Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata o Tatakioru

Chapter 228

First love of the Knights.

The body trapped in your arm is so thin that if you make it a little rough, it will break, making you scared.In fact, it would break easily if I handled it on my own.With that understanding, I managed to increase or decrease my critical power.

If you’ll excuse me, I want to hold you as tight as I can.

The lost being is in my arms.

“Mr. Leon.”

I wanted to make sure that the lovely voice that called my name wasn’t a dream.

Even if you forced yourself into the room and managed to figure out a misunderstanding, for some reason the princess is stubborn.You won’t even let me say it until the end, even if I try to tell you love like I’m trusting you.Everything, my voice, my expression, my attitude, was rejecting me.

And as you can’t push, you’re told a unilateral farewell.

Let’s get this over with.

I felt my heart pierced straight through.

A big shock takes the temperature away from your body.

I denied it in my head like a kid.

The eyes of a princess with a sad smile have already decided something.I can’t even give you the word to retain.Poor lips, like petals, hugged his thin body in an attempt to stop him from being sentenced to death.

Push the princess’s face into his chest and physically take away his words.

Strike the bell early enough to break your heart.A nasty sweat ran through the back of my neck.

Why? Why would I want to end it?

At the same time as questioning, unpleasant predictions overtake my mind.

Maybe the princess doesn’t like me anymore.

It was terrible to admit it.

After all, there is a fierce rage that shouts that it is unlikely that it will be recognized as similar to the thought of admitting it.It was only for a moment that I reversed.The passion that devoured me made my abandonment disappear lightly.

I won’t admit it.

I can’t forgive you.

You’re the one who keeps loving me and turning me into a human being with defects I can’t even understand.

Even though you taught me how to love you and how much you wanted me to look at you.

Is it easy to give up after being told that I don’t need it anymore?

I bit my adorable lips in order to take away every breath of nonsense.

Close your eyes and follow only the touch to escape the big, pale eyes.

More than feeling guilty about treading on the flowers you cherish and have mercy on, joy prevails.

Even though it’s a childish mouth to touch, the violent pleasure I’ve never felt before shook my brain.

How much you wanted and how much you were burning.Touch it to finally realize. Like the traveler who got water in the desert, the dry heart gave a voice of joy.

When you let go, the princess stands stunned.

I was relieved that the expression didn’t mix with the feared disgust, but I said, “Why?”The violent emotions burst out of his head again in a whispering voice.

I didn’t want to hurt you, but I wanted to leave a nail mark on your innocent heart.

The princess’s heart is so white and beautiful.I felt blamed for not being beside me.Then I wanted to pull it down to the same place.

Even if a man like me understands that it’s not a good idea to touch him, there’s no way to stop him at the earliest.Long ago, reason was twisted down by instinct.

Words, contacts, princesses.

And yet, I returned with rejection.

The signs of farewell are definitely approaching, and you can’t even breathe.

Your body is about to tremble with too much fear.Do people in the world repeat this feeling many times?I’ve only been fatally wounded once.

It hurts. I can’t breathe well.I’m going to drown.

I’ll do anything, so I feel pitiful for you.

While I knew the gentle princess couldn’t shake it off, I scoffed at myself for being such a bad guy.But I don’t intend to change it. I use all the hands I can use.I’ll do anything I can.

Nothing is more terrifying than Princess leaving. [M]

Stay close. Stay close.Don’t leave me.

If you’re going to take someone else’s hand, please stop breathing here now.

It was a small voice that raised the thought of being smeared black from the edge.

“……, come”

A straight line of sight caught me behind my back, a voice that was almost scratched away.Her eyes seeped with tears, as if they were on a clear blue lake.

Your body is trembling little by little and your knees are laughing.The princess’s willow eyebrows were crushed so hard that her body felt itchy.

I can’t think of the contents, but I know that you are desperately trying to convey something.

Small lips move to eat air.

After a bite, a lovely voice leaked from the mouth that was opened again.

…… Shuki

A slightly sweeter voice spins a miracle.

For a moment, I wondered if my head had been taken seriously.

