Taking stock of the supreme myths, all characters in the world are broken!

Chapter 85

The world of mortal cultivation

“It seems that practicing Taoism and cultivating immortals are similar, both start from the inner elixir. However, practicing Taoism is much more powerful than cultivating immortals. A single cultivation of immortals cannot bring people back to life.

I don’t know if it’s too late to practice Taoism now. I have practiced for a long time, but my strength has not increased. I am still at the peak of Daluo.……”

Han Li felt helpless. It was not a solution to hide like this all the time. Although most of his mortal enemies were dead, there were always a few that slipped through the net.

Now he was like a fish on a chopping board, at the mercy of others!

If only he could go to the Taoist mythology world to practice Taoism, with his own understanding, it wouldn’t take long for him to succeed!

The World of Blue and White Society

Mo Qiong looked at the sky in the sky, thinking,”Could it be that the small mountain village where I was born is actually a village in the Taoist mythology world?

Otherwise, how can I have the same omniscience and omnipotence as those gods…”

So why not leave myself a secret book of Taoism, otherwise he would not fall into this passive situation.

The strange and infinitely evolving Kuns and other shelters are not ordinary difficult to deal with. If he learns Taoist magic, he won’t be so strenuous!

The World of Fights Break Sphere

“How can I switch to cultivation?” Xiao Yan asked a soul-searching question.

Although he has become a Dou Emperor, his life span is always limited. He cannot achieve immortality, let alone the ability to bring people back to life!

Master Tan advocates cultivating the inner elixir, but I don’t have this thing in my body…

Just when the heavens and the worlds were in great distress, the sky in the sky 22 underwent new changes.

【Exposing the Ten Supreme Mythological Worlds】

【Second, the Western Buddhist world! 】

As soon as these words fell, a storm of shocks was set off in the heavens and the endless universe!

The One Person World, the Dragon Talisman World, the Holy Ruins World, the Mortal Cultivation World, the Confucian and Taoist Supreme World, the Blue and White Society World, the Battle Through the Heavens World, the Heaven Covering World, the Douluo Xiaolu World, and countless other worlds were all discussing fiercely.

“Our world is not even considered the Supreme World! Why?”

“What kind of world is the Western Buddhist world? Isn’t it full of monks?”

“The Daozang mythical world ended so quickly, but we haven’t been told how to enter the Daozang mythical world yet! How can we practice Taoism?”

“The gods in the Taoist mythology world, and even ordinary people who have attained enlightenment, are so awesome, can the monks in the Western Buddhist world also beat us?”

Daqin World

“The people sent out to find the secret of immortality have not returned yet, and this world of Taoist mythology has come to an end!

I want to see how powerful this Western Buddhist world is!” Ying

Zheng snorted coldly!

“The Daozang Mythology World ended so quickly, and I haven’t found a way to switch to Taoism.

That’s fine, but why can this Western Buddhist world be called the Supreme World!

There are so many Doudi in our world, but it can’t even be ranked!”

Xiao Yan was a little puzzled…

Douluo Xiaolu World

“The Douluo World I manage is not even on the list! It’s okay that the Daozang Mythology World can’t compare, but what the hell is this Western Buddhist World!”

Tang San frowned secretly. He couldn’t understand how Tianmu ranked the world!

The Emperor Domination World

“There is nothing to say about exposing the Taoist Mythology World, but what is this Western Buddhist World!

It can be exposed before the Emperor Tyrant World. It really doesn’t take me, the No. 1 Emperor of all ages, seriously!”Li Qiye was very unhappy. Isn’t the Emperor Tyrant World he led awesome?

You know, he has trained hundreds of Immortal Emperors, each of whom is omniscient and omnipotent! They are extremely powerful in the heavens and myriad worlds!

It’s just a little bit worse than the Taoist Mythology World! Since the Taoist Mythology World has been exposed, the Emperor Tyrant World should be exposed, not some Laozi Western Buddhist World!

The World in the Snow

“Old Huang, tell me, is our world in the snow not powerful enough? Why is our world not exposed on this list?”

Xu Fengnian shook his head in disappointment. He thought that after the Taoist mythology world was exposed, it would be their turn, but in the end, a Western Buddhist world appeared, which he had never heard of!

“Young master, this Western Buddhist world must be special, otherwise it would not have become the supreme world. Let us take a look first!”

Old Huang said with a grin, grinning with yellow teeth.

Xu Fengnian nodded and looked up at the huge light curtain. He was somewhat curious about the Western Buddhist world.

He wanted to see what ability this Western Buddhist world had to become one of the ten supreme worlds!

The curiosity of all the heavens and worlds was aroused.

They all wanted to know what was so special about this Western Buddhist world that it could be as famous as the Taoist mythological world and become one of the ten supreme worlds!

Under the attention of all the worlds, a picture slowly appeared in the light curtain.

Passing through the heavy clouds, a magnificent temple appeared in front of them-the Great Leiyin Temple.

This temple is located in the center of the Western Paradise, surrounded by colorful auspicious clouds and golden light.

There is a Bodhi tree in front of the temple. The branches and leaves of the tree have crystal green light flowing, which is overwhelming.

What followed was the Sanskrit sound of the Buddhas, as loud as thunder.

