Sweet Venom – Rebroken

Chapter 3 – Alien Biology

Diego and his captors marched quickly through the forest, accompanied by the sound of thousands of shuffling feet behind the heavy thudding of the towering alien creatures; shepherds guiding their godless herd. They’d tried to make Diego leave his sword behind, but he’d refused: “I said I’d come with you peacefully, not unarmed.” How Diego hadn’t detected this massive horde within the forest sooner, he had no idea, but at least Oxyi was out of harm's way, at least for now.


The green alien marched ahead of him, the purple one behind. Sometimes the green alien would flick her fingers slightly and the monotone figures around her would shudder and jerk violently, as if she were controlling them with these gestures; it was like nothing he’d ever come across before. There was that confidence about them too, the sway of the green alien’s hips, that menacing gleam in her eyes, just their words had been enough to convince Diego to stand down. Despite everything, despite their size, the unknown nature of their being, and their blatant power over the creatures around him, Diego was curious. He felt a certain allure to these creatures, and the soft curves of their bodies; after all, they had said they wanted him.


Their charm was obvious, and they knew how to use it, but their strength was difficult to judge. From the way the green alien held Oxyi, Diego couldn't help but worry over just how physically capable they might be. They seemed to be stronger than the average strider their size, much stronger. Even if he could take them out, which he seriously doubted, he wasn't so sure he'd be able to take out the horde of grey creatures surrounding him. Counter-attacking didn’t seem viable to him, not at this point. He came to grim realisation that the second he and Oxyi stepped into the forest, they already sealed their fates.


But there was something else there too, something bugging him… Something about this situation didn’t make sense. But before Diego could spend more time with his thoughts, their march through the forest broke into a clearing, and Diego’s ears flickered in interest. Seemingly in the middle of nowhere, was what looked like an abandoned factory, a large grey building with its windows cracked and broken; whatever used to be produced here, it hadn't been in a long time.


“What exactly is this?” Diego growled as the purple alien nudged him forward; he had to admit, sometimes being a man of your word was more hassle than it was worth. “You hang out in this factory and what, do drugs or something? Experiments? Is that what happened to all these people?”


“That's none of your business, lizard.” The green alien hissed back. She seemed a little offended. “Although, it is your lucky day.”


“Yes, of course it does.” He laughed dryly. “How lucky I am right now.”


“In more ways than you know.” She turned and shot Diego a glare as she entered the derelict foundations of the factory. “I initially had plans for you, but it seems my partner would prefer you all for herself. She’s been very insistent in fact. But you’ve captured her attention, hero, so you better savour it.” She glanced over at the purple alien, and for just a moment, there was a flicker of softness in her eyes, before she turned her back. Diego cautiously entered the factory after her, taking in his surroundings. The factory floor had two staircases heading underground at opposite ends of the building, Diego was led down one such staircase,  escorting zombie-like figures shuffled towards the other, towards the distant sound of wailing, Diego couldn’t help but note. The air around him was getting heavier, the smell of sweat and… sex, filling his nose.


“Plans for me, huh?” Diego joked sarcastically. “What, like a dinner date? Play a bit of footsie under the table, maybe a little hand-holding afterwards?” A faint purr tickled Diego’s ears from the alien behind him, and despite himself, a small shiver ran up his spine. 


“Hah, aren’t you a funny one.” The green alien replied flatly. “You’ll need to ask my partner what she wants to do with you, but if it was up to me, I'd have you fucking bound, gagged and wrecked within the hour. That's what cute little heroes like you deserve. Never had someone give themselves up like that before. You're mental.”


They marched down the stairs in complete darkness, or more, the aliens marched, apparently able to see just fine, while Diego stumbled along. He guessed they were approximately four to five stories down when they hit a fortified door. The alien reached into a pocket on her armoured corset and produced an ornate key, inserting and turning it in the lock with a loud, satisfying clack and heaving the door open, its metal body grinding loudly across the floor. The sickly smell of sex and sweat here was enriched with something sweet, something dark. The whole scene felt as if someone had popped open a bottle of liquor and put your favourite music on, only accompanied by the sound of metal chains and sharp whips ringing in the background. The door led to yet another stairwell, but this one connected to some sort of underground complex, with lanterns hanging from the ceiling at each floor and gently illuminating the concrete with a hazy orange light.


