The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 481: Seven feet under

Earlston Police Station, 07:30;

Even after an hour-long investigation, the Chief Inspector refused to release the girl. He was a thirty-two-year-old offbeat local man, who had no idea of Rong Xinghe and Xi Yuan's identity. His working style was known to be strange and even out-of-protocol at times. However, despite that, he was an immensely resilient and stubborn person with a deep concern for his town. So people in Earlston, more often than not, chose to let go of his negatives. 

Not to mention, amid all the formalities, an advanced handgun had been discovered from the girl's car, thinning her chances of freedom. Although not many people carried firearms in the country, they weren't illegal in Scotland.

But be that as it may, it was highly unusual for people to carry guns around in the small town of Earlston. Not every day did the department came across cases like these. Hence, the second the 50 Desert Eagle was unveiled, the entire police station was in a state of alarm. 

'There is no way CI Lathurna would let her off anytime soon.', one of the women officers whispered, 'He is not even taking a glance at her Passport. I pity her actually.'

'I don't know. Chief always has a hunch about these things, you know.', a Constable remarked, 'Besides, why would a foreigner carry a gun on our land unless she's dangerous?'

'For self-defense?', the woman shrugged, 'Just look at her. And him, too. They clearly seem... individuals of high repute. I even saw some soldiers standing outside the station. They don't appear to be general tourists to me if you ask.'

'If that's the case, the CI should at least let her out of the lock-up.', another officer commented, 'He doesn't really have any authentic evidence against her, you see. He is keeping her behind the bars on the basis of nothing but his speculations.'

'I agree.'

'On a totally different note, the foreigners look stunning, don't they?', the lady officer added, a hint of admiration in her tone. 

'I was going to say!', the Constable nodded, 'And did you notice? He hasn't left her for even a second ever since he has arrived here.'

'He cares for her genuinely.', a Sergeant joined in this time, 'Ah! The young love.'

Meanwhile, as the wave of murmurs spread throughout the Police Station, Rong Xinghe and Xi Yuan inhaled a long tired breath. They both had begun to run out of patience now. Had it been Country X, it wouldn't have been this difficult for her to get out, provided her position therein. But it was a foreign land, with an obstinate Police officer, who wouldn't pay heed to a single word they'd say to him. He had to do things his 'own' way, apparently. 

"I want to go!", Rong Xinghe protested all of a sudden, enraged, joggling the iron bars furiously. 

"Shut up!", Lathurna yelled back in response, pointing his index finger at the woman, "This is not a flea market, lady."

"Watch your language!", Xi Yuan glared at the man, his tone calm yet high enough to silence everyone in the vicinity, "I don't care who you think you are but talk to her like that again, and I'll personally ensure that you're buried exactly seven feet under this very hellhole you call Police Station. Such a clown!"

This was probably the first time Xi Yuan had raised his voice after walking past the station gates, and it shook the department's staff to their very cores, including the Chief Inspector. Even Rong Xinghe gulped, slightly scared of her darling's rage. She hadn't expected him to threaten a government staff with such intensity for her, to start with. 

But as she thought of the situation from his point of view, she realized just how difficult a position he was in. Watching her suffer while he stood outside, unable to help her get out, was bound to make him feel helpless, and angered. And on top of that, how could he let a random stranger speak to her so disrespectfully? She wouldn't have tolerated that either. What more, with her health on the line, a baseless and unreasonable police investigation was but a matter of least concern for him. 

"I didn't mean to frighten you, Xinghe.", the man turned to the girl, noticing her silence. 

"It's okay.", Rong Xinghe smiled understandingly, "They won't find Steven's body, even if they dig out the entire town. It's just a matter of time that I'll be out."

"I know that.", Xi Yuan nodded, his lips curling up in a devilish smirk, "You'll be out in five minutes."

The girl frowned, "What do you mean?" 

But before the man could answer her question, a team of Police jeeps wheeled towards the station house, the sound of their sirens resonating through the cold air. And in that very instant, Rong Xinghe knew what was happening. Disconcerted, she blinked at the man in front of her, "You involved him, didn't you?"

"I might have.", the man laughed, shrugging nonchalantly.


A minute later, the Chief Superintendant marched into the station, followed by about twenty-five police officers. The man didn't so much as even bat an eyelid at any of the station staff as he wend his way toward Xi Yuan directly. Only when he was at a suitable distance from the man did he outstretch his hand, offering a handshake, "It's an honor to have you here, President Xi.", he then said, his tone firm. 

Xi Yuan took the man's hand with a nod as a form of acknowledgment. The Ch Supt then turned to Rong Xinghe apologetically, "I am ashamed of how my department has treated you, Military Chief.", he said then, bowing his head down to her. "You!", he looked at one of the constables next, "Let her out. Now."

"But Sir--", CI Lathurna walked over to the old man anxiously as the woman stepped out of the prison. 

"Who permitted you to imprison her, Mr. Lathurna!?", the man cut in, a tweak of frustration in his voice, "Do you even know what you have done?!

"Because of your stupidity, the officials high above us all, are in such chaos right now. The Permanent Representative for Country X in UNESCO called into the First Minister's office about half an hour ago, forewarning him that he'd unveil Scottish PD's 'insincere' conduct to a global level."

"UNESCO?!", a Sergeant, standing behind Lathurna gasped in disbelief, "Who is the Representative for Country X, Sir?"

"Director Zhi Bo, you idiot!", the Chief Supt said, "She is Country X's Military Chief, for God's sake. Of course, she'd carry a gun. And regardless of the fact that the Director is her elder brother, it's his duty to speak for his country.

"Do you even know that the Cabinet Secretary and the Presiding Officer were the ones to command me to handle this in person? That's how far you have escalated such a small matter."

"I... "

"You're being transferred to somewhere much remote than Earlston, Lathurna.", the Chief Superintendant announced, unbuttoning his blazer, "And just thank the Lord that you weren't fired after what you've done."

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