Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata o Tatakioru

Chapter 225

Capture the Reborn Princess.

Dosari and the sound of something falling quickly woke her up.


Wake up the inclined body and look around.

It’s the familiar room in which the focus slowly begins to converge.Looking at his feet, the book that remained open fell.The sound looks like this.

He was asleep while he was reading it.

Pick up a book while holding down a dull and painful head.The action of gently tapping the back cover to remove dust was dull enough to make me laugh.

I haven’t slept much lately… is there any disadvantage?To be precise, I’m afraid to sleep.Sometimes I was afraid of having a noisy dream, but more than that, I was terrified to think that dreams would have come true without knowing.

Nightmares that look like nights are much more realistic in how people and objects are shaped.Every time I woke up, I felt relieved from the bottom of my heart that it wasn’t real.

But I’m scared because it’s such a good dream.

When the day comes when I can’t wake up from my dreams.

If my body moves in disregard of my will and takes someone’s life.

Such stupid thoughts are circling around in my head.


I stared silently on the table next to the bed.A round black lump in a basket of bamboo raised its face as if it had noticed my gaze.

Eyes like glass balls that can’t read my emotions stare back at me.

Previously, the pale eyes on the shore of the lake turned to a dark sea floor color.Is the change due to the increase or decrease of light, or is it because of concern?Or is there another factor?I’m even afraid to check it out.

He remains my precious cat.I wonder why I feel like I’m confronting a creature I don’t know.

I was afraid of making the discomfort inside me definitive, so I couldn’t call it “Nero.”

I stared at each other like a staring beast, but suddenly, as if I had lost interest, the cat took its gaze away from me and became round to bed again.

I exhaled my unconscious breath.When I put my weight on the back of the sofa and meditate, I feel that my headache is clearer.

There are a lot of things you need to think about, but you don’t get along well with lack of sleep.

Is there a demon king in me?

I don’t feel anything.

Still, every time I fall asleep, I get anxious about the nightmares I see and the behavior of other people’s cats.

Or are you in Nero?

Friendly and energetic, Nero began to spend most of his day in bed.Once in a while, he doesn’t come near me.The eyes that were observing another creature looked different from my cute little one.

But it’s also possible that Nero’s attitude is guarding the demon king inside me, not me.

It was also possible that some kind of change was occurring due to the resurrection of the Demon King.

All of this is uncertainty.

The more you think about it, the more anxiety becomes.

“I don’t know….”

A small weak sound fell down.

I gathered information desperately to push anxiety.

Since the Magic King book was with my father, I studied the magic and magic books from one end.

Earlier, I heard from Irene that people in this world may have a trace amount of magic, even if they can’t use magic.

According to the information in the book, the Demon King has the power to amplify the magic of the vessel.

Together, if there was a Demon King in me, my magic amount would have risen.

In other words, if I could use my magic, it would prove that the Demon King is inside me.

I thought about it and tried various things, but everything was underdeveloped.

You can’t use magic, and the physical characteristics of using magic don’t appear.

Mr. Irene, I thought Lutz and Theo could tell me, and I immediately dismissed it as no good.

Even though the Demon King may be inside me, it is dangerous to make contact with the wizard.

After all, should I talk to my father?

Because I am afraid to see you in person, it is best to ask for instructions by letter or message via someone I can trust.


Even if you think about it, your body doesn’t want to move.

Looking blurrily at the ceiling, I buried my head on the sofa and on the lap I held.

The demon king, who appeared in books of the past and maiden games, was manipulating the body.

Naturally, the vessel that the Demon King lost will return to the corpse.At the same time as defeating the Demon King in the game, there should have been a depiction of Mikhail’s body becoming Chile and disappearing.

What if the vessel is alive?

What happens after that?


Her scratched body trembled.

I don’t think you can stop the Demon King and destroy him without damaging my body.Even if you survive because of the Demon King’s ability to regenerate, you don’t know what happens when the Demon King is gone.

I don’t want to die.

The fundamental fear of being a creature is rising.

A royal duty.It’s your duty to protect the people.Even if I tried to make up my mind, I couldn’t.

I just can’t wait to be scared.

Even if you want to cling to someone and cry, the reality beyond anybody’s control will knock you down even more.

“Mr. Leon….”

You can’t.

Even though I can’t rely on you anymore, it comes to mind the most.

Mr. Leonhalt already has a flower noise.

There’s no more room for me to go in.That’s why I have to give up. The time has come to let you go, as I promised you a long time ago.

