Take It Easy

Chapter 6

Chapter 5 – Tease

Just such an ungrateful thing, she just lamented the preciousness of life because of her behavior of teasing cats and dogs?

Mu Qinglin was confused, “You…”

“Don’t talk.” Zhou Yi shrugged his nose, sniffing at Mu Qinglin’s mouth like a dog.

People come and go behind them.

Mu Qinglin could clearly hear someone laughing and discussing.

Cough, this posture is indeed easy to cause misunderstanding.

Mu Qing looked at his nose, nose and heart, thinking hard about how to remind Zhou Yi without hurting the peace.

Before she could open her mouth, the latter had already let go of her hand, and as if nothing had happened, she dug a spoonful of cake and stuffed it into her mouth, chewing it carefully.

“??” Is it over? don’t say something?

Mu Qinglin couldn’t keep up with Zhou Yi’s brain circuit.

“Just now…”

“You were drinking just now.” Zhou Yi preemptively struck.

“…” It’s better not to say.

“Not even two cups.” Mu Qinglin explained, she was still very embarrassed about the fact that she promised, but slapped herself in the face, and was smashed by the client, “Didn’t you catch a cold, can you smell it?”

Zhou Yi, “Did you lie on your face without looking at it? If you still can’t smell it, I can cut off my nose and serve you wine.”

Mu Qinglin looked down at Zhou Yi’s nose.

The nose is tall and straight, with smooth lines, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Unfortunately, she never eats any animal viscera or organs.

Mu Qinglin pressed the back of his head against the wall, and sighed regretfully.

Zhou Yi heard it sharply and asked her, “Why are you sighing?”

Mu Qinglin was taken aback, rubbed his nose embarrassingly, and began to act, “It’s nothing, it’s not that he didn’t listen to Teacher Jiu and drank without authorization, thinking that if the tattoo gets inflamed, wouldn’t it be a blow to Teacher Jiu’s signboard? I feel a little guilty .”

“Do you believe this?” Zhou Yi said, “Do you know?”

Mu Qinglin, “Know what?”

“Usually people like you come to our store, come one, I’ll kill one, come two, I’ll kill a pair without mercy.”

“…” Mu Qinglin looked up at the dilapidated and old plaque on the porch, and a question quickly grew in his mind—is this a black shop? Otherwise, how could you say something like killing someone so forcefully?

“Don’t you want to eat?” Mu Qinglin asked Zhou Yi as she put the less than a quarter eaten cake by her feet.

Zhou Yi let go of Mu Qinglin’s clothes, picked them up with both hands, and lay on his lap, “Tired…”

It’s too much to eat for free, that’s why dogs like to turn their faces and deny people so much.

For the next time, neither of them spoke.

The chaotic sounds of people on the street filled the endless night, lively but not noisy.

Layer upon layer of small advertisements on the wall lifted up, and when the wind blew, it scratched Mu Qinglin’s ears recklessly.

Mu Qinglin lowered her head to hide, and when her eyes hit Zhou Yi, she settled down.

She was lying on her lap just now, sluggish, and now she is holding a cat strip that she found out somewhere and teasing her back and forth, squatting at the entrance of the alley to explore her brain and make a fortune.

Fa Cai was probably a natural foodie, so Zhou Yi tricked him into coming over and pressed him on his lap.

Zhou Yi also really owed his hand, and stroked the little rubber band that tied his bangs, trying to tie up his rich beard.

The rich cat bit people eagerly, so frightened that Zhou Yi quickly let go, and yelled at its fleeing back in disbelief: “No, you haven’t been vaccinated! I’m not a real dog, and I’m not immune to rabies!”

Not a real dog?

That is to know that I occasionally compare dogs?

Mu Qinglin couldn’t help laughing out loud, and when Zhou Yi heard him, he elbowed her leg, “Laughing fart!”

Mu Qinglin shrank away from the pain, and had to hold back her laughter, but her mind was slightly fluctuated by this sudden emotion.

It’s no wonder that although Red Gate Lane is dirty and crowded, and even famous for its primitive roughness and vulgarity, it always attracts many decent men and women to flock to it. It turns out that in addition to some irresistible desires and truths of human nature, there is also the joy of jumping around.

This kind of fun can separate the relaxation of body and mind from the boring real life, allowing people to get a moment of tranquility.

This kind of fun is rare and comes from some interesting people.

“Let’s go…” Zhou Yi said suddenly, without the arrogance he had before, his voice sounded very deep.

Mu Qinglin suppressed her smile, followed her movement of getting up and looked forward.

The harsh words last time made Zhou Yi wait for several people to come to the door.

The eldest brother in the lead staggered as he walked, apparently drunk too much.

“Tang Yuanzhou isn’t here today.” The eldest brother said with the corners of his mouth ruthlessly.