“This is where I leave you. You'd better be a man of your word, lizard, or I'll fuck you up. Then again, I might not get the chance if you mess with her.” The green alien chuckled, showing her teeth, those toxic eyes bearing down on him. She glanced up at her partner and the two stared at one another for a moment. Diego watched her closely, the micro-expressions across her face, the slight flicker at her lips, trying to read what she might be thinking, but she quickly turned and left him and the purple alien alone in the stairwell.


“So...” Diego turned to look at his other captor, finally, in good detail. She had similar eyes to him, beautiful black orbs with electric violet irises that were currently staring deep into his. Her glossy lips were just full enough to be elegant but plump, and pretty too. A smattering of silver freckles across the bridge of her face and under her eyes looked as though a handful of the cosmos had been sprinkled over her cheeks. A crown of carapace lined her face and she had those same jelly dread-locks that the other one did, but their colour was more akin to her purple skin tone. Her large round eyes sparkled in the faint orange light of the lanterns, and she looked gorgeous. Her towering physique had an allure of its own too; Diego's head barely reached her bust! But the way she carried herself belayed a strength that went beyond her figure. His eyes began to undress her, wondering just how muscular she would be under her clothes for just a split second, before shaking himself free of such thoughts. He could feel the tension in the air between them as they stood there, just looking at each-other. He resisted the urge to look down at her body properly, choosing instead to focus on her eyes.


“Are - are you on your own?” She asked suddenly, taking a slow, deep breath in as she spoke.


“Wh-What?” Diego stammered in confusion. She seemed taken aback, her eyes widening as she realised what she’d said.


“I-I mean are you single?” She stammered, fidgeting with her hands. “That girl back in the forest, the one you saved, is she your girlfriend?”




“Oh… Is she related to you then?”


“No, she’s not. Why are you asking?” Diego tilted his head.


“Did you owe her money?” She pressed on, a little more confident now but looking just as confused as her prisoner.


“No. I don’t owe her anything, I only met her earlier today. She’d reached out asking for help, and I was the only one who came.” 


“Ah, so you did it so she would owe you.” She nodded, smiling quite genuinely.


“No! Hell no! I don't help people out so that they owe me!” Diego scowled, offended at her assertion. 


“I don't understand, why would you put yourself in such a dangerous situation for someone you've only just met?” She paused for a second, her eyes sweeping off him, looking off to the side nervously. “Would you… help me if I needed it?”


His face softened slightly and he stepped forward. She avoided his gaze.


“What do you mean?” Diego asked quietly.


“I’ll take you to my quarters first, but I...” She stopped and thought for a few seconds, as if struggling to make a decision, so Diego decided to take advantage of her hesitation. The smell and feel of this place was quickly eroding the last few hours from his mind, the suggestive atmosphere chipping away at his defences.


“Look, we've not been formally introduced, let's start this again.” He held a hand out to her. “My name’s Diego Harley.”


She reached out and shook his hand, startled by his approach but pleased nonetheless. 


“Seeth. Just Seeth.” She responded, a small but happy smile washing over her face.


“Pleased to meet you, Seeth.” Her skin was brilliantly soft, her touch cool and calming, just being with her was pleasant beyond words. She was utterly enchanting up close. 


Something suddenly felt wrong. 


Diego’s mind suddenly leapt back to what was only an hour ago, where he and Oxyi were running for their lives, being hunted down by her... This was wrong, why was he making polite conversation with his captor, a creature that had been running him down not long ago? Seeth watched him closely as Diego’s face changed from a calming smile to a cautious glare, his hair bristling over his head.


She knelt down, coming face to face with Diego and placing a hand on his shoulder.


“Trust me, Diego. You are a man of your word, I can be a woman of mine… I want you.” He felt his urge to resist melt at her touch, her cool fingers slowly rubbed across his neck muscles, and the last day with Oxyi dissolved into nothing as he gazed back into her beautiful eyes. “Please, drop your defences, just for one night, and let me in...” Her voice was like burning silk, smooth and gorgeous, but melting in desperation and desire.


She produced a small piece of cloth from a pocket and started to tie it around his head, blindfolding him. He didn't resist, and loosened in her grip. Perhaps he was simply cooperating with the creature’s strange demands, out of fear for his own life; or perhaps, curiosity had gotten the better of him, perhaps he wanted to do as she asked. She finished tying the blindfold and swept him off his feet, holding him up with both arms gently, taking care not to hurt herself on the sword still slung over his back. He placed an arm over her shoulders and let her move him, feeling a deep, powerful excitement roll through him.


