Tesslia: Can I Survive Being a Pet of a Sadistic Vampire?

Chapter 12: Saved!


Chapter 12: Saved!

(Tesslia’s POV)

Eh, at least she was nice enough in her frenzy to numb my neck all up. Though, right before she could sink her fangs into my neck, Mistress showed up.


The moment she opened the door, or rather, the very second that she saw what Seehia was about to do… Karlena instantly appeared next to her, and threw Seehia backwards.

So fast!… Seehia wasn’t thrown that hard, though. Rather, she just flew halfway across the room. That’s good! I just got this room, so it getting damaged would hurt…

Tesslia: “…”

Karlena: “Just a small bit is enough to make a loyal retainer maid, who has been with me for hundreds of years, defile my property?” She said with an upset tone.

Tesslia: “I…” My words were cut off.

Karlena: “It’s not your fault. I know that, silly girl.” She said with a laugh before licking my lips.

Face licking!? Do I have a fetish for that?… Well, I have no idea if I do. Regardless, Karlena just licked the part of my lips which were bleeding. The wound sealed back up, so that means this healing thing is something that Karlena can do, and not some odd ability of this new body of mine.

Seehia: “My Lady… please forgive me.” She said in a remorseful tone and with a deep bow.

Karlena: “Don’t let it happen again. But I can understand why you would lose control… Tesslia’s blood is best that I have ever had. Not even 1000 years fermented blood wine can compare to hers…” She replied with a sigh.

Seehia: “Either way, I just attempted to indulge in what is yours… I require a punishment.” She replied.

Karlena: “A punishment?… Very well. From now on, you’re no longer the head maid. Instead, your only responsibilities will be tending to Tesslia.” She agreed.

Seehia: “Very well, My Lady.” She replied with another bow.

Tesslia: “I don’t really need that much tending too…” I say with a small pout.

Is it just a common thing that their pets run away? I mean… in my world, dogs and cats would get out of the house all the time. But I am not like those bird brain pet humans.

Karlena: “Tesslia, will you ever run away from me?” She asked.

Tesslia: “It would be highly unlikely, Mistress. Even now, I understand little of this world. And besides you being… kinda sadistic, I feel safe around you.” I answer.

Karlena: “So… if you figure out more about this world… you’re likely to run? Then, do please know that in this world, I am in the top 1% in strength, wealth, and influence.” She informed with a proud tone.

Tesslia: “Really?” I reply with a head tilt.

Karlena: “…If it wasn’t for your poor health, I would be pleasuring you into oblivion right now… Showing such a damn cute head tilt…” She said with a groan.

Tesslia: “…”

Karlena: “I will resist for now, Tesslia. Risa is busy, so it will be a while until I can take you to her lab for testing.” She continued.

Tesslia: “Testing? What would need to be tested… just my tag?” I ask in reply.

Karlena: “Your tag is a high priority, yes. But we have little to no information about you. For instance… you being weak as a baby bird.” She explained in reply.

Hm… I see. I also would very much like to know more about my body. For example… why do I not need to urinate or do… the other one? As I thought this, I clearly got too heated, since I passed out once more. Damn silly weak body of mine!…

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