The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 445: Ad Infinitum, indeed

Elite Multi-Speciality Hospital, 18:35;

Xi Yuan remained silent for a few minutes, digesting Shou Wu's words completely, the blood inside his veins freezing to coldness, his heart pounding underneath his chest. Poisoned? His Xinghe? For the first time in his life, Xi Yuan felt a weakness in his legs, as he found himself unable to stand or even speak. Swallowing, the man closed his eyes, forcing himself to catch his breath, for he knew that now was not the time to lose himself. 

Finally, he managed to ask, his tone no more confident, "What poison?" There were a lot of questions, actually. Who was the perpetrator? Since when was it all happening? How did the 'poison' reach her exactly? But none of those doubts were as urgent as knowing how fatal the toxic element running through her body was, what was it doing to her exactly, and from where to seek treatment from.

But to his disappointment, Shou Wu had no idea about it. "I passed on the information as soon as I received it, Sir.", the old man replied, his voice helpless, "I am afraid that I don't have more to offer. I will seal the entire MCO, seizing the movement of every servicing staff next. As soon as I get to know anything, I'll inform you, President Xi."

Xi Yuan did not have the strength to even disconnect the call. So when Shou Wu cut it, Xi Yuan let out a shuddery breath, his eyes fixed at the direction in which they'd taken her. Even though the verdict of those blood tests and brain imaging scans weren't out yet, he knew what the future beheld, for him, and for her. As a stinging pain arose in the corner of his eyes, Xi Yuan felt anxious, scared, even.

It was now that a hand rested on his left shoulder, pulling the man out of his pain with a jolt, a start. It was Lu Wei, the five men behind him. Her family... 

The Six tigers were concerned. Not just for her health, but by Xi Yuan's reaction too. The girl had undergone an illness multiple times before, but this was the first time they had seen him in such a terrible and terrified state. One look at him and the men could tell that he knew something they had no clue about. But what, they would know soon.


Xi Yuan spent the next half hour explaining everything to the Six men, uncertain of what to do next. He told them about Rong Xinghe's weakness just before she fell unconscious and about Shou Wu's call, as calmly as he could. Of course, the girl's brothers were equally dismayed by the piece of news, but they couldn't lose hope. Neither could Xi Yuan. They had to stay strong. For her. 

As much as they wished to squeeze the life out of whoever had dared to orchestrate this entire bit, they didn't have time for it. Right now, it was much more important to understand the chemicals torturing Rong Xinghe, as every second passed. 

"I'll go and check.", Su Rogguang was the first one to speak as he unbuttoned his suit with one hand, nodding at Ching Tong, signaling her to get him a pair of gloves from his cabin just a floor down, "Do me a favor, you all. Ask Xinghe's assistant to hand over the MCO's Kitchen arena to the food forensics department.

"We need to know the composition of her food from the last two weeks, along with the raw ingredients used therein. As soon as possible."

"I am on it.", Feng Mian volunteered, pulling her hair up to tie them in a messy bun, "I have contacts in the Forensics. They'll definitely overwork for Xinghe. I'll get the reports by two at the midnight. Will that be okay?"

"I don't know. Depends on the kind of poison in her body. Urge them to be as quick and efficient as they can.", Su Rogguang said, tossing the suit jacket over one of the unoccupied hospital benches, "Just keep the media out of it."

"Don't worry about that.", Mo Zixuan waved his hand in dismissal, "I and Cheng Tai will take care of it." 

"And I'll head to the MCO with Mian.", Zhi Al joined, "Provided that Shou Wu spoke to the Mastermind, I might be able to trace the perp's current location. All I've got to do is hack into the national identification bureau's portal and traverse through it to get the bastard's specific details."

"I'll be here.", Xi Yuan finally said, his tone void of any emotion, "I won't be able to concentrate on any of these investigations right now. Keep me updated, though. I really want to be of help. I do.

"But I need to be here. By her side. It's just something I have to do."

Songyan approached the man and pulled him in for a warm hug, "We understand, Yuan.", she smiled, tears streaming down her eyes, "She'd want to see you when she wakes up."

"True.", Ruo Cy added, "We can only imagine the hell you must've experienced all this while. But don't worry. Your family is here now."

Xi Yuan smiled wryly, not sure what to say. It suited them all. The name 'Superfamily'. No matter the situation, they stuck together, protecting each other fiercely, loving each other just as much passionately. Ad Infinitum, indeed.


Elite Multi-Speciality Hospital, 00:30;

It took Su Rogguang hours to step out of the hospital ward, as Xi Yuan sat alongside Zhi Xi and Lu Wei outside, waiting patiently. Xi Fang had already arrived at the hospital about an hour after the Superfamily had, and Ningtao and Songyan had to leave early, for they had Little Baby Alix and Zhi Taio to put to sleep. Although they wished to stay with their family at the moment, the kids were used to the warmth of their mothers and wouldn't go to bed with caretakers just yet. The two women would call and check on the girl's state every thirty minutes, though.

"The Prime Minister knows.", Zhi Bo returned back after attending a call, "It was him just now."

"What did he say?", Rong Xiao frowned. 

"Nothing much. Just that Xinghe's health needs to be stable and that there would be no replacement for her in her absence. Behind the curtains, one of the Hybrids, Elijah Williams, would regulate the Military.", the man shrugged, "I guess the decision is fair."

"It is.", Ching Tong nodded. It was just then that Su Rogguang came out of the room, closing the door behind him as he pulled off his mask. Xi Yuan stood up, his eyes looking at the man questioningly. 

"What is it?", Rong Xiao asked, her tone tensed. 

"Shou Wu was right.", Su Rogguang sighed, "It's a slow poison. A formula, actually. One of a kind, I believe. But the worst part is that it is dissolved into her blood. It's difficult to tell what it was originally. 

"And it's harming her brain."

"What do you mean?", Lu Wei directed the question this time. 

"It's weird. One by one, whatever this toxicant is, it's clotting the blood in her brain, cutting off the oxygen supply to her brain cells. It's as if the attacker knew she had Migraines. Because the more this happens, the more will be the chances of a severe Migraine stroke, the consequences of which, I dare not speak. 

"It is an extremely rare but very serious situation. I've so far tried every medication I know of, but nothing is working. With every passing second, her pain is only increasing. It's brutal, and draconian, really. 

"We need to know the components of this formula now more than ever. I can't inject anything that would only speed up the harmful chemicals, inside her body. Without the name of the drug, I'll only end up accelerating her misery. 

"We can't wait till two. We are losing her, Wei. We really are. And it's scaring me."

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