She carried him down an unknown number of stairs, it could have been hours but it seemed like seconds in her grasp.


“Are you hungry?” She asked, whispering into his ear, almost nibbling on it, sending pleasurable pangs down his head and neck. “You said you wanted shelter and some food... I'll give you both. Anything for such a fine, selfless hero like yourself.”


“N-Not at the moment... Where are you taking me?” He asked, trembling a little.


“I told you... I'm taking you to my quarters... Does the unknown scare you, Diego?” She couldn’t resist, she nibbled on his ear gently and watched him vibrate in her grasp; he couldn't see it, but she was grinning wildly. 


“Scare me? Not at all... I thrive in it.”


This wasn't the first time he'd been confronted by seducers, but Seeth was certainly the most effective by far. In her presence, Diego’s only thoughts were on her. They reached the bottom of the staircase and she carried him down corridor after corridor, the whole time she was gently playing with him, a little lick here, a nibble there, he was pining for a kiss by the time they stopped but she didn't give him one; she was enjoying his reactions far too much. 


The smile slipped off his face again as he became mildly aware of his situation again, his brain's last attempt to push sanity to the forefront of his mind. Seeth felt him tense up in her arms once more as his senses focused on distant noises echoing down the corridor, it sounded far away but he could hear pleasure... forced pleasure. What the hell is going on here? What is this, a sex cult? But the last of Diego’s resistance faded as Seeth gently pressed a kiss against his forehead, leaving a small wet patch of skin that tingled pleasantly. He knew she was dangerous, yes… but she didn’t seem to be a danger to him, not in the way he’d been expecting anyway… 


“I can't explain to you why I need you so badly, Diego. But know that your immunity to my condition will benefit us both so very, very much.”


Immunity..? He had so many unanswered questions, so much more he wanted to know, but she was so utterly captivating that it seemed impossible to pursue anything else in her presence. The fact that someone so pretty, yet so powerful would want anything to do with him was so enchanting, he gave in to it without a second thought. It wasn’t just her overwhelming aura, she seemed different, and Diego hung onto that thought, her asking him for help, the softness in her eyes, and the longing in her gaze when she looked at him… Besides, if nothing else, a night with a creature like this would be something to remember, if she didn't kill him…


Hazard warning - Amber - Caution Advised

“You are a tasty little thing, aren't you Diego?” She pushed open a door and placed him on the floor, he motioned to remove the blindfold but she stopped him. “Leave it on for now... I want to have some fun with you...”


He could feel his dick pressing against his loins; it had been a little while since he'd had this sort of attention, and the anticipation was quickly becoming unbearable.


“Oh my...” she whispered, moving around him, taking in his features and admiring his body. He stood out; it was very rare to see a komodo at all anymore, but even amongst his own species, she imagined that he wouldn’t blend in, with his soft scales and vibrant lilac eyes, surrounded with deep black rather than the usual white sclera. His swept back locks similarly coloured to his skin, a pair of decent-sized, curious ears and a rather nasty set of sabre-tooth fangs poking out from his short, powerful snout. He struck a balance between cute and regal that was rather rare at the best of times...


“You look stunning...” She ran her hands over his form, finding the clasps in his armour and gently removing them, every now and again, she'd press a kiss onto his neck, her soft wet lips feeling blissful on his skin and leaving the same tingly patch as before. Piece by piece, the armour came off and the lizard stood patiently, blushing madly from under the blindfold but too entranced to do anything else. Eventually, she stripped him down to nothing, placing all his equipment in the corner of the room.


He stood there, naked and standing to attention with a proud and thick eight inch penis, that was bobbing up and down just slightly. She stared at him with a deep hunger but played it cool, standing back and admiring her catch.


“I dare say it, I think you might be the most attractive Mark I've ever laid my eyes on...” She approached him slowly, circling him again, running a hand over his shoulder and another over his tail, grabbing and lifting it, her fingers slipping along its underside hungrily. She stopped in front of him, kneeling down once more. He could feel her breath on his stomach as she leaned in, caressing his chest and muscles. The male felt a long, deep kiss on his tummy, filling him with warmth, her hands finding their way over his hips and onto his butt as she did so, grabbing handfuls of his muscular butt-cheeks and spreading them slightly.


