Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 36: An unexpected turn~!

As the fool charged at me, somehow thinking two of his little glow sticks would make a difference, I used reinforcement on myself and punched him in the chest faster than he could react too.


Azazel: “Arg!”


He grunted in pain as his body shot through the walls of his hideout, and through the mountain. I was about to follow after him when I stopped as a thought came to mind.


‘I don’t want to have to hunt down every single person here. Some may also escape while I am play-, I mean fighting Azazel.’


With a quick nod to myself, a rush of Black Water appeared around me in a whirlwind. With another thought, four figures stepped out of the rapidly moving wall of corruption and took a knee in reverence towards me as the whirlwind vanished.


‘Odd. They don’t have the Grimm masks like the little toy soldiers did.’


The four individuals kneeling in front of me were team RWBY. But, unlike the soldiers, they are just highly detailed versions of them. No masks or any other colour, just seemingly team RWBY in the flesh crafted from Black Water.


‘Weird, but whatever.’


With a mental shrug, I charged after Azazel while I sent only a single command to the four.


‘Purge everyone.’



— P.O.V switch Ruby Rose —



We all stood up as our wonderful Goddess left to chase down whatever prey she was currently after.


Ruby: “Alright team! You heard Lady Artoria! We got some cleaning to do~!”


Yang clashed her fists together excitedly and smiled.


Yang: “This will be fun! You all can tell right? This is a whole new world! I wonder what kind of things we can kill are here! Oh man, I am PUMPED! LET’S GO!!!”


She then charged up to the door that was in the office while screaming, “Knock knock fuckers!”


She then punched the door, causing it to explode into the hallway, and practically disintegrate from the force.


Turning to Blake as she released a sigh, she said, “Don’t you knock going INTO a room, Yang?”


Yang just shrugged and said, “Eh, details. Come on, let’s split up. Lady Artoria wants this place clean, and I am all too eager to do it!”


Weiss nodded her head as she walked past me elegantly and said, “Yes. We should not let her down in our very first summons like this. While it was unexpected to be suddenly called by her, it is a great joy. Let’s show her how much we have grown since she has left.”

Ruby: “Yeah! I can’t believe it’s already been a year since she has left. Think she would be proud of what we’ve managed to do in such a short, yet long time?”


I saw Blake nod her head while she started to sink into the shadows. Ever since she gained that ability, and saw our Goddess do it, she’s taken to using it as much as possible.


Blake: “I think she would be, yes. Salem has been working hard, and it shows. Now, if you’ll all excuse me.”


With that, she fully sank into the shadows and was gone. Giving a nod to the others we all split up and ran out of the office and into the halls. Weiss and I went left, while Yang went right.


While the two of us were running, suddenly several people turned the corner and we all stopped to look at each other.


???: “What in the world? What are those things?”


???: “They look like people. Made of water? Are they a summons from some Sacred Gear maybe?”


I turned my head to Weiss and tiled my head in confusion.


Ruby: “Sacred Gear? What’s that?”


Weiss just shrugged and said, “No idea. But I am guessing they are referring to a weapon of sorts? I mean, we are not exactly here fully and are in these watery bodies.”


Ruby: “True. But I feel like I am all here. Like, everything feels the same to me. And I have access to my Aura and Semblance. Even Crescent Rose is here! Kinda…”


Weiss: “Same. Well, the powers and abilities of Lady Artoria are well beyond us. So, no use in thinking about it.”


Ruby: “Also true! Oh well, let’s kill em.”


???: “Are they talking to each other? I see their lips moving, but nothing is coming out…”


Hearing that, I smirk and say, “Well, that’s great for us!”


I could see a similar smirk on Weiss’s face as well as she said, “Yes it is. Now, I’ll take the right few?”


I unfolded my baby, Crescent Rose, and gave a nod as I charged forward to my new prey.


???: “Whoa! Attack!”


As we were charging them, a few spears of pure white appeared out of nowhere and were shot at us. But they were painfully slow, and honestly a total joke to weave and dodge around.


???: “Fast!”


I had appeared in front of my first target a lot faster than Weiss had, and was swinging down my scythe. He brought up his hands in a cross position while summoning some more of those Light Spears. It did him nothing, as my scythe didn’t even register any resistance and I cut him in half vertically. Leaning back to dodge a fist, I countered with a boot to the face.


The woman I hit screamed, as she clutched her face as she was thrown backwards and landed on her back. Writhing in pain, she continued to scream out causing a slight lull in the combat.


???: “It’s like acid! Help! I feel it burning away at me!”


I jumped back to dodge another attack, and Weiss had joined me when she had stabbed another man in the chest, causing the same reaction to her target. I looked down at my foot in confusion, while Weiss looked at her sword with the same thought.


Ruby: “Odd.”


Weiss: "Quite. Oh, remember? Salem was talking about the Light and stuff like that once? And how several of the people we hunted down couldn’t be converted by the Waters and instead seemed to just dissolve? I think it’s the same situation here…”


Ruby: “Ahh. Little wonder Lady Artoria wants them all purged then. Abominations of the Light.”


