Survival Master of Wilderness Live

Chapter 62 The Airborne Pirate Ship

Chapter 62 The Airborne Pirate Ship
After the weather calmed down, the three of them packed up their things and were about to leave the wild boar cave. Chen Hu looked at the five little wild boars hiding in the nest, and couldn't help laughing:

"Don't worry, I won't eat yours in a short time."

After finishing speaking, Chen Hu took the two women and walked towards the middle of the island. During the process, the surrounding area was in a mess, and many trees were blown upside down by the tropical storm. It is estimated that it will be difficult to recover within a month or two.

And all their belongings were left with about [-] catties of wild pork and some animal skins. At least for a long time, there would be no shortage of food.

Not long after, Chen Hu led the two of them to the flat ground in their memory. Although the storm had raged, they found that there were many sundries on the ground when they arrived.

Iron wire, fishing nets, large plastic buckets, and even many fish in the sea, Chen Hu was instantly overjoyed. He didn't expect the tropical storm to drop so many good things by air.

Afterwards, the three of them put down their belongings and immediately went forward to collect them. Fishing nets are good things and must be put away, and that big plastic bucket is perfect for holding fresh water.

Deng Shuang seemed to have found something, and ran to Chen Hu with a happy face, and said:
"Look, what I found!"

Chen Hu turned his head and saw that this girl was holding a plush toy of a teddy bear in her hand, it was really a teddy, and Liu Tao also found something picked up from the ground.

It turned out to be a horsewhip, and the live broadcast room exploded immediately!

"Fuck! Sister Tao, is this the rhythm of transforming into a queen?"

"Taotao, please use your whip to rub me hard!"

"It's on your knees first, begging for torture!"

"Loyal dog +1"


Seeing the barrage, Chen Hu was speechless, but he couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes, only the way Liutao was holding a whip, it really... made people think of the word queen.

Afterwards, the three hit up all the things they found, including wire, license plates, teddy bear toys, fishing nets, plastic buckets, and many types of sea fish.

Obviously, they were all brought to this island by a tropical storm. Although they were all useless waste products, in Chen Hu's eyes, basically everything was useful.

Except teddy bears!
Chen Hu asked the two women to clean up the branches on the ground, and saw that he took an obsidian dagger and disemboweled some relatively fresh sea fish.

Of course, less than one-third of the sea fish can be kept fresh, and the rest have either died for too long, the fish meat is stinky, or they cannot be eaten, or they are not tasty.

But for other carnivores on the island, it's a feast!
Countless white seagulls are flying over the island. Once they find sea fish on the ground, they come down one after another and start grabbing food. Some small slit-toothed animals also come out of their caves, bite the sea fish and drag them to their residences. .

Although the tropical storm destroyed 40% of the dense forest, it also brought many rich food resources to the island. Even if the fish rot, it will also nourish the land and make the plants grow more lushly in the future.

Chen Hu finished processing the edible sea fish, then strung them up with the fishing net he picked up, hung them on a tree to expose them to the sun, and prepared to make dried fish.

Then asked the two women to collect stones around, and went to the very center of the island, that is, the big mountain. It took nearly 10 minutes. After reaching the top, Chen Hu immediately found the beacon tower built a week ago. gone.

Although it was more or less expected, Chen Hu still sighed. It seems that tomorrow he will have to rebuild a beacon tower, then he climbed down the mountain and ran towards the north of the island.

More than ten minutes later, Chen Hu came to the water pool. Seeing that there was still a pool of fresh water in the pool, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Of course, the bodies of those alligators and blood pythons from last night were gone.

Thinking about it with his ass, Chen Hu also knew that it was blown away by the tropical storm, so there was nothing he could do about it, not to mention the carcasses of those animals, even a car would be blown into the sky during the tropical storm.

So the three of them survived, it should be a high incense.

Then, Chen Hu ran to the east of the island. He planned to return to the temporary camp to see if he could find something. After spending 10 to [-] minutes on the coast, he didn't find the camp.

Only some flamed ashes remained on the ground, which had obviously been wiped off the island by the storm, not a single hair was left.

Chen Hu couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, and then walked to the beach and searched along the coastline to see if he could find something useful.

"Congratulations, Mr. Tiger! You're back at your old job again."

"Collect trash! Color TV, refrigerator, washing machine... books and newspapers... beer bottles (smirk)"

Seeing the barrage, Chen Hu ignored it, but found a lot of good things. The most surprising thing was a toothbrush. You must know that they hardly brushed their teeth this week, and at most they rinsed their mouths with water.

Now that there is a toothbrush, life will immediately become better. After all, it would be too uncomfortable not to brush your teeth. However, a toothbrush...Chen Hu is destined to share it with two women.

Among the following items, there were many plastic bags. Even though these items were useless, Chen Hu picked them up, at least they could be used as fuel.

It's a bit sad to say, no matter in which corner of the earth, human white garbage is always everywhere. Chen Hu is a little bit emotional. On the one hand, he needs these things, and on the other hand, he hopes in his heart that it is best not to have these things.

Such moods are very contradictory. Fortunately, Chen Hu only struggled for a while, but then he made a bigger discovery. He saw a boat parked on the beach in front of him!

Yes, you read that right, a ship!

Chen Hu's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it, but he saw a black wooden two-masted boat about 20 meters long on the beach, but there were no sails on it, not even a rope.

The hull is riddled with holes, ranging from the size of a fist to two meters in diameter, there are more than a dozen holes, but in the front of the wooden boat, there is still a long ramming angle, and there are four gunfire holes on each side .

But what attracted Chen Hu the most was the carving of a skull pattern on the horn.

"Is this a pirate ship?"

The huge surprise immediately bombarded Chen Hu over and over again. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that the ship in front of him was real!

Tropical Storm, I love you so much!

Chen Hu laughed out loud, and the live broadcast room was even more exaggerated, with countless people crazily swiping the barrage.

"Blind my titanium alloy dog ​​eyes! The storm actually blew a ship to the island?"

"It's not scientific! We must be dreaming!"

"Master Tiger! A ship is right in front of your eyes, what are you waiting for? Conquer the sea!"



(End of this chapter)

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