The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 467: The blessing in disguise

Earlston, Scotland, 11:00;

The girl woke up to Xi Yuan's ringing phone with a groan. Who was it? Impetuously, she stretched her right hand toward the device and grabbed it, bringing it to her ears, "President Xi is not available. May I get the message?", she said.

"Sister-in-law…", Xi Fang's voice came through the other end, surprised, "I am so sorry. I shouldn't have disturbed your rest. I'll call later."

"No, no!", the girl sat up on the bed, her senses alert now, "What's up? How is my favorite Brother-in-law doing?", she asked kindly. 

The man smiled at the girl's gentle excitement, "I am fine.", he answered, "Thanks to you."

"Yuan told you, didn't he?", the girl giggled. 

"Uh-huh. So did Yue's Dad.", the man nodded, "I wonder, though, how did you convince him?"

"It's a secret.", Rong Xinghe purred, her tone mischievous, "But don't worry. I did not threaten or kill anyone."

"That's a relief then.", Xi Fang laughed, "But seriously, Sister-in-law, thank you. Else, I'd given up on the hopes of ever seeing Yue again."

"I am alive yet, Mr. Little Xi.", the girl announced, "How could I let Yuan's brother dearest, to let go of his one true love, huh?

"Besides, you've stuck by his side for so many years. Fang, he might not say it often, but you are his best friend, his confidant, and his most reliable advisor, for as long as he can remember. Always hold onto that. Alright?"

Xi Fang was taken aback by the girl's words. He'd always known that Xi Yuan cared for him, and Xi Ying, and Xi Wei, genuinely. And he'd never expected more. He had always considered serving Xi Yuan as a part of who he was. But at the moment, as the girl reminded him of how important he was to his inspiration, an odd sense of warmth and delight rushed through his heart. Her words, were evocative and stirring, truthfully. 

"I will, Sister-in-law.", the man promised, his tone emotional yet firm. 

"What's going on?", a familiar deep voice cut through the thin air. 

"It's Fang.", the girl looked at her darling as her lips curled up in a riveting smile, "You want to talk to him?"

Xi Yuan frowned as he sat down beside the girl. Taking the phone from her hands, he then turned on its speaker mode, "You woke her up?", he asked his brother. 

"I… I didn't mean to-", Xi Fang tried to explain to the man but the girl came to his rescue first, "Do not scold him, Mr. Xi.", she glared at her fiancé. 

"I am not scolding him.", Xi Yuan explained to the woman, his tone intimately tender, "I was questioning him."

The girl rolled her eyes, turning to focus on her to-be brother-in-law, "How's everything there, Fang?"

"Umm... Everything's fine, honestly. The Superfamily has been relatively busy since He Chen's body was hanged in front of the MCO. The entire nation is in an uproar, enraged by the attack. The media has been surrounding Xi Corps's entrance for more than 48 hours now, demanding answers. The situation at Lu Corps and Zhi Corps is no different. 

"We had no option, but to reveal that you both are not in the country for the time being. But we didn't disclose your current location. So you guys won't have to worry about the paparazzi at all. 

"But your brothers have been too occupied lately, Sister-in-law. From interviewing about the attacks to cooperating with the confidential investigation being carried out, they've barely had the time to sleep. The situation with your Sisters-in-law is the same, unfortunately."

Rong Xinghe listened to the man's words closely, before she clenched her fists. Would it get better if she were to return back, she pondered. It wouldn't. She knew it better than anyone. This attack wasn't orchestrated by some terrorist organization or Country X's rival nations. It was a matter of personal importance to the Superfamily. A drama. Something public craved for. An obsessive ex-wife of the nation's Media Magnet attempting to murder the country's Military Chief. It wasn't even domestic news anymore. With the kind of reputation she'd built up all these years as the highest Military authority of the state, the flames were bound to reach foreign lands too. What a headache...

"What are you thinking?", it was now that Xi Yuan spoke up, squeezing the girl's right hand, comfortingly.

"I need to talk to the Prime Minister.", she answered, "It won't take long. I promise."

"Sure.", Xi Yuan smiled. The fact that she hadn't suggested returning back to City A was already a miracle. He couldn't prohibit her to try and make things easy for her family there, but. And that was understandable, for the girl doted on her lot as much as they did. She couldn't sit idly by while they suffered, obviously. 


Earlston, Scotland, 11:30;

"What did he say?", Xi Yuan questioned as the girl sank down on the couch beside him.

"They won't be troubled by the bureaucrats and the media anymore.", the girl laughed, "Let's just leave it at that."

"He will shut the investigation files first thing tomorrow morning, won't he?", the man smirked knowingly. 


"That I am.", he chuckled, "Let's go for a ride.", he added next.


"Edinburgh.", Xi Yuan shrugged, "It's just an hour-long drive from here."

"Please, oh, please, let's visit Edinburgh Castle!", the girl stood back up, her eyes blazing with an unexplainable spark, "I'll owe you one."

"You like palaces?", the man laughed, eliciting a 'rattle drum nod' from the woman. "As you wish.", he shrugged, "I've got to make some calls first, though. Will that be okay?"

"Yeah. Totally.", the girl clasped her hands, exhilarated, "I'll get changed in the meanwhile."

Xi Yuan had never seen Rong Xinghe so thrilled before. This trip was proving to be a blessing in disguise for him, of that he was sure by now. He had learned so many things about her in the past few days that he couldn't have ever known in Country X. So she loved historical places too, he noted down mentally. 

The man then picked his phone up from the side table, making a phone call. After exchanging the formal pleasantries, he then said into it, "I'd like to book the entire Edinburgh Palace for tonight."

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