The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 441: The (metaphorical) Present

Orgueil Banquet Hall, 17:05;

It wasn't the first time that Xinguan had tormented the public or the media with their PDA. But the intimacy between them tonight was too much to handle for those who watched them, as they stood afar, wishing, wondering, worshipping. But that's all they could do. Hope to have what they had, and dream to be what they were. 

The way they looked at each other, the way they held hands, and even the way they talked, was a statement. That they were meant to be. That no other person could fill the void left by any of them. And that they belonged to each other. 

As Xi Chongkun and Li Jungah stared down at their son, smiling for the first time probably that evening, subconsciously, their hearts were at ease too. It hadn't had even been five minutes since her arrival, and she'd brought out the true spirit of the event, exciting and cheering on the guests, talking to them with utmost decency, listening to their stories as if nothing else mattered more, while their son stayed by her side as he looked after her drinks and appetizers.

And that was when the old man and the old lady realized just how lucky their son was to have come across someone so special. She hadn't even married him, and yet, she was interacting with everyone associated with the Xi family as if they were her own. She was quite the combination of fierceness and propriety. A two-sided sharp sword, with a handle of delicate, and magnificent elaboration. She wasn't someone any ordinary man was worthy of even speaking to. Only someone as... secure and resilient as their son could rightfully hold her hands. 

At the moment, as they looked at the two, standing together, people amazed by the power they held, for some unknown reason Xi Chongkun and Li Jungah felt proud. Xinguan seemed so perfect as they smiled at each other, least bothered by the number of eyes envying them. He had chosen the right woman for himself, they sighed, thinking back to all the attempts they made into arranging those ludicrous blind dates for him. He never showed up to any of them, though. Thankfully, as they thought of it now. 

"I have a gift for your father.", the girl turned to her darling the moment they were alone, "Would he mind?"

Xi Yuan raised his brows, stunned, "He wouldn't.", the man shook his head, "But you didn't have to. They already like you."

"It's his birthday, Mr. Xi!", the girl smacked the man on his arm lightly, "Don't tell me you didn't bring him gifts."


"Oh my God! You didn't bring him gifts?", the girl stared at the man, shook to her core, "What is wrong with the kids these days?!", she groaned, clutching onto her chest, acting as if the man had committed a sin. Looking at her, acting all 'responsible, tired old aunt', Xi Yuan laughed out. How cute!

"Just come with me.", Rong Xinghe rolled her eyes, grabbing onto the man's right hand, as she gestured to the man behind her to pass her the box in his hand. 

Xi Chongkun's smile widened as the girl made her way toward him, her steps careful while she climbed the stairs. Xi Yuan was more worried than her, actually. Why couldn't she let him hold the gift, he muttered under his breath. Silly girl. Slightly, he bent down as he helped her hold her gown up a bit so she could walk comfortably.

And almost instantly, the paparazzi, at the range provided to them aimed their cameras at the couple too. What a gentleman-ly moment! President Xi and the Military Chief were quite the lovers, weren't they? Most importantly, just what did the lady plan to gift to her to be father-in-law?

Actually, that was something almost every guest throughout the hall was looking forward to too, including the girl's Sisters-in-law. The Six tigers, on the other hand, weren't even a tad bit worried about it. In fact, their major concern was to decide what drink to chose next. As hilarious as it looked, they knew how their little sister's brain worked better than anyone. Whatever she was to give to the old guy, the Six men knew how unbelievably beautiful it would turn out to be. After all, her presents, just like her, had been known to be exceptionally impressive.

"Happy Birthday, Sir.", the girl smiled with a nod as she reached closer to the old couple, "How have you been?"

"Call me Dad, young lady.", Xi Chongkun smiled fondly, placing his one hand over her head as he blessed her, "How was your Military work?", he then asked. 

"Everything went well.", Rong Xinghe answered, well-aware of the cover-up story her brothers and the Xi family had come up with. "I am not sure if you'd like it but there's a little something from me and your son, on this delightful occasion.", the girl laughed, pointing her chin toward the box in her hand. 

"Oh?", Li Jungah raised her brows, untying the vintage-styled blue ribbon, uncovering the box's top next. About half a minute later, the woman pulled out the framed painting from the box, holding it out to her husband while he and Xi Yuan took in the sight of it, both men's eyes open wide. 

It was, of a father and a son. A little boy, standing in front of a mirror, chubby, concentrating on the tie in his little hands, struggling to put it on as perfectly as his father did. And the father, peeking into his son's room, his one hand on his chest, a content smile on his lips, accoutred in a formal suit but missing a tie around his neck. Metaphorically, the tie in the little boy's hands was the one that replicated the design of the suit the father was wearing.

The two characters in there were none other than Xi Chongkun and Xi Yuan. It was shocking as to how the artist had painted down their exact features from years ago. It was as if the painting was a picture clicked then. But it wasn't. That was something, both Xi Chongkun and Xi Yuan remembered precisely. 

Unable to utter a word, Xi Chongkun looked at the girl. So did the equally surprised Li Jungah and Xi Yuan. Who painted this? How? Why? So many questions on their minds, yet, they were short of words. 

The girl laughed, understanding their dilemma, as she spoke up, "Yuan once told me that when he was about four or five, he would often sneak into your room to grab a tie. He couldn't speak then, because of his Acute Autism; but he wanted to grow up to be like you. So he would check every morning if the tie would look as great on him as it did on you. 

"Ying, after some days, told me, just how much Dad enjoyed this routine. So he'd sometimes place one of his ties in Yuan's room himself, watching him from a distance as he tried to put it on.

"I found this story too adorable. So much so that I wanted to capture it. So a few days ago, I asked Fang to get me some of you two's pictures from back then. 

"Yuan and you, Dad, might not have had the most interactive relationship, but it was, in a way, still very innocent and captivating. I wanted both of you to always hold onto that and cherish it. He is lucky to have you, and you are lucky to have him. 

"So when he told me about your birthday a month back, I couldn't think of anything else but to give that incident a form and paint it down.", she concluded, her tone filled with nervousness.

It took some time for the two men to digest the girl's words, but when they did, they were still not sure of what to say. She painted it herself! That was already mind-boggling enough. She was more of a professional than most of the artists out there were, just like her Brother Zhi Bo. 

But what amazed them the most was the amount of thought and efforts she'd put into it. Just how were they even supposed to begin appreciating that?!

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