Take control of thunder and lightning from Hogwarts

Chapter 2 Hogwarts

Chapter 2 Hogwarts
Because Anduin found that the change in weight did not actually make him feel very tired. He often does physical training and knows that this is not a good thing. Just like when training muscles, he does not feel tearing and tired. , it proves that the training is not in place.

Therefore, Anduin quickly adjusted the training. Instead of just chasing weight, he began to perform time-lapse training, which is to use "mind power" to make objects float for as long as possible.

Sure enough, this had an effect. At the beginning, he could only hold on for 5 minutes, and he would start to feel dizzy. He didn't dare to overload training before he knew this ability, so he just stopped.

However, after a day of rest, I felt that my spirit was not affected, so I felt relieved to make time for training every night. After years of accumulation, Anduin could persist for longer and longer.

After more than a year of exercising, Anduin can now keep objects afloat for nearly 40 minutes.

I saw Anduin controlled the dumbbells floating in the air to revolve around the body, like a planet around the sun, and began to constantly change the flight trajectory, sometimes pressing the figure 8, and sometimes flipping up and down.

After a period of time, Anduin felt a little tired mentally. He knew that the exercise time was almost up, so he controlled the dumbbells to return to their original positions and stretched his body slightly, "It's getting easier and easier to control, I don't know when it will be like the novel. Flying swordsman."

As everyone knows, when Anthony was thinking wildly, somewhere in the north of England, a magic school called Hogwarts was distributing owls with admission notices, and one of them was heading for the Ellens Church welfare home in London. Come.

At 6 am the next morning, there was basically no activity in the orphanage at this time. Anduin opened the window of the room and took a deep breath, changed his clothes and slowly walked into the courtyard of the orphanage, stretched a little, and then A set of thru-arm punches in the yard.

"Huh..." Anduin let out a long sigh of relief, and while he was sweating, he stretched his body and walked to the cafeteria as usual.

"Morning, Mother Triss, I can smell the fragrance of this pumpkin porridge from afar." Anduin smiled and said hello to the orphanage nun who was preparing breakfast.

"Morning, Anduin, you're back from exercising. You wake up so early every day. If the other children are half as sensible as you, I'll be relieved." The elderly Sister Triss gave Anduin a bowl. Porridge, while smiling.

Anduin took the breakfast and smiled and didn't reply. He didn't dare to reply. If he didn't have the soul of an adult in his body, he might be more difficult to manage than others.

After hastily ate breakfast and thanked Mother Triss, Anduin got up and went back to the room.

As soon as he returned to the room, Anduin felt that something was wrong. A brown owl was unloading the goods on his desk. Of course, the so-called unloading here did not mean that it was pulling the cake, but that he was very skilled at putting a letter on his leg. Unload it and put it on the table, then fly to the window edge and watch Anduin quietly.

Looking at this scene, Anduin faintly felt that the style of the painting was a bit wrong. He closed the door, and went straight to the desk to pick up the envelope. There was no stamp, and a line of words was written in emerald green ink in the middle of the envelope.

Shaftesbury Street, Ellens Church Welfare House, Mr Anduin Wilson
Anduin turned over the envelope and saw a coat of arms painted on the back, with a capital "H" in the center and a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake in the corners of the shield.

"How could someone suddenly send me such a strange letter." Anduin took out the letter and read it.

Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Albus Dumbledore (President of the International Federation of Magic, President of the Wizarding Society, First Class Wizard of the Order of Merlin)
Dear Mr. Wilson:
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.Enclosed is a list of required books and equipment.Semester is scheduled to start on September 31.We will be waiting for your owl to bring your reply before July [-]st.

Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall, Vice-Principal (female).

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
First-year students need:
1. Three sets of plain work gowns (black)
2. A plain peaked hat (black) for daytime wear
3.A pair of protective gloves (made of dragon hide or similar material)...

"Ah? Is this the world of "Harry Potter"?" Anduin looked at the letter in disbelief, knowing that Anduin never thought he would come to a magical world, even if he awakened his magic power I also think it's just a "special function".

Anduin couldn't help but feel worried after discovering this amazing fact, because he had never seen "Harry Potter" in his previous life!

"And it's not right." Although Anduin's memory of his previous life is a bit blurred after crossing or reincarnating, and he has hardly watched Harry Potter movies and books, he has little impression of this IP, but it seems to be listening to friends. As mentioned, this is what happened after the 90s.

But Anduin is now in 1980!
Anduin seriously and carefully recalled the memories of his previous life. He only remembered that "Harry Potter" seemed to have names like 'Dumbledore, Harry Potter, Voldemort', but the wizarding world knew it. Others are 'biubiubiu', but he knows almost nothing about the specific plot, but that doesn't matter anymore, because he doesn't seem to be from the same era as the plot of the movie!
"Okay, I thought I would have supernatural powers, but I was surrounded by superhumans." Anduin found out that the "psychic power" he had always thought was superpower turned out to be "magic" and was very speechless, but fortunately, there were adults. The soul, after taking a few deep breaths, calmed down.

After reading the letter in detail, Anduin stroked his chin, turned his head and glanced at the owl on the windowsill, "Are you waiting for my reply? It's a pity that I haven't had pets before, and I don't have anything good to entertain you. "

The owl on the windowsill was still staring at Anduin silently, staring at the dead fish.

"Okay, I'll write a reply now," Anduin shrugged, then picked up the pen and paper on his desk and began to write a reply, expressing his sincerity that he was very happy to study at Hogwarts, but regretted that he Having never been exposed to the wizarding world, and being an orphan himself, asked if he could help himself.

(End of this chapter)

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