Chapter 4: Playing the Main Character (2)
A trait that triggers with a certain probability when you are faced with a situation where the outcome is highly dependent on the number of choices you have.
In the game, it was just a tutorial trait.
A trait that only cowards would use, using up one trait slot to hear a piece of advice.
But this is the real world.
So I thought it would be more useful than in-game, but……
Why is this the first time I’ve ever triggered an option?
What the hell is going on with me right now?
What is this person in front of me, what is he trying to do to me?
-Pounding, pounding.
The sound of my heart suddenly starting to beat faster reminds me that time is running out.
……I have to make a decision.
“Sorry, I’m really busy.”
“Listen, can we talk for a minute-”
I ignored him and walked past him, avoiding his eyes.
He didn’t bother to grab me because of my forceful tone.
“This is really annoying……”
He muttered something ominous as he watched me turn and disappear into an alleyway.
I didn’t mishear that, did I?
Surely I’m not reading too much meaning into a muttering.
I decided to trust my options.
I thought I’d be in for a surprise, but not when I was so far away.
I exerted myself to hurry out of the alley, keeping a watchful eye behind me.
[Your story begins]
The idea of using a story came to me subconsciously.
It’s not hard at all.
The moment I lifted my index finger to my lips, I felt my body lighten.
Taking advantage of the quickened pace and muffled sounds, I quickly moved my feet toward the end of the alley.
-Thud, thud, thud.
The footsteps behind me grew louder and louder.
He must have realized I was trying to get away quickly.
I kept walking without looking back, then turned sideways around a corner and ducked.
[You become even more inconspicuous in the shadows]
The sound of running gets closer and closer.
As he increased his speed, the sound of his footsteps became faster and faster, and as he got closer, I even had the illusion that the ground was shaking.
Soon, the man glanced around the corner of the alley.
In that split second, he decided I wasn’t there and walked right past me.
Just a block ahead was the turnoff to the main street.
He shook his head, as if realizing he’d lost me.
The man clicked his tongue and ducked into an alley.
His red eyes flashed, but he didn’t seem intent on making it out to the main street.
In the meantime, I quickly exited the alley.
[Your story has finished one verse]
[Your proficiency with Text Thief has increased by choosing the correct option. +7.5%]
Once I was out of danger, the story was automatically dismissed.
It wasn’t until I was buried in the crowds of the city that I realized I was safe.
“What the hell is that guy…….?”
I just saw the man’s eyes glow unrealistically red.
It was obviously the result of using the story.
Unbeknownst to me, I was about to be murdered by a complete stranger.
Luckily, I was able to make a choice and avoid it.
……No, am I really lucky?
If I continue on my path, someone else will end up getting killed instead of me.
Was the [Choice] really presented to me with the intention of making that outcome right?
I doubt it.
I turned my back to the middle of the street so people wouldn’t see me and checked my status.
[Choice C]
Sometimes, when you’re at a crossroads, you’re presented with up to four actions you can take.
If you choose the right one, you’ll get closer to the outcome you want.
The higher the rating, the more frequent and more important outcome-determining choices appear.
My desired outcome was to solve the problem I just identified with as few victims as possible.
The moment I saw that phrase, I realized I had overlooked something.
Sure enough, the choice ended with the words, “I’m going to meet Do-yeon Seol.”
The implication is that I can’t solve the problem until I see her first!
Then I wouldn’t have to worry about the alley right away.
I don’t have to be impatient.
No matter what happens in the alley for a few hours, even if it seems like a long way back.
It must be the right answer.
A message arrived just in time.
-Seol Do-yeon: I’m almost there!
…I thought she’d be there by now, but this is unexpected.
I shook off the ominous thoughts and headed to the cafe.
* * *
As soon as I entered the cafe, I checked for Do-yeon.
She wasn’t on the first floor.
The first floor wasn’t even full, so there’s no way she could have gone up to the second floor.
There’s no text on her cell phone that she’s arrived yet.
…How can someone who lives right outside be even later than me?
I don’t understand.
I took a seat by the window, close to the entrance so I could see the people coming in.
Despite all that had happened, the cafe was business as usual.
People were chatting, working on their laptops, and studying for exams.
It was as if nothing was going to happen today.
Until I looked around to see what everyone was doing, Seol Do-yeon didn’t come.
Where’s the girl who said she was almost here?
-Yoo Seon-woo: I arrived, what should I order?
-Yoo Seon-woo: Hey.
No reply.
Where did she really go?
It’s too close for anything to happen on the way.
Do-yeon won’t even pass through that alley.
I picked a decent coffee, ordered it, and returned to my seat.
Then I watched the doorway and waited, still, until she came.
Five minutes passed.
Two minutes had passed since the coffee was served.
I looked back at the entrance every time a customer came in, but there was no sign of Do-yeon.
The coffee I had ordered for her was also getting cold because the owner hadn’t arrived.
I came here on purpose because I thought she might find it annoying, but really.
-Seol Do-yeon: Where is your seat?