She teased him, laying further down and pressing her face right against the side of his manhood, but didn't give it so much as a kiss, as her hands ran down his ass and legs, taking time to appreciate every inch of him, the feeling of their skin touching was bliss to both of them. She stared up at him, watching him twitch and moan under his breath, her hands finally found their way down to his feet, after caressing every inch of him there was and she pulled up, kneeling properly in front of him again.


“C-Can I take this blindfold off now...?” He pleaded, desperate to see her.


“Not yet, cutie. I just need a little taste...” She breathed into his neck, leaning close into him and grabbing his hands, placing them upon the buckles of her own outfit. “Pull these open. I need to feel you before we get messy...” He did as he was told, pulling the clasps and hearing her gasp as the corset practically burst open. “Normally, I wouldn't treat my prey in such a manner, but you just look too good to pass up...”


With those words, he felt her reach under him and gently caress his balls, rubbing them through her silken fingers over and over again. She felt their weight and heft, squeezing them slightly to see his reaction, he liked them played with, watching him wince slightly as she squeezed them slightly too hard and made a mental note. Without warning, she seized the base of his cock and placed her lips over the top of it, sucking strongly the top and tasting the slight drop of precum already. She sunk her soft lips quickly over the entire shaft, taking it into her warm mouth, but rapidly rose off, coming off it completely and hearing him gasp.


“Leech was wrong... you are tasty... well kept too. She said travellers like you sometimes don't look after themselves but... you clearly do.” 


“Well, thank you, but that was really mean! Teasing me like that and then just instantly pulling away... your mouth was... was really fucking good...” Diego moaned. 


“Would you like me to do that again?” Seeth teased, placing a finger on the end of his trembling dick.




“Tell me you want me...” Seeth whispered into his ear, rising to her feet once more with surprising grace.


“I want you.” He murmured, following her order with glee, completely entranced by her.


“Tell me you'll let me do anything to you...” She wiggled the cock around playfully with her finger, stretching it left and right. She placed her other hand on his chin, getting ready to guide him for a kiss.


“I'll let you do anything to me. I want to see what you can do...”


With the words uttered, she pressed a strong kiss against his lips, which he returned with equal vigour, they both grabbed the others head passionately, pulling each-other in as they made out, hot sticky strands of saliva entwining them as they broke away, but Seeth was empowered by his words and decided she was going to blow this man's world apart. She hauled him up into the air, grabbing him by the hips and raising him up until his manhood was at her head level, considering she stood over eight feet tall, this was quite the height and she firmly placed him against one of the walls to support his back.


“Holy fuck! Seeth! What are you doi.... oh... this is incredible...” With her man suspended firmly up in the air and pressed against a wall, her hands firmly on the undersides of his legs, she licked vigorously at his balls, sucking on both of them and taking them into her maw willingly, after working them both over for a minute or so, she pulled back and went for his dick, taking the whole thing into her mouth again and working up and down its length, repeatedly. Her tongue slithering around it and tickling its tip. She was merciless, pressing her face right down to the hilt, so he could feel her soft, plump lips kissing his body around the base. As she sucked hard on his cock, she moved her hands slightly so that they were at the base of his ass and she used her thumbs to pull at the sides of his pucker, stretching it out a little and sending yet more pleasurable surges through him.


It only took a couple of minutes but the lizard tensed up, moaned cutely and fired a fat load into the back of her mouth, which she swallowed without even blinking. She continued to work his length to ensure every drop of seed was taken. She quickly noticed that he wasn't going soft; it was something she would have been prepared for regardless, but it was a very nice surprise.


“Is your species multi-orgasmic, Diego?” She asked curiously, after pulling up from his cock with a satisfying pop as her seal around it broke.


“Yeah... does that work for you?” He grinned from beneath the blindfold.


“It absolutely does. Come now, its time.” She let him down from the wall carefully and insisted he stayed blind folded, but guided him to remove yet more of her clasps across her outfit, freeing her from its tight bind. Eventually it dropped off her and she let out a satisfied sigh as her bust was finally released from its prison. She took his hands and guided them over her form, feeling over her dominating presence. He felt strong, thick, powerful thighs. Heavy, curvy hips. A flat, soft and muscular midsection and to his absolute excitement, what felt like the softest, biggest pair of breasts he'd ever felt, she went to continue moving his hands but he stopped for a while, feeling over their massive surface area and toying with her nipples, which were surprisingly small and cute, certainly in comparison to the mammoth tits they were planted on. 


