Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 38: *Smacks Heaven* This baby can hold so much water!

I started to focus on the dimensions of Heaven while my waters continued to grow and propagate at an ever faster rate. As I was focusing on the “floors” of Heaven, I noticed that I was becoming more and more relaxed as more Black Water was created.


As I was pondering on this feeling while searching for the right floor to teleport too, I felt a sudden and dramatic shift in the atmosphere around myself. Opening my eyes, I looked around in mild shock. 


The once pristine looking “sky” was now pitch black. The “holy” feeling the place had was also noticeably absent, instead being replaced with a hard to describe feeling.


‘It almost feels like… home. It seems that enough Black Water has been produced that it is affecting the very dimension around it.’


Looking up at the pitch black sky, I smiled. It started to rain Black Water, from high above me. Raising my left hand to let it pool on my palm, my smile widened even further. I could feel a connection to this area, to this section of the dimension. And I had complete control over it.


So, I did what any sane person would do. I had it create even more Black Water. I had changed my mind. I will be taking this entire dimension as my own.


Artoria: “Today, Heaven will cease. I will take it all, and then ask Lady Lilith for a way to move it from this reality, and to have it be near Tearwyn’s forest. I wonder if Tearwyn feels as comfortable with my waters as I do?”


I then sent a command to the Black Water and to the people from Remnant.


Artoria: “Change of plans. Purge everything. I want nothing to remain but my Black Water.”


I then felt a ripple come from the waters as well as confirmation from all of the denizens of Remnant. Smiling and giving myself a nod, I went back to focus on where to teleport. Now that I had a connection to a part of Heaven, it was much easier to feel my way through its “floors.” I soon found an anomaly though, my sight could not get past a gate of sorts, nor could I see the floor above it.


I knew there was a floor however, as it was like looking at a black silhouette of someone. Unable to tell any features, but able to see something is at least there. Focusing on in front of the gate, I used my Dimensional Hop spell.


As reality melted before me, and reforming seconds later I appeared at my designation. Looking around, there was an absolutely massive gate in front of me. Looking behind me, I could see an endless expanse of white. Smiling to myself, I started to once again create Black Water.


Artoria: “Well, time to get started. Now, what should I do about this gate… oh?”


As I was thinking of what to do, I stopped mid thought when I noticed my water hit some kind of barrier around the gate. The gate itself was massive, and frankly a very offensive white colour.  As it was a bar type gate, I was able to see behind it easily and I could only smile a predatory grin as a pillar of Light shone, as two people soon appeared.


Artoria: “Hello, Michael.”



(Source: https://highschooldxd.fandom.com/wiki/Michael)



Turning my head to the other person there I smirked.


Artoria: “Gabriel. Feeling better now that you’ve licked your wounds? At least you don’t look like a trainwreck anymore.”


Now that I took the time, I noticed something that escaped my attention before. Both of their halos were no longer golden, but a bright white. While both of their hair was also pure white.


‘Further proof they are nothing but tools of the Light now. Hell, even Michael’s wings are now white. I am sensing a theme here…’


Michael narrowed his eyes at me, and then looked past me briefly. I could tell he was not enjoying seeing my waters run rampant and spreading with such speed or ease.


Smirking and speaking caused him to focus on me again.


Artoria: “Enjoying the view? I couldn’t help myself. I see your white(red) door, and I want it painted black.”


Michael huffed and sounded annoyed when he spoke.


Michael: “You undersold the problem, as usual, Gabriel. Moments ago I felt the loss of connection to the third Heaven. Whatever that is?”


He pointed at the waters behind me before continuing.


Michael: “Is corrupting the very reality around it, it seems. Even with the armaments and spells from Her Holiness, I do not see Heaven surviving unless we remove the source. The abomination in front of us.”


Summoning my beloved sword into my right hand as my whole body was dripping of Black Water, I gave them a cruel smile.


Artoria: “You sure know how to make one feel welcomed. Are you going to come out and play, or do I need to come to you?”


Both of them stilled at my statement before turning to me and laughing lightly.


Gabriel: “Brother, look. It thinks it is strong enough to get past the Gate our foolish Father -ow- left behind.”