-Yoo Sun-woo: You can see it when you come in.
Luckily, she wasn’t so late that my patience ran out.
As I was replying, a woman who had just entered the cafe approached the table.
Her bright white hair stood out, but she was dressed strangely unadorned for someone with dyed hair.
I dismissed her without looking at her face, assuming she must be a foreigner.
“Oh, hi…….”
But she sat down across from me, looking around like a frightened small animal.
Her face was very familiar as she greeted me with a somewhat shy smile.
“…Is that you?”
It was Seol Do-yeon.
She was wearing only a hoodie and padding, and her face looked tired from the change from day to night.
Now, except for the color of her hair, she was the same Seol Do-yeon I knew.
“What, when did you dye your hair?”
“…I didn’t do it.”
Seol Do-yeon shook her head.
“You know, right? White hair isn’t accepted unless someone looks good with it.”
“Why don’t you shut up? I said no…!”
Seol Do-yeon was indignant in a quiet voice.
It was a cafe, and she would have shouted if there were no other people around.
“No, ha… Really, honestly, I don’t even know how to explain this… Oh, I don’t know. It just happened.”
“You know, when people started hearing weird things and the slot machine fell off?”
“Huh? Yeah, that’s right. How did you know…….?”
Do-yeon pulled her hood deeper over her head, covering her hair.
Maybe it was because I kept staring at her hair.
“So I was just going to stay in my room, but you’re not related to any of my friends and you were pretending to know each other, so I came out to see what you were talking about!”
“Yeah, I see.”
“Look at your reaction…….”
I pointed my finger at the coffee in front of me, and Do-yeon immediately grabbed the cup and took a sip.
Her sagging face brightened as if she actually liked it better when it cooled slightly.
Do-yeon extended her finger and pointed to my cup.
“What’s yours?”
“Iced tea.”
“That’s what you seem to order every time I see you in a cafe, isn’t it?”
“I don’t like bitter coffee.”
Seol Do-yeon had a strange reaction.
What, why, suddenly.
“You don’t know the flavor of coffee like a child.”
“Is it because you don’t want to say what happened to your hair?”
Do-yeon immediately shut up.
I was expecting a few more teasing remarks, but I was surprised.
She was more serious about her hair color change than I thought.
She even covered her hair at the cafe in front of her house and kept an eye on her surroundings.
I don’t know what else to say, so I’ll leave it at that.
“It’s because of the story you received.”
“You know how in cartoons, when you get superpowers, you change the color of your eyes, the color of your hair, it’s just like that?”
“But why do I have white hair……?”
“Maybe it’s because your favorite character has white hair.”
If you’re a personal video creator, you’ll probably change your hair color to match the persona you portray on your profile.
It’s also a subtly influential setting, with characters in games having their arms replaced by machines or becoming one-eyed.
In comparison, graying hair is nothing.
I know it’s different for Do-yeon, but still.
“Is that all?”
Do-yeon took a sip of her coffee.
There was already less coffee left in her cup than mine.
She asked.
“You…you talk like you know so much, like you’re so sure of what you’re saying?”
“Yes. I know a lot.”
“Oh, really?”
“I don’t know how else I could explain it.”
I meekly admit the truth.
It’s not fair to ask for help and then hide important facts.
“…If you were trying to make fun of me, that was a bit much, and not funny.”
Do-yeon’s expression changed to one of disbelief.
“Heh, can you just say something like that? Won’t it get you in trouble later?”
“You’re supposed to keep it a secret when you watch cartoons or something.”
“Not for you.”
I can’t believe someone who doesn’t go out much would tell anyone.
I’m more likely to get drunk and tell the wrong people.
Do-yeon stares at me and asks cautiously.
Like she was genuinely going to ask me a question I’d have trouble answering.
“Did you just come back from the future?”
“I knew you were going to say that.”
“I’m not kidding.”
I’m not kidding.
“I didn’t come back.”
“Do you remember your past life?”
Well, that’s all part of the characterization.
“Then how do you know so much?”
“It’s…it’s complicated to explain. It’s real.”
Do-yeon glared at me, but I didn’t say anything.
I don’t know what happened, but there’s no point in telling her.
“Anyway, if you don’t like your hair white, you can dye it again.”
“If I dye my hair, who’s responsible for it?”
“That’s up to the person who dyed it, right?”
“Wow- you’re telling me it’s none of your business-”
Do-yeon cut me off again.
She’s got both hands pressed down on her hoodie.
“Anyway, can I talk about myself now?”
“Huh? Oh, I forgot why I called you. Okay.”
Before I get to the point, I decide not to rush.
I’m nervous about the guy lurking in the alley, but if I rush, I’ll ruin the opportunities presented by my options.
None of the options I saw said, “I need to get to Do-Yeon as soon as possible and get her to join me.”
“Do-yeon, you know what you said earlier.”
“Huh? What?”
So, the best attitude I could take was.
“Do you want to play our main character?”
Asking for what I was supposed to ask for, as if nothing had happened.