Beautifully squidgy, like many a handful of heaven, he groped and played with her massive tits for as long as she'd let him, both of them blushing deeply. He was mesmerised, hands dancing over her skin, kissing every inch of skin he could, muzzling pressing into her soft mounds, nothing other than her on his mind. A fresh rush of desire flowed through her, she grabbed his head and pulled him into her breasts, placing her nipple right into his mouth and pulling him in, squishing him against her gigantic titties and rubbing their bodies together tantalisingly. She moaned loudly, feeling his tongue gently tease her nipples and suck on her lovingly, further provoking more pre, or perhaps post-cum from the tip of his dick.


“I can't take it anymore, Diego... I need to be inside of you!” She cried out, pulling off his blindfold and pushing him down onto a massive bed placed in the corner of the room. He finally saw her form and it matched what he'd felt - she was curvy as all hell, with thick thighs, powerful hips and absolutely heaving tits that were now hanging over him as she mounted him on the bed, electric violet eyes staring into his own lilac ones, but there was yet one more detail that he hadn't felt. She had a heart shaped darker patch of skin at the top of her breasts, along with another smattering of silver freckles. But to the male's surprise, he wasn’t the largest in the room; She was packing a thick cock of her own. A huge thirteen inch cock was erect and trembling with excitement, almost as thick as his arm. A trio of thick, soft, heavy balls hung under it and its surface was glimmering with a faint pink goo that softly trickled off, gently pattering against his body.


Before he had a chance to question anything else, she threw herself over him. Laying over the top of him, she placed their cocks together and grasped around both of them. Thrusting her thick manhood against his, Diego was pleasantly surprised by its feel. Her cock had a soft, almost comfy feel to it, but it somehow still felt firm. 


This had taken a slightly strange turn but something about her just kept drawing him in, he was actually visibly excited, if nervous, to see what she could do next.


He was hardly a small man himself but this meaty man-hood was dwarfing his own and there was something strangely alluring about it, as she stared down at him, breasts so big and heavy that they pressed down onto his chest, he wanted to fuck every inch of her and she wanted to fuck everything about him. She started to move her hips a little by accident, thrusting into the frotting session, the sensation of his smaller dick sliding up against hers was too much for her sex crazed mind to deal with. She shifted one of her humongous tits onto his head, practically drowning him in breast and jerked them both off harder, feeling her nipple in his mouth again was all she needed and she came hard, her cock blasting a massive set of thick, dark pink cum ropes over his stomach and skin.


At this point, he was completely at her mercy; this was a seriously powerful creature, her strength was undeniable and overwhelming, he was terrified about what she was going to do, it was all so alien to him, but more than that, he was deeply excited to see what she could do. She heaved herself up and flipped the lizard onto his back, pulling his ass up into the air and grabbing his tail.


She stopped for a moment, watching him closely and admiring his form once again, the muscles bristling down his back and the sleek, dark scales across his body..


“Have you ever done anything like this before?” She asked, biting her lip. A trickle of pre oozed from the tip of her cock.


“If I say no, will that change anything?”


“Maybe...” She said coyly, rubbing her fingers over his ass and pressing one against his entrance. He moaned softly, a deep blush intensifying across his face. A sly grin spread over her face, her throbbing cock was not in the mood to be teased any further. 


She pushed gently on the small of his back, arching him into a perfect, scintillating curve. She ran one of her fingers down the length of her cock, wetting it in the accumulated slime and slowly pressed it against his tail-hole. She watched his tail flick back and forth and a low moan escaped him as she pressed her digit in.


She was taken slightly by the heat within him, the lizard wasn’t just warm, he was hot. Blood rushed to her face and pressed tight inside the tip of her manhood at the very thought of the heat and tightness. The urge called her deeper, it wanted her to use him now.


“Can I just say Diego, I think you made the right choice... for both of us...” She couldn't take it anymore and pulled her fingers out, readying the tip of the thick meat against his waiting tail-hole, pumping the shaft of her tool carefully, ensuring it was fully slimed up. With care and effort, she slowly pushed it into him, one hand rubbing down his back, the other holding an ass-cheek as she sunk her girthy cock tip into his cute little ass. 


They moaned in tandem as purple sunk into black, sending frantic waves of pleasure through both. Diego clawed at the bedsheets as she stretched him wide open, but the immense filling was only providing pleasure. Whatever slight pangs of pain hit him were over before they even began as the slicked up cock dominated his body.


