Tesslia: Can I Survive Being a Pet of a Sadistic Vampire?

Chapter 79: Marriage of the Millennium.


Chapter 79: Marriage of the Millennium.

(Tesslia’s POV)

Surprisingly, a few days after I got back to earth, those three had presented me with a wonderful gift. What kind of gift? Well… that is, one of marriage. No, really! They just started having me all dolled up, and now I am in a shuttle on our way to the wedding…

Tesslia: “…”

Risa: “Are you nervous, Tesslia?” She asked with a smile.

Tesslia: “Uh… I am just in a little bit of shock…” I reply with a slightly embarrassed tone and expression.

Karlena: “In shock? Why would you… Ah!” She said with a shocked tone.

Rosey: “What is it?” She asked with a curious tone.

Karlena: “Did not a single one of us inform Tesslia about the wedding?” She asked with an unsure tone.

Rosey: “…”

Risa: “…”

Karlena: “…”

A lack of communication? That can’t be it… Just like in bed, I have great connections with my wives. Perhaps they just straight up forgot to mention this to me? I am not mad about it, mind you.

Risa: “Sorry, Tesslia. We have been planning this wedding for a while, and unfortunately, none of us thought to inform you of it. We, or at least, I thought that one of the other girls would have told you.” She said with a remorseful tone.

Tesslia: “It’s okay. No need to be so glum right now. Isn’t it our wedding day? We should be smiles all the way.” I reply with a consoling tone.

Luckily, my words were enough to make them happy once again. To them, this might have been a severe mistake on their part, but I don’t really mind it much. I am a major home body, not the type that would be planning a wedding. Which is why they planned it out, not me.

A Shuttle Ride Later.

In front of me were my three soon-to-be wives, all dressed up in wonderful wedding gowns. Oddly, they were themed dresses. Risa’s was a light black, with white ascents. Karlena’s was golden, also with white ascents. As for Rosey’s, her dress was light pink, with white ascents as well. I am starting to sense a theme here…

Karlena: “Tesslia… you’re so beautiful.” She praised, seemingly resisting the urge to kiss me on the spot.

Risa: “Truly. Pama did a wonderful job on your dress, Tesslia.” She praised.

Rosey: “I never thought that a woman could look so beautiful.” She said with a wistful tone.

Their comments made me blush to no end, but they were right about my dress. Pama clearly designed theirs as well, but it seems like extra attention was placed on my dress. It was an inverse of Risa’s, that being a white dress with black ascents.

While I was in the dressing room, with my wives making sure that everything about me was perfect, Pama went off about the design of this dress. She even said that… I had to keep in safe, as it is most likely her greatest creation to date. Many would risk breaking into Karlena’s estate to steal it. Pama said that it was more than priceless…

But enough about the worth of material items. Right now, I was mainly focused on my beautiful wives. I never thought that I would marry a woman, let alone three of them at the same time. I mean, I knew that I was always a lesbian. I just thought that I would be alone forever… My morals from my old world try to creep in, but I shove them back into my mind.

In this world, my wives and I are practically immortal. In that sense, my heart can take more than one wife. For normal humans in my old dimension, life was short, and they barely had enough time to commit to one spouse. There are no such restrictions here.

Risa: “Everyone, this is our wife, Tesslia. From now on, she will be ours, to hold and cherish forever. Please wish us a happy marriage.” She said, looking at the crowd.

As expected from their statuses, as they’re all rich and powerful people, countless people showed up to our wedding. On top of that, it was even being broadcast all over, to every star system, as well. I was nervous, but imagining them all in their underwear… didn’t work, as they were all beautiful women. I just had to try my best to pretend that they weren’t there.


Each of my wives gave me a loving kiss on my lips, before kneeling on the ground. Together, they took out a box and let me open it. Inside was a very special ring. It was clearly some very expensive material, but also very beautiful. It was a tricolor design. One part was pink, the other golden, and the final color being… oddly purple. I guess that color is for Risa?

All Three of Them: “Tesslia, will you marry us?” They asked in sync.

Tesslia: “Of course!” I immediately agree.

Slipping the ring on my finger, the wedding then ended. This was a world without religion, so the weddings were pretty short, to say the least. That didn’t make it less meaningful to me, though. As I sat on the shuttle, which was heading back to our estate, I was as giddy as can be. I was also trying to ignore how horny my wives seemed to be…

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