Taking stock of the supreme myths, all characters in the world are broken!

Chapter 44

“That palace is really beautiful! I didn’t expect there are so many cute rabbits in the Moon Palace.”

The Moon Rabbit looked at the Moon Palace in the sky, sighing and fascinated.

The Moon Palace there is the real fairyland, which is not comparable to them. Journey to the West World

“The Moon Palace there is really magnificent, with many gods and guards. It is not at the same level as my deserted Moon Palace.”

Chang’e was really envious when she saw the Moon Palace in the Supreme Mythology World.

Her Moon Palace was deserted and seemed miserable. There was not even anyone to talk to.

Only the Jade Rabbit was with her.

The Moon Palace in the Supreme Mythology World has countless fairy palaces, each of which is magnificent and magnificent. There are countless gods coming in and out of the palace.

No wonder the Moon God in the Supreme Mythology can be called Taiyin Emperor and Taiyin Emperor.

Looking at myself, the Moon God, I am just a lonely person. It is really incomparable.


The ancient world.

Xihe was envious of the grandeur of the Moon Palace. The place where she lived now was simply too simple and there was no fairy atmosphere at all.

It was even a little deserted. They were both Moon Gods, so why was the Moon God in the Supreme Mythology World so powerful?

It was as if he was an emperor among the immortals, with many immortal followers.

Xihe herself was just a lonely person with at most twelve children and a Dijun who often did not come home.

Thinking of this, Xihe was envious and dumbfounded.

There was no comparison at all. The more she compared, the more uncomfortable she felt.


The World of Shade

“This is the Taiyin Emperor, who is truly domineering, unrivaled, and unparalleled throughout the ages!”

Ye Fan praised endlessly. He originally thought that only the ruthless emperor could deserve such praise. It was not until he met the female gods in the Supreme Mythology World that he realized that these words to describe these female gods could not describe even one billionth of them.

For example, this Taiyin Yuanjun is so holy and brilliant, and has countless gods following him, showing the style of an emperor.

I am afraid that no woman in the heavens and the world can compare with her.

Only the gods such as Xihe and Nuwa in the Supreme Mythology World can compete with her.


Just as everyone in the heavens and myriad worlds was sighing, something changed in the sky.

【The Huazang World is like clouds and sea, endless】

【The world is infinite, sentient beings are infinite】

【Vairocana Buddha lives in the Lotus Platform World. There are a thousand petals around the Lotus Platform. In each petal world, there are hundreds of millions of Mount Sumerus and hundreds of millions of suns and moons. This is called the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds.】

【In this way, the three thousand great thousand worlds as numerous as the sands of the Ganges in the ten directions are called one Buddha world. There is no other Buddha in it. It is actually one Shakyamuni Buddha.】

【Among them, there are hundreds of millions of countless Sakyamuni Buddhas preaching. The Dharmakaya of these countless Sakyamuni Buddhas is Vairocana Buddha, that is, Mahavairocana Tathagata.】

【Buddha is a great saint who has achieved perfect enlightenment. It is the highest level of Buddhist practice.

All the heavens and the myriad worlds saw the vast and boundless Huazang World in that sky. Compared with it, all the heavens and the myriad worlds are just a drop in the ocean.

All the living beings in the myriad worlds were shocked by these scenes.

Especially in each small world, there is a Sakyamuni Buddha chanting scriptures and preaching. His power is immeasurable, his whole body is dazzling, and he is extremely sacred.

In the eyes of Sakyamuni Buddha, three thousand worlds are rising and falling.

There are also countless seas of stars surrounding him.

Especially the voice of preaching coming from the picture made countless people in the heavens forget their troubles, as if they were in a pure land, their body and mind were cleansed, and their cultivation had improved a little.

“Is this Sakyamuni Buddha? Is this Mahavairocana Tathagata? Listening to his teachings, it seems that he is not much different from the gods such as Taiqing Daode Tianzun!”

“Is this also part of the heavens? Why have I never seen it before?”

“Huazang World? What is this place?”

