The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 50: B-Rank Skills

But now only 24 hours were left for him the complete the actual mission!


[MISSION] - 04

1] Enter one of the tomb of the Pharoh Kura using the PHAROH'S KEY. [Completed]

2] Revive the great altar of sacrifice in the tomb.

3] Destroy the PHAROH'S statue [0/3]


1] ??? X 3

2] The Key Of Zararch.

3] 1 million USD + [???]

[TIME LEFT] - 23:38:54


Jay was now much more worried about this main mission which he had to complete in less than 24 hours now.

"Well, now I have mastered all the combat techniques, so I believe I can enter the true part of the Tomb now."

He had already observed in the beginning that there was a huge energy fluctuations occurring somewhere 1 KM away towards the north of the city.

He prepared himself to enter it since he was now confinement in completing the mission but it was late night and going at night in an unknown area is far more dangerous that during the day.

"Hmm... even though I have worked so hard, why don't I feel tired? There is no fatigue either..."

He was astonished at this since his stamina was not too high and despite that he was perfectly normal.

"Did I get stronger or something again?"

He wondered for sometime and then called out the system.

"System, show skills!"

The system suddenly popped up.




1] Heal

2]Light Heal

3] Bird's view

4] Dash

5] Slash

6] Dragon's Aura [Passive]

7] Lightning Strike

8] Energy Motion

9] Koriantan Combat [Semi-Passive]

10] Absorb


"Eh? What the fuck is going on?"


Jay was utterly speechless. Somehow he had gained 4 new skills suddenly.

"Is it some joke? These skills... they are dropping like gifts from heaven!!!"

He was annoyed for a second then started to think rationally.

"Well, maybe these are rewards of my hard work... but I got them easily so they might not be that powerful. Let's see."

He started analysing the skills by concentrating his vision and guiding the system to give their details.


SKILL NAME : Lightning Strike.


EXP : 0/10


POWER : 110

- Blasts numerous waves of lightening.

- Increases HP and all stats by 5 points.

- May paralyse the opponent on continuous critical hits or other situations.

COOL DOWN : 00:10:00 [10 minutes]


"Haha, now that's an amazing spell! I thought it would be pretty much useless but it seems to be rank B skill, I have gained another attacking ability!!!"

He looked satisfied with this skill. But he wanted to look at other 3 skills too.


SKILL NAME: Energy motion


EXP: 0/10



- uses the inner unused energy of the host to amplify the physical body's movements.

-boosts all the 5 senses.

- all stats increased by 2.

COOL DOWN: 12:00:00 [12 hours]


And after this he looked at the next skill too.


SKILL NAME: Koriantan Combat


EXP: 0/10



- a merged version of all the combat techniques of the Koriantans.

- a semi-passive skill.

- can only be activated when HP below 50%

- raises defense stats by 20.



"Holy shit! Another B rank skills! Yes!!!! Indeed, I'm growing strong..."

Jay smirked a bit due to excitement and due to that he forgot to check the Last skill ABSORB.

"Oh well, lemme mediatate for sometime. After that I will immediately leave towards that great Tomb!"


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