The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 453: Like the alpha he truly was

Elite Saphhire Penthouse, 16:00;

Only when Su Rogguang had approved was the girl allowed to leave the hospital. Xi Yuan, obviously, volunteered to take her home, for he knew just how occupied the Superfamily would be for the next few days with the media. 

Rong Xinghe and Xi Yuan's sudden absence from Xi Chonglin's birthday was not a small issue. Not to mention, He Chen had attacked the highest Military Authority of Country X. Sooner or later, she would undergo a public execution, bringing the Superfamily into headlines yet again. And about a week after, a detailed investigation would be carried out by the President's office, regarding the deadly attempt, surveying and traversing through every officer and bureaucrat closest to Rong Xinghe. 

One thing was for sure, though. The Superfamily wouldn't go down the list of trending controversies for the next one to two months. People would kill to get even a single interview with any of the family members. They would want to know everything. Every little thing. All the hows, and all the whys. 

And that was why, deep down, the Six men were glad that the girl would be away, relaxing and recovering, while they dealt with the mess here. What more, Xi Yuan would stay by her side through it all as well. Over the past few months, they'd come to like that guy. They trusted his intentions and sincerity for their Kid the most. So they were relieved, more so than anything else at the moment. 

"Urgh!", the girl bit her lower lip and she winced in pain as Xi Yuan helped her sit on the living room's couch. 

"What is it?", the man questioned as he knelt to the ground, placing his right hand over the fabric on the girl's thigh. 

"Just tired.", Rong Xinghe smiled feebly, shaking her head. 

"Get the lady some water, Butler.", Xi Yuan commanded, "Warm Water."

As the old man returned after a few minutes, Xi Yuan passed the glass to the girl before he turned to Xi Fang. "Bring her in.", he said, his tone indifferent. But the moment the girl listened to the man's words, she knew who it was that he'd summoned. 

It didn't take long for Xi Fang to haul in the woman inside. Covered in multiple deep bruises, her clothes cleaved here and there as a result of struggle, hands tied brutally from behind with heavy rusty iron chains; such was the state of the Chief Operating Officer of MZX Networks then. 

"She confessed.", Xi Yuan stated, his eyes glued to his precious fiance, "Along with admittance to the authenticity of all the shreds of evidence against her."

Rong Xinghe didn't say anything. She'd stopped drinking water the second she'd seen He Chen's awful physique. It wasn't that she intended to show mercy upon her, but. She simply hadn't expected her darling to get so ruthless this time. Truth be told, in each one of He Chen's wounds, Rong Xinghe could see his fear; of losing her, and of never being able to hold her in his arms. And as the realization dawned upon her, she felt the corner of her eyes burning, her throat slowly closing in. 

Xi Yuan, as usual, gave her sufficient time to calm herself down. Patiently, he waited for her to down the entire glass in her hands and take in some deep breaths, while everyone else in the room stood watching them, silence spreading through it gradually. 

"Get me my gun, Assistant Shou.", the girl tossed her head to one side, her tone much cold now. 

As the two waited for Shou Wu to retrieve the girl's revolver from her car, Rong Xinghe fixed her gaze at the woman already staring at her. The expression over her face was petrified, for the first time since she'd arrived probably. 

"Who?", Rong Xinghe asked, "Who helped you? From within?"

"You'll kill me, won't you?", the woman laughed, "Then what's the point?"

"Don't tell if you don't want to.", the girl shrugged nonchalantly, her hands resting against her darling's shoulders, "It's not like I'd trust you even if you give me a name. By the way, how is your father doing?"

He Chen glared at the girl, enraged, as she spoke through her gritted teeth, "Don't you dare touch him, Xinghe! I take responsibility for everything I did. Punish me, if that's what you want. Just stay away from my Dad."

"Oh no, no.", the girl shook her head, "I wouldn't want to harm him. But that doesn't mean he won't be harmed."

"What do you mean, Sister-in-law?", Xi Fang questioned, muddled.

"He Chen will be hanged publicly first thing tomorrow in the morning.", Rong Xinghe glanced at the young man, "She'll be announced an anti-nationalist, an enemy of the state then. And do you know what happens to the family of such abominations? 

"Humiliation. Attacks. Taunts. An existence without honor. At least, in Country X, her father won't be able to survive. Ironically, though, he is a politician from the ruling government. Where else would he possibly go? The media will kill him. Literally."

"You bi*ch!", He Chen stared daggers into the girl's eyes, the lost strength in her body regaining, "It's a shame that you didn't die. You don't deserve my Zixuan. And you don't deserve any of this. Neither the Xi family nor your so-called brothers!

"Slu*s like you are supposed to be treated the way the Rong family treated you. Like animals. Or even worse. You should've been sold into that sex slavery market years--"

But before the woman could continue any further, a cold sharp metallic object pierced through the woman's forehead, about three inches above the point connecting her brows. Followed by two more savage firing shots, it was over. The story of He Chen. Just like that. In a blink. 

Rong Xinghe looked at the man in front of her. She hadn't even noticed as to when he'd borrowed her gun from Shou Wu or exactly when he'd turned around to aim at the woman. But she got it. His rage, and his resentment. And above all, his reasons. Xi Yuan wasn't the kind of person to stand by and watch his love get stained or insulted. It'd never been his personality, to begin with. He was the one to fight back. Like the alpha he truly was. 

Xi Fang, the working staff nearby, and Shou Wu, on the other hand, were shocked to their very cores, for the first time in their lives had they witnessed the man lose control over his emotions. He killed her! Without giving it a second thought or instead of letting the others do the dirty work for him, he did it himself...

"Yuan...", the girl stood up, holding the man's hand, "Calm down."

Xi Yuan stared at the girl in front of him blankly, his gaze giving away no expression. 

"I am fine.", she said, carefully taking the gun from him. Then, the girl turned to look at Shou Wu, "Follow Military protocols when you hang her body tomorrow. And wipe away Yuan's fingerprints from this baby's trigger and grip. I don't want any accusations bothering him. Got it?"

"Yes, Ma'am.", the old guy answered modestly.

"Xinghe, I--", Xi Yuan was about to say something but was cut off by the girl, "Let's go to our room.", she smiled softly, "I want to sleep for a few hours more before we pack our bags for the land of the castles. Care to join me, Mr. Xi?"

Relieved, that she hadn't paid heed to He Chen's last words, the man smiled back at her, "After you, Ma' Jolie.", he said, brushing his lips against hers ardently. 

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