The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 496: "She is not your puppet!"

Earlston, Scotland, 08:00;

The next morning, Xinguan sat in front of the LED TV in their living room, the girl's eyes glued to the flat screen, as the man focussed on coring the already peeled apples in his plate. Although he knew she was anxious about this interview, he couldn't think of anything to worry about, whatsoever. The Xi family elders had always been excellent with the Black sea of cameras. Dodging direct accusations, and replying to all sorts of twisted questions with absolute subtlety; was but a walk in the park for them.

However, he understood her worries. Rong Xinghe's denigrators had always been vicious when it came to insulting or accusing her. Now, Country X's citizens needed to be immensely careful of their words before speaking of her, since the laws against proclamatory defamation of the nation's Military Chief were much too severe. But the international media were off-limits, in that aspect. They were at liberty to question anything they wished to. And given the foreign interest in the matter, this press conference had opened gates for a lot of outsiders as well. 

"Everything will be alright, Xinghe.", Xi Yuan smiled, "They won't screw up."

"Hopefully.", the girl sighed, crossing both her hands' index and middle fingers tightly.

As the man observed the girl's innocent nervousness, he laughed out. How could someone be so serious and adorable at the same time, he wondered. Meanwhile, it was now that Xi Chongkun faced the cameras and commenced the conference with a humble smile, Li Jungah sitting next to him. 

"Ladies and gentlemen of the media, thank you for arriving at such a short note.", the old man began, silencing the curious voices in the hall calmly, "Before you all proceed with your doubts and inquiries, I'd like to issue a statement on behalf of the Xi family, and the Xi Corporations. And by the end of what I am about to say, more than half of your questions will be answered, I assure you."

As a few of the reporters responded with approving nods and words, the man resumed, "Firstly, I intend to make one thing very clear. Military Chief Rong had nothing to do with the unexpected turn of events in Xi Corporations' recent 'Soulagement Pharmas' case.", he declared. 

Surprised, the group of paparazzi exchanged glances among themselves. More than Xi Chongkun's words, the way he addressed the woman was shocking to them. "Does the Xi Corporations have valid evidence to support your statement, Chairman?", one of the reporters from America asked. 

"As a matter of fact, yes.", Xi Chongkun smiled, "Please check your phones, everyone. Military Chief Rong's medical reports have been released by the Xi Empire's PR team not too long ago." The journalists quickly did what they were asked of and pulled their silent phones out; there were two documents mailed to them but a minute ago. While the first file seemed to be an authentic medical analysis, the other one was more of a screenshot.

"No one is unknown to the fact that the Military Chief had been attacked a few weeks ago. But only a limited number of people are aware of the details.", Xi Chongkun continued, "As a consequence of the toxicant inoculated into her body, one of the most crucial surgeries had been performed upon her, then. Burr hole surgery, that is. 

"Underlined in red below the surgery details are some of the medications she has been prescribed to. If you notice the second from the bottom in the list, you'd come across the term Lorazepam, marked under bedtime. For those who don't know about it, Lorazepam is a Benzodiazepine medication, used to treat anxiety disorders, Insomnia, severe agitation, and active seizures. 

"This particular medicine is used for heavy sedation, so as to ease a patient's pain. The second picture is a screenshot of President Xi's laptop, showing the exact time the system had been broken into. Provided that the Military Chief has a strict sleep cycle, there is no way that she would've been able to open her eyes, let alone orchestrate such an intricate task, at three in the night. 

"With that being said, I rest my defense. These documents are enough shreds of evidence to prove her innocence. But to accept it or not, is totally up to the public."

That was it, the reporters thought. How else could they possibly turn the tables around on the girl? It'd be ridiculously witless of them to blame the woman after such sharp yet credible proof. What more, the rumors against Rong Xinghe were already a result of some sloppy Weibo post with no actual logic behind it. On the other hand, the Xi family's reply to it was one fatal blow, leaving them with no opening to strike through. 

"Feel free to ask us any question.", Luo Youyou smiled at the silent crowd facing them. 

About a minute or two later, a young woman mustered the courage to raise her hand, "Why is Military Chief not explaining the situation herself?"

"Because she is not your puppet!", Li Jungah glared at the woman coldly, an innate resemblance in her and the man's expression sitting beside Rong Xinghe, "She is not supposed to come begging to the media or the public for forgiveness every time you choose to believe some baseless accusation pointing at her.

"Believe it or not, she is the reason that you have the audacity to voice your morbid and insensitive opinions out here independently, knowing positively well that you are safe and sound. She is a warrior who has chosen to protect a bunch of ungrateful lunatics like you, from external and lethal security threats. 

"It's sick, really, to see those she once swore to guard with her blood and breath, turn against her for the sake of their own entertainment. With Six of the most influential men across the globe backing her up, she still chose to step out of her comforts and walk down this path filled with thorns. But at what cost? 

"You just read her medical file and yet, you have the nerves to expect her presence. There wasn't even a question about her recovery status. All you care about are your juicy article bites and your bloody TRPs. How disturbing and disappointing! This just shows how inhuman modern journalism has come to be.

"You know what? Give me your channel's name right now."

Petrified by the woman's tone, the girl stepped back two paces, "I-- I am sorr--", her voice trembled. 

"PSL Networks, Ma'am.", one of Xi Chongkun's bodyguards answered, as he flipped through the file in his hands.

"Ah.", Li Jungah smirked, raising her brows, "PSL Networks is blacklisted from the Xi Corps, starting now. We'll see for ourselves as to who dares to work with these clowns after this. 

"Also, I hope that this incident will serve as a lesson for the other channels, and for Country X's public too.

"The conference is dismissed. Thank you very much."

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