China again, half a year after he broke up with Ji An.

Looking at the familiar airport and the familiar city, Lin Zhaozhi was a little dazed. He stood in the constant flow of people. He always felt that in the next second that little idiot would pounce on him like a sparrow from behind, holding him smirkly and calling him “Lin Great Director”.

Lin Zhaozhi let out a sigh of relief.

What the **** is wrong with him.

It’s been so long, why do you still think of him.

It’s been half a year, or Ji An and Ying Qi continue to be entangled with each other, or…have already caught a new man, right?

He forced himself to stop thinking about Ji An. The original apartment was sold when he returned to the United States, so he rented a small one.

After he settled down, he began to prepare for the filming. Anyone who has worked with Lin Zhaozhi knows that he has always had high requirements for actors. Acting skills are the most important, and the male protagonist is chosen by himself.

This time, Lin Zhaozhi chose an 18-year-old boy named Liu Yu. He was still in college. His acting skills were inferior to that of old opera. But what Lin Zhaozhi wanted was that he had no traces of acting on him. Sentimental.

And by coincidence, this Liu Yu is still a newcomer that Gu Qing asked the studio to sign just this year.

On the day the crew started, Gu Qing asked the child to come over as the boss.

Lin Zhaozhi and Gu Qingrang hadn’t seen each other for a long time, so they naturally made an appointment for dinner together.

Halfway through the meal, Jiang Yichen killed him aggressively.

Gu Qing let Jiang Yichen in a hurry for fear that the two would quarrel, “husband, don’t make trouble, I’ll have a meal with him, nothing else…”

With a chill, Jiang Yichen glanced at Lin Zhaozhi alertly.

Then he lowered his head and said to Gu Qingrang, “I have something else to do with him.”

“Something else?”

Jiang Yichen asked Lin Zhaozhi: “Do you have any news about Ji’an?”

Lin Zhaozhi had never thought in his life that one day he would hear that person’s name from Jiang Yichen’s mouth.

He later realized that the little fool seemed to have mentioned to him that his older brothers Ji Rulang and Jiang Yichen had grown up since childhood.

He stabilized his emotions, then shook his head, and said lightly: “No, we have no contact.”

The last time I saw Ji An was on the day of the breakup. He brought a review book to find himself and drove him out. That was the last time he saw Ji An.

Why would Jiang Yichen ask like that.

Could it be…

Lin Zhaozhi’s heart couldn’t help but accelerate wildly: “What happened to him?”

Jiang Yichen frowned: “He is missing.”


Jiang Yichen: “We haven’t heard from him for half a year.”

“How could this happen? Didn’t he contact Ji Rulang once?”

“If there is contact, will I still come to ask you?” Jiang Yichen was unhappy: “We called the police four months ago, but there is no news.”

Lin Zhaozhi frowned.

“Could it be that he hid himself?”

Based on his understanding of Ji An, that person can definitely do this kind of thing.

“He didn’t bring his ID card.” Jiang Yichen’s voice was cold: “The money in the bank card hasn’t been moved at all. It doesn’t seem to be hiding.”

Lin Zhaozhi’s face instantly paled.

Did not bring your ID card? Didn’t bring money?

How is this possible… He is a big man and always has to spend money.

“Where is Ying Qi?” Lin Zhaozhi’s voice trembled.

“I also said I haven’t seen it. Ying Qi is also looking for someone. He doesn’t seem to be lying.”

Lin Zhaozhi’s breathing suddenly tightened.

Jiang Yichen frowned: “I don’t know much about you and Ji An, but Rulang is going crazy looking for his brother. If you have any news, please contact us in time.”

“I really have no news from him. After I went abroad, I changed my mobile phone number…”

He suddenly stunned, and then as if thinking of something, “Yes… the phone, my original phone.”

He hurriedly grabbed the jacket on the back of the chair, “Agen, sorry, I’ll go back in a hurry.”

Lin Zhaozhi hurried back to the apartment, and found the cell phone from the mezzanine of the suitcase that he hadn’t opened for about half a year.

As soon as the phone was turned on, countless text messages and WeChat popped up.

Lin Zhaozhi points to Ji’an’s profile picture.

His face paled a little.

From the day he left, Ji An has sent him WeChat every day.

Sometimes it’s a “good morning”, sometimes it’s just some simple emoticons.

At the beginning, there were a lot of messages, and a dozen messages could be posted a day, but later, the information became less and less.

The last one is four months ago.

It was three o’clock in the morning.

He sent himself a sentence.

[Director Lin, will you come back? I really knew it was wrong. 】

Then all the news ends here.

Since that day, Ji An never contacted him again.

Lin Zhaozhi clenched his brows, and tremblingly responded to him with his fingers.

[Jian, where are you? 】

[Respond to me immediately upon receipt. 】

The message sent was like sinking into the ocean, more than two hours passed, and Ji An still did not receive a reply.

This little idiot has always responded to information in seconds.

Unless… something really happened to him.

“Ji An…”

Lin Zhaozhi’s brows were twisted to death.

The next day, Lin Zhaozhi didn’t wait for Ji An’s reply, but instead waited for a call from Gu Qingrang.

“Hello? Ajan, last night… I’m sorry.”

Gu Qing’s voice faltered in several branches on the phone.

Lin Zhaozhi frowned: “Is something wrong?”

“Well… Jiang Yichen won’t let me tell you, but I think it’s better to inform you.”

Gu Qing made her voice difficult; “The person from the police station called Ji Rulang last night and said…a young male corpse was found and told Ji’an’s parents to do a DNA comparison…”

I took everyone’s opinions seriously yesterday.

Unexpectedly, there are really many people who hope this pair of be.

Cults are impossible, and Ying Qi has caused too much damage to Ji An.

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