I think a broken brain is experiencing a convenient delusion.But the princess’ face was dyed bright red in front of me.The way you tremble with tears like you’re ashamed of biting me is adorable as a little rabbit.

It may be for the princess’s sake to pretend not to hear. [M]

But I can’t. I don’t want to do what I just confessed.

The princess repeatedly appealed to me with his eyes to tell me again.

“… I like it. It’s been a long time… yeah, even now.”

As if you were embarrassed, your blue eyes, which contain a bit of astonishment and great love, melt.

“I love you the same way.”

That said, the princess who smiled was undoubtedly the prettiest in the world.

Your chest is tightened by the soft presence of a hug.

I can’t help but be glad that the fact that it has settled down in my arms.Because I was on the verge of losing it, I feel even more honored.

Slip your cheeks against your head.

She twisted herself slightly to say tickle, but the princess didn’t try to escape.

Enjoy the feeling of a loved one by becoming receptive.

When you bury your face on a thin neck, it smells like a pale flower.Cute, sweet and soft smell even though it is modest.

I never liked the perfume you ladies wear.The sweet smell just before the fruit rots makes me sick when I sniff it for a long time.There was no difference in type or intensity, and no one was confused by the scent.

The scent of Princess makes me more drunk than any fine liquor. [M]

Slowly narrow your eyes and inhale deeply.I wonder how happy I would be if I could fill my lungs with this scent.

Wrap your fingers around a soft platinum blonde and enjoy the feel.

Everywhere feels good and lovely.Smaller, shaped nails like white fingers and scales, luxurious neck and smooth cheeks.Especially the feeling of happiness when touching pale peach lips is irreplaceable.

If I say I want to taste it again, will you forgive me?


Unfortunately, what a sweet voice I wanted to laugh at.Pray for your lips with a pathetic voice like a rubbing dog.I wonder how to round up a gentle princess with an obedient faithful dog’s face, and no matter how I look, I am not a man worthy of her.

You didn’t hear back from the princess, did you?

If you call me again, I’ll just keep silent.

I stole a scary look at him as if he was getting angry.The princess in her arms was rowing the boat.

You lose consciousness twice, or the weight on your arm increases.The princess who built the neighborhood around his eyes began to rest in peace.

I wonder if you fell asleep with peace of mind because it seemed like you had been worried all along.


Keep your eyes down and exhale for a long time.

Should I be glad that you are relieved?Should I pity you for not recognizing me as a man?

She embraces the princess with all her complicated emotions.

I lay gently on the bedding so that I wouldn’t wake you up, and I put a cloth on.

I used my fingers to retract the hair around my eyes and stroke my cheeks.Loving and inseparable.

While staring at her sleeping face, her eyes were drawn to her thin, plump lips.

Put your hands on the pillow and bend over.

I tried to overlap my lips and managed to stay.

I don’t want to ignore your feelings. [M]

I was forced to take away my lips just now and I might be told what to do, but now my desire to cherish them has won.

Still, I couldn’t resist leaving and gently slapped my mouth on my well-shaped forehead.I leaked my selfishness in my heart that this would be forgiven.

Turn your heel and reach out to the door knob.

But on the verge of arrival, the door opened on its own from the outside.

From the slightly open gap, I saw the face of a man who was a subordinate and the princess’s guardian knight.A man who usually smiles refreshingly shreds all of his expression, and green eyes resembling fresh green open pupils.

“… Klaus”

You’re a jerk, this is it.

I don’t know how far I’ve heard the conversation, but I’m sure I heard the noise.I was worried that I had too much in mind.

I’m worried about the princess who gets exhausted every day, and it’s only natural that Klaus gets mad at me for passing through my colon.I wonder in the corner of my head if it would be okay to just hit me a few times.


Your eyes aren’t laughing at all, but only thin lips lift the corners of your mouth to form a smile.

“What have you done to my lord? I’ll kill you.”

He returned a bitter smile to the incredible man with a low voice and went out into the hallway.

It is not Klaus’s wrath or my own guarantee that will prevail now.The princess is asleep.

After slowly closing the door, he gently raised his hands and indicated that he would surrender, saying, “I will accept any complaints later.”

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