Ten Thousand Worlds Inventory: Beginning Of The Ten Great Compassionate Characters

Chapter 021

“You know, I believe that true concentration lies between anger and calm.”

[Kennan: “Equilibrium exists among all things

“] [Psychic Xinlong: “Yes, too calm to exert power, too angry to control power”]

Hearing Charles’s words, Eric turned his head and looked at him suspiciously.

Charles raised his hand and shook his fingers, “Do you mind me?” Seeing

that Eric didn’t speak, Charles’ fingers pressed to his temple and entered his brain, reminding him of some good memories.

Eric’s brow furrowed and relaxed.

Memories of his mother’s birthday with him as a child flooded out.

The candles on the cake illuminated the faces of the mother and son in the dimly lit room.

The mother looked at little Eric lovingly, raised her hand and gently stroked little Eric’s cheek.

Slowing down from the memories, Eric’s eyes were red and tears were running down the corners of his eyes.

Charles, who entered his brain, also felt the same and shed tears.

“What did you just do to me?”

“I entered the brightest corner of your

memory” “Very good memory, thank you, Eric”

Charles thanked him from the bottom of his heart, although his family was rich, his mother did not treat her well.

For him, the beauty of this memory is something he has never felt.

“I don’t even know I remember this,” Eric’s tone was grateful, sad.

[Baosheng Eternal Dream: “He is too bitter, hatred overwhelms him, maybe the re-remembered memory can heal the wounds in his heart”]

[Pineapple blowing snow: “Woooo It’s so touching”]

[Maria Linguang: “This uncle will definitely cheer up!

“You still have a lot of self that you don’t understand

” “Not only pain and anger, but also beauty

, I feel it” “When you can recall all, you will gain unparalleled strength

” “I can’t compare

” Patting Eric’s shoulder, Charles encouraged: “Come on, try again”

Eric raised his hand to the broadcasting tower, he let go of the hatred and anger in his heart, Try to recall the beauty hidden in the depths of memory.

Tears continued to flow from his red eyes.

“You can do it…”

“It’s okay, you can do it,”

my mother’s words of encouragement seemed to ring in my ears.

Eric’s hand trembled slightly, the radio station in the distance slowly turned, and the power of love filled Eric’s heart.

“You can do it… Eric…”Looking

at the rotating broadcast tower, Eric laughed heartily, this was the first time he was happy from the bottom of his heart since his mother’s death.


On a planet with a barren timeline in the Marvel World

Exile Timeline

, Old Loki looked at Eric’s memories and also remembered his mother.

More than two thousand years….

Although he is a child who is being raised by Odin, his mother Frigga treats him as her own and teaches Loki his own magic.

If Loki’s life is a lie, even for his brother Thor.

But for the current Friga, there is no deception, no hatred, he has always loved his mother.

And the unintentional killing of his mother was the biggest scar in his heart, and the old Loki, who had been exiled alone for a thousand years, cried like a child.

The world of hell girls

stood in the street, looking at the tears left by themselves suspiciously.

“Why… Will you cry? Images

flashed in her mind, the fire burning all around, her bloody father, and her mother, who had been burned to the ground, on top of her.

Speechless… Only tears kept flowing.

Bianca of the Honkai world

recalled what Cecilia had said in the stigmata space.

“Rely on your mother’s strength, my child,”

she got up and looked at the scenery outside, and said firmly: “Don’t worry, mother, I will find our father with Kiana”


On the other hand, Sean intends to provoke a war between the United States and Russia and let humans kill each other.

And through nuclear war to promote the birth of more mutants, to achieve the purpose of mutants to rule the world.

Charles and Eric and other mutants prevent the war at a time when the two countries are at loggerheads, and the war is about to begin.

Unable to find Sean’s location underwater, Charles uses a mutant’s ability to find the submarine’s location instead of sonar.

The fighter floats at sea, and Eric points his hand at the surface of the submarine, only to find that he cannot fully control his capabilities yet.


Charles’ words, Eric controlled his mind and stabilized his emotions, and his powerful ability allowed tens of thousands of tons of nuclear submarines to float from underwater.