Not far from the Great Leiyin Temple, there is a glazed pure land. From a distance, it looks like a huge gem inlaid in the blue sky.

【Medicine Buddha is the leader of the Eastern Pure Land of Lapis Lazuli, also known as Medicine Buddha and Great Physician Buddha!】

【When he practiced the Bodhisattva path in his past life, he made twelve great vows, wishing to relieve the suffering of all living beings, to make them fully endowed with all faculties, and to lead them to liberation. Therefore, he became a Buddha based on these vows.】

【The Dharma image is in the shape of a spiral hair, holding a medicine pot in the left hand and making the Abhaya Mudra with the right hand. The two Bodhisattvas, Sunlight All-Seeing Bodhisattva and Moonlight All-Seeing Bodhisattva, are on his left and right, and are collectively known as the Three Medicine Buddhas.】

【If someone is seriously ill and has signs of death, his family members should make offerings and worship the Medicine Buddha with all their heart day and night when he is about to die, recite the Sutra of the Original Vow and Merits of the Medicine Buddha forty-nine times, light forty-nine lamps, and hang five-colored banners for forty-nine days, and the person will be able to prolong his life.】

【The twelve Yaksha generals: General Gonpila, General Vajra, General Mikira, General Andira, General Anira, General Sandira, General Indra, General Bhaira

, General Mahura,

General Jindara, General Zadura, General Vikara. 】

One person’s world

“How come the world where the Buddha lives is so beautiful? All the houses are made of colored glaze. Don’t they feel the sun?”

Feng Baobao was a little emotional. This Eastern colored glaze pure world is really beautiful, more beautiful than any house she has ever seen!

“This… this is actually Medicine Buddha! Buddha, please bless my whole family with good health and peace!”

The old Taoist priest knelt down excitedly. He didn’t expect to see Medicine Buddha in his lifetime! It’s a miracle. If he can learn something, it will benefit him for the rest of his life.


There was a loud noise!

Xiao Se and Lei Wujie knelt on the ground, kowtowed to the Medicine Buddha in the sky with great sincerity.

“Please, Buddha, please bless our family to be healthy and free from diseases!

” The beautiful eyes of the Queen of the World of Shrouding the Sky were filled with hope.

This Medicine Buddha could actually prolong life and cure dying patients.

Could it also bring people back to life? Ye Fan’s eyes widened.

He never expected that he would have the opportunity to come into contact with the legendary Medicine Buddha!

In his original world, his parents were extremely devout Buddhists, especially Medicine Buddha.

If he had the opportunity to return to Blue Star, he might be able to see the Medicine Buddha statue enshrined in his home.

The Mortal Cultivation World Han Li breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he did not expose their world.

Otherwise, if his mortal enemy knew his secluded place, there would be a bloody storm.

His strength had declined so much that he could only be slaughtered.

He looked at the Medicine Buddha in the sky.

If he could learn the life-extending method of the Medicine Buddha, he would not have to worry so much and run around!

Journey to the West World 580 Seeing the Medicine Buddha in the sky, Tang Seng immediately got off the white dragon horse and saluted solemnly.

He saw that Sun Wukong was indifferent to the Medicine Buddha and did not kneel down to worship him, and he felt a little disappointed.

“Wukong, why don’t you kneel down! Kowtow to the Medicine Buddha!”

“”Master, you kowtowed and broke your skin, even if you bled, the Medicine Buddha in the sky can’t feel it!

Since he can’t see or feel it, why should I worship him!” Sun Wukong replied, scratching the back of his head nonchalantly.

“You are such a scoundrel! I just want to ask you whether you will kneel or not!”

“”No kneeling! No kneeling! Just no kneeling!”

Sun Wukong quickly jumped from one branch to another, ignoring Tang Seng.

Tang Seng was so angry that he had to use his trump card and recite the spell to tighten the hoop!

But no matter what Tang Seng said, Sun Wukong never gave in…

Bajie couldn’t bear to see his elder brother suffer, so he had to stand up and plead for him, and Tang Seng stopped.

At this time, the sky in the sky changed again.

【The Sutra of the Original Vow and Merits of the Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata:

Thus have I heard: At one time, the Bhagavan, while traveling to various countries, came to the city of Guangyan, and stayed under the Le Yin tree. He was with eight thousand great bhikkhus, thirty-six thousand bodhisattvas, as well as the king, ministers, Brahmins, laypeople, gods, dragons, yakshas, humans, and non-humans, and an immeasurable number of people, who surrounded him respectfully and said…

May all the three obstacles and all afflictions be eliminated, may I obtain true wisdom, may all sins and obstacles be eliminated, and may I always practice the bodhisattva path in all my lives!】

【Medicine Buddha mudra:

Cross the middle fingers and place them on the base of the thumbs. Cross the two ring fingers, press the right one on the left, and place them on the back of the middle fingers.

Press the two thumbs on the two ring fingers, and raise the index and little fingers. Put the palms together in front of the chest.

Pray to Namo Medicine Buddha, recite the Medicine Buddha mantra 108 times or more, then recite the names of the twelve generals, and add Vajra Bodhisattva Mahasattva at the end, and recite 108 times, or more is better. Be sincere, and when you stop reciting, the mudra will spread out from the top of your head.】

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