And yet, I don’t like being pushed by ultimatums, and I continue to refuse to visit Mr. Leonhalt.

You’ve been coming all day worrying about me in a closed cage.

I’m worried that Hanayeon-chan will misunderstand me when I do that, and I’m living with you because it’s the last time I want you to swing around a little bit more.

When I happened to see Leon Halt in the garden, I was reminded again.

I still haven’t given up on Master Leonhart at all.I can’t help it.

I want someone to tell me how to end this love.

“… huh?

Concom, the door was knocked.

Raise your face and look back at the entrance.

I wonder who.

… I asked Klaus not to deal with anyone for a while.

Or is it your father or your mother?

If so, it would be too pathetic to ask Klaus to hold it.

Exhale one breath and stand up in a slow motion.With just this much movement, I felt a little dizzy.

My feet are not moving, and I aim for the flash and door.

“… Klaus?

Touch the door with your stretched fingertips and speak up to hear the requirements.

However, there is no response.

Silent silence flows.

I waited a few seconds before tilting my neck.When I tried to turn my heel back, I wondered whether Knock was wrong.

“… princess”

I heard a familiar voice.

Nervous or a little grabbed bass is for my loved ones.

I stunned and stared at the door.

I suppose I heard him wrong, and I suppose there’s no way I could hear him wrong.

“It’s Leon Hart. I’m sorry for being rude.”

Mr. Leonhalt continued to talk through the door about what he thought of me in silence.

Returning to me, I can quickly pull back the hand that was touching the door.After a few steps, he retreated.

A simple question arises as to why.

Mr Leonhalt has certainly visited me many times.But considering how I feel when I refuse a visit, I didn’t even pretend to speak directly once.

“You can take as much blame as you want later, please open the door.”

Confused, I can only stand up silently.

I gripped my shivering fingertips in front of my chest.

The door rang to appeal to me.

“Let me talk to you.”

I don’t want to hear it.

I shake my head without strength.There is no way that such a refusal will be conveyed to him when he separates the door.Cover your ears with your hands and step away from the door.

A long silence fell.

When we pinched the door and got stuck, we mutually waited silently for each other to come out.

How long has it been?

I heard a faint sigh.I feel lonely with relief thinking that I will leave.I refused it myself, and I don’t have that kind of qualification.

But after betraying my expectations, Master Leonhalt did not leave.

“Just a little bit, please open the door.If you could just show me your face, I’ll be back today. ”

Mr Leonhalt’s words could be called concessions.

Still, I hesitate. When I see my face close by, I’m afraid I won’t be able to give up much.

“Please, Princess….”

The repeated pleas were so weak that they did not seem to be the voice of Lord Leonhart.Your heart is shaken by a loud voice.

I couldn’t help thinking that I was bothering him.

Even if you’re not in love with the opposite sex, you feel that you care about me a little bit, and it fills you up a little bit.At the same time, I thought I shouldn’t be swinging around like this forever.

He is the commander of the Knights of the Kinsai.Royal shield. It’s not good to be alone with a little girl like me.

Lie down and take a deep breath.

I held my chest to calm my nervous heartbeat and took a deep breath again.

Just a little bit.

Just a few seconds, just look at your face from the gap.

Tell yourself that, and unlock it.

I put my hand on the door knob and peered gently out from a gap of about 20 cm that was open.

I’m surprised that Leon Hart-sama’s beautiful face is closer than I thought.I was about to lean back a little and close the door with momentum, but I managed to stop.

Mr. Leonhalt lightly shook his eyes and relieved himself.

My favorite Leon Halt smile…. and yet, for some reason, I feel uncomfortable.

The black lion seems a little different from the usual gentle and gentle smile that doesn’t seem to have a nickname.

I was trying to figure out the difference, but I didn’t immediately realize that I had been grabbed by the arm.


I look at the grabbed arm with a slip of voice.

It was firmly gripped by a hand that grew from the gap between the doors.

Leaving me standing there stunned, now there’s a guzzle and a dull sound.Looking at it, the toe of the boot was inserted in the gap between the doors, which prevented the door from closing like a door stopper.

Cold sweat bursts out.

Even if you try to pull your trembling hands away, you won’t be able to use your strength against your enemies.I raise my fearful face while being grabbed by the exquisite force that is not painful but cannot be removed.

The other hand hung on one side of the open door.

Leon Hart-sama’s ink eyes are slightly narrowed.I watched my well-shaped lips distorted into an arcuate shape without any trick.

The smile is as beautiful and terrifying as the beast that preceded the prey.


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