Nodding his head, Michael had a condescending look on his face as he spoke.


Michael: “Well, she is the slave of a Dark God after all. Don’t expect intelligence or coherent thoughts from one such as that. Our Father -ow- as fake a God as he was, was still powerful. And not being able to talk about him is truly annoying, I really need to get control over the damn system sooner rather than later.”


I barked a laugh which caused them both to look at me in confusion.


Michael: “What do you find so funny, creature of Darkness?”


Giving him a predator's smile I say, “That you think a lump of enchanted metal has a hope of stopping what I am about to do to you.”


They both just scoffed and waved me off.


Gabriel: “Go ahead, Filth. Try. This gate can keep out most God level beings. Aren't you thinking a little too much of yourself?”


Having enough of their prattle and this game, I raised my sword with both my hands. I then released my hold on my power, and used Mana Burst. An extreme amount of pressure then assaulted a massive area around us. Both of the pigeons opened their eyes wide in horror at my display.


Artoria: “No, you think too little of me.”


The Gate, that they were talking up moments before, let out a loud moan as it creaked and groaned from my presence. My sword erupted in flames and light as I prepared to unleash a Burst Air on the gate.


Sensing the absurd level of mana focusing on my sword, Michael reached out and grabbed his sister. Before I could finish my attack, they both vanished in a pillar of Light.


As I swung my sword downwards vertically at the gate I smiled at his action. Soon, my attack met the gate, and a loud explosion rang out. Seconds later though, what happened proved that Michael had the right idea as my attack breached the gate. 


Because of how Heaven was created, there was not a lot of dust or debris from my attack, and I could instantly see the result of it. Their once proud gate was nothing more now than molten slag. But it was still impressive, as I noted that my attack had only gone through for about a kilometre in length. Vastly shorter than its normal attack range.


Another thing I noted however, was that whatever was keeping my waters at bay, had not affected my attack at all in any way. And with the gate nothing more than a pool of liquid white metal my waters surged forth to corrupt this floor as well.


Dismissing my sword, I walked through the gate as my water rushed by me. It always felt nice to be in or around it. Sadly though, my pleasant feeling was ruined by a massive army of rank and file angels. None of the Seraphs were among them.


Artoria: “Do those cowards really think simple numbers will suffice?”


While there were indeed several hundred angels with ten wings, there wasn’t a single pair above that. I could only shake my head and sigh in disappointment. Soon however, I got a plan that caused me to smile mischievously.


With a thought, I summoned the seven people from the RWBY universe. They all rose out of the waters kneeling and facing me.


Artoria: “Since I kind of stole all your fun on that one floor, I’ll make it up to you. Wipe out the angel army here on this floor.”


All: “As you will, Lady Artoria!”


Yang then shot up, and cheered.


Yang: “I told you guys, she wouldn’t leave us blue balled! Come on Sis, first one to rip off a pair of angel wings, wins!”


She then shot forward with impressive speed while Ruby yelled after her before using her Semblance.


Ruby: “Hey! Wait for me! Yang, don’t cheat like that!”


Salem/Raven: “Kids…”


They both looked at each other before chuckling. Raven then drew her sword, and rushed after the two girls.


Weiss: “Well, let’s go Blake. Don’t want Yang to hold another kill count over us for a month again, do we?”


Blake sighed and nodded her head as she said, “Yeah. Let’s go. I wonder what their hearts taste like?”


She had a thoughtful look as she sank into the waters, while Weiss just shrugged when she replied.


Weiss: “Most likely bad. They are tainted by the Light, remember?”


She then formed one of her crests from her Semblance under feet, before shooting off into the army, using it like a catapult.


Pyrrha: “Ah! Wait for me you guys!”


She then also shot off, much like Yang did with pure physical strength. I heard a sigh come from Salem before she turned to me.


Salem: “See what I have to deal with? Oh well, I would be lying if I say I didn’t enjoy my life a great deal more now with all the changes. Please, excuse me, Lady Artoria.”


She then bowed, and walked forward a few steps before raising both her arms. A ball of black magical energy soon started to form above her, and rapidly grew in size. Eventually, purple lightning started to arc off the giant death ball before she released a small grunt and threw the ball of death at the army.


