The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 439: A Queen with a Crown over her head

Xi Yuan wasn't sure if what she'd just said was something she meant or if it was merely the alcohol talking. While her earnest, assuring gaze directed towards the former possibility, the fact that she was lying in his arms, in his clothes, kissing him after what he'd done, pushed him to believe the latter. 

Rong Xinghe had never been the kind of person to forgive so easily. The thought of letting people in again after allowing them to shatter her soul once scared her. She'd never been able to turn back once she'd decided to move on. Neither had she ever looked back to the Rong family nor did she liberate the Zhous from their guilt. Maybe, he was really an exception to her. Maybe…

As he looked down at the girl, sleeping like a baby, the man sighed. Whether she meant it or not, it was a matter of hours before he'd know that anyway. But he hoped, he so hoped that she would get up the next day, and search for him throughout the house, find him in the kitchen cooking for her, and would hug him from behind lazily. The way she did every morning. Watching her cry, watching her hurt, was no less of torture to Xi Yuan. 

He wanted this fight of theirs to end as soon as possible. He wanted her to look at him with the same admiration, same challenge, and the same tenderness, she usually did. 

But this disagreement was necessary. He couldn't treat her like one of his delicate Italian statues that needed to be protected. She was a grown woman. Yes, she was vulnerable in front of him. And yes, she had quite the busy schedule. But even so, in the end, she was a Queen. A Queen with a crown over her head. A warrior, who'd shed blood more than most of the men ever had in the history, and fought battles better than most of the finest soldiers ever did and still pranced out unscathed. 

She deserved to be treated as his equal, for she was soon to share his throne someday. He had to start trusting her with his wounds too, or he could end up losing her. Underestimating her selflessness, her capabilities, and her ability to be there for him was akin to disrespecting her. Humiliating, even. He had been so focused on shielding her from his problems that he never realized how his actions had pained her pride. 

"I am so sorry, Baby.", the man rubbed the girl's lower lip with his thumb, his throat closing in gradually, "I'll never disappoint you again. Ever."

The girl was too asleep to respond but the feel of his skin against her lips was no more unfamiliar to her. The more his fingers played with her petal-like soft lips, the more rapidly her heart would beat. Gradually, her lips stretched to form a smile. A soft satisfied smile. 


Elite Saphhire Penthouse, 11:00 a.m.; 

The next morning, the girl opened her eyes, in response to the bright sunlight, curling up inside the blanket, exhausted; uncomfortable, throbbing pain shooting through her head. What was with the weakness, she worried. Had she had too much to drink? But the number of glasses she'd downed last night wasn't even half her regular limit. 

As she stepped down the bed, her eyes landed over the mirror across the room. His clothes… Pushing herself back on the edge of the bed, she sat, all the events from last night returning back to her mind, one by one. He had watched her unclothed. And yet, he didn't… 

Burying her face in her hands, the girl groaned. Way to go, girl!

Rong Xinghe stood up a minute later, walked into the kitchen, and then the living room, and then the backyard, unable to find the man. He must've gone to work, she presumed. She wanted to talk to him. About the things she said, the things she meant. So inconvenient. 

Only when she stepped into the washroom to freshen up did she found a freshly ironed set of her clothes and a sticky note pinned against the mirror loosely. 

'Off to Dad's Birthday. Breakfast and coffee in the dining. Meds on the side-table. Stay safe. I'll miss you. :-( ', it read.

Unable to contain her smile, the girl brushed her free hand over the clothes. He must've had went to the Elite Diamond to get them, she thought. Such a considerate man. 


Xi Family Mansion, 13:00;

"What do you mean she isn't coming?!", Li Jungah glared at her son's reflection upon the floor-to-ceiling mirror, "Did you upset Xiao Xinghe?", she asked.

"I…", the man glanced at Xi Wei suppressing his laughter beside him, "…might've let her down.", he confessed, "Just don't let Dad introduce her name alongside mine tonight, okay? I don't think she'll show up."

"Then what are you even doing here?", the woman questioned, adjusting her necklace calmly, "How could you let her be alone at such a time, hmm? You had a better upbringing than that, Son."

"I'll stay for a while, Mom.", the man pinched the space between his brows, "People would understand if the Military Chief wouldn't show up. But I represent the entire Xi Empire. Not to mention, I am the birthday man's son. It's different for me."

"I agree, Aunt.", Xi Ying joined her brother as she looked ravishing at the moment, "Besides, Sister-in-law can't be reached right now, anyway. I called in at the MCO to check on her.", she smiled, looking at her elder brother, "It seems she has been testing the Air Force's fighter jets since the past few hours."

Raising his brows, Xi Yuan looked back at his sister. Smart. "Oh.", Li Jungah said, turning around, "Fine, then. I'll go and talk to your Uncle, Ying."

The siblings waited for the woman to close the door behind her before they exchanged glances among themselves. "Is she okay?", Xi Fang broke the silence. "Hopefully.", Xi Ying answered. 

"Is the Superfamily here yet?", Xi Ying shook his head, slightly heartbroken. Maybe it was just the alcohol then, he sighed to himself internally. 

Meanwhile, in Zhi Bo's Art Museum, the girl stepped back, her face covered in different shades of paint colors, one hand wrapped around the huge brush, another holding onto the palette. Proudly, intensely, her gaze grazed over her creation. There was a spark in her eyes, a delight, a triumph to her risen cheeks. 

"Hermosa! Perfecto!", she mumbled to herself in Spanish, turning off Shawn Mendes's 'Teach me how to love'. She couldn't be more thankful for the excruciating hours she spent alongside her Bro Bo, learning to embrace this skill. 

A while later, when she was done admiring the canvas, she placed the palette and the brush in a corner, getting rid of the vibrantly spoiled apron next. For some unknown reason, despite the medicines, the headache was still there. More severe than before now. But she shook her head, trying to concentrate on the matters at hand. 

As the pain subsided for a bit, she pulled her phone out, "Last but not the least, got to have a gown!", she reminded herself, for 'olde worlde' was the dress code to the Xis event. 

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