Zhou Yi turned sideways, standing in front of Mu Qinglin.

She was not tall and thin, and her hair was disheveled by the cold and damp wind in the alley.

“You only dare to come on a day when brother is not around?” Zhou Yi said with a sneer in his eyes.

“Fart your mother!” The elder brother pointed at Zhou Yi’s nose and yelled at her, “Even if he is here, I can clean you up together today!”

Zhou Yi nodded, deliberately imitating his elder brother’s stuttering tone and said, “Oh, I’m afraid, I’m afraid to death.”

“Brother, she’s learning from you!” The thin monkey stood beside him.

The eldest brother immediately ordered himself, “Zhou Yi, I will count to three, you kneel down and kowtow to call grandpa, and say “I made a mistake, I will never dare again”, I will let you go, otherwise I will beat you up today Even your parents don’t know each other! “

“I’m sorry, my parents have been dead for a long time, it doesn’t matter if they know me or not, and…” Zhou Yi folded his pockets with both hands, and laughed, “My grandfather also lives below, I can kneel if I kneel, I’m afraid you won’t be able to bear it.”

“Fuck, you **** curse me to death!” The eldest brother yelled, and rushed towards Zhou Yi quickly, raising his legs.

Zhou Yi conditioned himself to hide to the side, but his body was so heavy that he couldn’t move.

One of her shoulders was pressed by Mu Qinglin’s single hand, and her shoe was pressed against her heel. Before the big brother was about to kick him over, she quickly turned half a circle around her body and leaned backwards. At the same time, the other leg lifted up with inertia and kicked the elder brother **** the chest.

Since Mu Qinglin’s actions were decisive enough without any hesitation, the eldest brother fell to the ground for a long time before crying out in pain.

The younger brothers looked at each other a few times, and all rushed towards Mu Qinglin.

Mu Qinglin pushed Zhou Yi’s shoulders back, and quickly said, “Stay at the side!”

Before Zhou Yi realized what happened, Mu Qinglin caught someone’s wrist, twisted it outward, and threw it out. Then, he stepped on the thin monkey’s stomach, causing him to bump into the two behind him and fall to the ground together in pain.

To be honest, the least new thing in Hongmen Lane is fighting.

Zhou Yi often sits on the porch to watch the excitement.

Sometimes it is really wonderful, and let Fa Cai attract several other cats and dogs, sit in a row, and watch the play neatly.

She would not have made a fuss about this kind of thing, but today she has the urge to applaud.

Fighting against these bullying little guys, Mu Qinglin casually put out three punches and two legs, just like a martial arts master.

In particular, her movements don’t look like a jerk, she should be fast, stop and go, and she looks more beautiful and straightforward when she follows a routine.

Tsk, looking at it this way, the ugly mask on her face has become pleasing to the eye.

The younger brothers must have seen this too. After a moment of embarrassing silence, they helped up the elder brother who was just panting and said, “Why don’t we come back another day?”

The eldest brother couldn’t hold back his face and wanted to speak harshly, his eyes that didn’t move when he looked at Mu Qinglin suddenly became dumb.

“Go!” said the elder brother.

So, a group of people came in a mighty way, and fled in a hurry with their tails between their legs within five minutes.

Mu Qinglin turned around and came back, walked up to Zhou Yi step by step, looked her up and down for a few seconds and asked, “Are you good at fighting?”

“Ang?” Zhou Yi was still reminiscing about the episode just now, and didn’t realize it for a while, staring at Mu Qinglin for a while before saying: “No, my brother said that the scarecrow in the wheat field is stronger than I look, wearing a sack casually. Let me recognize the situation as soon as possible, and don’t waste time learning such useless things.”

Mu Qinglin frowned, “Then why are you so flirtatious?”

Zhou Yi, “You use your mouth to flirt, and it doesn’t take much effort.”

Mu Qinglin felt suffocated, she seemed to suddenly understand why Tang Yuanzhou was so flammable and explosive.

There is such a person in the family who is so angry that people don’t pay for their lives, even if the gods go down to earth, they will have to be tossed for three days to throw dishes and bowls.

“Hey!” Zhou Yi arched Mu Qinglin with his shoulders, and suddenly became very enthusiastic, “Why did you wear a mask just now? Did you cover your face and shoot, especially the awesome feeling that the sweeping monk is at the peak?”

Mu Qinglin was pushed so hard by her that he almost bumped into someone, and thought that if he hadn’t been there just now, Zhou Yi wouldn’t have been dragged away by those people. really big.

After thinking about it, it was the first time Zhou Yi talked to himself in such a doggy tone since he realized it, and when the bad taste came up, he suddenly stopped thinking about it.

Mu Qinglin took off his mask and hooked it, and asked, “Want to know?”

Zhou Yi nodded hastily, “I think, really think about it!”