I watched in interest as the ball that was moving faster than sound collided with a few angels, completely ignoring them as if they were not there before it then abruptly stopped. The spell, which was now in the middle of the entire army, suddenly expanded in size to about two kilometres in diameter. Thousands of angels, regardless of number of wings, instantly died. Thousands more soon followed when the thing exploded into a fury of purple lightning.


‘Impressive magic. To be expected of Salem though I guess.’


With a wave of my hand, I created a throne out of my waters and sat down.


‘This has gotta be the second comfiest thing I have ever sat in. Nothing compares to Tearwyn's tails though…’


A calm smile bloomed on my face thinking about Tearwyn, before I focused back to the slaughter in front of me. The angels were putting up a valiant fight, but they were fighting against a team of monsters. Literally. Maybe if they were here in their real bodies, they might have had a better chance, but as constructs of Black Water? Nothing really worked on the girls. Any Light Spears that were not dodged or destroyed by instinct, simply entered their bodies and disappeared.


‘I wonder if anything short of a real God that can attack you through realities would be able to do anything about them? I do not sense their souls, but they are clearly the people themselves. Avatar-like bodies I guess? Kind of like me, now that I think about it…’


Mentally shrugging, I just got more comfortable on my throne and continued to enjoy the slaughter.

~ Moments after Michael and Gabriel left ~


— P.O.V switch Michael —

As my sister and I materialised in Her Holiness's main base, I let go of Gabriel's arm. She collapsed onto the floor and was shaking in what I could only assume was fear. And I don’t blame her one bit, that was nothing short of a monster in the guise of a human.


Gabriel: “Brother… Did. Did that really happen? Was what we felt real?”


I kneeled down and started to rub her back to comfort her.


Michael: “Yes, sister. Sadly, it was. Heaven is lost, and I fear the only angels that will be left beyond you and I, are the ones who are not currently stationed there.”


I could hear little droplets of water hitting the floor as Gabriel started to cry lightly.


Gabriel: “I know what Her Holiness said to be true. But to see it first hand like that? Brother, I do not see anyone escaping that Darkness without Her.”


Michael: “I understand, and agree Sister. It was hard to believe that such a thing would ever come to our world. I felt confident in Her Holiness's power and strength. But I fear even she will face a trial in the upcoming fight.”


???: “Oh? Do tell, who do you think is my match?”


We both turned to the new voice, and standing there in all her glory was the envoy of the Light Gods: Gilgamesh Lightsworn. Before we could say anything though Gil, as she liked those close to call her, rushed over to Gabriel and hugged her.


Gil: “What is wrong, what happened to make you cry like so, Gabriel?!”


Gabriel couldn’t take it anymore it seems, and hugged her back as she started to cry her heart out.


Michael: “Here is what happened, Gil.”


As she continued to hug and soothe my sister, her face started to harden as I recounted what I experienced. Soon, Gabriel was calm enough to also report what she experienced.


Gil: “So, the Dark God finally made a move, eh? I weep for the loss of Heaven, and all your friends you two. But we will avenge them in the righteous fury of the Light. She may be my match, but I have the Light on my side, and it is generous in its gifts to those who follow. We shall come out of this the victors, no worries!”


She gave my sister one last pat on the back before she stood up and asked me about her name and looks.


I shook my head and said, “I am sorry, Gil. I did not deign to ask such a creature for its name, but this is how she looked.”


As I was describing the creature, I noticed Gil start to frown.


Michael: “Do you know of this Darkness, Gil?”


Gil: “Maybe… It sounds a lot like someone I know. If it is who I think it is, this will be easy. I have just the weapon to deal with her! So there is no cause for concern.”


Nodding my head, she then put up her arms behind her head as she spun on her heel.


Gil: “Come you two. We need to tell everyone about the fall of Heaven, and to prepare for the Darkness that is coming. We shouldn't let her have free reign like this now that we know she is here. Let's take the fight to her as soon as we're ready.”


Our first look at Gil! See, this is why you don't let your enemies run, they always tattle on you~! Oh well, more fun for Artoria right?!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and I'll see you in the next once~.♥

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