The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 451: "Let's elope!"

Elite Multi-Speciality Hospital, 10:10;

"What an... what, Military Chief?", Xi Yuan demanded, his tone challenging the girl to repeat what she'd just mumbled. 

"Nothing.", the girl laughed, cupping her darling's face with both her hands, "I love you."

"Is this your way of messing with me?", the man scoffed, squinting his eyes at the woman under him, "Or is Ms. Rong simply bored?"

The girl raised her brows at the man, unable to stop her laughter. He was so cute! How on earth was she to get bored of someone like him? He was her most favorite human being, after all.

"I love you, baby bub!", the girl said again, her voice still a whisper as she closed in up to him feebly, erasing the distance between their lips. Slowly, one of her hands reached the back of his head as it started ruffling through his wavy light hair, while the other hand clutched onto his collar, pulling him to herself. 

It took the girl about ten minutes of kiss-showering and sweet nothings to finally pacify him. But it was okay. He deserved to feel cherished and loved and valued every now and then. They'd been together for about a year now and never had he ever expected her to put in endeavors for him. All he'd ever wanted was for her to stay by his side. That's it. 

But whilst Xi Yuan was Rong Xinghe's listener, advisor, confidant, and so much more, the girl wished to be nothing less to him. She doted on him just as much as he did, and she loved and respected him the same way he did. 

She'd never believed in the societal perception of relationships. The idea of one gender suppressing their feelings, emotions, and fears from their partner; as they silently fulfilled their lover's every requirement and expectation; she had always found it unfair. 

To her, Xi Yuan was a person with emotions and needs too. And an excellent person at that. Just because he was undemanding in their relationship didn't mean she could back away from her responsibilities. Moreover, Rong Xinghe loved to make him smile and laugh, she found pleasure in teasing him, annoying him with her childishness at times, and she relished every moment of watching him sleep peacefully through the nights too. 

Efforts beautified relationships. Rong Xinghe knew that, and thence, despite her strenuous schedules, she would always make time for her family, her friends, and most importantly, her Yuan. 

The man got off the girl and lied down beside her, revealing an enticing smile. As he stared at the ceiling above him, the girl took in all his quintessential features with admiration. She didn't know if it was the weakness in her body or just the silence, but she felt like it'd been years since they'd last met. 

"Yuan...", the girl said, her voice mellow.

"Yes, Love?", the man turned his head to face the girl beside him. 

"I miss you."

Xi Yuan's brows furrowed when he listened to the girl's words. Why would she say that? They had been together before her surgery and they were together now. Then what did she mean exactly?

"Not physically.", the girl shook her head, "I miss 'us'. Initially, when we'd started dating, we used to be so carefree. We used to have crazy unplanned dates and nine-hour-long movie marathons. We don't do that anymore, you know? 

"I get it. Both of us have work, and that we literally live together now. But most of the time, either you or me, someone has to stay up late while the other one has to go to bed. Am I even making sense to you?"

Xi Yuan thought about what the girl had said for a while before he finally spoke up, "You're not wrong.", he smiled, "I miss that too.

"You know what? Let's elope!"


"Yeah! I have a farmhouse in Scotland.", the man sat up as he looked at the girl exuberantly, "It's very relaxing and peaceful over there.

"Let's go there. You need it, Xinghe. We both do."


"Hear me out.", the man cut in, "Bro Su has already had a word with the Prime Minister and the President. You can't go back to work for the next one to two months anyway. And as far as Xi Corporations is concerned, it won't be the first time that I would entrust Fang with it. I'll handle all the urgent matters by tomorrow and then we should be free to flee."

"I am jobless?", the girl stared at the man, shocked. Among all the trivial things he'd told her, this was the one-'minute' detail he didn't find important enough to release. Xi Yuan, on the other hand, nodded his head faintly, not even attempting to conceal his excitement. 

Rong Xinghe sighed, sitting up with the help of Xi Yuan, "I have a terrorist on the loose, Yuan."

"Trust Elijah with it, Xinghe.", the man shrugged, "He was next-in-line to you for the very position you've so rightfully earned. In fact, I'd had a chat with Shawn and David not too long ago. The Hybrids are still laying low in Afghanistan, for Abraham Ali Fadhil hasn't yet tried to reach them out. Everything else, the ten Hybrids of yours are perfectly capable of managing. 

"So! What do you say?"

The girl looked at the man in front of her weakly. Even this little strain had started to tire her out. No wonder her brothers had gone on to involve the highest governmental authorities of the country into it. Letting out a long breath, the girl rubbed her forehead, contemplating her choice. 

She had to admit. Xi Yuan's plan was much more thought-through and solid than the one her Bro Su had in mind. Instead of being grounded in Elite Saphhire Penthouse for two months, exploring the vibrance and elegance of Scotland was much too tempting. So in the end, the girl looked at her fiance, a helpless smile across her lips. 

"Let's go.", she laughed just as ebulliently as him, pulling him in for a warm hug as her giggles resounded throughout the entire hospital ward. 

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