“Just—” Mu Qinglin dragged his voice, his expression was unfathomable, and then he suddenly collapsed and said dejectedly, “It’s just because of being poor.”

Zhou Yi was a little confused, “I’m not educated, why don’t you speak more plainly?”

Mu Qinglin was amused by Zhou Yi’s frozen expression, but also afraid of being seen through, he pretended to be serious and explained, “I’m a provincial and Taiwan reporter, and occasionally I have to leave the country, in case someone remembers my appearance and makes trouble in Taiwan Not to mention bonuses, wages can’t be kept.” Mu Qinglin sighed, and his tone became melancholy, “Every month’s mortgage, property, utilities, parking spaces, gas fees, food and drinks, which one doesn’t cost money? One point will be deducted. I have to drink the northwest wind. Oh, life is not easy.”

After Mu Qinglin finished speaking, Zhou Yi’s expression was so quiet that he seemed to see through life.

After a while, I heard her ask, “How old are you?”

Mu Qinglin curled her fingers with the mask hooked back.

Why did she have an ominous premonition?

“27…” Mu Qinglin said.

“If I was 27 years old, if I was like this, I would have thrown myself into the Yong’an River on a dark and windy day. Oh, and I had to tie two stones around my waist to try to sink to the bottom of the river once, so as not to be fished out. I’m so poor.” I can’t even afford a cemetery.” After Zhou Yi finished speaking, he turned his face and entered the shop and closed the door.

Through two panes of glass, Mu Qinglin saw Zhou Yi seriously locking the door, and then arrogantly raised his chin at her.

“…” Mu Qinglin’s careful expression became torn apart in an instant.

Just such an ungrateful thing, she just lamented the preciousness of life because of her behavior of teasing cats and dogs?

What kind of spectrum is off!

Mu Qinglin panicked.

She has never been so useless in her life, but she was born across a door, and she has no energy to show off. This feeling makes her want to speak a few beautiful Chinese words.

The target was Zhou Yi, and she was afraid that she would lose her life if she talked too much.

After staring blankly for a while, Mu Qinglin gave up struggling and turned to leave.

As soon as he moved, Zhou Yi’s face quickly zoomed in on the glass door.

“Boom!” Zhou Yi tapped the glass twice with his knuckles, attracting Mu Qinglin’s attention.

Mu Qinglin stood still, watching Zhou Yi talking to herself over there.

With gestures and gestures, she flaunted her teeth and claws, so exaggerated that she couldn’t see it.

Even so, Mu Qinglin still couldn’t hear clearly, it was all because the street was too noisy and the sound insulation of the glass was too good.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Mu Qing learned and sold, spread her hands, shrugged her shoulders, and shook her head, with a look on her face, “My ears are limited, I really can’t do anything.”

Zhou Yi opened and closed his mouth, staring fixedly at Mu Qinglin.

After a long time, Mu Qinglin felt guilty after being stared at.

She clearly knew that it was a hedgehog, so she rushed to provoke it. Who owed it?

Mu Qinglin decided to admit defeat.

But Zhou Yi suddenly pushed his face forward with force, pressing against the glass, the tip of his nose was deformed due to the force.

She wasn’t too ugly either, she waved her hand and pointed downwards, while howling at the top of her voice, “Trash! Trash! Trash!”

“??”Rubbish? who?

Mu Qinglin looked down at her own position – she was on the street, Zhou Yi was in the house, two steps higher than her, she was indeed the one below.

So, she’s that trash?

Mu Qinglin was shocked, then froze.

“Help throw it!” Zhou Yi shouted.

Mu Qinglin moved her shocked gaze to the side inch by inch.

It turned out to refer to the leftover cake.

She thought that someone really took the bear’s heart and leopard’s courage as a daily meal.

Well, I also know how to care for the environment.

Mu Qinglin couldn’t help laughing, it was a waste of her age to be made into PTSD by a short guy who only reached her mouth.

Mu Qinglin suddenly lost the thought of haggling with Zhou Yi, bent over to pick up the cake box, and walked to the garbage dump.

When I came back, there was no Zhou Yi at the other end of the door, only two huge “thank you” on the glass.

The words shake like a sieve, which shows how sloppy the writing is.

Mu Qinglin stood on the side of the road and watched, and the funny picture of Zhou Yi taking advantage of her to throw out the trash appeared in his mind, writing up and down on the glass with all his strength, and his depression was swept away just now.


Human nature is owed.

It’s even fun to be scolded.

Really owed.

Thinking about it this way, Mu Qinglin felt that some people like to find unpleasant dirty things, and they need to clean up.

Mu Qinglin walked out with her mobile phone, her voice could be vaguely heard in the bustling crowd, “Xiao, did your brother transfer to Liulu Police Station last month?”

“Do me a favor…”

“I was almost beaten today in Hongmen Lane.”


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