Both of our eyes gained a deadly glint at the realisation that our targets were not normal in the slightest.


Ruby: “Changes nothing, in the end. But I will take greater satisfaction from ending them now.”


Weiss: “Agreed. To be called by Lady Artoria for such a task. Let’s live up to her expectations and flawlessly crush everyone.”


For my answer, I just charged back into the group of Light abominations that were for some reason just standing around waiting.


???: “Time's up! They are attacking again! Have you figured out what is wrong with Kelly and Fenual?”


???: “No! They keep saying it’s burning them, but no visible damage is being done. Soul related? Either way, don’t let them touch you!”


I had a cruel smile on my face as I beheaded another one of these abominations, and I could tell Weiss was also enjoying herself.


‘Don’t worry, Goddess Artoria~! We’ll be brilliant, and remove the stain of Light from this area as instructed flawlessly!’



— P.O.V swap Yang Xiao Long —



As I pulled my fist out of another useless background mob, I could only sigh.


Yang: “These things are so worthlessly weak! Come on, I want some challenge here!”


‘Not that they can understand me…’


Suddenly feeling my instincts casually warn me, I tiled my head to the right as a bright white spear rushed past.


???: “Impressive. To think a summon from a Sacred Gear could be this strong. What was Dad -ow- thinking of when he created those damn things. Well, to be expected from a false God -ow- I guess. Not thinking of the future at all.”


I turned around, and got a good look at who I was dealing with.


(Source: https://highschooldxd.fandom.com/wiki/Baraqiel) (A/N: Just imagine him with White hair as well~.)



Yang: “Well, at least you LOOK stronger than the rest of the garbage I’ve been dealing with.”


I say with exasperation and sulking a bit.


???: “It’s very animated and lifelike for a summons, isn't it Sir Baraqiel?”


Baraqiel: “Yes. The Sacred Gear user must be rather powerful and have great command over it. Go, I will take care of this one. I heard we have three more to deal with.”


Tilting my head in confusion I think, ‘The shit is a Sacred Gear?’


As the little sidekick was turning around, I vanished from my spot and went to attack. Much to my surprise and delight however, this “Baraqiel” was able to block my attack. It still sent him backwards a bit causing the little one to be pushed over.


Baraqiel: “Strong and fast! Very! Okay, enough fooling around, go quickly and gather everyone. It’s safe to assume the other three are like this, and they will need help!”


???: “Y-y-yes Sir!”


As the little one scampered off, Baraqiel started to wave his hands back and forth as if trying to cool them off.


Baraqiel: “That was a rather nasty attack. You’re able to damage souls to an extent it seems. This will not be easy. Come, creature of Darkness, let’s see what you got.”


Smiling at the prospect of finally finding someone challenging, maybe, I rushed him. As I threw a punch at his face, he brought up his hands to block. I noticed they were coated in what I assumed was some magic of sorts, but it didn’t seem to do anything as much fist crashed into his.


There was a small explosion of kinetic energy from our attacks and we were pushed away from each other.


Baraqiel: “What sort of Sacred Gear created you, I wonder. You’re able to completely ignore the power of the Light. That should be impossible.”


Ignoring his rambling, I rushed again and this time sent a kick aimed at his ribs. This time however, instead of trying to block the attack, he dodge. The force of my kick caused a large section of the wall behind him to be completely demolished.


Baraqiel: “Way too much power. I am starting to suspect you were created from a Sacred Gear contaminated by the Dark God our Mistress warned us of. Would also explain the nauseating feeling of pure evil I get from you, now that I think about it…”


Yang: “You talk too much.”

Making yet another rush, he raised his hand and an explosion of white expanded from his palm pushing me away. I ended up embedded into a wall further down the hallway.


‘Doesn’t even hurt. May not be my real body, but it acts like it, while also having some advantages it seems. Cool!’


Prying myself out of the wall, I make a show of cracking my neck and knuckles. I saw the man frowned as he unfurled several bright white wings.


Baraqiel: “Not even an explosion of Light did any damage then? Time to go all out I guess. Shameful, but needed.”


He then for once rushed me, and I was pleasantly surprised by his increased speed.


‘Did summoning those ten wings make him stronger or something? Oh well, more fun for me!’


With that thought, I blocked the Spear of Light he used to attack, and tried to counter attack with a jab and a shot from my gauntlets.


Baraqiel: “Arg! What was that?!”


He rushed back to look down, and there was white blood leaking from the impact of my bullets.


Baraqiel: “I can feel them burning my so-”


Having enough of all the chatter and delaying he does, I rushed him. His eyes widened as he went to defend with multiple spears. However, unlike the last time with the power that covered his hands, these spears didn’t break when I hit them.


This caused the man to smile and talk yet again, “I see. I just needed to put in a great deal more mana to resist you.”


As we continued our little song and dance, I started to get more and more into the fight. He wasn’t going down easily, and was keeping up with me!


