Survival Master of Wilderness Live

Chapter 384 The Lonely Child

Chapter 384 The Lonely Child

When the dark clouds covered the sun, the sky gradually darkened. At some point, the wind began to blow in the jungle, and the branches of the trees swayed one after another.

"It's going to rain heavily."

Looking at the sky, Chen Hu knew that there would be a heavy rain coming, so he quickly removed the food hanging from the mutated willow tree, and moved it to the tree hole one after another to avoid being wet by the coming heavy rain.

Boom! ~
Chen Hu, who was transferring the food, immediately heard the sound of thunder in the sky, and he was even more sure that the heavy rain was about to fall, so he couldn't help speeding up.

Boom! ~~Boom! ...

Crash! ~~
After a while, amidst bursts of thunder, bean-sized raindrops fell from a high altitude into the jungle, and fell with a clatter.

The raindrops fell on the leaves, making a crackling sound. At this moment, Chen Hu had already transferred all the food to the tree hole, and even lit a small fire in the tree hole.

As for the big fire outside, under the erosion of the heavy rain, it was completely extinguished within a minute. Fortunately, even if Chen Hu found a sign of rain, he made preparations in time, otherwise the rain would definitely make him lose a lot of things.

Crash! ~~
Chen Hu, who was sitting in front of the tree hole, watched the torrential rain pouring down. After a while, a lot of water stains appeared on the grass. Bean-sized raindrops continued to slap on the water-stained grass, forming bubbles one by one.

Click! ~Boom! ~
There was lightning and thunder in the distance, and Chen Hu looked at the jungle in the distance. When the light of lightning illuminated the whole world, he immediately opened his mouth and started counting silently.

"one two three four…"

Boom! ~
When Chen Hu counted to the seventh second, the thunder came, and then he explained to the tourists in the live broadcast room:

"Light travels faster than sound, and the distance between the two can be used to determine the distance between the lightning and you. The seven-second interval between the lightning and the thunder just now means that the lightning is 5.2 kilometers away from me."

As soon as these words came out, all kinds of amazed barrages immediately appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Let go of your heart: Lord Tiger is awesome! He can actually calculate the distance of lightning!"

"Brother Hu is me: The rain is so fierce, and the sound of thunder is so terrifying, isn't the host afraid of being alone?"

"Cute little boy: It means that people are most afraid of thunder."

"Wang Ke is a bitch @喜欢小喝: I'm here, don't be afraid!"

"Lovely little boy @王可可是一个希池: Forget it, Brother Hu still feels safe."

"I'm Liutao@圣赛雷*陈虎: Be careful, it's raining and you're vulnerable to lightning strikes."


Seeing the barrage, Chen Hu smiled, and then said:
"In this kind of weather, it is best to leave trees, caves, etc., and find an open place to stay, so that you can narrow your target and reduce the probability of being struck by lightning."

"Within [-] meters around the mutated willow tree, there are no other trees, some are just weeds, so the target is small, and the probability of attracting lightning is not very high."

When Chen Hu said this, it was obvious that he was not worried that lightning would hit the mutated willow tree. Even if lightning did strike the willow tree, he would not be afraid.

After all, on that isolated island in Bermuda, Chen Hu was struck by lightning once, and he was unscathed under the protection of the system at that time, so it should be the same now, so don't worry.

Afterwards, Chen Hu opened the toolbox, used modern metal tools, and began to process the two elk horns. Since the preliminary processing had been done with a paratrooper knife, the elk antlers already had a boomerang frame, and now they only needed to be finely processed. alright.

The first is to use a file to polish the boomerang made of antlers to thin the inside and open the front, and at the same time polish the upper and lower sides of the boomerang to a certain extent.

The smoother the upper and lower sides become, the smaller the air resistance will be. Chen Hu took a file and polished it quickly. After more than an hour, he finally finished processing the two boomerangs.

But at this moment, it was past five o'clock, and the heavy rain was still falling, with no intention of stopping at all. The sun, which was originally covered by dark clouds, also began to set towards the horizon, making the sky darker and darker.

Chen Hu picked up a boomerang, stood at the entrance of the tree hole, looked at the torrential rain outside, then grabbed the end of the boomerang with his palm down, and then used skill to throw it out forcefully in an instant.

brush! ~~
The boomerang flew out in an instant, and after Chen Hu threw the antler boomerang, his movements became palm up, which means that during the throwing process, his hand performed a 180° flip.

However, the boomerang, which was spinning rapidly, quickly flew towards the grass, cutting off a large amount of rainwater in the air. It looked very cool. After flying for a distance of more than 20 meters, it suddenly changed direction and flew towards the place where it came back.

brush! ~~
When the boomerang reappeared in the field of vision, Chen Hu stretched out his hand quickly and grabbed the handle at the back of the boomerang. This scene instantly made the tourists in the live broadcast room applaud.

After the experiment was successful, Chen Hu's face showed joy. Although the operation of the boomerang was a bit complicated, this kind of weapon that can be retracted freely can definitely play the role of elusive.

Afterwards, Chen Hu tested again and obtained the specific data of the boomerang. If he threw it with all his strength, the longest distance would be about 60 meters, and the round trip would be 120 meters, which is already very far.

As for the flying speed, the highest speed can exceed 20 meters per second, definitely exceeding Chen Hu's limit speed, of course, except when it is in the open state.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Hu made some enhancements to the boomerang, using the needle-nose pliers in the toolbox to change the left edge of the boomerang into a serrated shape.

The jagged edge can cause lacerations and more damage to bones, while the straight edge on the right has less damage, but it is very suitable for cutting.

brush! ~~
The boomerang flew out of his hand again, and in less than three seconds, grass clippings flew wildly on the ground 60 meters away, and a section of weeds that were [-] to [-] centimeters was directly cut off by the boomerang.

After reaching out to catch the antler boomerang that flew back, Chen Hu was finally satisfied, and then stopped working, picked up a piece of bear meat, put it on the fire and smoked it, but he was ready for dinner.

Whoa! ~
The torrential rain was still falling, and Chen Hu felt a little lonely after hearing this sound too much. After looking around, he didn't find the chattering red parrot.

It should have flown away. Chen Hu didn't pay attention to the red parrot when he was rushing to transfer the food, but now he didn't even have anyone to talk to.

Facing loneliness, Chen Hu has long been used to it, and there are many ways to entertain himself.

Ever since, Chen Hu, who was sitting in front of the fire and grilling meat, listened to the sound of the rainstorm outside, and sang:
[I hear someone's voice coming]
[Like the weeping river in the dream]
[I see someone's steps away]
[covering the sad eyes when saying goodbye]
[What I don't understand is why you are willing]
[Let the wind and dust describe your appearance]

[the same you]
[Standing in the vast world]
[smart kid]
[carrying a fragile lantern]
[You are handsome]
[Turn your mind into the world]
[lonely child]
[You are the grace of creation]
Under the light of the fire, Chen Hu sang his heartfelt voice and his loneliness with a song "Your Look" by Brother Dayou.

Putting aside his identity as a wilderness anchor and his self-cultivation as an old driver, he is actually a lonely child.


(End of this chapter)

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