Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 1017 Identity Doesn't Matter

In the quiet test site, more than a dozen cameras were facing all the veterans who came to apply for the job.

Yes, there was no proctor throughout the exam, but so far, no one has cheated.

No one is a fool, everyone knows, no one is monitoring, and it is also one of the assessments.

Maybe not, but who wants to block.

In the personnel department, several HR ladies sat together, looking at the large screens in front of them. Through the monitoring, we could see that most of the people were scratching their heads in suspense.

There are several copies of the same test paper at hand.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I'm also very distressed if I'm inside."

A personnel officer in a floral skirt said with a smile: "No one would have imagined that recruiting veterans would even have to do high school physics problems.

You say, how many people can get a passing grade. "

"I think Xuan, after I go to college, all my high school knowledge will be returned to the teachers, let alone them."

An hour and a half passed quietly.

"All applicants please stop writing, thank you for your cooperation."

"A warm reminder, the test results of all applicants will be sent to your mobile phone via text message half an hour later, please pay attention to check."

All the test papers were taken away by Dabai, and everyone began to chatter.

The topic is basically the same, cool.

The test papers were scanned and stored, and Ling reviewed all the answer papers at a very fast speed.

In less than ten minutes, the test scores of 966 people were all counted.

The full score is 100, and there are two people with more than 90 points. Only a few 107 people have reached the pass line. Coincidentally, those who did not pass all fell on the physics questions.

The only thing that Ling didn't expect was that there was one person who got full marks, and she was a female veteran.

Through his own channel, after Zero searched all the information about this person, a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The information found is too normal, normal to abnormal.

How can there be such a coincidence, judging from the existing information, this person was an ace pilot of the Air Force half a year ago, and made an inexplicable mistake, ending his flying career.

Zero speculates that there is a 90% chance that this person is someone sent by the government, and he doesn't even hide it.

The cleaner the information, the more suspicious the truth, and Zero doesn't think that the higher-ups with a think tank will not think of it.

And this person's performance is too good, if it is to hide, there is no need to show his edge.

Zero did not make his own decision, but told the boss who had just come out of the conference room.

After listening to Zero's report and analysis, Mo Jingchun frowned and said with a smile: "Is there such a good thing?"

As long as he is not a scientific researcher in the laboratory, Mo Jingchun has never worried about the purpose of all parties entering Candy Technology.

Just like Xia Xiaomin, everyone knew Du Ming from the beginning.

Only this time, it was hard for Mo Jingchun to guess why the higher-ups arranged for this person to enter Candy Technology.

Moreover, it is this person on the surface, but is there really only one person? I'm afraid it's not likely.

After pondering for a while, Mo Jingchun slowly said: "It doesn't matter what the identity of the applicant is, there is absolutely no possibility of a third world war right now, even foreign veterans, as long as they pass the examination, we will follow the order. receive.

We are recruiting laborers, not participating in mysterious and secret projects, whoever he is. "

Hearing this, Ling nodded thoughtfully and said, "I understand, boss."

Just after coming out of the examination room, the applicants who got the lunch coupons headed towards the cafeteria in groups. At this moment, everyone received a text message notification at the same time.

Notification ringtones are different, but everyone's actions are surprisingly unified.

Everyone, unlock and check text messages immediately.

Some people are happy and some are sad. When they receive a text message, some people are happy, and some people shake their heads and sigh.

Hao Xiaoyan, who was walking alone, looked at her perfect grades and acceptance letter, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Leaving the army with a mission, Hao Xiaoyan was a little unbalanced at first. As a young ace pilot, according to the current development trend, becoming an astronaut in the future is a matter of iron and steel.

After all, today is different from the past, and the country's demand for astronauts has greatly increased.

Not surprisingly, all ace pilots will eventually become astronauts, traveling in space, no longer confined to the blue sky and white clouds.

Hao Xiaoyan only knew that she was not alone in this mission, but she didn't know exactly how many or who there were.

I don't even know what the mission of this trip is, or in other words, there is no mission at all.

"Look at Candy Technology's short video account. Ten minutes ago, a new video was released!"

Someone exclaimed, Hao Xiaoyan was keenly aware that there must be very important information on it, and it was closely related to them.

With curiosity, Hao Xiaoyan opened the short video that is rarely used, searched and followed Candy Technology.

After watching the three-minute video, Hao Xiaoyan's eyes lit up.

"Pilot", "Moon transfer station", "Aeroplane"...

Summing up all the vocabulary, it is not difficult to guess the purpose of Candy Technology recruiting veterans.

Train astronauts in batches!

Cultivate those with excellent grades, and they should become pilots of aerospace planes!

This is where the dream of stars and seas begins.

With excitement and anticipation, Hao Xiaoyan is looking forward to the next training.

From the information revealed in the short video, it is speculated that the training time for their group of 200 people will not be too long.

The next day, the selected No. 200 veterans took 4 tourist buses and followed Mo Jingchun to the Anyang base a hundred miles away.

Su Wenyan, who had already received instructions from his boss during the May Day holiday, had already made preparations for staff resettlement before the end of the May Day holiday.

On the open runway of the airport, three space shuttles lined up steadily, and a group of staff members were checking the three space shuttles before takeoff against the sun.

Different from the past, the cabins of the three space shuttles are filled with customized nanomaterial lunar transfer station platform support keels ordered from the country.

The space shuttle took off with a full load, and no one dared to be careless.

In particular, today the boss will personally go to the scene to guide the take-off of the three space shuttles.

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived, at the entrance of the airport, five white Audi cars led four tourist buses driving towards the control tower.

All the staff knew that the familiar white Audi car was the boss's car.

After getting out of the car, Mo Jingchun, wearing a straw hat, looked at the veterans who had just got off the bus, took the loudspeaker from Zero, and shouted loudly:

"I don't care if you have comrades-in-arms who know each other, since you have entered the candy technology, you are each other's comrades-in-arms."

"One minute! I only give you one minute. I hope that what I see is a neat phalanx, not a chaotic crowd."

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