Tang San’s Twin Sister

Chapter 51

For the sake of ease, I changed the spelling out of Spirit ranks to numbers, so don't be surprised about that small change :)


"Next is us." Tang Yin announced and put her leg up on the table. The man hesitated a moment before she pointed at Tang San in explanation. "Same Martial Arts." Then he understood then and tested her bone age.

"Passed."He announced, and Tang Yin released her Spirit before he requested to. Three rings appeared around her. The man at the entrance rose from his chair, shocked as one yellow and two purple rings appeared around her. He was gaping when she said. "Tang Yin, Spirit Blue Silver Grass."

"I am getting old; please, you two, as you are the same group, leave this old man with some dignity." He said breathlessly, settling down again.

Ning Feng tipsied forward, holding out the Grandmaster's letter. The man opened it, read through it, looked at Ning Feng, and then back at the letter. He rearranged his chair and let out a sound of disbelief reading through it once again. Then followed a few seconds of silence. "That is one mighty reccommodation, Miss Ning. You are the first to carry a letter of entrance from the Grandmaster himself. Passed; you can go with the others."

Behind them, many protests suddenly rose, and the man glared at the few applicants left. "If any of you can have a recommendation letter from one of the greatest Spirit Scholars in the world, which is only titled the Grandmaster for his prestige even by Spirit hall, please." He signed them to come forward and was met with silence.
The words quieted the others down but did not leave them from glaring at Ning Feng, who hushed behind Jiang, grabbing her pink Teddy shyly.
Now it was Jiang's turn as he stretched out his hand. "Age Passed." The man said after his test and settled down extra comfy on his chair, awaiting another shock, most likely after the first two. Jiang smiled, and suddenly, two yellow rings appeared around him. "Jiang, Spirit, Dead Moon Dragon." Tang Yin wasn't sure if the man was relieved or needed a second to gather himself after hearing Jiang's Spirit.

"Passed. All five of you may go with Mubai." He said, sounding visibly weaker. They walked with Dai Mubai, who eyed Ning Feng, Jiang, and Tang Yin suspiciously.

"If you'd..." Suddenly behind them was an audible gasp of surprise from the applicant. They turned to see a young girl without any adult company wearing an elegant turquoise dress. Ning Feng paled and stumbled back, leaving Tang San puzzled to wanting to ask what was going on when the man leaned forward.

"Does your family know you are here?" He asked, and she smiled.

"I pass, don't I? They say Teachings can be received anywhere, and I pass the demands don't I?" He hesitated momentarily before shaking his head.

"Mubai. Take her along as well."

Mubai, instead, didn't react. He kept staring at the entrance line. But then his manners returned; it had only been a second when Dai Mubai walked ahead without a word. Soon a few people hurried after them when someone was shouting. "Sausages, fresh Sausages!" Around and they saw a youngish bearded man advertising Sausages.

"Want some?" Tang San asked when he saw Xiao Wu eyeing them curiously.

"Yes." She said excitedly, a giant smile on her face. "They smell tasty. Yin, Feng, Jiang, you too? None of us had breakfast."

"None for me, thank you." Tang Yin declined, and so did Ning Feng.

"I-I am t-to nervous t-to eat." She stuttered, and in turn, Jiang declined, so only Tang San went to the sausage stand with Dai Mubai walking close to him from a distance, leaving the others behind.

"Jiang, why have you suddenly decided to join in?" Xiao Wu asked him, and he shrugged his shoulders. "It's boring at home right now, and thanks to a few crazy people, I can't even fly around anymore without paying constant attention to my surroundings. I thought it might be more interesting to join in with you. This makes me wonder, where are Yu Hua and the rest?"

"Yu Hua was forcefully recruited back to his clan; he didn't want to, saying they might kill him if he didn't watch it. Damian and Gale joined him, wearing theeir are we tear you apart smiles. The one they usually have when they hunt for good deals with Ning Feng since she is a real asset for grading stuff's value thanks to her tool spirit." Tang Yin told him, and Jiang took the answer, eyeing Tang San, who came back with a very blank expression, followed by a trying to hold his laughter Dai Mubai.

"No Würstel?" Tang Yin asked him, and he gave her a dark look.

"It's his Spirit. The sausages are his Spirit." He said, and Xiao Wu turned red as a tomato.

"Who has a weird spirit like that?" She asked, mortified, and Dai Mubai patted her shoulder.

"We are a school of monsters; we have some weird-spirited students around." He told her. "Oscar is quite capable, though."

Ning Feng gave him a wide-eyed stare. "W-weird, i-is okay here?" She asked him, and Dai Mubai, who probably heard her for the first time speak, needed a second to fiddle out her stuttering.

"Yes, being weird doesn't matter."

"O-Oh." She said and smiled lightly. "Thanks."

"You are welcome. I'd say we go to the fourth exam." They passed a batch of students waiting for the second exam. One let out an enraged shout. "Hey!"

Leaving them all standing. "Really now?" Jiang asked, mildly annoyed, turning around.

"How come they can all pass by here while we have to do a lot of exams?" The boy asked, and Dai Mubai Shrugged his shoulders.

"When you have spirit power at or over level 25, naturally, you can skip the other exams too." He told the boy and shrugged his shoulders.
"How come. I have only spirit power over 21, and no way those kids have more? They are all twelve at best, and the girl there doesn't even look like she is ten!" He ar, and the examiner sighed.

"Only because you don't have the talent, it doesn't mean that others don't." He took the white spirit testing ball and threw it at them. It was the white type that would explode at spirit power over fourty but still it was more then enough for a teast. 

The first one to catch it was Tang San with one hand. He transferred his spirit energy into it, and the ball glowed brightly, having every single one of the objectors gasp in disbelief and quiet down as they muttered amongst themselves that they couldn't believe that there was someone their age already at level twenty-nine. After proving his point, he passed the spirit ball onto Xiao Wu, who grabbed it with both hands, concentrating on it, causing even more shocked gasps and murmurs among those who watched them. 

A beautiful girl stepped out of the row and smiled at them gentl. "I think I too can skip this level then." She said and streched out her hand as Xiao Wu passed on the measuring tool to her. She took and showed her spirit power, which had Ning Feng next to Tang Yin gasp when she saw it, making a pass closer to her. 

"Next is me." Tang Yin said and snagged the ball out of the girls hands grinning brigthly. "Try not to fall unconcious in shock." She said jokingly and injected her spirit power. Now people were more then just gasping even the Tiger stared at her whide eyed as she gently handed the ball over to the next person. 

Ning Feng, she blushed shyly and turned the ball in her hands. It was glowing in dazzling white in her hands. After that, she passed it hastily to Jiang, who took it from her and winked at Tang Yin before showing off his spirit's power. Causing even more excited shouts to erup around them. 

He blinked when the ball was snatched out of his hands at lightning speed by a cool-looking woman in an all-black outfit. She gave them a long look before activating her own spirit power. 

Dai Mubai instead turned to the objectors. "Now what? Two of them are at level 29, two at 26, one at 27, and two are even bigger monsters at over level 30, one at 32, and one at 34." Dai Mubai laughed and crossed his arms. "Any further objections?" 

Silence, apparently no one had objections, Tang Yin waved at them as their small group passed by them, and they headed further into the academy. 

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