“What the hell is Buddhism?”

Everyone was very confused. Is this world also in the Taoist mythology world?

Why has it never been mentioned before?

And this place doesn’t seem to belong to the heavens, let alone the heavens and the myriad worlds where all living beings live.

Everyone was extremely curious. What kind of world is this that actually contains such a powerful god?

Is it also in the Taoist mythology world?

The primitive world

“Finally, the story of our Buddhist sect has been exposed.”

Jie Yin and Zhunti were very happy. Previously, the ones who were exposed were Yuan Shi, Tong Tian and other great powers of the ancient times, which made Jie Yin and Zhunti envious.

They always thought that there was no Buddhism in the world of supreme mythology.

Now it seems that they were wrong.

There really is Buddhism in the world of supreme mythology.

It seems that its status is not low.

Other great powers of the ancient times in Zixiao Palace cast envious eyes.

If there is a god with the same name as Jie Yin and Zhunti in the world of supreme mythology, this exposure may improve their status again.


Journey to the West


Tathagata looked at the scene in the sky and smiled.

He had seen that Sun Wukong was suppressed by the Mythical Heaven himself, and did not ask Tathagata from the West.

At that time, Tathagata thought that there was no Buddhism in the Supreme Mythical World.

Now it seems that there is Buddhism.

Moreover, the Buddha in the Supreme Mythical World is much stronger than their world. What shocked Tathagata even more was that his name was the same as the Buddha in the Supreme Mythical World.

This undoubtedly gave him a lot of face.


At this time, there was another change in the sky.

【This is the Huazang World, the myriad worlds where sentient beings live, which is called the Possa World in Buddhism. It is just a drop in the ocean of the Huazang World.】

【The Saha world is the world in which Shakyamuni Buddha taught. The sentient beings in this world are content with the ten evils, and are willing to endure all kinds of sufferings but are unwilling to leave. It is a place where the three evils and five realms gather together.】

【In every world in the world of Posahā, Buddhas have been born from time to time in the past and future to teach the sentient beings there.】

【The meaning of Saha: According to Buddhist scriptures, the sentient beings in the Saha world are deeply sinful and must endure all kinds of troubles and sufferings. Therefore, the Saha world can also be translated as the land of endurance. It is called the world of five turbidities and is the opposite of the Pure Land of the Pure Land of the Pure Land. All kinds of sins are easy to occur here.】

【Another meaning is that Sakyamuni and other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas can endure fatigue and tirelessly teach sentient beings in the dirty”Saha world”, showing great wisdom, great compassion and great courage.

The sentient beings in the heavens and myriad worlds heard about this Saha world and called it the heavens and myriad worlds.

Everyone suddenly realized, everyone was surprised and full of emotion.

“It turns out that our world is called the Possa world. No wonder my life is so miserable!”

“Damn it! Why do we live in the world of the heavens and the myriad worlds, where we are so sinful and have to endure all kinds of troubles and pains! I don’t want to live in such a world”

“It turns out that our world is full of suffering. No wonder countless people have wanted to enter heaven since ancient times, become immortals or Buddhas, be liberated, and eliminate their troubles forever.”

“What is the Pure Land? Is the heaven the ultimate world? Is it the heaven led by the Jade Emperor? Or is it the thirty-odd heavens where the Three Pure Ones exist?”


Genshin Impact World

“Our world is actually a world of swaying and joy. No wonder I am suffering so much.”

Funina shed sad tears. She had persisted for more than 500 years. She could not persist any longer. She was extremely uncomfortable.

She wanted to give up playing the role of the water god countless times, but if she gave up, everyone in Fontaine would die.

She couldn’t give up, so she persisted bitterly. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

This life is really too bitter, too tiring, and too lonely.

If there is an afterlife, the world is beautiful. I won’t come next time.


Les Miserables

“It turns out that the world we live in is a world of suffering, a world where we are born to suffer all kinds of misery.”[]

“But why can some people live so well? Why is it that it is always the unfortunate ones who suffer?”

