Territory: The opening SSS level talent is too strong!

Chapter 104

Newcomer Square is dead silent.

Everyone's eyes fell on the colorful boy in the center of the square.

The appearance of the teenager made the results of all newcomers bleak, and only he became the limelight.

Not only the newcomers of the Blue Star Alliance, even if the newcomers of the entire Ten Thousand Races were in front of him, they could only be ashamed of themselves.

The Blue Star Alliance has stepped into this god-forsaken land for fifty years, and the brightest newcomers they have seen are only pink and gold newcomers.

According to the legend of those Terrans who have lived in the battlefield of ten thousand races for longer, the strongest newcomers they have ever seen are nothing more than dark gold.

As for the strongest newcomer that the alien race has ever seen, I'm afraid it won't be able to reach the level of Sancai, right?

And now.

The Terrans, however, produced a nine-colored newcomer.

And this newcomer is actually from the Blue Star Alliance!

This moment.

The old people present all felt that their heads were buzzing, and they briefly lost their ability to think, and their heads were blank.


Lan Xuyun, a newcomer to the 'purple gold' in the 17602 New District, looked at Chen Ping with a cute face at this moment.

Lan Xuyun experienced a very brutal racial battle in the new district.

She relied on uniting all the lords of the Terran race, barely drawing boundaries with the alien race, but there was still constant friction.

The organs were exhausted, the means were exhausted, and there were many deaths and injuries.

In such a difficult environment, she obtained the six-color Heavenly Dao Roulette.

And using the S-level talent 'Bu Guan', a large amount of spirit stones were consumed, which deduced the most suitable time to draw, thus drawing the highest reward of the purple-gold roulette.

At that time, the entire 17602 new area was boiling, and the alien race frantically set off a large-scale war.

That battle killed most of the Terran lords of the 17,602 New District.


Lan Xuyun recalled those Terran lords who had fought to protect her from death and foreign races, and her heart still ached sharply at this moment.

She and the dead Terran lords were only eighteen or nineteen children.

But their consciousness is even higher than hers, and the dead lords hope that she can leave the new area alive and contribute to the rise of the Terrans.

From that moment on, the immature Lan Xuanyun felt that he had a great responsibility on his shoulders.

He also really grew up and truly realized the true bloodshed and cruelty of the battlefield of ten thousand races.

On the last day of the end of the new district, she feels that she will be valued by the Blue Star Alliance, but she will reveal the names of the Terran lords who have died to protect herself.

At the very least, let their living families receive special care from the Blue Star Alliance.

But when she discussed with the supreme commander of the newcomer and the admissions office of the key university, Chen Ping appeared.

The nine-colored light that bloomed on Chen Ping's body completely overshadowed her.

At that moment, she even wondered if the person who sacrificed to protect herself was worth it.

The purple-gold light on her body, under Chen Ping's nine-colored light, was like the difference between firefly and Haoyue.

Small and insignificant.

Chen Ping's appearance is likely to cause those Terran lords who protect her to die in vain, and she may no longer be taken care of by the Blue Star Alliance.

Thinking of this, Lan Xuyun's eyes were slightly red, and tears rolled in her eyes.


In the past, the Blue Star Alliance could produce one or two golden newcomers, which was enough for the top management to pay attention.

Because sometimes, every year's newcomers may not only be unable to produce golden newcomers, but also may have large-scale deaths of newcomers, and the survival rate is extremely low.

Let the Blue Star Alliance not get enough fresh blood replenishment, this is the most dangerous.

Therefore, the appearance of the 'purple gold' Lan Xuan cloud just now will cause a sensation.

But they never expected that more outrageous ones were yet to come.

The nine-colored newcomer actually appeared in the Blue Star Alliance, which made everyone feel like a dream.

What does this mean?

It means that as long as the nine-colored newcomers in front of them grow up, the Blue Star Alliance will not only be able to completely gain a foothold in the battlefield of ten thousand races, but also have the opportunity to expand the territory and occupy more resources in the god-abandoned land.

The supreme commander in charge of the newcomer, Ye Zhengchu, came back to his senses.

His face was flushed, and he walked to Chen Ping, raised his hand to give a military salute, his voice trembled slightly, but he said generously: "On behalf of all the lords of the Blue Star Alliance, I salute you!"

Chen Ping was a little stunned, but he still returned a military salute from the Blue Star Alliance and said calmly: "In order to protect the mother star and continue the lineage of the Terran race, I am duty-bound." "

Everyone joined the battlefield of ten thousand races to protect Blue Star and prevent Blue Star from becoming a defeated star.

Not to be the humblest of the vanquished.

This is not only related to Chen Ping's own interests, but also to the fate of all the entire Blue Star race.

The admissions offices of key universities in the core area also woke up, and they quickly gathered around.

When I came up, I began to introduce my own school, and I opened up many favorable conditions.

Exercises, equipment, skills, elixirs, spirit stones, etc., they did their best to prescribe the resources that the maximum authority could grant, even exceeding their own authority.

All but hope that Chen Ping can go to their university.

Lan Xuanyun listened to the conditions they had given Chen Ping, and felt a pang of grievance.

Because the conditions they offered were much higher than those they had just given her.

But she also knows what it means to be a nine-colored newcomer.

You can't be called a 'person' at all!

Ye Zhengchu waved his hand impatiently to let those from the admissions office leave, and then respectfully said to Chen Ping: "Classmate Chen Ping, please follow me, the supreme commander of the security zone wants to meet you."

Chen Ping nodded and agreed, and the three of Gloria followed and left.

Everyone looked at Ye Zhengchu leaving with Chen Ping, their eyes full of envy.

It is a great honor to be received by the supreme commander of the security zone just after leaving the new area.

Generally, newcomers can be recruited by key universities in the core area, which has been able to make them excited for a long time.

As for meeting the supreme commander of the security zone, they did not dare to think about it.

Nan Feichen couldn't help but sigh: "Ou Shen is awesome!" As soon as I leave the new area, I will meet the supreme commander of the security zone.

Nan Hongyun said with a solemn expression: "You are still young, you don't understand!" A nine-colored newcomer appears in the Blue Star Alliance, which means either destruction or rise!

"Once the alien race knows that the nine-colored newcomer is in the Blue Star Alliance, ten thousand races will besiege it..."

Nan Feichen said disdainfully: "Alien race? He had already been slaughtered by Ou Shen, and except for the three subordinate lords of the foreign races around him, there was not a single living mouth.

Nan Hongyun was surprised and asked, "Is he so decisive?" "

An eighteen-nineteen-year-old boy actually slaughtered all the alien races so decisively, this heart is not simple!

Nan Feichen smiled and said, "Dad! It's not me blowing! Ou Shen and his wife are raising the morale of our human race, not only slaughtering all the alien races, but also captivating the alien races.

Nan Hongyun gasped.

Only Terrans have always been kept in captivity by alien races, and I have never heard of alien races being kept in captivity.

This nine-colored newcomer can be regarded as creating the history of the Blue Star Alliance in the new district.

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