A mutant who had defected to Sean climbed out of the submarine, and his superpower turned himself into a tornado, and suddenly the fighter began to shake violently.

Eric threw the submarine on a nearby island, while the fighter crashed.

Climbing out of the engine room, Eric couldn’t wait to tear off the iron sheet of the submarine and entered the submarine.

[Shore: “Sean absorbed nuclear energy, although it is not right, but it is also very powerful, Eric will not be his opponent”]

[Scarlet Witch: “Eric is obviously a stranger, but he gives me a feeling of affection, I hope he can take revenge and succeed”]

“Eric, go to the middle of the ship” Charles gave him instructions in Eric’s mind through telepathy.

“My brain waves can’t penetrate there, I guess Sean is there”

Hearing this, Eric immediately went to the middle of the submarine, only to find that it was empty.

“He’s not here, Charles, Sean isn’t here!”

Eric’s emotions were a little agitated, and he didn’t want to waste so much effort.

Suddenly, a hidden door opened behind him, and Eric slowly turned his head, where Sean was standing.

“Eric, it’s really overjoyed” Xiao’s tone was calm, “It’s great to see you again

” [Tanjiro Stove: “This cold-blooded man! Didn’t he feel the slightest sense of guilt for killing Mr. Eric’s mother!

[Siddha Kayin: “His conceit may only be reasonable to appear in a stronger person, and in the face of Charles, there is no countermeasure”]

[Smiley Swart: “Revenge is imminent, what color will Eric’s eyes be?” Sadness or joy?

Eric followed Sean into a room that shielded his brain waves, and Charles could no longer observe Eric’s state.

I’m sorry about the prisoner of war camp in the blue room,” Sean said sincerely as he looked at Eric’s pained face.

As soon as the words “really” fell, Sean pointed his finger on Eric’s forehead, and a huge impact made Eric smash into the glass mirror behind him, smashing out of the Dao Rift.

It was these rifts that allowed Charles’s brainwaves to enter that room.

Realizing that these mirrors can block brain waves, Eric manipulates the surrounding steel to destroy the mirror surface and tries to control Sean.

But Sean is not affected at all, steel can’t stop him, can’t hurt him, and Charles can’t control him.

Looking at the helmet on Sean’s head, Eric seemed to understand something.

Eric wanted to get away with it, and while Sean was not paying attention, he manipulated a steel bar to take off Sean’s helmet.

Sean was already reacting quickly, but as soon as he turned around, he was controlled by Charles entering his brain.

[Wendy: “Eh~ It seems that his strength is only physical, and his mind is not so strong”]

[Night God Moon: “This sinful person is finally going to die!”

Sorry, Charles”

walked to the helmet and looked at the motionless Sean, Eric picked up the helmet.

“Eric, please, be a better person, you heart…”

Charles’s tone was anxious, he didn’t want his friend to go astray.

“But I don’t believe you

” [Menyaji: “If there is a person who can read minds at any time, everyone will have scruples”]

[Aniah: “…………”]

[Haidong: “Huh? This reaction… The little girl above is also a mind reading superpower?

Eric put on his helmet and walked over to Sean.

“If you can hear me, I want you to know that I agree with what you say.”

“We are the future

” “But…” Eric suddenly turned and took a few steps.

“… Unfortunately, you killed my mother”

Looking back at Sean, Eric pulled out a coin, the same coin that Sean had asked him to move.

“I count to three, and I will move this coin

” [Sun Luban: “Thirty years of dormancy, avenging my mother, but also a great husband!”

[Dior Brando: “Yes, you have the potential to be a wicked person, but I admire you very much”]

[Yellow Ape: “Is it just a story of simply avenging your mother?” There are so many abilities in the intelligence, it’s terrible~”]

Thirty years ago, Sean asked him to move this coin, but he failed to move, and his mother lost her life because of it.

Thirty years later, Eric gave Sean the best answer, and the price was Sean’s life!


” Eric threw out the coin,

and the “two

” coin slowly flew towards

Sean, and the “three”

coin passed through Sean’s forehead, like through tofu, and pierced out of Sean’s mind.

Blood-stained coins fell to the ground.

After 30 years, blood for blood!

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