Seeth pushed herself in slowly and methodically, from top to hilt, grinning with ecstasy as she watched her tool disappear completely with him.


“Good boy.”


Her words sent another overwhelming shiver down his back. He felt her trio of heavy balls gently push up against his own, almost teasing them. This was like nothing he’d ever experienced, his brain wanted to swim in it endlessly, he felt like he wanted to mould himself around her, being nothing but her pet, her good boy.


“Fu-FUCK. How is that… How… How are you doing that?” He moaned out, casting a weak glance back at her.


“You can still talk? Guess I need to up my game, handsome.” 


She started to thrust, adjusting herself to ensure a smooth milking of both herself and her toy. Each thrust prompted a huge wave of pleasure through him. This felt like cheating, something about this was driving every nerve crazy, he shuddered and fought to stay on his knees. She was doing it in slow, deliberate movements, pulling all the way out to the tip and driving back to the hilt in an agonisingly pleasurable plunge. 


A trickle of cum leaked from his throbbing rod, slowly drooling over the bed, his eyes rolling back as he quivered. 




Pleasure surged through him until it drowned out everything, every beat of his heart was in tune with hers, every movement he made was only to accommodate her more.


In light of the perpetual orgasm, he could not tell how long they spent in this position, it could have been seconds or years. But after a few more long, deliberate thrusts, he felt his lover tense up. She gripped his tail in one hand and squeezed his hips with the other. A long, deeply satisfied moan filled his ears and a surge of warmth spilled into him.


“T-That was... fuck... Diego... you're amazing... I need to make you mine... I need you forever...” She pulled her dick out of him and admired her work as the lizard collapsed onto the bed, panting furiously.


A loud, satisfied purr vibrated the bed.


Fuuuuuck… You know how to use that thing, huh?” he chuckled weakly. 


“You’re still awake? ” She responded, almost startled.


“It's gonna take more than that to take me down.”


“That feels like an invitation… or perhaps even a challenge.” 


Their eyes met with a playful, mischievous look and despite him still catching his breath back, a cheeky grin was all Diego needed to give her to send the massive alien into a frenzy,


“I'm gonna breed you like a fuckin' animal, Diego!” She moaned, mounting over him properly. Her heavy tits pressing against his back, cock lined up against his tail-hole. She pressed it in deeply in a single, precise thrust and listened to his moan, a grin spreading across her face to see him pinned under her and wriggling around in utter bliss. She made sure to spread and support her weight, as not to crush him, but the feeling of her tits rubbing against his back and shoulders was making her leak again and it was too much to bear.


 She began to rut him into the bed, hips pounding against his over and over again, shaking the bed violently, her cock battering his insides, slime oozing everywhere, her own much larger and heavier testicles slapping against his. Complete and utter domination. Yet she surprised herself, only a few minutes of heavy pounding and she flooded his insides with her seed, pleasure overwhelmed her, feeling it through every inch of her body, she fought with every morsel of strength she had and thrusted through her orgasm, burying her dick into his ass over and over.


Under her, the only sounds coming out of the males mouth were ecstasy filled gasps, the weight and power on him was the stuff of legends, those plump, fat tits squishing against his back, the heavy balls tenderising his own teasingly as if to say “This is how you do it”, her massive cock breaching him and turning him into a personal cock-sleeve, his balls were completely empty no less than half-way through, emptying his load onto the bed with wild abandon, bodies were simply not built to withstand this kind of sexual bombardment. This was pure sex heaven on every level for the two of them, she milked every drop of cum from his balls and he in return, milked her of several litres worth of dark pink cum and lube ooze, that was now practically coating every inch of his frame.


The wild, aggressive fucking continued into the night, Diego barely holding onto consciousness as Seeth pounded the fuck out of his tail-hole, sending cascading pleasure waves through both of them. The filthy sound of wet slapping as her hips met his rear rang out loud through the chamber, both their throats were raw from screaming with pleasure. Eventually, after a good couple hours of unholy, passionate and ooze covered sex, Seeth came her last load, pulling her thick cock out and blowing it over the lizards gaping ass and tail, admiring her work and collapsing onto his frame, wrapping her arms around him and cuddling him into her giant breasts, he could barely comprehend anything but lovingly and happily accepted her embrace, laying within her oozy cleavage, completely covered in her thick love slime and happy as could be.


They both felt like they made the right decision tonight.

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