Fantine looked at the sky and couldn’t help shedding tears.

She originally had a very beautiful face and was a factory worker. She hoped to live a happy life by working with her own hands.

However, because of her beautiful face, she was envied and was ostracized and tortured by other female workers in the factory. She had a rough youth and was abandoned after she became pregnant with her boyfriend’s flesh and blood.

Later, she was kicked out of the factory because her illegitimate daughter was exposed. In order to feed her daughter, she sold her belongings, even her hair and teeth, and finally became a prostitute.

Thinking of her hungry children who were boarding at her friend’s house, and then looking at what was said in the sky, Fantine burst into tears and felt extremely uncomfortable.

Is she going to degenerate like this in her life?

Is her child going to live such a miserable life with her?

She also knew that her friend was a bunch of greedy people and would not really take care of her children.

Alas, the sadness of life has caught up with her alone.


Perfect World.

When the seven gods descended to the lower world, Shi Hao had just experienced a life-or-death battle, defeated Huang Yu and other gods, and saved the lives of countless creatures in the lower world.

Unfortunately, at the end of the battle, too many people died, many relatives and friends died, and he could only be alone like when he was a child.

His white clothes are now stained with blood, and he is about to die.

“Is it really as what is said in the sky, that all living beings in our world are deeply sinful and must endure all kinds of troubles and sufferings?”


Emperor Domination World

“I don’t believe it. The strong don’t believe that this world is full of suffering. Only the world of the weak is full of suffering and misery.”

Li Qiye didn’t think the world was miserable now. On the contrary, under his leadership, the Emperor World had become the so-called paradise.

Without the thief God, all the major worlds in the Emperor World were at peace.

Moreover, he had trained hundreds of immortal emperors and there was a powerful immortal emperor like the Hongtian Empress to rule together.

This Emperor World could not become a purgatory on earth.


Dragon Talisman World

“Suffering? Where there is suffering, there is naturally happiness, it is all relative. The strong do not believe in suffering, only the weak will pray for compassion.”

Gu Chensha did not agree with this, but that Buddha Shakyamuni did look very powerful.

He wanted to know what the Buddha Shakyamuni’s Tao was?

Was it to save the suffering people in the heavens and the worlds, receive their power of faith, and then improve his own strength?

To create a Buddha?


When the sentient beings in the world heard the Buddhists say that the heavens and the worlds are a world of suffering and misery, and that the people in them have to endure endless suffering, many people felt the same way, and many people were panicked.

There were also many people who did not believe this statement.

Just as the heavens and the worlds were discussing this, there was another change in the sky.

【Sakyamuni Buddha was born in India 3,000 years ago. Before his birth, he was a bodhisattva who lived in the inner court of Tushita Heaven. When the conditions were ripe, he was born in Kapilavastu, with King Suddhodana as his father.】

【Queen Mahamaya was his mother. The scriptures record that the Buddha rode on a six-tusked white elephant with a white lotus in its mouth and entered the womb from Queen Maya’s left rib, where he stayed for ten months.】

【According to the custom at that time, Queen Maya returned to her parents’ home to give birth. On the way, she passed through Lumbini Garden and gave birth to Prince Siddhartha under the Asoka tree.】

【Prince Siddhartha emerged from the right rib of Queen Maya, and was able to walk. He walked seven steps, and lotuses bloomed under each step. He looked around in all directions, pointed to the sky with one hand and to the ground with the other, and said,”I am the only one who is supreme in heaven and on earth.””】

【At this time, two dragons spewed warm water and cold water to bathe him. This day is the Buddha Bathing Day.】

【Queen Maya died seven days after the birth of the prince, and the prince was raised by his aunt, Queen Mahapajapati (later known as the nun Mahapajapati).】

【The prince was gifted with intelligence and had mastered the Five Sciences and the Four Vedas (traditional Indian thought) since childhood. He was also handsome, possessing the thirty-two characteristics and eighty virtues that no one could match.】

【At the age of seventeen, he married his cousin Yasodhara and gave birth to his son Rahula.】

【Although the prince’s aristocratic life was rich and comfortable, he observed the disparity between the rich and the poor, the inequality among the four castes, and the law of the jungle among sentient beings. He was particularly impressed by the pressure of birth, aging, sickness and death, and the impermanence of life, so he developed the aspiration and compassion to become a monk to seek liberation.】

【Finally, on the eighth day of the second month of the year when he was nineteen years old, he left the palace at night and became a monk. 】 Become a monk and practice Taoism?