‘This is more like it!’


Yang: “Let’s see how you deal with this!”


With that yell, I activated my Semblance, and punched towards his chest. He must have noticed something was off, as his eyes went wide as a bright white shield surrounded him. When my fist connected with his shield, there was a loud sound of glass shattering as I broke through, and smashed into his blocking arms.


Baraqiel: “Impossible! ARG!”


He ended up spitting out some of his white blood, as my fist caved in his chest through his arms and sent him flying through several walls and eventually embedding him into what looked like rock.


‘Right. We’re underground. Totally forgot!’


I let out a whistle as I raised my hand in a mock show of blocking sunlight.


Yang: “Daaaamn. He flew really far!”


Smiling at my achievement, I rushed after him. Appearing near him seconds later, I was just in time to see him plop out of the rock face I had embedded him into. He was down on all fours and coughing up a lot of his white blood. I was impressed he was able to put any weight at all on arms that looked so mangled.


Baraqiel: “Not… pos… possible. Urgg. How did you break such a shield… and my ribs so easily?”


His body started to glow white as he mumbled something and stood up. I could see his wounds healing at a visible rate. Well, all the wounds but the “gunshot” wounds. He also noticed this, and frowned.


Baraqiel: “Not that easy, eh? I’ll have to ask the mis-”


Suddenly, before he could even finish talking, a white line appeared on his neck. Seeing this, I just slumped forward disappointedly and sighed.


Yang: “Blake… really?”


As his head rolled off his body, and it fell to the floor, one Blake Belladonna was seen with one of her tentacle arms covering her smile as she snickered.


Blake: “I really couldn’t help myself, Yang. He was so unguarded and open. Besides, we’re almost done with the cleaning up Lady Artoria commanded us to do. You’ve had enough fun.”


Slumping forward even more, I just sigh.


Yang: “No such thing as having enough fun, but I understand. Let’s go I guess.”



— P.O.V switch Artoria Alter —


I smirk slightly, as I look at the rather weathered looking Azazel.


Artoria: “Looks like nearly every soul is almost gone from your little hideout, Azazel. Tell me, where is your master? Where is the stain on this world?”


Azazel frowned and looked past me to his base.


Azazel: “If you speak true, they died serving the Light, which is a glorious death. You speak of stains, and yet all I see is you. Her Holiness will not be stopped from saving this damned world from things such as you, and the Dark God you serve.”


Shaking my head, I just rushed him. He has learned that all the constructs of Light he summons are useless, and has been doing a wonderful job of dodging my sword. More or less anyway.


‘Not like I am even trying very hard though. Getting that second gate unlocked really was such a large boon. This fight would only go this way if I was using Mana Burst before.’


Landing yet another hit on his face with a reinforced punch and sending him flying, I had had my fill of just messing around. Taking a page out of his book, I created a spear of Black Water and had it float near me.


Artoria: “Final chance.”


Azazel righted himself, and coughed up some white blood before smiling towards me.


Azazel: “You may kill me, but the glorious Gods of Light, and Her Holiness will win in the end. There is no hope for you and your disgusting Dark God.”


Having enough of his yammering, I sent the spear towards his heart. Going much faster than he could even hope to react too, it hit true and impaled him. As the Black Waters started to invade his body, and destroy it I appeared in front of him.


Grabbing him by the neck I smiled cruelly while looking into his eyes. Leaning forward to his ear I start to whisper to him.


Artoria: “Sadly, you will never know if your words will ring true. Your very soul is about to be destroyed. And I will do the same to every other single angel in Heaven. Today, your race goes extinct in this dimension. Weep at your weakness. Weep for the fate of all who oppose my Goddess.”


And to my surprise, and pleasure if I was being honest, he really did start to weep. Shining white tears of Light started to stream down his face. As the corruption from my Black Water spear was nearly done over taking him, he whispered his last words.


Azazel: “My brothers and sisters… I am sorry… I was not… strong enough to push… back… this… darkness……..”


And then his tears turned to black as he started to scream loudly. Seconds later, his body simply turned to ashes in my hand, while his soul fizzled out of existence.


Brushing my hands together as if to get rid of the filth off them, I landed on the ground and turned around. Team RWBY soon rose out of my shadow and all kneeled.


Artoria: “Great job. Now, we’re going to go to Heaven, and clean up some more stains of the Light.”


They all lowered themselves even more, and much to my surprise, all shouted.


RWBY: “Yes, Lady Artoria!”


I just stared blankly at them while my mind blanked for a few seconds. Blinking rapidly, my thoughts were going a million a second, but then stilled as only one remained.


‘Did I actually summon the real team RWBY?!’



My computer should come in tomorrow~!!! I couldn't help myself, so here is another painstakingly written phone chapter~. Did you like the little surprise I had with this chappy~? Hope so! Anyway, I'll hopefully see you in the next chapter written on an actual computer~!

Might take a bit though, I have a lot of games to catch up on hehehehe~~~~

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.