The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 514: "I am intuitive that way"

Elite Diamond Penthouse, 21:00; 

"When will you be home, President Xi?", Rong Xinghe grabbed the choco vanilla Ice-cream tub her bro Mo had brought her that evening from the fridge, her Bluetooth earpiece plugged in. 

"Not sure.", Xi Yuan sighed, looking through the files on his table, "It's a lot of work in here. Don't wait for me, alright? Go to bed before ten, if possible."

"Okay.", the girl chuckled, sinking down into the living room couch, "I love you."

"I love you too, Honey.", the man smiled, disconnecting the call next.

About a minute or two later, as the girl devoured the sweetness of the dessert patiently, sounds of leaves rustling reached her ears. Strange, she thought. As far as she remembered, the nearest tree to her place was at a distance of five hundred meters from it. "Is it you, Officer Zang?", Rong Xinghe called out to one of her staff.

"Y--Yes, Military Chief.", a deep voice made its way to the girl as moments passed by. 

"Oh. Alright.", the girl shrugged, standing up from the couch, retrieving the TV remote for herself. It was too soon to go to bed for her. But Xi Yuan was right. She was scheduled for the Military's retraining earlier the next morning. It was better to be off to the bed by Eleven, at least. But until then, she could watch her Sister-in-law Tao's live interview, right?

'That's absolutely wonderful news, Miss Ning!', the showbiz journalist giggled excitedly, 'And how does President Lu feel about the Military Chief's wedding?'

'Well... he's, of course, glad for her.', Ningtao smiled, 'All the Six of them are. But deep down, they're reluctant to let her go as well, which is understandable, you know? With the kind of past and the chemistry the Superfamily siblings share with one another, it's difficult for the men. I mean, it's their precious Kiddo we're talking about here.

'Although, they realize Yuan's sincerity for her too, so their hearts are at ease, on that note. It's a new chapter for all of them, definitely. And a terrific one at that. So they'll be fine, eventually.'

Rong Xinghe put aside the Ice-cream tub in her hands, furrowing her brows anxiously. She really needed to set up a dinner date with the Six of them, didn't she? How could they even worry about the Superfamily drifting apart after her and her darling's wedding? If anything, there'd be an addition of one member into their weird-slash-abnormal lot. 

The girl was still browsing through the news channels when her alarm beeped up, reminding her to get some sleep. Fairly so, it was half-past ten already. Besides, she had one more thing to do before snoozing off tonight. 



Noticing that the lights had been switched off inside the huge penthouse, the group of men standing outside the main entrance, watching over the unconscious men, exchanged dubious glances among themselves. Only when Nifhel had nodded to them faintly did they make a move, approaching the exquisitely designed building, as cautiously as they could. They'd heard stories about this woman. About how ferociously swift and mirthless she was. And hence, this specific part of their mission was what they'd been dreading all day long.

It took them about half an hour to just get inside the house. Disabling the digitally installed passcodes along with the laser security systems throughout the place proved just how safety-conscious the Six Tigers really were. But then again, nothing in the world was impenetrable. Not even the most advanced safety setups across the globe. 

"Bedroom.", Nifhel commanded, his voice low, as he pointed his index finger towards the end of the corridor, adjacent to the eerily quiet living room. Following his orders, about five men stepped inside the dimly lit space, in a while. "You've got the injection?", one of the guys turned to the one leading them. "Yeah.", the man nodded, pulling the shot out from his jacket.

"Just get the drug inside her system, bro.", the third man whispered, beads of sweat forming over his head, "She's sleeping on the bed. Come on. Hurry.", he added, pointing his chin toward the huge furniture in the middle of the room.

As the men closed in on the girl covered in blankets, with trembling hands, the relatively older guy of them all, inserted the injection into the neck vein. Or so, he thought. Three seconds in and the man could feel a burning sensation of fright flood through the very bottom of his heart. No, no, no! How could it be?! 

Subconsciously, the man's hands reached for the end of the blanket and he pulled it away at once, only to unveil a pile of cushions and pillows. Where was--


Silencer over her gun, the girl appeared from behind the Acrylic wooden room divider, her bullets piercing through the intruders' skulls, one at a time. Her face void of any expression, her grip over the firearm finely firm. Clothed into one of Xi Yuan's hoodies and her Camouflage cargo trousers, with no makeup on, she looked devastatingly stunning still. 

Blinking at the five dead bodies in front of her, the girl pursed her lips. Pouring herself a glass of wine then, she sat back to sip it, crossing one leg over the other. Lifting her phone up from the side table next, she dropped a message to her brothers first. 'Dinner, tomorrow?', it read. Browsing through her other contacts shortly after, Rong Xinghe typed in another text for Elijah Williams, 'Code Grey.'

"What's taking so long?", Nifhel grumbled impatiently, pulling his own revolver out, "Go and check, the rest of you.", he said to the men behind him. 

Five minutes more, and no response. That was the moment when it finally struck the man that their plan, more so than anything else, had backfired. For the worse. Clenching his teeth, the man walked over to the room, his footsteps nearly inaudible; until they landed into a thick red liquid, splashing it over the doorframe and the bodies lying next to it. 

"Bonjour, Nifhel.", Rong Xinghe smiled, tilting her head to one side, "So what is this really about, huh?", she asked. 

"You!", the man raised his weapon, aiming it at the girl's head. 

"Don't do this.", the girl chuckled, resting leisurely against the pillows she'd laid down minutes ago, "Diablos wants me, doesn't he?"

"How did yo--"

"I am intuitive that way.", she laughed, "I'll come with you. After all, he did ask me for a date the last time we met. I remember so vividly. But kidnapping? That's no way to treat a lady now.

"Escort me like a gentleman, if you will. I need to get some answers from that son of a bi*ch, nonetheless. So let's do it the right way, shall we? Now stop being such a wuss and get the damned car fired up. Go!"

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