Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 1014 Inference of Candy

Don't underestimate the combined strength of all countries in the world. Mo Jingchun has reason to believe that the time from the construction of the first seed spacecraft to its completion and delivery will definitely not be too long.

The first seed spacecraft has a special mission, because human beings don’t know whether the Merck civilization will suddenly come to the solar system, and because there are too many uncertainties, the first seed spacecraft needs to set sail in the shortest possible time. Sailing in the direction away from the Merck galaxy.

With the current technological level of human beings, artificial intelligence, robots, materials, and energy, all the necessary conditions have been met. Mo Jingchun has reason to believe that the first seed spacecraft will be delivered within a year at the earliest. use.

This time node may be earlier.

During this period, if the metal smelting plant in the candy science and technology plan is completed and raw materials are provided to the global joint operations center, the profits in this process will not be less than the research and development of new products.

Putting down the tablet in his hand, Mo Jingchun thought a lot in his mind.

At this moment, Tang Tang, who came down from the bedroom, was combing her hair with a comb. After a while, a ball head was freshly baked.

Candy, who had just sat down, saw the tablet computer that was still on the screen, and curiously picked it up to read.

"Hey, finally started to build the spaceship."

"Brother, can we also start planning?"

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun glanced at his sister, "Do you think what you see is true? Some things are just for you to see, but it doesn't mean they are the truth."

"Instead of caring about these things that have nothing to do with you, you might as well care about your participation in the National Mathematics Olympiad next week. Someone has made a deal with me to get the first place back."

Candy rolled her eyes indifferently, and said, "The class teacher told me that there are people beyond people, and heaven beyond the sky. You should take what I said last time as a fart."

"It is reasonable to say that the topic is not difficult for me, but there are many smart people in the world. This time, the participants in the competition are all top students from various provinces. I am not sure whether I can win the first place."

Mo Jingchun looked at his younger sister in surprise, he didn't expect that what the head teacher said was quite useful, and he actually listened to it.

Arrogance is not a good thing.

It is not easy to realize that there are people beyond people and heaven beyond the sky.

"Not bad, it means that you have really made progress."

"Cut~ You said it | Sister, I used to be arrogant and didn't know the same."

Candy, who didn't want to change the topic, raised the tablet in his hand and said, "Brother, I was in the office last time, and sister Xiaoxia was here. It's inconvenient to say, but now I'm at home and there is no one else. Tell me, what's going on?" Son, I always have a feeling that countries are going to a fair.”

The living room fell silent instantly, and Mo Jingchun looked up and down the candy strangely.

Candy, who is usually at school and can only watch the news at home during weekends, can actually observe the unusualness of various countries from just a few words. This is really quite rare.

Mo Jingchun did not directly say the reason.

Instead, he asked, "Why do you think so?"

After pondering for a while, Candy asked tentatively: "Global natural disaster? Or a meteorite hitting the earth. It's not right. No matter how bad the environment of Blue Star is, it's better than leaving Blue Star to go to other galaxies full of unknown risks." What's more, even if it reaches the nearest interstellar space around the solar system, a spacecraft made with the current level of human technology will not be able to reach it in hundreds of thousands of years.

Not to mention the dangers in the process. This is very irrational. If I were a decision maker, I would never leave the solar system rashly unless the solar system was facing an irreversible disaster.

To put it bluntly, unless by luck, the nearest galaxy has a planet suitable for human survival, otherwise leaving the solar system is a dead end.

But how likely is this possibility? almost zero.

That being the case, even if the blue star explodes, as long as the other planets and the sun are still there, there is no reason to take humans away from the solar system, because even if they go through all kinds of hardships and reach new galaxies, the planets before humans are still lifeless planets . "

Candy spread his hands, and said strangely: "Since they are all the same, why not choose the solar system that humans are more familiar with, at least, humans have a certain degree of research on the solar system.


"Unless what?" Mo Jingchun asked subconsciously.

Candy frowned felt that this possibility was very small, but it was not impossible. Under the current conditions and reasoning, the possibility was the greatest.

It's it possible?

"Unless there are aliens who want to attack the solar system. This is too nonsense." Candy shook her head and laughed at herself, feeling that her imagination was too exaggerated.

However, Candy found that her brother fell silent after hearing her words.

At this moment, Candy was stunned.

Isn't it so outrageous?

In Tangtang's trance state, Mo Jingchun took the tablet from Tangtang's hand, opened a hidden folder, and there was only one file in it, with no special title and text, only two short words "report".

"You're smarter than me. Read it for yourself. It contains what you want to know. Actually, I don't want to tell you, because it's useless for you to know the truth. It will only increase your troubles."

Hey alien, the answer he said casually turned out to be the correct answer, Candy found it incredible.

Although she has completed the basic courses of the university and firmly believes that human beings are not alone in this universe, she was still shocked when she learned that alien civilization really existed.

The report is very long, from the initial discovery to various analyzes and plans, it is clearly written in the report.

I don't know how long it has passed, but after reading the report, Candy feels a little tired in his eyes.

"finish watching?"

Putting down the phone, Mo Jingchun raised his head and smiled slightly at his sister.

But Candy couldn't laugh.

"Brother, why are you still in the mood to laugh, human civilization may become extinct at any time."

"Oh? Then how likely do you think it is?"

"Theoretically speaking, as long as human beings don't kill themselves, it seems that this Merck civilization doesn't know the existence of our human civilization, let alone our spatial location."

"Therefore, there is no need to create anxiety for yourself. Even if it is the smallest possibility, the upper echelons have considered it. The so-called spaceship is just a seed spaceship of human civilization. Even if the Merck civilization does not know the existence of human civilization, the spaceship will still carry The seeds of humanity sail away."

After speaking, Mo Jingchun paused, and said meaningfully: "Human beings never choose only one plan.

As you said, there is no reason for human beings to leave the solar system, and the reality is that there is no ability to take everyone out of the solar system, so all plans will be carried out simultaneously. "

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