All living beings in the world feel very similar when they see this. The gods we met before seemed to be princes or princes, and then suddenly gave up their status and went straight to practice Taoism.

It seems that the Jade Emperor is the same.

However, everyone does not know whether Siddhartha is a mortal himself, or a reincarnation of a god.

If he is really a mortal, it is really amazing.

After all, this road is unknown.

【When King Suddhodana heard the news that the prince had become a monk, he was very sad. He sent people to persuade him but to no avail. So he selected five people from his relatives, including Araka, Asvajita, Bhaddiya, Dasara Kassapa, and Mahanamakoli, to accompany him.】

【After becoming a monk, the prince first went to the ascetic forest of the Bhagatari, and then to Rajgir, the capital of Magadha.】

【Afterwards, he visited the followers of the Samkhya school who lived in seclusion in the mountains near Rajgir and practiced meditation.】

【However, they have not been truly liberated.】

【So he went to the ascetic forest on Mount Gaya, sat in meditation by the Niranjana River, and practiced asceticism.】

【After six years, I am still thin and have not seen the truth.】

【Later, he realized that the true practice was to practice the middle way away from the two extremes of suffering and happiness, so he gave up the meaningless asceticism, crossed the Niranjana River, accepted the milk offering from the shepherdess, and recovered his health.】

【He came to the Bodhi tree on Mount Gaya, laid out a Vajra Seat with auspicious grass, sat upright facing east, and made a vow:】

【”If I do not attain the supreme great Bodhi now, I would rather my body be broken into pieces than get up from this seat!”】

【At that time, the demon king wanted to disturb the Bodhisattva and did not want him to obtain the supreme state of liberation. So the dormant demon king Mara sent the demon women to seduce and disturb Siddhartha in his meditation, but Siddhartha Bodhisattva was not confused at all.】

【The devil sent many evil Rakshasas to threaten Siddhartha, throwing all kinds of sharp weapons at him, but when these blades reached the Vajra Seat of Siddhartha Bodhisattva, they scattered like petals one by one, unable to hurt Siddhartha Bodhisattva.】

【Thus, Siddhartha Bodhisattva subdued the demon with his compassion.】

【Finally, after 49 days of meditation, I overcame all kinds of internal and external obstacles, saw my true self, and put an end to all delusions and ignorance.】

【Finally, on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, he saw a bright star at night, observed the law of dependent origination, and achieved the supreme enlightenment.】

【He was called Buddha (meaning the enlightened one) by the world, and his holy name was Sakyamuni. He was 29 years old at the time.】

【When Sakyamuni attained enlightenment, he said:”How wonderful! How wonderful! All sentient beings on earth have the wisdom and virtue of Tathagata, but because of delusion and attachment, they cannot realize it.”】

【Pointing out that all living beings have Buddha nature.】

In the sky, all the heavens and the endless universe saw Sakyamuni Buddha being born from his mother’s womb, becoming a monk, practicing Buddhism, going through all kinds of hardships on the road, and finally attaining enlightenment.

Everyone was deeply moved, shocked, and amazed.

“This is Sakyamuni Buddha! He is truly amazing! In order to save the suffering people in the world, he decided to become a monk and practice enlightenment, to find a way to liberation!”

“Is this the only case in the world of Supreme Mythology where a mortal has successfully attained enlightenment? Was Sakyamuni Buddha really just a mortal at the beginning? I can hardly believe it after reading this.”

“All living beings have Buddha nature and can become Buddhas instantly?”

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